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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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i can't imagine how you'd react trying to play against a DOTA carry. you'd probably lose your mind trying to kill tiny.

Is this directed at me?

What a stupid fucking post, there's a reason I'm not playing Dota.

And besides, judging by what everyone says about Dota I'm sure I could easily carry the game myself. If what people say it's true it's not balanced in Riot's stupid balance procedure.
i mean all you do is complain about how you can't kill anyone when you're playing aatrox, a guy who does about 12 damage in the mid/late game vs anyone who has farm. if you actually want to kill someone, maybe play something other than a tank.


i mean all you do is complain about how you can't kill anyone when you're playing aatrox, a guy who does about 12 damage in the mid/late game vs anyone who has farm. if you actually want to kill someone, maybe play something other than a tank.


Playing a FOTM champ is like life.

You spend all this time playing one champ that everyone plays that will eventually be nerfed. When it's nerfed all that time you spent learning it is useless. You'll send it to the backlog only to be forgotten when the next wave of FOTM arrives. People live their meaningless lives and then die, letting the next generation do the same exact thing. Over and over and over again.

lol if you think the biggest bs in the league is jarvan then you would never survive dota.

Gee ghost you're on a roll buddy. Of course the biggest bs in league is jarvan because he's you know, IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Not dota. Come on dude.


Faster clearing! Not sure. Maybe with the new gold gains it won't be too bad but it was pretty easy to fall behind early if you weren't ganking (successfully). Jungle this season is pretty brutal. I haven't played enough to figure a good way around it short of hardcore farming.

Headbutt the opponents away from your adc right when they are about to get a kill.

Do you know how to WQ? If yes, you're good, just peel/initiate, if no, learn how to WQ.

The best advice I've heard for WQ is to press and _HOLD_ Q as soon as Alistar starts the W animation. Q should auto-trigger at the end.

I am still not reliable on it though, presumably because I press Q before the animation actually starts, or when Alistar is slightly out of range, cancelling the W command.

if you don't want to practice that, the easy and safe option is to walk up to someone's face, press Q, walk behind them, and W them into your teammate.

Regarding the fantasy draft, apparently the chat is broken so we will have to coordinate some other way.

I tried the hold Q thing but it didn't work likely cuz of my Ping being higher than what you guys normally have >_>;

I'll try it one more time and if I still can't do it I'll prob. stick to mid or Top Ali or somethin.
maybe if you played someone that didnt have the power of a wet towel you might stop trying to compare the relative strengths of champs like aatrox and jarvan against each other.
Gee ghost you're on a roll buddy. Of course the biggest bs in league is jarvan because he's you know, IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Not dota. Come on dude.
you dont seem to understand that in dota, there's nothing like riot's competitive balance team because nothing is balanced at all. despite your complaints about the strength of champions like j4, you still have the luxury of having the ability to dodge his abilities. can't do that versus about 60+% of DOTA's hero base.

And besides, judging by what everyone says about Dota I'm sure I could easily carry the game myself. If what people say it's true it's not balanced in Riot's stupid balance procedure.
you brought this upon yourself.


I mean, building Hydra every game isn't helping your cause.

Lol what would you build? Bork?

you dont seem to understand that in dota, there's nothing like riot's competitive balance team because nothing is balanced at all. despite your complaints about the strength of champions like j4, you still have the luxury of having the ability to dodge his abilities. can't do that versus about 60+% of DOTA's hero base.

you brought this upon yourself.

The heroes I play as are equally BS though, right? According to all the dotards, that is.


I thought that I could trust my team to not feed the overloving hell out of Ahri. I was against GP/Janna too. I didn't think Ahri would get to the point she did, because I roamed and killed her a few times, even when she had Morellos.

just saying how dumb it sounds to talk about losing at champion select when you pick a champion that you've been saying is useless in the current meta


just saying how dumb it sounds to talk about losing at champion select when you pick a champion that you've been saying is useless in the current meta

He's the only character I find fun. I don't find the game challenging or engaging at all if I pick some FOTM shit that everyone does.


the problem is that to you any champion that beats your champion is broken, every item that somehow makes your champion less powerful is broken (even tho for morellos passive to have an effect you need to be more than half dead already), every player that doesn't do what you want is a moron and even when given advice you turn it around into a way to insult your teammates some more

you're a blaming machine, i bet you could come up with design flaws in tetris

i'm confused why you still play a game that you hate so much and obviously causes you so much distress


the problem is that to you any champion that beats your champion is broken

Source please. I have never said that.

every item that somehow makes your champion less powerful is broken (even tho for morellos passive to have an effect you need to be more than half dead already)

Well it's a given fact Morello's invalidates healers. It should go back to being a niche item like it was in S4. I've given reasons on why it hard counters Aatrox before. I've literally never complained about Randuin's/Tabis/FH/whatever item before, but I guess it's cool to put words into my mouth.

every player that doesn't do what you want is a moron and even when given advice you turn it around into a way to insult your teammates some more

What am I supposed to do then? If one of my teammates does bad should I just say "no biggie dude! you're still a good player! PS I will still suck your dick and do your taxes for you!". If my team is doing bad then I'm gonna fucking say it. What should I do? Sugar coat it? If I do my best to carry them of course I'm gonna want them to do what I want. After all, isn't the point of solo queue to carry solo?

you haven't exactly given a very convincing argument disproving this conclusion.

What conclusion?
I don't know why it bothers me more when I have a shit mid-laner on my team than a shit jungler. Or support. Or ADC. It seems like one of the most popular positions right now, and it is flooded with noobs. If there is one position I am wholly confident in, it's mid. So maybe it just makes me more depressed when I see someone playing the position like shite?

I refuse to leave Ranked. I will continue playing, and get with better players. Or get better myself. Normals is for chumps!
Has anyone been using Z-Portal? How have you found its effectiveness so far?
About to try it. Probably going to get my face punched in for it. But it sure looks fun, at least!


I don't know why it bothers me more when I have a shit mid-laner on my team than a shit jungler. Or support. Or ADC. It seems like one of the most popular positions right now, and it is flooded with noobs. If there is one position I am wholly confident in, it's mid. So maybe it just makes me more depressed when I see someone playing the position like shite?

I refuse to leave Ranked. I will continue playing, and get with better players. Or get better myself. Normals is for chumps!
That's a great mindset to have. I had that mindset too back when I started out.
the solution is not being so salty all the time lol. its normals. not usually something people go super tryhard mode in. maybe if you weren't so busy frothing at the mouth at having to play with people so beneath your pedestal you might actually enjoy a few games.


the solution is not being so salty all the time lol. its normals. not usually something people go super tryhard mode in. maybe if you weren't so busy frothing at the mouth at having to play with people so beneath your pedestal you might actually enjoy a few games.

I was in a fine mood. You and some other friends' snarky comments just got me heated.
lol that's exactly what i'm talking about. you're too uptight to realize that the only one that's really getting mad about this stuff is you. idk how you don't have the self awareness to realize just how much of a princess you're acting like whenever you go on gaf and whine about your new list of OP champs every 2 or 3 weeks.

especially when it's whining about how you lost a normals. that's some lame shit.


Source please. I have never said that.
cmon, it was figurative speech, but you and nev have a running list of champions that you hate that grows bigger every day put in words so bad i couldn't even come up with

you hate like every ranged champion in the game and i haven't seen you approve many melees either

Well it's a given fact Morello's invalidates healers. It should go back to being a niche item like it was in S4. I've given reasons on why it hard counters Aatrox before. I've literally never complained about Randuin's/Tabis/FH/whatever item before, but I guess it's cool to put words into my mouth.
it's an item, i don't get mad at banshee's veil or locket or whatever, which aren't niche and usually are just as hurtful to mages/assassins as morellos is to aatrox

if you just splitpushed with the hydra you bought you wouldn't even have to deal with morellos

be smarter and change your gameplay if they bought an item to counter you. why do you think good players actually do great with zed while terrible players do terrible? because good players don't let themselves get invalidated by zhonyas

What am I supposed to do then? If one of my teammates does bad should I just say "no biggie dude! you're still a good player! PS I will still suck your dick and do your taxes for you!". If my team is doing bad then I'm gonna fucking say it. What should I do? Sugar coat it? If I do my best to carry them of course I'm gonna want them to do what I want. After all, isn't the point of solo queue to carry solo?
you're supposed to shut up and play. people make mistakes. people in low elo make even more mistakes. despite of how good you think you are, you make just as many mistakes.

you're equating not being verbally abusive to sucking someone else's dick

i think that proves how terrible of a competitive attitude you have

I don't know why it bothers me more when I have a shit mid-laner on my team than a shit jungler. Or support. Or ADC. It seems like one of the most popular positions right now, and it is flooded with noobs. If there is one position I am wholly confident in, it's mid. So maybe it just makes me more depressed when I see someone playing the position like shite?
well if your mid doesn't do too good then your whole team falls apart because you got now a roaming leblanc 2v1ing your jungler at their red and then diving top and getting dragon and whatnot

i guess it applies to most roles tbh, but i guess mid can be the most impactful if snowballing. or maybe jungler. i don't pretend i know much about this.

personally i don't have a favorite "bad role to hate", but i do get super annoyed when i have junglers that do one of those shitty ganks that break your freeze, then they base, miss the countergank and now you're 0 1 lol. that sequence of events happens way more often than i wish it did


deadnames I used to think the same way you did. It's my job to carry these fucks, so I'm gonna tell them when they mess up.

Turns out, if someone's feeding and you tell them, they're gonna feed harder. Your job gets that much harder. Look at it that way if you have to always assume it's up to you to carry. I mean yeah, at this level you're probably gonna get shit teammates but holy fuck at least be a human being

Also you're Aatrox. Avoid conflict at all times and just splitpush. Isn't he supposed to be like a tower melting machine? I dunno.


deadnames I used to think the same way you did. It's my job to carry these fucks, so I'm gonna tell them when they mess up.

Turns out, if someone's feeding and you tell them, they're gonna feed harder. Your job gets that much harder. Look at it that way if you have to always assume it's up to you to carry.

Also you're Aatrox. Avoid conflict at all times and just splitpush. Isn't he supposed to be like a tower melting machine? I dunno.

I never said anything to my teammates except "gj im gonna do x". and "do drag"

cmon, it was figurative speech, but you and nev have a running list of champions that you hate that grows bigger every day put in words so bad i couldn't even come up with

you hate like every ranged champion in the game and i haven't seen you approve many melees either

I have plenty of champions that I like, but why would I post praising them?

it's an item, i don't get mad at banshee's veil or locket or whatever, which aren't niche and usually are just as hurtful to mages/assassins as morellos is to aatrox

Not really. Aatrox' basic gameplay revolves around his healing. Banshee's is easily popped and most assassins are so loaded with damage they can just blast past locket.

if you just splitpushed with the hydra you bought you wouldn't even have to deal with that

I tried, but nobody pressured elsewhere. And it's not like I could do anything about it because of my chat restriction.

be smarter and change your gameplay if they bought an item to counter you. why do you think good players actually do great with zed while terrible players do terrible? because good players don't let themselves get invalidated by zhonyas

You see Zed has a lot of options to deal with Zhonya's. He's got all kinds of tricks up his sleeve. Morello's prevents Aatrox from existing globally.

you're supposed to shut up and play. people make mistakes. people in low elo make even more mistakes. despite of how good you think you are, you make just as many mistakes.

you're equating not being verbally abusive to sucking someone else's dick

i think that proves how terrible of a competitive attitude you have

Then what do I do? Wait for someone to make a mistake? How do I win if I don't man up and carry?


zkylon said:
i'm really not convinced by the trading jungle item thing. sounds kind of broken.

It's fucking stupid. Riot being Riot; talking a big game about meaningful choices and then introducing something stupid like this. Know what? Just remove this whole upgraded smite shit. It's fucking dumb and Riot's never been able to balance multiple choice paths before and they never will. I'm not looking forward to going back to being a jungler.


How often do you guys see Sion players build Randuin, at least as their first item? I don't see many who do that, especially when it would help with his passive granted him at least a chance at closing the gap and trying to kill the enemy champ.


I never said anything to my teammates except "gj im gonna do x". and "do drag"
only because you're chat banned

I have plenty of champions that I like, but why would I post praising them?
because the vitriol gets exhausting

Not really. Aatrox' basic gameplay revolves around his healing. Banshee's is easily popped and most assassins are so loaded with damage they can just blast past locket.
then qss, mikaels, whatever. i'm like FUCK when i'm syndra against kayle and feel like i can't do shit without her invalidating my ult

there's gonna be things in the game that counter your character. maybe on aatrox more than most, but really. <40% health. how many kills were you gonna get at that point?

I tried, but nobody pressured elsewhere. And it's not like I could do anything about it because of my chat restriction.
i almost never type anything in chat and don't have all that many issues communicating about splitpushes. if i see someone like tryndamere or whatever going off on their own we just leave them do their thing and we try and help him how we can.

you can't win them all, and your chances are reduced from you being toxic in the past (and probably raging in the present), so it's not always gonna work.

just move on to the next game

You see Zed has a lot of options to deal with Zhonya's. He's got all kinds of tricks up his sleeve. Morello's prevents Aatrox from existing globally.
how? if ahri's fed, you're splitpushing and she's sent to fight you because she has morellos, you just don't fight her and you already gave your team an advantage

Then what do I do? Wait for someone to make a mistake? How do I win if I don't man up and carry?
you just realize that you're gonna lose half your games like everyone else and that being toxic only makes your life more miserable (as in, you get chat banned and can't coordinate splitpushes as well)

if you're seriously asking, i think you really should stop playing public games and try playing with your friends only

It's fucking stupid. Riot being Riot; talking a big game about meaningful choices and then introducing something stupid like this. Know what? Just remove this whole upgraded smite shit. It's fucking dumb and Riot's never been able to balance multiple choice paths before and they never will. I'm not looking forward to going back to being a jungler.
i dunno, i like the multiple smites idea, just the swapping thing feels weird i think


Nemesis Draft.

also, be frank with me. does the hitbox of darius's pull extend beyong the blade
i think most of the hitboxes are slightly bigger than the graphics
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