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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Veggie sushi has stuff like asparagus, cucumber, carrots, cream cheese, maybe sweet potatoes, probably other veggies. Sushi place next door to me has a great veggie roll.
Yeah sushi is great but idk about vegetarian sushi. I love me some sashimi of tuna or salmon and specially swordfish? But that one depending on where, it can get really expensive. I hate that since I moved here to Norway, eating out is so expensive (compared to Spain eitherway) that I basically only eat sushi out (since they also tend to be average to expensive places) once a year.

I went to a really cool place in Oslo on my birthday last year, which was Korean and Japanese cuisine, was really good (a bit expensive) but delicious. Also the walls had these kabuki-esque era drawings made with graffiti that made it look really cool, haha.

If you want to avoid fish/meat in a sushi place, I'd suggest vegetables yakisoba (I could eat the chicken variant all day) and or tempura (not sure if that is the right word) deep fried vegetables. Also there's some rolls that are really good with avocado and such, but imo if they don't have salmon or tuna they end up lacking a bit.

Pd. I will prolly go for sushi Nami! I want to use her a lot again, because she kinda works well with most of the ADCs.
good choice, sushi nami's delicious

also nami rocks

Anyone disagree with split pushing?
the only times when i don't think it's good is when your own team isn't ready to take an advantage. like i said before, udyrs running off and whining because it took 4 people to kill them, but the moment they decided to start splitpushing was when half their team was at base or doing blue or pushed against turret or whatever.

also i think it's actually a great way to play from behind, sometimes even getting killed it'll still be worth cos it'll let the rest of your team free farm, maybe get an objective and if the splitpusher is killed deep enough then there's not much the enemy team can do. even if it's not "clean", when you're losing it's very hard to get clean advantages, so you take what you can.

I wonder if people are going to accept the passive farming jungle or if people are going to complain enough to push for another change in the jungle.
the problem is that passive farming is never an "option", but an overriding demand for junglers so they don't get outscaled.

personally i think farming junglers are lame because it just makes the role brainless for half the game.


Why is it when I hit with GP's Q, the enemies don't seem like they're slowed but when I am hit by it, it's like I'm crawling? Wtf is this shit...


It's painfully obvious that Riot wants a fairly straightforward early game. Very little shenanigans. Laners in their lanes, junglers in their jungles. They bought into the laners feeling abused by level 2 or 3 ganks.

Well, I just started playing Pantheon and unless I get that level 3 gank off, I have a hard time snowballing. It probably has more to do with the fact that I'm doing it on my smurf and I lack the runes to sustain well in the jungle, but if I can get that gank on bot at level 3 successfully, I usually get huge and carry the game.


the new base gates freak me out when i jungle. i'll right click to go into my jungle and then look back and MASTER IS RUNNING INTO A WALL IN MY BASE o wait there's a gate here now nevermind



Thank you, Rito! It's like Christmas all over again!



Damn I forgot they were there yesterday

I've been jungling. They threw my pathing expectations off a few times. They're also nice for assassins that want to jump into the base, blow someone up near the tower, and leave the base without having to get back into range of one of the turrets. I had a big game with Katarina and I was able to break through during sieges that way.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
einbroch how do you afford all these figures

I lurk figureGAF sometimes but never partake because it'd ruin me

shit's so expensive

Amiibos alone are gonna be so expensive when they're all released.
So. I lost 4 ranked in a row, none of which I was able to play my preferred mid. Then I get home tonight, get my mid preference, and I kicked all sorts of ass and we won. But its almost depressing....I wish I was as good in another position as I am with mid. I really need to just stick with someone in another position and practice, practice, practice. But hell...I went through half of my ranks from about 16 to 30 as Vel'Koz. Maybe I should make a smurf just to be able to practice new champions?


So. I lost 4 ranked in a row, none of which I was able to play my preferred mid. Then I get home tonight, get my mid preference, and I kicked all sorts of ass and we won. But its almost depressing....I wish I was as good in another position as I am with mid. I really need to just stick with someone in another position and practice, practice, practice. But hell...I went through half of my ranks from about 16 to 30 as Vel'Koz. Maybe I should make a smurf just to be able to practice new champions?

i feel ya. i play support, and for the most part only played support. all the way to 30. at that point it was all i knew, and the friends i play with have preference and experience with the other lanes. only now are we trying to make a real effort to get me laning experience. i dunno about the smurf method. i considered it, but the skill and experience difference (barring other smurfs) would be inflated practice. feels like you get more out of it than you really do.


Want to make it interesting and go full AP? I say haha sure, Mejai's first back, every item has AP in it.

advanced stats

I had a full stacks before 30 ahahhaa.

edit: Just noticed they had sold their Mejai's later on in the game after they lost all stacks.


after a pretty hellish day i somehow got internet working on my apartment again

so i'm like ok let's see the pbe http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/01/116-pbe-update.html

Orb of Deception (Q) has a new effect: "Ahri gains movement speed while her orb travelling"
Foxfire (W) damage increased to 50/80/110/140/170 from 40/65/90/115/140
Charm (E) AP ratio increased to .5 from .35
Charm (E) no longer amplifies damage on target by 20% for 6 seconds.
Charm (E) damage increased to 60/90/120/150/200 from 60/90/120/150/180

uhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck

so i don't know much about math but did ahri just get like 70 dmg and an extra 0.15 ap ratio on her single target spell for 20% more damage on top of not having dfg anymore?

am i missing something or is that not a gigantic nerf?


What is the best thing to start vs AP top? I imagine ruby crystal for an early cowl, but sometimes i go flask if I'm playing Kha/Irelia/etc

Also the Zz'rots are so adorable. Riot should make a Mega Zz'rot a champ.


don't take my word for it but i think cloth 5 might not be too terrible, specially now that you can upgrade it later.

a lot of ranged harass is autos and that's 99% physical damage, and having extra pots might help you sustained.

but it might be a terrible idea, just trying to come up with something new cos i don't think there really is a good first item against ap.

i wonder why they don't buff doran's shield a bit more

Didn't Rito want to kill assassin Ahri?
why did they give her single target 20% damage amp in the first place?


Champs I plan on buying:
Kog, Renekton and Nautilus

Hope they go o RP sale soon =X

Also I just now learned that Zz'rot Portals' creeps die after a while so I should build them close to enemy turrets XD
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