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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Oh yea we should be fine then. We dont have to do it that late

alright I joined

let me know when we doing it

still got two spots in my league

quote for link


dat sub-20 minute win



So I've wondering something about Kog'mow; starting wit Trinity is understandable, but would building a BF Sword THEN making the trinity unadvisable?
REASON i ask is because BF Sword wold give my Autos a good damage output early on, but that sucker+Trinity would be like...5000 Gold >_>;
So I've wondering something about Kog'mow; starting wit Trinity is understandable, but would building a BF Sword THEN making the trinity unadvisable?
REASON i ask is because BF Sword wold give my Autos a good damage output early on, but that sucker+Trinity would be like...5000 Gold >_>;
Level 6 Kog with Sheen > Level 6 Kog with BF Sword
Syndra is so shit right now it's glorious. The balanced of that stun really ruined her.
Yeah, not only did they completely fuck up the width of her stun they also didn't fix the stupid bugs that have plagued it for a while, so basically Syndra no longer has a stun.




Got stuck with mid since we were 4-premade and we always let the 5th choose, and last game I was jungle (how do I deal damage with Vi? Even with AA reset with E I suck so fucking much), so I went Annie vs Katarina.

Was fun although first kill I got it when she had disconnected (I realized after I had already dumped all my combo...) and from there on I froze mid where I wanted it and just shoved to tower when Katarina went bot (she did twice).

I played like shit and I felt we were doing really bad but then I saw that the enemy team disconnected and post-game chat Riven was raging at the games bugs -she got stuck in minion pathing-(sky is blue, etc.).

I am unsure about first item RoA and then Abyssal but I'm all ears. I'm a bit clueless as far as Annie itemization, since she has so many possible buildpaths, so any help/comments are much appreciated!
I'm here if you guys want to draft.

Also, I don't remember the last time I had a comeback like this. It was one of these games that I knew we could win, but since we were down in towers and inhibitors(we only had the nexus towers) it was hard for my team to believe me, since we had only destroyed a single enemy tower. I still need to improve my cs.

We did baron just after they destroyed two of our inhibitors, twice. lol. Thanks baron minions you guys were the real mvp. Baron minions > super minions

I knew there was hope as long as we had our nexus towers.
I think I'm going to try and build my defensive items a little earlier from now on. Been suffering a few too many deaths for my liking.

I'm also starting to add Lucian into the mix and I'm hoping to play more Tristana now that she's been changed in 5.1, just to get a grasp on her. I also need to practice Graves.

Or in short, I need to practice a lot more.

I'm also fairly certain we shouldn't have won this game:

(how do I deal damage with Vi? Even with AA reset with E I suck so fucking much)
Dealing proper damage with Vi isn't hard. The usual burst combo should go something like fully charged Q auto E ult auto E. But in general it's all about getting as many W procs as you can.


i really don't get why they had to do such a massive damage nerf on top of the stun nerf

couldn't they try one at a time? or not make her q deal less damage than her autos lol

i don't know if lolking winrates are updated yet, i think they are, cos i remember her being ~51% and she's 45 now.


edit: yep, 6% less winrate on a champion that had normal winrates/banrates/pickrates across all elos and in competitive and didn't have an specially toxic kit. not necessarily the healthiest, but a kit way less toxic than more dominant midlaners like leblanc, azir, akali, xerath or katarina.

haven't tried her myself but def disagree with the damage nerf with no compensation, specially when syndra isn't a champion with the bestest of late games


It's better if she's in this state than the state she was in before. Her E was was too strong. Like put some strength in W or something.


It's better if she's in this state than the state she was in before. Her E was was too strong. Like put some strength in W or something.

the problem is that she got big nerfs at the two biggest reasons why you pick syndra in the first place: lane pressure and pick potential.

i mostly disagree with the q nerf

edit: i mean i actually kind of disagree about everything, the e hitbox was a bit bullshitty but you were wasting two cooldowns+mana for it, including your only way of half reliable self-peel, and she wasn't a champion that was causing too many problems anyways.
I just don't get how these champions are getting nerfed like this and Xerath is walking free. Like Syndra may have been strong a few months ago, but she was hardly flavour of the month and I think she was pretty balanced

Xerath on the other hand is broken. Like that's a fucking toxic kit that's no fun to play against whatsoever. And yet he still hasn't been nerfed.

IDK. Like I would be mad if they nerfed Zed but not Xerath. And they basically said they are nerfing aspects of Zed.

the Syndra nerf feels like too much too late. Jayce too. Like Jayce was already kinda falling away again without ever becoming huge before he got this nerf.


It's better if she's in this state than the state she was in before. Her E was was too strong. Like put some strength in W or something.

sorry, but I don't see how a healthy champion that was overtuned at one point but was falling off is better off being shit tier.


that feel when you're in champ select and have to poo, and are about to get to your champion pick and someone dodges so you have to start the wait all over again


I just don't get how these champions are getting nerfed like this and Xerath is walking free. Like Syndra may have been strong a few months ago, but she was hardly flavour of the month and I think she was pretty balanced

Xerath on the other hand is broken. Like that's a fucking toxic kit that's no fun to play against whatsoever. And yet he still hasn't been nerfed.

IDK. Like I would be mad if they nerfed Zed but not Xerath. And they basically said they are nerfing aspects of Zed.

the Syndra nerf feels like too much too late. Jayce too. Like Jayce was already kinda falling away again without ever becoming huge before he got this nerf.

i don't necessarily agree about jayce cos i think jayce as a champion is pretty bad but sure to pretty much everything you said

xerath is awful to play against and i'd argue he's boring as fuck to play as to. except his ultimate, his ultimate's hilarious lol

and syndra wasn't causing any problems unless you were deadnames. some parts of her kit might've been overtuned or annoying, but she was hardly that bad.

listening to costy is weird because whatever he's bitching about he could just go to his coworker and tell them to nerf it
lol poor costy

where's brian these days

I miss that guy
according to steam, playing the evolve beta :p

and i miss him too, he's my favorite

that feel when you're in champ select and have to poo, and are about to get to your champion pick and someone dodges so you have to start the wait all over again

so, free poo?
I've always thought that Xerath can get his Q minion damage nerfed. He can always one shot waves late game. It makes it very difficult to siege against him.


I've always thought that Xerath can get his Q minion damage nerfed. He can always one shot waves late game. It makes it very difficult to siege against him.
i don't think the siege thing is bad, that's kind of xerath's/ziggs thing, to be able to stall out games and poke you on sieges. the problem is his rework is kind of terrible because of just how boring he is to play as or against. two different ways of poke and also reliable cc is not fun.

old xerath was worse for sure, but imo there's nothing interesting about xerath, i almost prefer ziggs to him because ziggs at least had like a funny personality lol
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