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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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fantasy draft mission accomplished:

the problem is his rework is kind of terrible because of just how boring he is to play as or against. two different ways of poke and also reliable cc is not fun.

old xerath was worse for sure, but imo there's nothing interesting about xerath, i almost prefer ziggs to him because ziggs at least had like a funny personality lol
Different strokes. I find Ahri mindnumbingly boring (alongside other 'flashy' assassins) whereas Xerath / Ziggs / Vel'koz etc. have very enjoyable kits to me.

This might be one the most infuriating videogame-related videos I've ever seen.


Thought about posting this in the Giantbomb thread, but I think it's more appropriate here.
Figured it'd be an excuse for you to hate on Dan Ryckert again

Dude knows what's up though, Zyra = "that stupid plant lady."


i don't think the siege thing is bad, that's kind of xerath's/ziggs thing, to be able to stall out games and poke you on sieges. the problem is his rework is kind of terrible because of just how boring he is to play as or against. two different ways of poke and also reliable cc is not fun.

old xerath was worse for sure, but imo there's nothing interesting about xerath, i almost prefer ziggs to him because ziggs at least had like a funny personality lol

Yeah I much prefer old Xerath. It was a pretty neat kit.

The new one is just a generic mage :(


Different strokes. I find Ahri mindnumbingly boring (alongside other 'flashy' assassins) whereas Xerath / Ziggs / Vel'koz etc. have very enjoyable kits to me.
it's not different strokes, xerath is just bad

velkoz has an interesting kit, xerath doesn't. all his spells are simple, rarely allow creative or flashy uses and have meaningless mini-mechanics that attempt to add complexity to them but in the end doesn't really. he's even worse than ziggs in the mindlessness of his gameplay. it's just aim and fire, aim and fire, aim and fire. at least ziggs had satchels

his ult is cool, tho

Yeah I much prefer old Xerath. It was a pretty neat kit.

The new one is just a generic mage :(
no, old xerath was garbage design


sounds like a pretty fat nerf[/QUOTE]

Hardly? E sounds great. It's 3 seconds if you juggle your Shunpo target, on top of a 1.5 second 30% damage reduction. It was hardly used for its damage anyway.

Q change really hurts her laning, but it seems like an overall buff to teamfights. Tanky AD Kat might work.


Hardly? E sounds great. It's 3 seconds if you juggle your Shunpo target, on top of a 1.5 second 30% damage reduction. It was hardly used for its damage anyway.

Q change really hurts her laning, but it seems like an overall buff to teamfights. Tanky AD Kat might work.
she may turn out to be lucy-esque and go stupid with like crazy mobility but at least her laning sounds a lot rougher now

also kat is like the single champion i think dfg was complete bullshit on, so i guess that side nerf is nice too

i guess gunblade first item on kat now?


I used to play ad kat in season 1. Well, I just stacked blood thitsters, but her ult and Q hurt more than building ap. Ap was good for e and void staff / rylai etc. Well, it was also good for her ult, but her ult could only scale with the higher number (after scaling applied) on AD/AP, not both.


Dealing proper damage with Vi isn't hard. The usual burst combo should go something like fully charged Q auto E ult auto E. But in general it's all about getting as many W procs as you can.

Hmm, I guess yeah, I don't feel in a team fight I get to proc those often before they are blown up, maybe in skirmishes I should pay more attention to those.

Yesterday as Vi I lost to another Vi (who for some reason was very salty at our mid Blitz), and despite we were 4v5 (we were 5 premade and our friend dc and never came back), she was putting a lot of work everywhere, whereas I struggled again to gank mid (Leblanc) and top (Riven). zzz


I have full confidence that Jungle Taric can work. Just get Blue first, and go make your first jungle item after getting blue and keep spamming your abilities to cutodwn the cooldown in camps. Iceborn makes him stick to them like a clingy ex-boyfriend/girlfriend :V
Wow, just played really really well in ARAM as Vayne. They had Talon, Diana, Ryze and Draven to boot. I can't believe the kiting, tumbles and flashes I just did. Managed to go 18/10/14. I opened with Berserker->BoRK->Ghostblade->Randuin because I was afraid of getting blown up.

Time to play Vayne in SR again while I'm still channeling a Korean inside me.
it's not different strokes, xerath is just bad

velkoz has an interesting kit, xerath doesn't. all his spells are simple, rarely allow creative or flashy uses and have meaningless mini-mechanics that attempt to add complexity to them but in the end doesn't really. he's even worse than ziggs in the mindlessness of his gameplay. it's just aim and fire, aim and fire, aim and fire. at least ziggs had satchels

his ult is cool, tho
"Spells are simple, rarely allow for creative or flashy uses"

I fail to see how Ahri doesn't fall into this category when she objectively has less to her kit than Xerath does.
"Spells are simple, rarely allow for creative or flashy uses"

I fail to see how Ahri doesn't fall into this category when she objectively has less to her kit than Xerath does.
Ahri has room for creativity between her Q and her ult, Xerath's kit is used the same way every single time. Not that simplicity is a bad thing, but even if she has less to her kit her kit can be used in more ways.
i thought we were talking about xerath tho
If your counter-argument is "no it isn't different strokes" about what's boring and if I subsequently look at a champion you do like who in actuality has to actively aim less skills than Xerath with even less mini-mechanics to boot, then there's room to deviate.

Either way: I disagree, stalemate, yadda yadda.

Ahri has room for creativity between her Q and her ult, Xerath's kit is used the same way every single time. Not that simplicity is a bad thing, but even if she has less to her kit her kit can be used in more ways.
What "creativity" there is between those two already-basic spells is very little and overstated. You don't get a lot of time to play around with those skills and conceptually they're barely less simple, and that's ignoring her other buttons. Not to claim that Xerath isn't straight-forward himself, but to pretend Ahri is in a different class just screams "double-standards" to me.


If your counter-argument is "no it isn't different strokes" about what's boring and if I subsequently look at a champion you do like who in actuality has to actively aim less skills than Xerath with even less mini-mechanics to boot, then there's room to deviate.

Either way: I disagree, stalemate, yadda yadda.
huh? i think skillshots are fun but aiming skillshots is one in a list of many reasons a champion can be compelling, of which i feel like xerath has very little.

a few things that are interesting, with examples:
  • variety in build paths or playstyles: ahri can for instance go assassin with dfg, or more support mage oriented with morellos, cdr boots and rylais
  • spells with meaningful multiple uses: lissandra ult can be used as an assassination tool, as a bait engage, as a way to block damage, as a way of generating massive cc, etc.
  • skillshots: usually more fun than targeted spells, not much to say about this other than aiming stuff is a fun duel game between the "dodger" and the "aimer"
  • mobility: mobility opens up possibilities to do unique stuff with terrain, to juke people and do generally flashy stuff. playing leblanc and making people run in circles is hilarious
  • "high moments": holy shit situations that come from the champion having a kit that allows for high-satisfaction moments. say 5 man ori ult.
  • high skillcap: similar to the above, but in terms of skillful play, like perfect thresh ganks
  • unique spell types: spells that are completely unique to the champion. like yasuo wall (well, now not so much) or thresh's lantern
  • other satisfying unique champion features: other things that make the champion more satisfying to play, like syndra being able to cast spells while moving.
(not counting visual design which is also very important)

the richer a champion is in these aspects the less boring it is because it means their kit has diversity and uniqueness to feel fun and exciting. xerath, unfortunately, has very little of these. he's mostly just poke poke poke. how does xerath approach laning? he pokes from a distance. how does xerath approach teamfights? he pokes from a distance. does xerath generate vision or utility or pick potential or wombo combos or dueling or splitpushing or anything? no, the only thing he does is poke poke poke

i won't say ahri's a much deeper champion but she at least has a combination of mobility and skillshots and is a combination of assassin and mage. she can skirt around in teamfights to kite or catch carries, or she can enable picks with her charms in sieges and jungle ambushes. you watch an ahri duel in lane and she's dodging spells with her ult while finding the right angle to land the charm and double q

that's why ahri's a beloved character, while xerath is really unpopular despite being quite strong and easy to play. obviously ahri's character design has a much more wider appeal, but i don't think there's much subjectiveness when i say xerath doesn't have an exciting kit/is boring

edit: if i had to look at xerath i'd say his biggest issue is that his q and w are essentially two versions of the same spell in that the goals both spells accomplish are the same. this is kinda normal in most mages since most mages usually have two spells that are fairly similar that they use to waveclear (ori q/w, syndra q/w, lizzy q/w, ziggs q/w, etc etc), but i think it's specially bad on xerath and is maybe a thing to look into if wanting to make him more interesting. i also think the mini mechanics on the rest of his kit are not pushed enough and end up being sort of meaningless. also his q is super bullshitty

things that are good about xerath: ult, brushing his hair thing when you spam /dance




sounds like a pretty fat nerf

Whoa. Butchered.

She's losing a lot of single target damage. Her Q is now shifted to the *second hit (my bad!). And she'll have to build some AD to recoup any of the damage. The shunpo sounds annoying to manage in a teamfight and no more shunpo damage? Jeez.

I guess ya'll are right. Tanky hybrid Kat coming back to top lane.

That's gutting her kit.

edit: fixed my pre-coffee reading skills
The damage is being shifted to the proc, not the 2nd target hit by the bounce so Kat has to actually commit to do damage instead of spamming Q and harassing for free.


i think second hit just means the mark

basically they killed her ranged poke and csing, which is very deserved

her new w will be weird, i don't really understand the numbers

her shunpo will be yasuo like in teamfights, but slightly worse when used to run away from ganks in lane, which is good. damage reduction is weaker until level 13 so again a nerf for laning, but maybe ppl will max this second now? no damage won't be too bad since apparently you'll be able to land an auto easier so that's where the damage will come from

dfg removal is a big fat nerf to kat too and again very much deserved, since i feel like kat was the worst dfg offender of them all. much worse than leblanc for sure

i'm guessing the idea is for players to buy gunblade on her now and then go full ap.


The damage is being shifted to the proc, not the 2nd target hit by the bounce so Kat has to actually commit to do damage instead of spamming Q and harassing for free.

Mm.. you're right. I misread that.

i think second hit just means the mark

basically they killed her ranged poke and csing, which is very deserved

her new w will be weird, i don't really understand the numbers

her shunpo will be yasuo like in teamfights, but slightly worse when used to run away from ganks in lane, which is good. damage reduction is weaker until level 13 so again a nerf for laning, but maybe ppl will max this second now? no damage won't be too bad since apparently you'll be able to land an auto easier so that's where the damage will come from

dfg removal is a big fat nerf to kat too and again very much deserved, since i feel like kat was the worst dfg offender of them all. much worse than leblanc for sure

i'm guessing the idea is for players to buy gunblade on her now and then go full ap.

Yeah. Gunblade will become a core item on her again. The lifesteal + AD will be pretty big for her. Shunpo in, do your W and Q proc damage, maybe ult, shunpo out (after 3 seconds).


Everything is moe to me
this nemesis draft has to be riot's stealth attempt at some sort of BM-player pogrom.

it's designed around baiting the people who complain about their teammates so they can be banned.


Another day another victory as supp Sona <3

i'm envious of your sona. i just can't do squishy supports. i go too ham. it's why i main Leona

this nemesis draft has to be riot's stealth attempt at some sort of BM-player pogrom.

it's designed around baiting the people who complain about their teammates so they can be banned.

i look at it as an opportunity to learn new champs on the fly
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