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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I think the problem with Trist's splash art is the attention to detail.

Looking at her current one, I find the new one extremely flat and lacking. Then again it does reflect on her new look but still :/


meddler says synchan stun width will be better in 5.2

i still think it's stupid that at lvl 1 it's better to trade with autos than q's but whatever



LOL so deserved

I think the problem with Trist's splash art is the attention to detail.

Looking at her current one, I find the new one extremely flat and lacking. Then again it does reflect on her new look but still :/
that's less attention to detail and more just overall sharpness of the image imo

i love new trist splash, she looks awesome

Wow. That new Nidalee skin is pretty nice looking. Maybe I'll become a Nidalee main. She works in the jungle right?
i've been meaning to see ppl do jungle nidalee for a while. she's even getting her passive working on jungle creeps now
Nah, that's the wrong way to play support. It happens in low tier support play since they do not know how to play it properly, or they don't actually want to play support.

All right, well I don't feel so bad now. This is why I main support I guess.

I was thinking about support stuff this morning, I wonder if it would be possible to make a support with basically non damaging skills. Maybe abilities that provide auras or something to help with repositioning. I feel like LoL doesn't have enough skills/items for altering positioning.


I think the problem with Trist's splash art is the attention to detail.

Looking at her current one, I find the new one extremely flat and lacking. Then again it does reflect on her new look but still :/
Also in the old splash, her head was about as big as her torso, but at least she wasn't ultra skinny. Now her head seems to be at least twice as wide as her torso, and it looks really funky.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So, a friend dragged me into this game since he wants to learn to adc better, and asked me to be support for him. Have a basic idea of what to do, and am trying to get a handle on when to go back for new items, roam, and whatnot (mostly just following him right now =p ).

Any tips for stuff I can do to make the rest of the team's life easier as support? I'm still getting a handle on warding, the wheres, whens, and whys of it, but from what I understand, that's super important for the role.

Any recommendations for support characters to consider for utility, entertainment, or otherwise? So far I've unlocked Janna since she's on sale right now, and fiddled around with Lux (Is she really support? She's listed as such, but didn't really feel like one). They were fun, and Sona seems interesting, but are there any others that can be interesting to play as?

Sorry, 5 years late to the party noob questions ahoy! >_>


So, a friend dragged me into this game since he wants to learn to adc better, and asked me to be support for him. Have a basic idea of what to do, and am trying to get a handle on when to go back for new items, roam, and whatnot (mostly just following him right now =p ).

Any tips for stuff I can do to make the rest of the team's life easier as support? I'm still getting a handle on warding, the wheres, whens, and whys of it, but from what I understand, that's super important for the role.

Any recommendations for support characters to consider for utility, entertainment, or otherwise? So far I've unlocked Janna since she's on sale right now, and fiddled around with Lux (Is she really support? She's listed as such, but didn't really feel like one). They were fun, and Sona seems interesting, but are there any others that can be interesting to play as?

Sorry, 5 years late to the party noob questions ahoy! >_>

i'd say you have to like the champs you play. Janna is strong and fairly easy to like. you seem to gravitate towards squishy mages. remember that what a support brings is utility and you should be fine. sure you can do some damage here and there, but what you have to do is CC, heal, buff, or otherwise help. sona is rather good for that and has a good engage. happy days when you ult the whole team. janna is the disengage queen i would say

Warding is so helpful. Dragon is usual something on you can your ADC to help maintain contorl of. you never know when an Udyr will take it in under 10 minutes.

if you end up dying a lot play safe or even play tankier supports such as Braum and Leona. both are fairly good engagers which you as a support will be doing often.


Good stuff for you to main the support role willingly. Its plenty of fun.

As you said warding is very important to keep an eye on objectives and enemy movement so keep on that. Otherwise I say just keep playing the game and you'll learn the botlane matchups as well as basic things as peeling and protecting your carries during fights.

As for champions, the most popular supports I believe are Thresh, Leona and Morgana but really just try out whatever you feel like and go on from there. If you are in need of a choice mage supports like Janna, Morgana and Nami are solid while tanky supports like Thresh, Leona and Braum are all for engaging and soaking up damage.

Also in the old splash, her head was about as big as her torso, but at least she wasn't ultra skinny. Now her head seems to be at least twice as wide as her torso, and it looks really funky.

I actually don't mind her skinniness as much but I won't lie that the midriff bothers me. Guess it adds to the theme there trying to go for her but ehh.
So, a friend dragged me into this game since he wants to learn to adc better, and asked me to be support for him. Have a basic idea of what to do, and am trying to get a handle on when to go back for new items, roam, and whatnot (mostly just following him right now =p ).

Any tips for stuff I can do to make the rest of the team's life easier as support? I'm still getting a handle on warding, the wheres, whens, and whys of it, but from what I understand, that's super important for the role.

Any recommendations for support characters to consider for utility, entertainment, or otherwise? So far I've unlocked Janna since she's on sale right now, and fiddled around with Lux (Is she really support? She's listed as such, but didn't really feel like one). They were fun, and Sona seems interesting, but are there any others that can be interesting to play as?

Sorry, 5 years late to the party noob questions ahoy! >_>

Couple of tips:

- Ward frequently and ward smartly. Best places to put them are in high traffic areas, certain bushes that are likely to be hiding spots for ganks, and around major objectives (namely Baron and Dragon). Build Sightstone pretty early after your gold-generating items and your boots. Don't worry about building to Ruby Sightstone until later.

- This one is very important: make your skill shots hit. Things like Thresh's Death Sentence, Braum's Winter's Bite, Leona's Zenith Blade, Morgana's Dark Binding need to hit their intended targets. Otherwise you're wasting mana and leaving you and your ADC vulnerable. As someone who mains ADC and plays support as a secondary role, I can't tell you how many times I've had a support who misses their skill shots and leaves me vulnerable to getting ganked ... like the Thresh last night who hit 1 of 9 total Death Sentences during the match.

- Your main job is going to be, as iosefe said, utility. CC, healing, buffs, setting up your teammates for kills. As such, you'll probably need a mix of items that gives you armor/magic resistance (depending on the composition and builds of the enemy team) and things like a Mikael's Crucible that helps debuff your teammates.


Like I straight up do not know what to do in that situation. Everyone got absolutely dumpstered. I could've played better but holy shit, the hand I was dealt sucked.


Like I straight up do not know what to do in that situation. Everyone got absolutely dumpstered. I could've played better but holy shit, the hand I was dealt sucked.
I've been playing very badly in my placements, and being out of practice doesn't help.

Even so, I think I had back-to-back games in placements where my team ended up with 3 kills against 18 or so. Sometimes it's super lopsided. It's not just me; it also apparently happens in diamond games occasionally judging by the scoreboards Newt posts. Part of the mess while everyone gets sorted out again.



I got her in an aram the other day and was blown away by how weak her Q was early.
the only weaker nuke in the game is ryze q. there's a few others in like multitarget karthus q or just half of ahri's q but seriously, i don't know what rito was smoking, it makes no fucking sense -__-

it's back to normal by level 5 i think but really what was the point, specially if the stun is already being nerfed

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll make sure to put all of that into practice. =)

lux is not support :I

Yeah, I just saw it mentioned as such on the free characters when picking before a match, and just thought, "Okay!" A bit misleading how she was labelled for someone who is new to the game. XD
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll make sure to put all of that into practice. =)

Yeah, I just saw it mentioned as such on the free characters when picking before a match, and just thought, "Okay!" A bit misleading how she was labelled for someone who is new to the game. XD
I agree when I first started a few months back I thought she was a support. Then all my level 30 friend should me why not.


Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll make sure to put all of that into practice. =)

Yeah, I just saw it mentioned as such on the free characters when picking before a match, and just thought, "Okay!" A bit misleading how she was labelled for someone who is new to the game. XD

Yeah, don't trust any of the whacky labels that are in riot's client. A lot of stuff is outdated or misleading.

It feels like they just randomly decide which champions are more difficult than others with that difficulty bar that they have associated with the champions.


I played against a Rioter last night in placements and ended up winning that game.

Speaking of mislabeled stuff in the client, one funny thing with ARAM is that since they changed the prices of stuff, you can't buy chalice + other items, yet the combination is still apparently listed as the recommend started item combination.

The store seems to work much better for me in recent patches, but the nexus tower sound bug is still there. The laser noise plays really loudly even once all minions are dead and the laser has stopped firing, and it's annoying.
Yeah, don't trust any of the whacky labels that are in riot's client. A lot of stuff is outdated or misleading.
It feels like they just randomly decide which champions are more difficult than others with that difficulty bar that they have associated with the champions.
I think they need to stop adding more champions and skins for abit and try to balance the game more and fix bugs.



It's fine, though unorthodox. Curiously enough, Brand has among the highest support win rates (so does Veigar; fun fact) although that certainly has a lot to do with players who are very comfortable playing Brand going bot.

Support isn't just about a champions kit, it's a mindset, maybe even more so the latter. Protect your carry, let them farm, ward for your team, and provide utility. Brand can do that. As well as orthodox supports? No, but I'll take a Brand main who wants to properly support over an inexperienced Thresh who hates the role, personally.

We're just a bit over a year removed from Wukong being finally thought of as a legit jungler and less than 18 months removed from Annie being thought of as a support. This game is much more malleable than the community thinks.


It's fine, though unorthodox. Curiously enough, Brand has among the highest support win rates (so does Veigar; fun fact) although that certainly has a lot to do with players who are very comfortable playing Brand going bot.

Support isn't just about a champions kit, it's a mindset, maybe even more so the latter. Protect your carry, let them farm, ward for your team, and provide utility. Brand can do that. As well as orthodox supports? No, but I'll take a Brand main who wants to properly support over an inexperienced Thresh who hates the role, personally.

We're just a bit over a year removed from Wukong being finally thought of as a legit jungler and less than 18 months removed from Annie being thought of as a support. This game is much more malleable than the community thinks.

annie is so good though. i remember my laner got a DC at the start. i held off thelane and got fairly fed.
Brand supp is pretty good, it's really hard to dodge Pillar before you get boots so you keep eating that shit and getting bullied out of lane. He's pretty mediocre once laning is over, though.


squishy AP mage supports really aren't good unless you know how to play them correctly in their original lane (mid)

they do less damage and can die more easily due to 2v3 situations that arise. they are amazing if you have a handle on the champion and know its limitations.

that said, it's always fun to brand W+Sivir Q a Sona and immediately force a flash/heal at level 1.


So I guess Sirchez is pretty popular here? I was friends with him through out High School, and him, myself and some other friends we knew in real life used to play Dota competitively. This was our clan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZVduKOijeA which he made Lol (he's also the one who says "I know you want this"). He's Gannon if you don't recognize him, it was 8 years ago now haha. We were one of the top NA teams when Dota first entered the competitive scene, and it eventually became Verge/eMG (although I stopped playing by then).

We all tried to convince him to play Dota 2 when it was first coming out, but I guess he made the right decision. Pretty cool that he's as big as he is, he's a great dude :p
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