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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Its very situational.

The only time I see it viable is if your a tanky top laner who needs more split pushing presence/power. But even then I wouldn't rush it as an early item.

The thing about zzrot is that the voidlings die quickly, so you need to have it close to enemy turret.


alright dude, never mind me, just go back to your whining

my fault for being naive and thinking you actually wanted to talk with people

Well dude, it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you said:

1. You don't play top
2. Ranged champs don't snowball as hard

Mind you I'm talking top Liss here.


Well dude, it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you said:

1. You don't play top
2. Ranged champs don't snowball as hard

Mind you I'm talking top Liss here.

You always comment on ADCs being overpowered yet (afaik) you don't play them. How is that any different than the insight Zkylon was offering?


Well dude, it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you said:

1. You don't play top
2. Ranged champs don't snowball as hard

Mind you I'm talking top Liss here.
1. but when i play top, i play lizzy and i have a pretty good record with her. i know what i lose against, and it's usually people that are too afraid to do anything and too greedy to wave manage. i've been beaten by people that knew how to itemize and knew how to take advantage of my cooldowns or by people that just got a kill against me and froze and i'm fucked. i play against a diamond in top lane and i get shit on hard, so it's all about ppl knowing how to fight against ranged. i also play with other ppl that play top lane and they do well on a number of melee champions, like dr. mundo, irelia, riven, gangplank, j4, lee sin, maokai, whatever. my friend is platinum 5 and mostly plays aatrox and shen. he's not diamond but he's not whining all day about ranged champions making his life miserable.
2. i stand by this, because ranged champions' kits aren't as overloaded as melees are. if ahri's fed, you can still kill her. if irelia's fed you can't kill her, and she one shots you. same with renekton or whatever.

the problem is that you start every game with that same very mindset that you're going to lose because the world hates you and you never stop and think that maybe you're just playing the lane poorly. you just want an excuse for losing, and there really isn't one, you're just bad, like everyone else. accept that you're bad, watch your own replays and how there were a bunch of wasted opportunities you didn't take. i often end up a game saying X was bullshit and turns out it was 100% my fault for being a baddie. that's how the game works, ppl that know how to play the game rank up, ppl that's bad like you and me don't

instead of getting frustrated at the game try to analyze it so that you don't get frustrated again. if not, the game's not only miserable to you, but at least to me, that i got to endure you saying every champion i play is shit and autowin and that anything i do is worthless because i'm just abusing broken champions or whatever

but i'm just wasting my breath anyways, so whatever
You should treat cool downs with a lot more importance. It's one small but sure way to improve laning, since you know when you can trade favorably. Sometimes it's also about aggression. I've lost trades simply because I decided to retreat instead of kiting back.

I mean Blitz is just one easy example. A Blitz that misses a hook at Level 1 is completely open to attacks for 20 whole seconds. You can either whoop him or his ADC especially if you have good wave control.


you haven't seen the blitz that doesn't give a fuck about missing and just flashes/w's towards you like he's on meth.

One day on a normal I was vs the Thresh/Blitz lane (going for the lantern hook thing) and it was hilarious because I would be behind minions, he would still throw the hook and would run into me all suicidal.

I swear Blitz just cra(n)cks me up. He's such a goofy champion.
If you play melee v ranged in top lane then you have to be prepared to give up the early rounds. Take sustain with you, do not look to trade, do not, under any circumstances, push out (ideally you can freeze on your side since the ranged will auto-attack you and push). If you get too chunked give up your TP. If you lose lane by 10 cs it's effectively a draw - if you lose by a bit more it's hardly a disaster as long as you're not too behind in experience. Look to all-in with your jungler - ranged champions are usually squishy early and cannot survive a gank if playing aggro. Most good melee tops become tanky after 1-2 backs and never need to miss cs again if they play careful - I've played 50+ Maokai top games and the toughest matchup after 6-8 minutes is probably Irelia - everything else is easy farm off, which usually favours strong melees like Gnar and Maokai as they are great in teamfights. Renekton straight up dominates most lanes if played right, ranged or not. A great Jax player can scale up into a 1v1 beast surprisingly fast.
You're playing a manaless bruiser with free ranged harass and an escape against a short ranged mage that has to build tanky not to straight up die

Stop taking ignite and get fucking guder. You do shit like buying Tabi against Liss/Ryze, the problem is clearly how shitty the top meta is



The hell...


This game for me has turned into:

Get me jarvan or reksai and i'll carry the entire early game for you. I'll even put in a dragon for you.


I'll go wukong and hope my team doesn't suck at team fighting.


This game for me has turned into:

Get me jarvan or reksai and i'll carry the entire early game for you. I'll even put in a dragon for you.


I'll go wukong and hope my team doesn't suck at team fighting.




This game for me has turned into:

Get me jarvan or reksai and i'll carry the entire early game for you. I'll even put in a dragon for you.


I'll go wukong and hope my team doesn't suck at team fighting.

panth is pretty good too breh

edit: but does fall off. he's best used snowballing your laners to an insurmountable lead.

edit #2: rex have you considered making a guide or video on how to reksai? you'd probably get a lot of attention
Playing a skillshot-based, no mobility or instant disengage mid in the current meta?

I'll give you two games before you start complaining like me.
Lost bad, but not as bad as the other lanes, except for our mid Talon who was doing great. I got a few TP assists though. Turned into a 4v5 anyway.

I had to be more aggressive. My cooldowns and mana weren't being used as much as they should.

I'd say ring, he'll do % damage and his Q won't be blocked, plus you'll TP back ASAP anyways
His autos hurt. :( I don't think shield blocks his W passive either.


any good build for Morgana as Sup. I have gone so far getting used to her as a carry, that I don't know what good build there are a for her.

also playstyle? I just one and I was rubbish!


any good build for Morgana as Sup. I have gone so far getting used to her as a carry, that I don't know what good build there are a for her.

also playstyle? I just one and I was rubbish!
I think you'd get the stone and zhonya's And frost queens claim. You can build regular ap support and get things like twin shadows or just build damage.

(i have little experience with Morgana but this makes sense. That post a bit down is a thing of beauty though)


Someone explain me how a Gnar loses lane to Poppy?


We made such a hole at bot but was not enough to compensate for the hole up top. Poppy is absolutely disgusting lol, so fucking hard to peel her off.

RIP Dobe.

Best part was the Jinx being cocky at the end "I had late", she said, lol.

Also, how come do I always end up placing so many wards compared to the other supports? I do change them often that's true, is that not right? I do back a lot to refill, but generally I have objectives warded beforehand unless swept etc.

I had a really bad Vi game. I itemized like garbage because I delayed tanking up and I would just get blown out and we had no frontline besides me too. ;_; I do that so much. With supports I somewhat do well enough itemizing, but when it comes to jungling, damn. I feel I will always get tanky junglers, I want to get back to Amumu, see how well it goes (hell, it'll be worth even if just for the ADC to get a QSS and delay their builds I guess!).
Think this will get Sivir disabled?

any good build for Morgana as Sup. I have gone so far getting used to her as a carry, that I don't know what good build there are a for her.

also playstyle? I just one and I was rubbish!

Support Morgana is my main. I tend to play her as a roamer.

I always take 21 Utility (+starting gold). The rest is either Defense or Offense (CDR, Expose Weakness).

Bog standard AP page but with some mana regen blues.

Open with WQE, then R>Q>E>W

Open: Spellthief, 1 Ward, 2 Pots, Yellow Trinket. I try to get Sightstone, 1 Pink and a few pots on my first back. I always place my pink on the river entrances near blue/red (not the patch of grass on the river).
Core: Sightstone, Mobility Boots, Spellthief
Situational: FQC, Aegis, Crucible, Randuin, Frozen Heart are my usual other pickups. I only pickup Zhonya if I'm getting fed, or if they have means to blow me up while I ult. FQC is VERY useful for me. It makes it much easier to setup a Q. If I don't have any particular item I need to build, it's my go-to after Sightstone/Mobi. I haven't tried the reworked Mejai yet.

Laning: I only use W when I have 2-3 stacks on Spellthief, otherwise I go OOM. I try to target the one with less sustain. Avoid hitting minions especially casters.
During 6: Walk and ult, then hit them with Q as soon as the stun wears off. Works very consistently until mid Plat. I always try to use it as soon as the cooldown wears off.
Teamfights: Don't feel bad about shielding yourself to ult. I use my ult as either an engage or peel.

I hate Tristana, Corki, Draven. Cait and Kog somewhat.
I really hate Janna, Lulu and Sona. Braum makes it harder to pull off kills when you hit 6 because it's harder to wear them down.
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