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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Won too much.

Good job Leezard, you've made it to the other side where winning is losing.

Question for the GAF Zyra Squad- What do you usually max first? I've seen people max Q while some max E. Is it situational?

People will Q say first. I'll be the contrarian and say it depends on your partner and opponents.

Any one have experience on Warrior's vs. Devouvers on Xin? Can't decide which to buy, neither seems all that great. In my last few matches I've actually been getting my machete upgrade, mobi boots, and then rushing a Youmuu's and it's worked out very well each time.


I think a big part of climbing ranked is knowing when to get carried. Like last night I was on gnar and I was kinda down in lane, but the rest of my team was doing really well. Instead of trying to make big plays, I let my team set them up and I responded accordingly.

Plat is in sight boys.

Yea I've been getting better and better at that too. It's something that I've been working on for a while now. Half of it is just knowing how to not feed when you're behind. It's just so much easier to win a game when you're behind, but have very low deaths and can snag some cs here and there. Just let your team do the heavy work at that point and contribute where you can.

Warding around your lane is more important at this point more than ever. Same with communicating with the team that you're behind, but can come back.

Enemy got Vi and I got ADC instead. I went with Sivir because I remember something about Newt. There's no special timing for spellshield and Vi ult right? Just cast when she's along the way?



Enemy got Vi and I got ADC instead. I went with Sivir because I remember something about Newt. There's no special timing for spellshield and Vi ult right? Just cast when she's along the way?

Her shield stays active for like 1.5 seconds so just activate the instant you see her dash towards you.


5-5 on provisional. Back to bronze 3 from silver 5.

On one hand, I totally understand I still have a lot of flaws. On the other hand, bronze 3 was the my placement from last year when I just started playing, and looking over the data kda, warding, are (marginally) higher than last year. Then again, (almost) every player also improves so I guess it makes sense.


Really liking the Tristana visual update and voice changes. Wish more champs had this much personality.
Except Karthus, who needs to shut up.
Question for the GAF Zyra Squad- What do you usually max first? I've seen people max Q while some max E. Is it situational?

E. The plant damage is the same as Q, it costs less than Q for a few levels and obviously you get the root which is a meagre 0.75s to start.


I have to wear Shen cosplay at the doctors office. Rito plz buff!

Edit: ban ahri people! Fizz is worse and kind of falls off since people can clear off his shark and that cuts his dmg.


Oh man, just played as Vi and the other team had a Kog'maw/Velkoz bot lane. Like they picked those 2 champs into me.

That was fun :^)
And people still don't feel like banning her. Seeing her almost every game
i seriously think ahri is the strongest champ in the game right now. Her mobility at level 1 exceeds that of about 80% of all champs and her damage mid late is absurd. Just getting Morellos, Rylais and Sorc Shoes makes her have Kalista levels of kiting potential.


"Alright guys. So we deleted DFG, how should we compensate Ahri?"

"well, she has 3 flashes already and a pretty strong kit on paper, does she really need compensation buffs?"



Damn, I have dropped so much. Was Gold 2 at the end of season 4, played like shit during the preseason, then went 4-6 in placements. Down to Silver 5 :(
"Alright guys. So we deleted DFG, how should we compensate Ahri?"

"well, she has 3 flashes already and a pretty strong kit on paper, does she really need compensation buffs?"


I'm hoping they just buff Mordekaiser. They said next patch they would do some changes, but...Morde baby needs help.


Okay guys, remember me flaming some of you for that Jarvan hate?

I started playing him again, after a few months of pause cause I did not exactly like him before....

Okay, you were right. He needs to be banned. Stupidly easy to play with, very strong. I feel ashamed even choosing him.


I'm hoping they just buff Mordekaiser. They said next patch they would do some changes, but...Morde baby needs help.

Recent entry in Surrender@20 suggests they want to look into giving him some tankiness.
I kinda agree with this as he LOOKS like a tank and he has like 2 defensive abilities; his passive and W shield. Not to mention how he's an immobile champ, so maybe the tankiness can make up for it. Basically make him another Swain :p
I also wouldn't mind them altering his ult, it healing him is cool, but the champ you control can only autoattack, its good for getting an extra ADC, but sometimes you just want to get rid of that pesky AP champ.

Id rather they just change mordekaisers kit than see buffs.

I sorta agree with this, but at least keep his E, I just LOVE poking with that thing :p
Just got my fifth pentakill ever and won a rough game.

We were behind most of the game, and then got trounced in the middle.

I got a few decent picks in team fights and started getting fed.

Then at the end, I was split pushing and Xerath got too close. Two shot him, then Nasus and Nautilus started gangbanging me. I was down to like 100hp at one point but killed them both.

Then I two-shot Tristana and Chased Janna down for the penta. No help from the team at all. Felt amazing, perfect Yi experience.

Pushed for the win, gg, awesome way to start the day.

All Nasus had to do was build a thornmail and I would've been useless.

Rengar: Hmm, I'm the member of a super poke team, maybe I should show my widdle face top and split push while the team consisting of Vi Warwick Leona and Diana 5 man pushes mid lane.


Okay guys, remember me flaming some of you for that Jarvan hate?

I started playing him again, after a few months of pause cause I did not exactly like him before....

Okay, you were right. He needs to be banned. Stupidly easy to play with, very strong. I feel ashamed even choosing him.

Yup I picked him last night and he is just stupid strong. Massive damage and a good mobility.
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