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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Dude its full ad rengar

Him grouping would be as useful as playing elise.
Sure, but he could have at least been sneaky about it. Showing up in the very middle of top lane while we're knocking at their base is like him saying "feel free to flash Q our Xerath instead of being at the very least wary of my presence to peel me from Cait"

Oh also daily reminder, fuck Xerath


Everything is moe to me
E. The plant damage is the same as Q, it costs less than Q for a few levels and obviously you get the root which is a meagre 0.75s to start.

but the plants themselves are melee and get less hits in.

Q as default
E when invading
W when you have a sivir/hard-pushing adc



Rengar: Hmm, I'm the member of a super poke team, maybe I should show my widdle face top and split push while the team consisting of Vi Warwick Leona and Diana 5 man pushes mid lane.

He made the right call. Rengar isn't going to help against a hard engage team comp. The onus is on Janna and Rek'Sai (less so) to peel. You can shit on Rengar here, but shit on him for the pick if anything.
I also wouldn't mind them altering his ult, it healing him is cool, but the champ you control can only autoattack, its good for getting an extra ADC, but sometimes you just want to get rid of that pesky AP champ.

Make the AA do base AD plus some AD or AP depending on which is higher?


i'm late to the brand talk but:

sorc boots/void staff is all the real pen you need until tanks start getting really tanky.

You should be itemizing him like any hard hitting burst mage.


i'm late to the brand talk but:

sorc boots/void staff is all the real pen you need until tanks start getting really tanky.

You should be itemizing him like any hard hitting burst mage.

I'll consider that too thanks. Well time to try trista with my friend as Braum.
I am like half asleep too....


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Time to steal some Nami rune pages and masteries.



Our Jarvan did a lot of work. He managed to get our LB into a position where she and Fox were equal in strength.

Jax eventually got so big that the enemy 4 man ganked him, he got one kill and managed to survive long enough to escape thanks to my wave.

Fox flamed his team and was really negative through the game. Really disappointing for an LCS player, as the Tristana pointed out.
Hey bros, can anyone answer a technical/performance question?

I have an i7-based PC with a 970 and Windows 8.1. FPS is or should basically be whatever I want it to be. And yet I'm noticing a problem I sometimes saw on my laptop: when moving my mouse in-game, the screen stutters and stammers. Framerate drops from 120fps locked down to the teens, then jumps back up. It happens when I edgepan and I think it also happens when i simply move the character around the screen. It has a huge impact on my ability to do basic things like last-hit consistently or team fight, as you can imagine huge framerate dips and freezes that seem to last upwards of half a second would. CPU never goes above 20% and memory used is never above 40%. HDD space can be defined as "cavernous".

I've done some searching and found nothing applicable to my situation (some mentioned some adware/spyware that can cause it; not present on my system). I tried setting the main game executable to admin but that only breaks the game's ability to load. I've tried moving the game folder from my HDD over to my SSD in the event the issue was HDD speed/performance related. It wasn't (though that's probably obvious given how well LoL scales down to very low-end machines).

I'm just not sure what to do and the game is basically unplayable for me. Well technically it is playable as I just went 25/6/15 with Ashe, but I the stutters cause me to miss a lot of cs, misfire on her aoe slows, and even register some kills I couldn't see or control myself during because of repeated ~.5 second stutters. Every other game that I play regularly I can run at 4K downsampled with no hitches of this kind (other than Diablo 3 which just runs like shit no matter what kind of rig you have).

If anyone has any insight or advice, I'd appreciate some guidance. It really makes it hard to have fun.


Hey bros, can anyone answer a technical/performance question?

I have an i7-based PC with a 970 and Windows 8.1. FPS is or should basically be whatever I want it to be. And yet I'm noticing a problem I sometimes saw on my laptop: when moving my mouse in-game, the screen stutters and stammers. Framerate drops from 120fps locked down to the teens, then jumps back up. It happens when I edgepan and I think it also happens when i simply move the character around the screen. It has a huge impact on my ability to do basic things like last-hit consistently or team fight, as you can imagine huge framerate dips and freezes that seem to last upwards of half a second would. CPU never goes above 20% and memory used is never above 40%. HDD space can be defined as "cavernous".

I've done some searching and found nothing applicable to my situation (some mentioned some adware/spyware that can cause it; not present on my system). I tried setting the main game executable to admin but that only breaks the game's ability to load. I've tried moving the game folder from my HDD over to my SSD in the event the issue was HDD speed/performance related. It wasn't (though that's probably obvious given how well LoL scales down to very low-end machines).

I'm just not sure what to do and the game is basically unplayable for me. Well technically it is playable as I just went 25/6/15 with Ashe, but I the stutters cause me to miss a lot of cs, misfire on her aoe slows, and even register some kills I couldn't see or control myself during because of repeated ~.5 second stutters. Every other game that I play regularly I can run at 4K downsampled with no hitches of this kind (other than Diablo 3 which just runs like shit no matter what kind of rig you have).

If anyone has any insight or advice, I'd appreciate some guidance. It really makes it hard to have fun.

Wow that sounds terrible. That's never happened to me but have you tried updating your drivers? Or Unlocking your framerate?
Wow that sounds terrible. That's never happened to me but have you tried updating your drivers? Or Unlocking your framerate?

I do have the most recent nvidia drivers. I haven't tried unlocking the framerate. I'll try that now. I had it set to 120fps and 60fps, just to see what would happen. It's really an awful experience.

edit: none of those helped. :(


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Our Jarvan did a lot of work. He managed to get our LB into a position where she and Fox were equal in strength.

Jax eventually got so big that the enemy 4 man ganked him, he got one kill and managed to survive long enough to escape thanks to my wave.

Fox flamed his team and was really negative through the game. Really disappointing for an LCS player, as the Tristana pointed out.

Why sell the spellthief? Were you transitioning into the the talisman?

I do have the most recent nvidia drivers. I haven't tried unlocking the framerate. I'll try that now. I had it set to 120fps and 60fps, just to see what would happen. It's really an awful experience.

Damn, that's a weird problem. Maybe the installation was corrupted in some way, I have an i5 and a 970 and the only issue I have is the shop freezing my game for 0.5-1second. As annoying as it is I'd say try reinstalling.


Hey bros, can anyone answer a technical/performance question?

I have an i7-based PC with a 970 and Windows 8.1. FPS is or should basically be whatever I want it to be. And yet I'm noticing a problem I sometimes saw on my laptop: when moving my mouse in-game, the screen stutters and stammers. Framerate drops from 120fps locked down to the teens, then jumps back up. It happens when I edgepan and I think it also happens when i simply move the character around the screen. It has a huge impact on my ability to do basic things like last-hit consistently or team fight, as you can imagine huge framerate dips and freezes that seem to last upwards of half a second would. CPU never goes above 20% and memory used is never above 40%. HDD space can be defined as "cavernous".

I've done some searching and found nothing applicable to my situation (some mentioned some adware/spyware that can cause it; not present on my system). I tried setting the main game executable to admin but that only breaks the game's ability to load. I've tried moving the game folder from my HDD over to my SSD in the event the issue was HDD speed/performance related. It wasn't (though that's probably obvious given how well LoL scales down to very low-end machines).

I'm just not sure what to do and the game is basically unplayable for me. Well technically it is playable as I just went 25/6/15 with Ashe, but I the stutters cause me to miss a lot of cs, misfire on her aoe slows, and even register some kills I couldn't see or control myself during because of repeated ~.5 second stutters. Every other game that I play regularly I can run at 4K downsampled with no hitches of this kind (other than Diablo 3 which just runs like shit no matter what kind of rig you have).

If anyone has any insight or advice, I'd appreciate some guidance. It really makes it hard to have fun.

Sorry so is it a problem on your desktop or laptop? Try turning on vsync and FPS max to 60. Do you have multiple monitors? Also turn off any kind of GPU overclocking
Sorry so is it a problem on your desktop or laptop? Try turning on vsync and FPS max to 60. Do you have multiple monitors? Also turn off any kind of GPU overclocking
desktop. i tried turning on vsync and switching it to 60. it felt even worse. I even lowered the graphics to the lowest setting. Still awful. shit is depressing.

I'll try reinstalling and maybe doing a clean driver install. I feel like the later is unnecessary considering this is a LoL-exclusive problem, but can't hurt to try.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Trying to get more of a handle on last hitting now, and finding it way easier with an AD character compared to AP. With Morgana, it takes a lot more timing since her basic attack doesn't hit for a lot, so a good chunk of my CS comes from her W. Meanwhile, with Riven it's way easier to last hit since she hits for more, whereby I feel I have a bit more wiggle room to calculate when to go in for the last hit.

Is this normally the way it is when last hitting? As an AP will I be more heavily reliant on actual abilities to keep my CS up?


Why sell the spellthief? Were you transitioning into the the talisman?
The plan was to transition into a locket. I sold the spellthief earlier to be able to afford FH, though.

I seldom keep my gold item for long as Nami. I usually do not upgrade it into Frostfang unless it is in a lane against something like Janna, where I get opportunity to poke more freely without being punished. This game I did not, since I felt the need for an early Mikaels was too big.

My core items are Mikaels and Frozen Heart, and I usually sell the spellthief if I can complete one of them by doing so.


Trying to get more of a handle on last hitting now, and finding it way easier with an AD character compared to AP. With Morgana, it takes a lot more timing since her basic attack doesn't hit for a lot, so a good chunk of my CS comes from her W. Meanwhile, with Riven it's way easier to last hit since she hits for more, whereby I feel I have a bit more wiggle room to calculate when to go in for the last hit.

Is this normally the way it is when last hitting? As an AP will I be more heavily reliant on actual abilities to keep my CS up?
yup, ap mids usually have a bit more trouble last hitting with autoattacks than ad champions

a lot about learning to play mid is knowing how to manage csing by mixing spells and auto attacks, by like 'preparing' all the caster minions (hitting them once) then using your nuke on them to instantly clear them and such

morgana is kind of annoying and i don't enjoy her waveclear too much but other champions like xerath or syndra can just spam spells and barely ever use basic attacks to last hit

less so now, tho, with the athenes and blue buff and base mana regen nerfs. damn that's a lot of nerfs


Dammit. Now I'm fighting for Nidalee jungle. Sigh. Was first picked on opposing team. Let's see how Sejuani fares.

This is such a thing now.


Hey bros, can anyone answer a technical/performance question?

I have an i7-based PC with a 970 and Windows 8.1. FPS is or should basically be whatever I want it to be. And yet I'm noticing a problem I sometimes saw on my laptop: when moving my mouse in-game, the screen stutters and stammers. Framerate drops from 120fps locked down to the teens, then jumps back up. It happens when I edgepan and I think it also happens when i simply move the character around the screen. It has a huge impact on my ability to do basic things like last-hit consistently or team fight, as you can imagine huge framerate dips and freezes that seem to last upwards of half a second would. CPU never goes above 20% and memory used is never above 40%. HDD space can be defined as "cavernous".

I've done some searching and found nothing applicable to my situation (some mentioned some adware/spyware that can cause it; not present on my system). I tried setting the main game executable to admin but that only breaks the game's ability to load. I've tried moving the game folder from my HDD over to my SSD in the event the issue was HDD speed/performance related. It wasn't (though that's probably obvious given how well LoL scales down to very low-end machines).

I'm just not sure what to do and the game is basically unplayable for me. Well technically it is playable as I just went 25/6/15 with Ashe, but I the stutters cause me to miss a lot of cs, misfire on her aoe slows, and even register some kills I couldn't see or control myself during because of repeated ~.5 second stutters. Every other game that I play regularly I can run at 4K downsampled with no hitches of this kind (other than Diablo 3 which just runs like shit no matter what kind of rig you have).

If anyone has any insight or advice, I'd appreciate some guidance. It really makes it hard to have fun.
That sounds really terrible to play with. Have you tried talking with Riot support? I don't know if they're able to help, but sometimes they can extract some useful information from the logs of the game.


Wow, you guys watching LCS? Apparently, this college (Robert Morris University) gives outscholarships for league players.

There is a guy from this forum who received a scholarship from that school. He had a bad experience and quit the team from what I remember. Sounded like some shady shit was going on with that.


Wow I'm mad about that game.

I have never had a team SO blissfully unaware of what is going on around them. Completely ignoring pings like its their job. Then I fight and claw to get us back in the game and whiff my ult outside of baron pit as Sejuani. So I ping back like 100x. We can give up baron and still win next teamfight. But 2 people just blindly dive right in. The ori and cait. Same shit they've been doing all game. So blissfully unaware of the game.

ugh. So mad. Shouldn't have lost that.
And people still don't feel like banning her. Seeing her almost every game

They already ban her in my games. ):
Then again, I haven't lost with her since the changes. 9 wins out of 9 games. lol.

But I picked Xerath(9-1-7) and I got my vendetta against Syndra(3-10-4) for banning my Ahri. >:)
Hey bros, can anyone answer a technical/performance question?

I have an i7-based PC with a 970 and Windows 8.1. FPS is or should basically be whatever I want it to be. And yet I'm noticing a problem I sometimes saw on my laptop: when moving my mouse in-game, the screen stutters and stammers. Framerate drops from 120fps locked down to the teens, then jumps back up. It happens when I edgepan and I think it also happens when i simply move the character around the screen. It has a huge impact on my ability to do basic things like last-hit consistently or team fight, as you can imagine huge framerate dips and freezes that seem to last upwards of half a second would. CPU never goes above 20% and memory used is never above 40%. HDD space can be defined as "cavernous".

I've done some searching and found nothing applicable to my situation (some mentioned some adware/spyware that can cause it; not present on my system). I tried setting the main game executable to admin but that only breaks the game's ability to load. I've tried moving the game folder from my HDD over to my SSD in the event the issue was HDD speed/performance related. It wasn't (though that's probably obvious given how well LoL scales down to very low-end machines).

I'm just not sure what to do and the game is basically unplayable for me. Well technically it is playable as I just went 25/6/15 with Ashe, but I the stutters cause me to miss a lot of cs, misfire on her aoe slows, and even register some kills I couldn't see or control myself during because of repeated ~.5 second stutters. Every other game that I play regularly I can run at 4K downsampled with no hitches of this kind (other than Diablo 3 which just runs like shit no matter what kind of rig you have).

If anyone has any insight or advice, I'd appreciate some guidance. It really makes it hard to have fun.
Are you playing on borderless fullscreen? I've been noticing some weird FPS bugs when I alt tab mid match in borderless.


desktop. i tried turning on vsync and switching it to 60. it felt even worse. I even lowered the graphics to the lowest setting. Still awful. shit is depressing.

I'll try reinstalling and maybe doing a clean driver install. I feel like the later is unnecessary considering this is a LoL-exclusive problem, but can't hurt to try.

Very strange, and this just started happening? Have you done just a full reinstall of LoL? I would talk to Riot, that shouldn't be happening


Riot's favoritism regarding Zed is stupid. They completely destroy Fizz, who was only good in solo queue, but Zed, who is good in both solo queue and competitive...

nerfs his attack speed



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The plan was to transition into a locket. I sold the spellthief earlier to be able to afford FH, though.

I seldom keep my gold item for long as Nami. I usually do not upgrade it into Frostfang unless it is in a lane against something like Janna, where I get opportunity to poke more freely without being punished. This game I did not, since I felt the need for an early Mikaels was too big.

My core items are Mikaels and Frozen Heart, and I usually sell the spellthief if I can complete one of them by doing so.

I should get better at this. I usually keep it for the whole game.
Just lost another ranked game. Went Braum with a Sivir who wasn't bad but just got grabbed one too many times by Blitz. Our Zed and Jarvan did good, but Darius was rendered useless by Caitlyn top. I stayed positive through the whole game. Even though my team kept going in one by one after respawining to defend the Nexus or turrets we could have afforded to lose at that point. Even though we had all inhibitors down and Darius left our base to get wolves in a jungle with zero vision only to get jumped by the whole enemy team.

Ah well. On to the next one.


Yeah Ahri needs to be added to the trash pile as well.

Why does Riot feel the need to compensate for every nerf they do? (minus bruisers lel)

Like, they did it with Azir. They did it with Yasuo. They did it with Gnar. They did it with Kalista, etc.

Like, instead of doing one thing then seeing how it works out, they just overbuff champs as "compensation".


Played a game of Elise. I don't she's in that bad of a spot. Nerfs to the low-skill junglers will help her.

Vi - Minor nerfs.
J4- Major nerfs.
Shaco - Champion rework.
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