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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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None of this is true though. Low range AD carries are extremely popular right now. Vayne has alright matchups against stuff like Graves. I don't think the emerging S5 support picks (Annie, Blitz, Janna) negatively impact Vayne more than any other AD carry either.

all of what i said is true.


Jesus... I'm 1-2 in my series...

Just had a match where the Nautalius told me in very detailed ways how I should kill myself in the lobby. Or how I have a small dick, or how my father should get prostate cancer...

I reported... Though I feel it will do nothing.

Why do I always forget to mute!
I'm sorry to hear that, and I do kind of wish there were still human reviews of reports so there is a chance of exceptionally horrible harassment getting people banned.

Unfortunately, muting people does not mute them in the postgame lobby as far as I know.


I'm sorry to hear that, and I do kind of wish there were still human reviews of reports so there is a chance of exceptionally horrible harassment getting people banned.

Unfortunately, muting people does not mute them in the postgame lobby as far as I know.

pretty sure the ppl that has like that kind of behavior gets super banned
The dream is ded for everyone's promos.

I feel like my ADC dies the moment I disappear from enemy sight. Can't roam as much as I want so I can't even ward elsewhere.


Now that I'm playing a bit more regular I'm trying to decide if I should just jump back into ranked. I do not think I play nearly as well as I used to when I was climbing gold 3 so I suspect I'd get placed in silver at this point. Maybe should wait it out some more and keep practicing.


Nidalee is like testicular cancer. It's all pain and suffering until she cuts your balls off.

Fuck Nidalee.

EDIT: Fixed the analogy.


It's so weird. At the beginning of every season I go on this Cait binge and then don't play her for like 6 months lol.

It's going a lot better than expected. I want to say it's because of the high number of short ranged adc's being played. It makes laning phase so much easier when you can just continuously force their botlane back over and over.



]Ashe is OP you guys.

Kalista does everything Ashe does but better

And you've still not highlighted how "especially" squishy she is.

Well, some ADCs just feel tankier to play against than others. Kog and Vayne feel pretty squishy whereas Cait feels much tankier

Which, again, could be said for anyone else, really.

I dunno, Vayne's short range combined with her shitty early game = bad times.


Are 4 Doran Blades on Rengar still a thing?

IDK probably not. I think something like Brutalizer, Tiamat, Last Whisper, Hydra, Youmuu's, and CDR boots somewhere in there.

Maybe a bunch of dorans would be good against someone with a lot of damage like Riven or Jayce or something.


RIP Sona,

Mana tubes are hazard bro.
nah, sona is stilll strong

just not too much fun

also like i said before i have like nerf ptsd in that she gets retweaked and nerfed and rebalanced so fucking often i just can't ever learn her and it's just stressing to like her


Ashe and Kalista both are supposed to kite melees, but Kalista does much better at that. Ashe has a slow and her ult does damage, but I would much rather have a good Kalista over a good Ashe.


nah, sona is stilll strong

just not too much fun

also like i said before i have like nerf ptsd in that she gets retweaked and nerfed and rebalanced so fucking often i just can't ever learn her and it's just stressing to like her

Just get in range and poke with Q. That's Sona in a nutshell :V


Support Brand is one of the funnest non traditional support that I've played lately. He has great ranged AoE poke and his 2 sec stun is awesome.


People just don't like Vayne because she's difficult to play and has a bad reputation because of that. It's not easy to make a jump from low skill ADs like Corki/Graves/Lucian to Vayne.

Kalista does everything Ashe does but better
Ashe and Kalista aren't even remotely similar. Like maybe Ashe and Caitlyn are comparable.
Ashe and Kalista both are supposed to kite melees

I disagree. Ashe is more about keeping people from running *away*. If someone is moving towards her with bad intentions, she's going to get fucked up. Kalista is like Vayne. You kite around the fight or dive right in when you see you have an advantage you can exploit. Ashe wants to stand as far back as humanly possible. Just close enough to be in range for your Q to ensure they can't get away where Kalista wants and needs to be able to dive in. The closer the better to a large extent.



yea fake Drow Ranger giving me free wins for some time

the 2 are in no way comparable. I'd say Kalista does everything Vayne does but better. But that's not entirely true either. Vayne's passive is idiot-proof. But Kalista is cooler and the chasing is redonculous.

Ashe is so good if you can play her. Still one of my favorite ADCs.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
nah, sona is stilll strong

just not too much fun

also like i said before i have like nerf ptsd in that she gets retweaked and nerfed and rebalanced so fucking often i just can't ever learn her and it's just stressing to like her

She's in a bad spot in the current meta. The rising popularity of Annie, Leona, and Blitz really limits her pick opportunities.



i don't get it but whatever, it's cute

more here: http://imgur.com/a/iYhFu

Just get in range and poke with Q. That's Sona in a nutshell :V

that's the thing, q doesn't deal enough damage to that be "sona in a nutshell". unless you hit the double q i feel like it's not worth the mana it costs and even if you do double q+passive you're still putting yourself in a lot of risk for nothing too amazing

nami w deals more (single target) damage, heals you (also heals more than sona w), is easier and less risky to land and also gives you a ms boost. it costs more mana but it's such a stronger spell

and nami actually has a cool kit outside of her w, so she can stun people, slow them, buff your adc, etc. if your adc gets stunned, you stun theirs, if your jungler comes gank, you can set him up with slows and cc, and if you're losing you can just max w and sustain (or just max w anyways for the burst)

with sona, you q+passive someone, and then your adc is kind of fucked if they get hit. your pitiful shield doesn't block a single autoattack, your heal is pretty mediocre, and you don't even put points in e in lane lol

come teamfights, against a weaker lane or if she gets a lead against a non-sustain lane she can to much better but still i think the satisfaction thing they tried to address with the rework was a big failure, specially since she still has the same problems of her being impossible to buff

very good sona players can live in the knife's edge with her q but personally i don't enjoy feeling like i'm risking myself so much for so little. i know it's a lot to do with me being really bad at sona right now (her having forever positive winrates makes me guess she's pretty alright balance wise), but i think it's also related to her kit being tweaked to pretty unexciting numbers

She's in a bad spot in the current meta. The rising popularity of Annie, Leona, and Blitz really limits her pick opportunities.
yeah, not only she has to put herself in range of all those burst champions but also her ultimate has such a high cooldown that once she's level 6 there's not all that much she can do

trade ults with leona or annie once, then get killed. not the same as nami that can stun the graves or mass heal your adc or whatever


So GAF, what's the consensus on Wit's End or something (semi-defensive, even less so serious) on Braum so you can stack that passive?

yea i think it's a funny 'troll' item but at least from my experience you're not gonna be autoing too much with braum past laning phase and there are like a billion better items if you want resistances
FYI Sona absolutely demolishes Nami in lane. Her Q poke is one thousand times stronger than Nami's W harass and her auras are crazy strong, especially if you pair it with someone with strong AA poke like Cait or Draven. Yeah she's weak vs a Leona or Blitz but if sona wasn't then you'd never see any other support in bot lane because she's so oppressively strong versus any other kind of support.


FYI Sona absolutely demolishes Nami in lane. Her Q poke is one thousand times stronger than Nami's W harass and her auras are crazy strong, especially if you pair it with someone with strong AA poke like Cait or Draven. Yeah she's weak vs a Leona or Blitz but if sona wasn't then you'd never see any other support in bot lane because she's so oppressively strong versus any other kind of support.
i'm bad at talking, but i tried to emphasize that i don't think she's weak, she's just not very satisfying to play. that doesn't really contradict what you say (i'll believe you about sona beating nami, i rarely ever see that matchup)
I disagree. Sona demolishes Janna, the Nami lane is more even. It might be slightly Sona favored, but Nami has more kill pressure pre-6.
that requires nami to land a difficult cc and not get poked out level 3. I'd argue more that Nami just ian't a particularly good pick right now either because she has the same problems sona has versus an all in botlane and her peel/trading isn't quite good enough to be on par with Janna.


that requires nami to land a difficult cc and not get poked out level 3. I'd argue more that Nami just ian't a particularly good pick right now either because she has the same problems sona has versus an all in botlane and her peel/trading isn't quite good enough to be on par with Janna.
You're overestimating the damage and heal from Sona here. Nami can trade on par with Sona with her W, and Sona takes a lot of free damage if she's hit by a bubble.

You really seem to dislike Nami. Do you think she has any strong matchup?


how can i get more lp per win ? im on a 8 win streak right now and still getting 18 per win

is 18 a healthy number to gain ?
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