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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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You're overestimating the damage and heal from Sona here. Nami can trade on par with Sona with her W, and Sona takes a lot of free damage if she's hit by a bubble.

You really seem to dislike Nami. Do you think she has any strong matchup?
i don't really know the matchup but to me nami should beat sona cos she maxes the same spell for damage and sustain on top of having hard cc?
I dont dislike nami but she isn't a champ with amazing lane matchups like blitz (vs sustain) or sona (vs poke) or janna. (vs all in) Obviously I'm generalizing things but her best lane matchup was Morgana, who isn't particularly popular right now since she has almost nonexistent lane pressure against most strong supports right now. She's stuck in the same abyss Thresh is in where she can do everything pretty well but it requires a much higher skillcap to accomplish things.
Holy crap, I never thought I'd get livid at a damn game before, but this came really close.

Wow, that's frustrating. Had four dragons and Baron with one inhibitor down and still my team and I couldn't finish it. Pantheon kept one man ulting the whole team when we weren't there. And when he wasn't doing that he was sitting in base. I try really hard to look at what I did wrong instead of my teammates but it's really difficult in a game like this. I know it's just a game, and that's part of the reason I'm so shocked that it has upset me this much.

I guess part of the reason it sucks is that I feel like I just wasted the last hour losing a game I could have won, losing LP and therefore negating a previous win. I definitely have to try to learn how to play for fun and not to climb. I think that mindset is poisoning me.
i don't really know the matchup but to me nami should beat sona cos she maxes the same spell for damage and sustain on top of having hard cc?
the main issue in the sona vs nami matchup is that nami is forced to land cc and burn her sustain in order to deal equal damage to a Sona who just presses Q and chunks you and your adc. Thus you're much more likely to make mistakes and lose trades compared to Sona who only has one skillshot.

It's heavily dependent on the Nami player's skill since there's little interaction Sona has with Nami other than avoiding skillshots and pressing q and w.


im playing a bot game and I forgot to buy items for 8 minutes
I usually remember to buy trinkets now. My main things I forget are:

  1. Forgetting to press the active of archangel or hourglass to save myself.
  2. Forgetting to upgrade a trinket.
  3. Forgetting to buy an elixir if my slots are full.


Seems it's time to stop playing ranked...

I was so close to gold... Was so close... but then 4 matches I have lost in a row... Each one with it's own asshole yelling in chat. Anything from the racist to the guy telling you to commit sucidie.

Just... fuck... I was so close to getting out of this...
Lose my third position ranked match, Jungle didnt know about getting the dragon, mid and top lose to their respective lanes and mid decided to camp bot, losing his tower
Gold 1 ! Let's get to Plat!

I thought we would lose, since Kalista refused to go anything but adc, and we ended with 2 adc's.

The fact that Kalista said this in champ select:
Hello All! I am a NA D2 ADC main. Couldnt Hit D1 cause im trash. But I usually carry. Pls, only real role. dont be mean to me <3 Lets win

Made me worry even more.

We won in the end, but Kalista can't be D2. lol.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Pls no more assassin nerfs. LCS is already boring enough.
dc'd during the end of the champion select

please be in the match

please be

EDIT: I'm apparently in the match, but I can't connect to PVP.net? what?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Been playing some Kalista / Leona bot with a friend. Those two are pretty disgusting together. XD

Had my first encounter with a Blitzcrank support last night, though, and that was a bit annoying. What's the best way to deal with him as Leona? From what I've read, it seems like we need to ward the bushes a bunch, try to stand in our creep wave, and dodge the hook, pouncing on the carry if he misses, or if it hits (hopefully Leona) popping Leona's shield, swallowing the damage, and then pouncing on the carry. Is that usually how it works, or is it more situational than that?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Idk how you guys do so much damage with support Zyra. Whenever I play her, people just instagib my plants.

You need to max Q and hit them with the spell itself. The plants are just a bonus.


Been playing some Kalista / Leona bot with a friend. Those two are pretty disgusting together. XD

Had my first encounter with a Blitzcrank support last night, though, and that was a bit annoying. What's the best way to deal with him as Leona? From what I've read, it seems like we need to ward the bushes a bunch, try to stand in our creep wave, and dodge the hook, pouncing on the carry if he misses, or if it hits (hopefully Leona) popping Leona's shield, swallowing the damage, and then pouncing on the carry. Is that usually how it works, or is it more situational than that?

if blitz misses the hook he's useless so you can zone them pretty hard. just run at the adc looking menacing, use your w if you get poked and deny them cs.

but yea you're leona, just look for the opportunity and jump the other adc. opportunity can be level advantage (levels 2, 3 and 6), your adc coming back with a bf sword while other adc has like pickaxe or something, support going off to ward, jungle gank, enemy champions wasting important spells (morgana bind/graves q), etc. etc.

i don't think there's something too fancy to do against blitz, if you jump at their adc there's not all that much he can do. i think getting grabbed might even be sort of beneficial if you can use it to zenith blade to their adc

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Second game lost because some fucktard connected like 10 minutes late.

Only in promos!

I've had a few instances where it took a good 5 minutes to get into the game. It just hung on the match loading screen. This wasn't even just me staring at the monitor waiting, this was me constantly trying the ctrl + shift + esc to end the process, and force a reconnect with the client. Wouldn't it make more sense to call Riot to task than the player? =O


She's stuck in the same abyss Thresh is in where she can do everything pretty well but it requires a much higher skillcap to accomplish things.
I'd argue this is one of her strengths, though. The only lanes I'm hesitant to pick Nami into is Leona and some Caitlyn lanes that can be oppressive, but every other matchup is fine thanks to it being skill matchups.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I am scared when Annie is lv 6 and have her stun ready to unleash to my poor adc

It's funny how confident gold Sivirs are with their spellshield. They always block the 3rd spell and never the actual stun :D.


Probably will nerf the movespeed.

Move speed should only kick in when it hits an enemy champion. I was absolutely floored when I first read the patch notes and just gets it for just throwing out a random Q. I assumed that hitting something was necessary when I first glanced at her changes on the PBE. Here you go! 80% movespeed increase for having accomplished absolutely fuck all. Idiotic. There's no other way to describe that buff. Idiotic.

She also has a best-case AP ratio of ~2.75, which is too high considering what else she brings to the table. Best candidate for a nerf is to revert the AP ratio buff to E (in fact, revert E entirely) but that'll never happen. I've never, ever seen Riot actually reverse an ill-advised buff or nerf.

Leezard said:
The only lane I'm hesitant to pick Nami into is Leona

Same. I absolutely hated it the first few times I did it. If I'm not on point to bubble the opposing ADC following Leona's engage the lane is done.


Which replay programs are currently working? LoL Replays site is not working, and opgg recorder failed me and I just uninstalled it (it kept wanting to update on startup, only to keep on not recording ???).

Halp, I miss nitpicking on my own stuff.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Which replay programs are currently working? LoL Replays site is not working, and opgg recorder failed me and I just uninstalled it (it kept wanting to update on startup, only to keep on not recording ???).

Halp, I miss nitpicking on my own stuff.


Just record entire monitor and set broadcast output to local files. Voila, MP4s of your league game with the mouse clicks too.

You can downsample recordings to 720p like I do to save on space.

sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wuvdx-sDVMk
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