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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
If you're on a toaster I guess yea it does. I don't notice any drops at all using a 970.



Just record entire monitor and set broadcast output to local files. Voila, MP4s of your league game with the mouse clicks too.

You can downsample recordings to 720p like I do to save on space.

sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wuvdx-sDVMk

Hmm yeah I have that and I have streamed, I just don't dare to use it with League since it's really the only online I care if it fucks up with my performance.

I guess I could give it a spin! ;o

"fuck, i'm last pick. I guess i'll just dodge this one. 3 lp aint much"

6 mins later, requeue.

last pick


I think last pick is way better than first pick. At least you are not to blame for improper bans or getting a role someone else wanted and then unless you perform well, get shat on in chat.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Hmm yeah I have that and I have streamed, I just don't dare to use it with League since it's really the only online I care if it fucks up with my performance.

I guess I could give it a spin! ;o

Set it to record locally, no effect on internet. Downsample to 480p if you're on a toaster I guess.
Welp, I've finally decided to uninstall League of Legends. Not forever---I just need a break. The last week of playing has been 0 fun for me. I find myself frustrated more than anything, and even when winning I'm not having as much fun. I don't know why. . . I just need a break. I have a huge backlog of games. My guitar skills are deteriorating. And I haven't picked up a book or watched a new series for a while. I think it's time.

I'll see if I can handle going a month without League. Even a day will be tough, but I'm also lazy and having it uninstalled will help me stay away.

Love you all, and I'll be back


How do Annie mains play such a difficult champion????

Damn! I wish I could 100-0 entire teams while CCing them!

Not a single Annie main claims Annie to be a difficult champion lol, in fact Annie Bot always says he started playing her because she felt easy to learn.


Not a single Annie main claims Annie to be a difficult champion lol, in fact Annie Bot always says he started playing her because she felt easy to learn.

I think you missed the point of my post, lol

Annie is broken and needs to be nerfed. She's too one dimensional to be strong.


my league profile says i'm 1-1 in promos

my op.gg says i'm 0-0 in promos

my op.gg also says my last 3 games were wins.

what is going on



The Mystery Skin gods have blessed me.


the funny thing is, i could have swore i left last night with enough LP for 1 win to put me IN promos, so I dont even know what is happening


Sorry, I'm not sorry. Supports dealing blows, man.


Their Ahri was 5-0 and just feasting on our mid and top lane. Every lane lost except for the bot lane, and our Kalista just WENT OFF in the mid game. I've never seen a Kalista so on point using her ults like that. It was magical when she would throw me in, I would ult, drop seeds, roots, and Q, and we would clean up.

But holy jeez is Ahri a menace. I caught her a few lucky times with my root and we blew her up, but that was the only way to get her. The new Ahri dashes around like an anime character at double speed.


I think you missed the point of my post, lol

Annie is broken and needs to be nerfed. She's too one dimensional to be strong.

Nah, I didn't miss it, I just decided to ignore the obvious flaws of your reasoning.

No Annie should get a 5-man ult ever, and if that ever happens, either the frontline or the backline are mispositioned. Also, with decent tenacity (and even without) Annie's stun isn't that bad, and even worst case scenario without Tenacity and it hits everyone, it only reaches 1.75s, same duration as Veigar's 2-level Event Horizon.

She's not one dimensional, just people don't respect ranges and visual cues, as always. Annie is at a very healthy spot, as she has been for a while, even if she is a point and click champion.


wrongnames gonna wrongnames

Nah, I didn't miss it, I just decided to ignore the obvious flaws of your reasoning.

don't bother, there's no reasoning to be done here, just endless whining. no arguments, no proposed solutions, no examples, nothing. you're not talking to a person interested in your opinion, you're talking to reddit.

today's annie, tomorrow it'll be lux or malphite or anivia or ashe or leona


wrongnames gonna wrongnames

don't bother, there's no reasoning to be done here, just endless whining. no arguments, no proposed solutions, no examples, nothing. you're not talking to a person interested in your opinion, you're talking to reddit.

today's annie, tomorrow it'll be lux or malphite or anivia or ashe or leona

I'm not even upset, it just baffles me that someone high Gold can have the same reasoning as my friend in Bronze 5. Like, it's okay to admit you were in the wrong spot or whatever that makes him think Annie is overpowered, we are human, we make mistakes. It's just this cognitive bias of "it's not me misplaying, it's the champion that is too good".


It's okay to have bad games too and get outsmarted, too.


how can i earn more lp ? i get 18 per win and im currently in silver 2 on a 8 win streak but i dont seem to get an increase yet. was silver 3 before

i started a week ago with ranked and got 20 in the beginning

could it be because i duoq with a friend ? hes silver 2 aswell though and also getting 18 lp


I'm not even upset, it just baffles me that someone high Gold can have the same reasoning as my friend in Bronze 5. Like, it's okay to admit you were in the wrong spot or whatever that makes him think Annie is overpowered, we are human, we make mistakes. It's just this cognitive bias of "it's not me misplaying, it's the champion that is too good".


It's okay to have bad games too and get outsmarted, too.
nah, i'm pretty sure he's just trolling by now

how can i earn more lp ? i get 18 per win and im currently in silver 2 on a 8 win streak but i dont seem to get an increase yet. was silver 3 before

i started a week ago with ranked and got 20 in the beginning

could it be because i duoq with a friend ? hes silver 2 aswell though and also getting 18 lp
not much you can do. i'm not sure if duoing has a negative impact on mmr gains but basically you should just keep winning. the matchmaking is supposed to be slowly increasing the quality of your opponents until your winrate gets pretty stable, and at that point you'll win and lose about the same lp

at 18 lp per game, you might be kinda close to your estimated ranking
tbh i only played one syndra game in 5.1 and stun didn't feel too bad, so i guess i'll never know what it was for syndra to be awful

i still dunno about the q damage tho, 50 still seems like a very sad number to me
It's just at level 1 plus it has good scaling, an ability doing 73ish damage at rank 1 ain't so bad, it's not like you're getting super spammy with it anyways.
I usually don't get mad in soloq.

But god, why some people can't listen, even after 15 minutes...

We had already destroyed everything in bot lane, and the nexus towers. And we won some tfs in mid, with 4 of us surviving vs 2 of them, and they(2) refused to go bot because "we couldn't push mid".

Who cares about mid if they have no base? Why do dragon? why do red? Why do anything if you can finish the game right now.

And this happened 3-4 times in a row, we could have ended the game since 25, yet they let the game going and going until we hit the minute 40. The enemy vayne who was so behind because she didn't have a support, since it was "duo" mid(Their Nid was trolling them), finally catch up, and we were slowly having a more difficult time winning tfs until we lose. We even got dragon and baron stolen, twice.

I feel so mad to lose a game like that because they refused to listen.

I was going to hit promos to Plat =/

This is depressing. (We were red team)


It's just at level 1 plus it has good scaling, an ability doing 73ish damage at rank 1 ain't so bad, it's not like you're getting super spammy with it anyways.
considering how low her winrate has plummeted, i'd say it's really a pretty misguided nerf. she's supposed to be a high skillfloor champion so i think a low winrate is alright, but when she suddenly turned elise tier, not so much. and it's not like they shifted her power around and people just need to figure her out again, she just got super hit in two of her biggest strengths.

i'm glad the stun feels ok, and i'm all for tighter hitboxes and for syndra having that change, but the damage i think was super wrong and nerfs one of the main reasons why people pick syndra in the first place

and she never was a problem champion to being with
yeah the Syndra nerfs were definitely too much. She didn't need a nerf in the first place but they went way too far.

At the moment she is one of the worst champions in the game, and that's really sad.

A champion should not have a lower win rate than Urgot unless they were deliberately Olafed (or Urgoted, him being the original) because their kit is that broken.

Even Poppy is in a better spot than Syndra


Just won my first Normal in a mirror matchup versus another Tristana. Hah! Some mirror matchups can be so easy if you know what you want to be avoiding lol. Only tough thing was the Yasuo and Maokai roaming and fucking up our jungler and Yasuo winning mid hard, but Diana was very reasonable, I asked her to get a couple of wards to help our Sona and I myself got a pink. It doesn't appear here but she had like 18 CS to Yasuo's 42 at one point, but she just roamed a lot which helped us set up some kills at bot too.

Maokai also was really scary but I think he got disconnected? And his team kept on trying to fight us, but our teamfighting was better, as well as their Tristana being sorta late to most skirmishes.


We started pushing waves and getting people out of position and they surrendered. I'm not sure we could have won it 5v5 but whatever, I'll take it, a win is a win. lol.

Hecarim was tunneling the entire time but whatever, he got the kills when we needed them, even if he was a dickhead flamer to our jungler (Mao and J4 killed our J4 in his jungle).

Anyway, really like new Tristana, and god damn, finally some AD scaling on E, love it.


yeah the Syndra nerfs were definitely too much. She didn't need a nerf in the first place but they went way too far.

At the moment she is one of the worst champions in the game, and that's really sad.

A champion should not have a lower win rate than Urgot unless they were deliberately Olafed (or Urgoted, him being the original) because their kit is that broken.

Even Poppy is in a better spot than Syndra
tbh, i really think they should flat out revert the q nerf. no "compensation buffs", no added utility, just revert the damage nerf and have her be the lane bully she's supposed to be. i don't know which champions did rito think were seriously struggling against her or being pushed out because of her, but that simply did not happen.

she still gets a nerf to her reliability and her skillfloor raised a bit by having a tighter stun hitbox (mind you, morgana's sion-sized q is still untouched for some reason) and everyone's happy

syndra is a cool champion with fun mechanics that can be outplayed in many different ways unless you're the adc and try to 1v1 her, in which case i refer you to the whole class of assassins and burst mages that can do the same.

just revert the nerf, rito, no hard feelings
tbh, i really think they should flat out revert the q nerf. no "compensation buffs", no added utility, just revert the damage nerf and have her be the lane bully she's supposed to be. i don't know which champions did rito think were seriously struggling against her or being pushed out because of her, but that simply did not happen.

she still gets a nerf to her reliability and her skillfloor raised a bit by having a tighter stun hitbox (mind you, morgana's sion-sized q is still untouched for some reason) and everyone's happy

syndra is a cool champion with fun mechanics that can be outplayed in many different ways unless you're the adc and try to 1v1 her, in which case i refer you to the whole class of assassins and burst mages that can do the same.

just revert the nerf, rito, no hard feelings

yep, 100% agreed.
The meltdowns in champ select when they see the Ashe lock-in.

It's beautiful.

Edit: Just noticed that a Thresh I was with yesterday who began to troll then went on to lose his next three games - one of which was against me on the opposite team.



Junior Member
this has a performance hit tho afaik

If you use Nvenc(shadowplay API) to record you shouldn't that big of a performance impact. The problem with it is that the Nvidia API is tiered by the hardware you have so I can get 720p60 easily on my 780 but it struggles with 1080p60. Note that the game performance is not impact just the stream quality.

I use Quicksync(Intel API) and I get a really smooth streaming experience the problem with using it is that to start you have to trick windows in thinking that there is a extra monitor and make sure the monitor is running on the intel's gpu. With that I've had setting of 1080p60 with a bitrate of around 5000. I could go higher with the bitrate but at some point most people can't tell the difference.


So played 3 games as jarvan and proceeded to stomp the shit out of everyone. Where was I when all of a sudden j4 became a god? He never got buffed or anything.

I have to retire my khazix jungle which makes me sad
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