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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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So played 3 games as jarvan and proceeded to stomp the shit out of everyone. Where was I when all of a sudden j4 became a god? He never got buffed or anything.

I have to retire my khazix jungle which makes me sad
I mean Jarvan only fell off for a short time season 4. He's always been strong.
I find it out a bit scary that people still make Bronze tier mistakes, like gathering together in the jungle just to be cheesed on by Annie. Mid roaming and dying in jungle and blaming either top, jungle or bottom lane.

Like I know I make mistakes in game but the mistakes that are still being made in Gold 1 scares me.


I mean Jarvan only fell off for a short time season 4. He's always been strong.

True but I feel ridiculously strong...like khazix DMG output strong on an isolated target strong. But then again I generally stuck to khazix in jungle and didn't experiment. I only really played khaz and renekton in s4. I should just do my promos now and spam j4 huehuehue.


I find it out a bit scary that people still make Bronze tier mistakes, like gathering together in the jungle just to be cheesed on by Annie. Mid roaming and dying in jungle and blaming either top, jungle or bottom lane.

Like I know I make mistakes in game but the mistakes that are still being made in Gold 1 scares me.
I've seen "bronze" mistakes in diamond II. Thinking that after a certain division people smarten up is naive.
I've seen "bronze" mistakes in diamond II. Thinking that after a certain division people smarten up is naive.

I started playing League since the end of Season 3, started off as Bronze, slowly climbed up to Silver. That's where the real struggle was, learning from making the same mistakes I made in Bronze. Wave control, farming, proper engages etc. I felt like was never going to learn.

Now I'm Gold 1 and I handle the game a lot better, for the most part I have learned from my mistakes, I'm not good enough yet where I can see myself in upper plat but when I start a game and see people making mistakes that only beginners make daunts me. I question whether or not they belong in Gold at all.


I started playing League since the end of Season 3, started off as Bronze, slowly climbed up to Silver. That's where the real struggle was, learning from making the same mistakes I made in Bronze. Wave control, farming, proper engages etc. I felt like was never going to learn.

Now I'm Gold 1 and I handle the game a lot better, for the most part I have learned from my mistakes, I'm not good enough yet where I can see myself in upper plat but when I start a game and see people making mistakes that only beginners make daunts me. I question whether or not they belong in Gold at all.
Nah, it just happens when people aren't used to roles or they're on tilt. Never force support mains into other roles.
Nah, it just happens when people aren't used to roles or they're on tilt. Never force support mains into other roles.
This seems to happen a lot at my rank I am level 19
If poeple don't get what they pick first and have to play jg they lock in and everything. Then when the game start they say"I am not really good at jungle please don't get mad" then they die to blue or just not really know how to play jg.
If the person had told me that before the game starts I would trade places but they never say it.


This game drove me insane. INSANE.


Fucking hell, this was a horrible game, I even lashed out at our Jinx by mistake...
Seriously they put 3-4 portals so close to our base and i kept telling them toget rid of them in chat, but apparently these idiots don't know what a zzrot portal is. They even cleverlyput them in brushes BUT MY TEAM IS TOO SCARED TO GO INTO THE BRUSH TO GET RID OF THEM.
Worst yet our yi bought ZZrot and put the fucking thing far away from enemy base...oh no that's not the worst he did HIM SOLOING AND FEEDING THE OPPOSITION IS.
It's like after taking turrets these guys didn't know what to do. I carried GAF, I carried as best as I could but even I don't think we deserved this win.

Funnily enough I got lots of kills early on, but after that...I'd die and just get assists.
Their azir was also afk for a while, didn't stop him from making a comeback with my stupid team doing fuck whatever.

EDIT: lol now that I look at their names, yeah def. premades XD.


So played 3 games as jarvan and proceeded to stomp the shit out of everyone. Where was I when all of a sudden j4 became a god? He never got buffed or anything.

I have to retire my khazix jungle which makes me sad

He was buffed, actually. There was a patch where Riot handed a few former top laners some buffs to help them out there and it helped Jungle Jarvan a bit.

But Jarvan being back has more to do with people overreacting to his E->Q combo width nerf than anything else. His win rate barely dipped in solo queue. He was dropped in competitive because at the time there was other junglers who could do early ganks more reliably and with more impact.

And you know, if something's not played in competitive, it's complete trash. Yup.

zkylon said:
tbh, i really think they should flat out revert the q nerf. no "compensation buffs", no added utility, just revert the damage nerf and have her be the lane bully she's supposed to be. i don't know which champions did rito think were seriously struggling against her or being pushed out because of her, but that simply did not happen.

Riot doesn't straight up revert nerfs or buffs. That would be admitting a mistake. But Riot balance are infallible. It's a paradox which could end all life as we know it.
Riot doesn't straight up revert nerfs or buffs. That would be admitting a mistake.

Off the top of my head:

Nerf revert
- Yasuo movement speed
- Alistar W range (was nerfed due to jungle Alistar roflstomping solo queue)
- Kayle R cooldown
- Graves Q/R damage
- Ezreal passive duration, Q AD ratio

Buff revert
- Vayne E range (the buff was a "bug fix")
- Stuff about rework Eve (she actually got buffed after her rework)
- Nasus passive, R range booster
- Ziggs E minion subsequent damage (Ziggs could jungle with E)
- Tristana ASPD/lv
- Corki E mana cost

And the whole patch spaghetti that is Rengar.

There are also champs that were untouched, got a bit buffed then suddenly everyone realizes how powerful they are so the champ got a massive train of nerfs.
- Lucian: No one played him until the QoL change to Q. Suddenly pick or ban.
- Ziggs: No one played him until Riot decided to change his Q targetting, increase E minion damage and increase the center radius of R. MASSIVE nerfs afterward. He's weaker before he got buffed. I'm still salty about this.
- Teemo: frontloaded damage for E. E got nerfed. R damage and ratio got cut by like half.
- Lee Sin: Dunno the details about this one, but I remember that Riot buffed his ratios after release.
- Tristana: Because her Q isn't enough, they decided to boost her ASPD/lv to 4% (the highest along with Ashe, Cait and Vayne). Nerfbats.


- Ziggs: No one played him until Riot decided to change his Q targetting, increase E minion damage and increase the center radius of R. MASSIVE nerfs afterward. He's weaker before he got buffed. I'm still salty about this.

Ziggs is pretty trash right now. It's a bummer.


Was planning on playing a lot today but after 3 straight 45-50+ minute games I'm not sure I can do anymore. All of them should have been 20-30 min stomps - and were headed straight in that direction- but stupid stuff kept happening. Even ended up losing one of them where we blew a 10k gold lead and ended up losing by 12k. Glass cannon Udyr thought he could 1v5 and solo chase people through their jungle. Shit's exhausting.
Never called it minor, but I didn't know the details since I didn't get to play him until late. What exactly changed?

the Q tracks instead of being something you fully aim yourself.

And I was playing him before the change. And he was broken. It was a nice change but people would have still picked him up soon after because he was strong. The big QoL fix was the bug fix to his Q mana cost.


Never called it minor, but I didn't know the details since I didn't get to play him until late. What exactly changed?
Well his Q had a larger delay on it, and could be avoided by sidestepping quite easily. For example, Vayne (who was pretty meta at the time) could consistently dodge his Q. It didn't have the autolock like it does now.

He also had a weird double the mana cost glitch. He was quite weak at release overall.
Was planning on playing a lot today but after 3 straight 45-50+ minute games I'm not sure I can do anymore. All of them should have been 20-30 min stomps - and were headed straight in that direction- but stupid stuff kept happening. Even ended up losing one of them where we blew a 10k gold lead and ended up losing by 12k. Glass cannon Udyr thought he could 1v5 and solo chase people through their jungle. Shit's exhausting.
How to get to Plat:


today's annie, tomorrow it'll be lux or malphite or anivia or ashe or leona

Probably not, because none of those champions have a stupid 1 dimensional feast or famine kit that anyone with at least 1 functioning brain cell can use.

Like Fiora and Garen and friends, Annie has no place in competitive. There's absolutely no outplaying her. Did she press Q/W/R on you? Congrats, you're dead/stunned.

Riot needs to rework her into something more than just smash face on the keyboard.


Off the top of my head:

Nerf revert
- Yasuo movement speed
- Alistar W range (was nerfed due to jungle Alistar roflstomping solo queue)
- Kayle R cooldown
- Graves Q/R damage
- Ezreal passive duration, Q AD ratio

Buff revert
- Vayne E range (the buff was a "bug fix")
- Stuff about rework Eve (she actually got buffed after her rework)
- Nasus passive, R range booster
- Ziggs E minion subsequent damage (Ziggs could jungle with E)
- Tristana ASPD/lv
- Corki E mana cost

And the whole patch spaghetti that is Rengar.

There are also champs that were untouched, got a bit buffed then suddenly everyone realizes how powerful they are so the champ got a massive train of nerfs.
- Lucian: No one played him until the QoL change to Q. Suddenly pick or ban.
- Ziggs: No one played him until Riot decided to change his Q targetting, increase E minion damage and increase the center radius of R. MASSIVE nerfs afterward. He's weaker before he got buffed. I'm still salty about this.
- Teemo: frontloaded damage for E. E got nerfed. R damage and ratio got cut by like half.
- Lee Sin: Dunno the details about this one, but I remember that Riot buffed his ratios after release.
- Tristana: Because her Q isn't enough, they decided to boost her ASPD/lv to 4% (the highest along with Ashe, Cait and Vayne). Nerfbats.

Fair enough, although I will point out that many of those reverts came quite a bit of time after originally changed (in several instance seasons later) and none were buffs/nerfs that broke champions like Syndra or Ahri's Q changes which is mostly what I'm venting about. I guess my point is that when you do something that breaks a champion, pull it immediately and re-assess (unless you're Olaf'ing a champion, but that's a whole different situation).

...and I'm still salty about Nautilus' S3 W damage nerf almost two years later. What a load of shit that was.


Probably not, because none of those champions have a stupid 1 dimensional feast or famine kit that anyone with at least 1 functioning brain cell can use.

Like Fiora and Garen and friends, Annie has no place in competitive. There's absolutely no outplaying her. Did she press Q/W/R on you? Congrats, you're dead/stunned.

Riot needs to rework her into something more than just smash face on the keyboard.

Fiora, Garen, and Annie have no way to outplay them? Wut.

Fiora is one of the most easily hard countered champs in the game with certain picks. Garen has TONS of ways to handle him (take a ranged champ, gg), and Annie can be dealt with with Banshee's Veil, proper positioning, and vision.

Fiora is feast or famine, for sure, but the other two are in a fine place.


Syndra's winrate plummeting was mostly due to her basically losing her stun between the hitbox nerf and the E bugs, though.
well like her patch was like a week ago and her winrate is still through the floor

Riot doesn't straight up revert nerfs or buffs. That would be admitting a mistake. But Riot balance are infallible. It's a paradox which could end all life as we know it.
nah, i don't know why you say that, rito has admitted mistakes many times in the past, it's one of the reasons i like them so much vs maybe the mr frog adoration thing valve has going on (as i understand it from what doters tell me) or most developers in general that have that attitude of "i know better"

for some things they're obviously gonna be obstinate but i always felt they're anything but unreasonable, even tho they make lots of mistakes


Seriously though, how long do they let Ahri stay in this state? She's so strong.
she'll obviously receive nerfs in 5.3 or 5.4

So is her pick rate, people are too busy trying to get Ahri through ban phase to bother remembering Syndra exists and giving her another go.
her pick rate was also low before. it's lower now cos no one likes playing a champion with sub urgot winrate, but it's not like she ever was super popular

imo the winrate thing shows that syndra was balanced on a knife's edge and rito just screwed up by touching her too much

just revert the damage nerf, there was never a problem rito needed to fix, syndra was fine, had healthy winrates/pickrates/banrates among all elos and competitive and had a normal, interesting kit

and like saying the numbers aren't legit cos ahri's op is kind of worthless. it's a swain-like situation, but she was a swain-like champion to begin with


she'll obviously receive nerfs in 5.3 or 5.4

her pick rate was also low before. it's lower now cos no one likes playing a champion with sub urgot winrate, but it's not like she ever was super popular

imo the winrate thing shows that syndra was balanced on a knife's edge and rito just screwed up by touching her too much

just revert the damage nerf, there was never a problem rito needed to fix, syndra was fine, had healthy winrates/pickrates/banrates among all elos and competitive and had a normal, interesting kit.
Uh no. Her E was bullshit and that nerf wsa justified, Syndra wasn't fine. Though, reverting the Q nerf seems fine.


Gotta love moron ADCs who bitch about getting "5 man ganked" when almost all of the team is pinging danger.

Wow, I can't believe people are still banning LB, Akali, Fizz and Kat lol
If you're on tilt, just remember that Bill Murray was on tilt for all of Groundhog Day.

and he got out of it at the end, it only took 100+ years of repeating the same day.

happy groundhog day


Gotta love moron ADCs who bitch about getting "5 man ganked" when almost all of the team is pinging danger.

Wow, I can't believe people are still banning LB, Akali, Fizz and Kat lol

LeBlanc is a good ban. Not sure about Fizz yet. Kat is dead.

Ahri, Azir, Jarvan, LeBlanc, Blitz (until I get back to gold), and whatever hurts our comp most are my preferred bans.


Blitz is just aggravating to play against. Maybe he needs a slightly higher cool down on his grab or it needs a tiny charge up. It's just so fast that the second someone is out of position they get nabbed.


Blitz is just aggravating to play against. Maybe he needs a slightly higher cool down on his grab or it needs a tiny charge up. It's just so fast that the second someone is out of position they get nabbed.

I wish Riot would add some sort of wind-up animation.



Orb of Deception (Q) mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 55/60/65/70/75
Fox Fire (W) damage decreased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 50/80/110/140/170
Fox Fire (W) cooldown lowered to 8/7/6/5/4 from 9/8/7/6/5
Fox Fire (W) [ Range decrease? Seeing 600 from 750?]

Barrel Roll (Q) movement speed slow increased to 40/45/50/55/60% from 30/35/40/45/50%

Null Sphere (Q) damage reduced to 70/95/120/145/170 from 80/105/130/155/180
Nether Blade (W ) passive damage changed to 10/15/20/25/30 from 20 at all ranks

[Tooltip] Deadly Bloom (Q) now notes Thorn Spitter has 750 range.
[Tooltip] Grasping Roots (E) now notes Vine Laster has 400 range.

Farsight Orb
[Now includes "Also places a visible ward in the area that lasts 60 seconds."]

Oracle's Lens
[Price reduced to 250 from 475]

Spectre's Cowl
Unique Passive changed to 150% base HP regen for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion from 100%
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