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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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You can do if after every tackle.



So I think the reason hexa in TT sucks so much is it's impossible to come back from a deficit. The mode is extremely snowball.


Well, it's a 3v3 map with the resources made for 3v3, but adding double the players and double the "unfun". ;3

I swear I've seen so many Katarinas and Leblancs that it's disgusting!

Also grats to those that got Gold! I still need to finish the upcoming 7 placement matches, but I feel happy about it. I'm just scared of doing them on the weekends? I think weekly-nights might be better? If only we could select the age group we want to get paired with...

Yesterday I was paired in a Hexakill with people from where I originally am, Barcelona, and it was so embarrassing to see them speak in my language and be so... toxic/blame gamey. -_-

Also, what is with people typing "ugh this team" then dying while typing lol. Like, just play the god damn game you moron.

Pd. Sawa's Sion wasn't as bad as my Teemo. ;o


Decided to play a ranked before work.

Came out of lane 6/0 on Lucian.

We lost. No peel from the Akali, Rammus and Tryndamere, despite have Sejuani and Thresh on our team.

I finished 11/4. Our Yorick went 7/17.

I just need to put a streak together for gold but this shit is impossible to carry.

Was the Thresh last pick or something? I've always found out that people that don't play support but try to play Thresh end up doing very poorly. Like, it's ok to play something easier. I myself play Thresh a lot, yet I'm nowhere close to being comfortable yet with the entirety of his kit!

He placed 25 wards in an almost 50 minute game too... which is kinda wtf.

I haven't laned vs a Soraka, how annoying is she as far as sustain goes?
Was the Thresh last pick or something? I've always found out that people that don't play support but try to play Thresh end up doing very poorly. Like, it's ok to play something easier. I myself play Thresh a lot, yet I'm nowhere close to being comfortable yet with the entirety of his kit!

He placed 25 wards in an almost 50 minute game too... which is kinda wtf.

I haven't laned vs a Soraka, how annoying is she as far as sustain goes?

it was fine laning against the Soraka. The sustain can be annoying, but she's pretty easy to just all in. The Thresh hit good hooks and we won lane hard. We pushed an inhib at 20 mins.

But then fight after fight the Yorick would get too big for his boots and get caught. I'd get gangbanged by the Akali and Trynd. I have to go Banshee's third item which hurt my damage a lot.

The Caitlyn who was like 0/4 in lane ended up never getting touched or would have Soraka peeling for her while their carries dived me.

It also didn't help that almost all of our fights started 4 v 5 because Yorick would overextend on his own pushing, or try dragon on his own and just die over and over.

It was just a case of me not being able to properly put out damage because I had no peel against their dive.

Also, Akali got dumped on but still came back into the game. I really hate that champion. You can put her so far behind but it doesn't matter because her build paths are great and she doesn't need a lot of items to do work. She has almost no meaningful tradeoffs for what she can do.


it was fine laning against the Soraka. The sustain can be annoying, but she's pretty easy to just all in. The Thresh hit good hooks and we won lane hard. We pushed an inhib at 20 mins.

But then fight after fight the Yorick would get too big for his boots and get caught. I'd get gangbanged by the Akali and Trynd. I have to go Banshee's third item which hurt my damage a lot.

The Caitlyn who was like 0/4 in lane ended up never getting touched or would have Soraka peeling for her while their carries dived me.

It also didn't help that almost all of our fights started 4 v 5 because Yorick would overextend on his own pushing, or try dragon on his own and just die over and over.

It was just a case of me not being able to properly put out damage because I had no peel against their dive.

Also, Akali got dumped on but still came back into the game. I really hate that champion. You can put her so far behind but it doesn't matter because her build paths are great and she doesn't need a lot of items to do work. She has almost no meaningful tradeoffs for what she can do.

Dang, that sucks ._. I don't ADC much, if at all, but yeah, if you're not getting peeled, there's not much you can do, particularly vs Akali/Trynda. But it doesn't really matter in the end if you guys were 4v5 I guess ._.
So I think the reason hexa in TT sucks so much is it's impossible to come back from a deficit. The mode is extremely snowball.

Not impossible, I've done it. Won a game that was 4-20 in the first 10 minutes.

I agree it's the most snowbally of all snowball modes ever though.

I also agree it's not that good.


Ok so i'm stuck at work today and my friend sent me a mystery gift. I really want to know what it is, so I might install league on my work computer.



GJ! Fairly sure Kog couldn't have done it without you anyway!

Not entirely sure those are the masteries/runes you want as Nami but I don't own her. I'd at least go for health seals, 1 armor quint / 2 AP ones? and MR blues. I'd also favour 0/9/21 on her, considering she's no Annie/Zyra. That's how I generally go about for Janna and I see them fairly similar!

Your build is nice but the rest of the team/s build is kinda @_@ Prolly first time I see a Kog without Trinity Force.

Ok so i'm stuck at work today and my friend sent me a mystery gift. I really want to know what it is, so I might install league on my work computer.

That sounds like a dangerous path to take!

I just can't deal with this. Challenger MF just plain trolling, first by starting boots, proceeding with AP build and constantly trying to outkill my blue.

We were winning. We won a teamfight. Minions are pushing their nexus turret. 30 seconds left on the deathtimers. Only Rengar alive. Only MF dead for us. We were already killing the turret when... everyone went home

I guess I should just stick to Caitlyn who I have like a 66% win rate with. I feel my Lucian is pretty decent but I'm too reliant on team mates in the late game.

Cailtlyn gives me a much more self peel so I can just auto from afar. No matter how hard I win lane as Lucian I just don't have the peel to win games late.


I guess I should just stick to Caitlyn who I have like a 66% win rate with. I feel my Lucian is pretty decent but I'm too reliant on team mates in the late game.

Cailtlyn gives me a much more self peel so I can just auto from afar. No matter how hard I win lane as Lucian I just don't have the peel to win games late.

Yea it was much easier when E would remove slows.
Yea it was much easier when E would remove slows.

it's not even the slows. It's just a case of me being a 500 range carry when I'm against Akali and Trynd and shit.

With Cait I can stand at max range and DPS pretty handily and have a pretty good escape to help me.

I probably shouldn't have picked Lucian so early in the draft phase either.
Yeah, I really wonder why people underrate the importance of range when considering the DPS of ADCs. People kept lumping Cait around the bottom due to a relatively weak ADC steroid. She gets a fair amount of extra DPS due to her range since she doesn't have to drastically change her position as much as other ADCs.

On side note, really like Cass now. I like that I actually don't need Chalice/Grail on an mana mage.


Ok so i'm stuck at work today and my friend sent me a mystery gift. I really want to know what it is, so I might install league on my work computer.

It's on my work computer. I just do it in case there is a sale I want to take advantage of and I won't be able to play at home. It's a rare case but whatever, no big deal.


GJ! Fairly sure Kog couldn't have done it without you anyway!

Not entirely sure those are the masteries/runes you want as Nami but I don't own her. I'd at least go for health seals, 1 armor quint / 2 AP ones? and MR blues. I'd also favour 0/9/21 on her, considering she's no Annie/Zyra. That's how I generally go about for Janna and I see them fairly similar!

Your build is nice but the rest of the team/s build is kinda @_@ Prolly first time I see a Kog without Trinity Force.

That sounds like a dangerous path to take!

The kog player said they were learning kog. I did mention they should build trinity but by then we'd won the game :V


Not impossible, I've done it. Won a game that was 4-20 in the first 10 minutes.

I agree it's the most snowbally of all snowball modes ever though.

I also agree it's not that good.
I think at least half of my wins have been games where we've been down at least ten kills. Half the time in those games I've just given up and started goofing and we still managed to come back somehow. I think it's pretty easy to get knocked around pre-6 then have it turn into a completely different game once everyone has their ults and you start using them together. I agree that the comeback mechanics aren't really there with so few towers/no dragon/a tighter overall map that pretty much removes split pushing, but it does seem to make teamwork that much more important. Team comp is huge too. It's so great being able to stack all the CC you want because no one gives a shit about lane metas.

I sort of love it. Sejuani and Lissandra destroy on it, and that's enough for me. Shame Galio hasn't really panned out all that well.


It's not incredibly hard to come back if either you have some good waveclear, they can't siege well, or they just don't close out the game. Getting some wards down, and sitting back and farming until you can win a teamfight has gotten me plenty of wins this season. Too many games end because of that one teamfight that decides the game 40+ mins in.

Actually, you can really just wait for their carry to get too cocky, and try to like 1v3 you. Will usually end well for your team, and it makes their team feel uneasy.


Another day, another OP Gnar top... I just can't rationale anyway that Gnar isn't OP.

I've never lost to a gnar top.

Especially as Garen. You just have to keep track of his rage and go in after he hops. Once he hops once the CD is long enough you can usually get the kill in. Wait to use Q after he boomerangs you.

It's not easy like riven or jax but not the most difficult


I think at least half of my wins have been games where we've been down at least ten kills. Half the time in those games I've just given up and started goofing and we still managed to come back somehow. I think it's pretty easy to get knocked around pre-6 then have it turn into a completely different game once everyone has their ults and you start using them together. I agree that the comeback mechanics aren't really there with so few towers/no dragon/a tighter overall map that pretty much removes split pushing, but it does seem to make teamwork that much more important. Team comp is huge too. It's so great being able to stack all the CC you want because no one gives a shit about lane metas.

I sort of love it. Sejuani and Lissandra destroy on it, and that's enough for me. Shame Galio hasn't really panned out all that well.
Eh. Out of some 10 matches only one of them I would actually describe as being "close". Every other match has been embarrassingly one-sided to the point of just not being much in the way of fun.

It really has the feel of a throwaway game mode that they tossed out there because they were too busy with other things to bother with it.


the people i've been getting on my team dude holy shit

just got out of a game with a "jungle main" kha who executed to his own minions at level 3


Eh. Out of some 10 matches only one of them I would actually describe as being "close". Every other match has been embarrassingly one-sided to the point of just not being much in the way of fun.

It really has the feel of a throwaway game mode that they tossed out there because they were too busy with other things to bother with it.

Interesting. I've probably had as many matches that ended with both teams at ~100 kills with all their turrets down as I have had stomps (outside of games with AFKs). Can't argue that it's a bit of a throwaway mode though. Definitely doesn't have the same sort of creativity of something like Doom Bots or URF.


My last team pissed me off so I'm rolling out support Fiddle.

Caw caw caw.

I still don't feel comfortable with Fiddle support, like it seems like really annoying to deal with for the enemy team, but do you use your ult at all during laning? It just looks very awkward to use in that sense, considering how good of an ult it is for jungle Fiddle!


Very dangerous path lol

Think about what you have done and your choices in life! That skin was NOT worth this darksided path, Edwardo.

The kog player said they were learning kog. I did mention they should build trinity but by then we'd won the game :V

Oh, I'd advise not to comment builds in matches lol. People can get so pissy and just throw a game away just with the most innocent comments...! Even sometimes when asking out of curiosity, too!


Luckily the team I was with were easy going, they never got angry at any mistake I made, even when i died once at bot, Kog thought it was his fault because he couldn't follow up with me :p

i Need to start using Sivir already.
I still don't feel comfortable with Fiddle support, like it seems like really annoying to deal with for the enemy team, but do you use your ult at all during laning? It just looks very awkward to use in that sense, considering how good of an ult it is for jungle Fiddle!
His ult was one of the most terrifying - hue - things about Fiddle when he was a popular support. The base damage on that thing is reedeekulous


His ult was one of the most terrifying - hue - things about Fiddle when he was a popular support. The base damage on that thing is reedeekulous

Well yeah, but setting it up must be tricky, considering bot-lane should be warded the entire time and they should be able to keep an eye on where you are!

Pd. Panda I enjoy watching you play Zyra (I think it's you who tends to use it mostly as support?)
I still don't feel comfortable with Fiddle support, like it seems like really annoying to deal with for the enemy team, but do you use your ult at all during laning? It just looks very awkward to use in that sense, considering how good of an ult it is for jungle Fiddle!

If the situation arises, sure.

He's certainly a harder champ to play support than others of a similar role (Annie, Waifu) but he can also wreck the other team and has a rather unique engage with Crowstorm.
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