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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I mean, why would anyone ban Diana? She's easily the weakest assassin in the game.

Sure shes not the best assassin but shes much stronger than people think. In this post DFG world I'm finding her to be perfect since she can actually get in kill a carry and survive a team fight.


Sure shes not the best assassin but shes much stronger than people think. In this post DFG world I'm finding her to be perfect since she can actually get in kill a carry and survive a team fight.
Yeah, she's not terrible, I just don't see why anyone would ban her.


Is Frozen Heart worth building on Seju? I mainly got Juggernaut>Guise>Tank up, but I figure since I have a good chunk of HP from Jugger+Guise, Frozen Heart will help if we're engaging their AD champs or ADCs, and the extra cooldown would be nice to get my abilities up and keep chasing the enemies.

Also I'm seeing a handful of Steams on Twitch where streamers are using Annie interestingly enough.
Ugh, I fucking hate promos. I'm at like my 7th gold promo already, it's impressive, I always go 2-1 then 2-3 and every single fucking loss is one of those games that I can definitely, without a doubt, blame teammates. So fucking stressfull.

Also most of the time it's the midlaner's fault. Stop leaving Ahri open or doing shit like picking Fizz you fucks.


NA LCS - Week 3 - Day 1


Gravity vs Team Impulse
Cloud 9 vs Team 8
Team Dignitas vs Team SoloMid
Team Liquid vs Team Coast
Winterfox vs Counter Logic Gaming

Please use the LCS Thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.


Just confirmed that ignorance is bliss. I was versus this Draven and I was struggling a bit, as Jinx, even though we could read him fairly well. We got a kill on him but he was still doing and playing really well. Lost that match (I ended up losing lane because I'm a shitter and the only lane that went even was mid) and then when I checked on op.gg I found out the dude was Diamond.

I'm glad I've stopped myself from checking op.gg or lolnexus before a match, I'm pretty sure if I had seen he was Diamond I would have done it much worse (if possible) than I did that match. So yeah! For those of you that are scared of normals with the wonky matchups, just play them out and then you know you at least did your best no matter what. o.o I used to always be so worried about whomever I'd be against but I don't care anymore, if I am versus someone higher than me, then maybe I will learn a thing or two.

Next match it was Jinx and Sona (us) versus Tristana and Sona. Their Sona was really ballsy and they traded together, unlike us (I am really bad at trading along my support, but I have been trying to improve). Anyway, my lane was shitty but a couple of rockets here and there net me some kills and assists that helped me get going. I farmed up while Tristana slacked up and in the end, the only thing I had to be scared of was the Kassadin mid. We had a really disgusting couple of wombo-combos lol, it was really disgusting to see everyone pile up, Amumu ult, Kennen ult and Cassiopeia, and on top of that, my ult.


It was a really fun game but it was a bit frustrating to see Kassadin just hunger to get me lol. Most of the fights I had to back out in order to not be deleted. Really scary ;_;/


I saw a brilliant post on reddit about Riot loving Nidalee (waifus can't be weak).

Some dude posted:

Why champions like Urgot, Olaf, Evelynn, Quinn, Gragas, Mordekaiser and more can be forgotten while others like Nidalee, Jax, Ahri, Jarvan, Riven, Lee Sin are untouched, always relevant throughout seasons and always "balanced" if anything can, even indirectly, nerf them?

Then some guy responded:

It's not even that those champions are untouched, they keep tweaking them but it doesn't matter because they want them to be played a lot regardless of what little tricks their kits have at the moment. There's dozens of champions that are just left in the gutter and haven't been seen in competitive play in years, if ever. Meanwhile if Ahri/Nidalee/Kassadin/Lee/Zed/Rengar etc ever reach the point where they might not be optimal picks for their respective positions, Riot will make sure to give them "compensating buffs" or whatever because what a shame it would be to go 1-2 patches without them. It's really fucking unfair.
They literally said that with Ahri when they buffed her in patch 4.12.
Ahri's a cool fox gal that we'd like to see more of, but she's currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks.
"Just below the top-tier mid picks". What the fuck. Champions like Malzahar, Anivia, Brand, Viktor etc are dying to be even that close to the top but they get zero attention (except for the Viktor rework that ultimately didn't seem to change much). But nope, they focus on Ahri instead. Because "just below the top" is apparently not good enough for her.


I saw a brilliant post on reddit about Riot loving Nidalee (waifus can't be weak).

If you are maintaining a free game that makes money from impulse and skin purchases, are you more likely to spend time on ugly characters that are not very popular?

Or, would it make more sense to spend time on non-ugly, popular characters? I think on average the latter seems like a better strategy.


If you are maintaining a free game that makes money from impulse and skin purchases, are you more likely to spend time on ugly characters that are not very popular?

Or, would it make more sense to spend time on non-ugly, popular characters? I think on average the latter seems like a better strategy.

Except people will eventually get bored of playing the same "flashy" characters and the people who prefer to play the uglier characters will get tired of getting dirt kicked in their face every patch Jarvan goes unnerfed.

Yeah, it is pretty neat isn't it.


So the Dota thread has finally surpass the LoL thread.

I always thought there was more love for dota than league on gaf.

Its because the zkylon show ended after 12 seasons and viewers arent sure what to make of its spinoff the ghost ocean show.

The viewers stick around for the great supporting cast ;)

I saw a brilliant post on reddit about Riot loving Nidalee (waifus can't be weak).

Some dude posted:

Then some guy responded:

"Ahri's a cool fox gal that we'd like to see more of, but she's currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks."

Lol how can they say that? She's a contested pick in pretty much every game I've been in for a while.


Except people will eventually get bored of playing the same "flashy" characters and the people who prefer to play the uglier characters will get tired of getting dirt kicked in their face every patch Jarvan goes unnerfed.
I'm not entirely convinced by this line of reasoning. Saying "dirt kicked in their face" seems like an exaggeration of a comparison -- since it's a videogame, it seems to me a bit silly to get TOO upset about the balance of various characters compared to someone physically abusing you.

Furthermore, I'm not sure how soon "eventually" would be an issue. Eventually, more champions might come out. Ahri was released in December 2011. That's more than three YEARS. Some games probably don't have multiplayer communities last that long, and that's just the time a single character has been around.

I imagine that Riot has made a lot of money over those 3+ years with Ahri. Eventually, people on average might get tired of her, and eventually, people may get tired of League of Legends, but I don't think either is a high risk for Riot in the near future.


"Ahri's a cool fox gal that we'd like to see more of, but she's currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks."

Lol how can they say that? She's a contested pick in pretty much every game I've been in for a while.
those patchnotes are like early s4, and she got a mana reduction on q and 5% more ap ratio.

but hey cherrypicking is the whiner's staple

patch 4.19's singed buffs
Our initial context was to say, "Sometimes you just want to buff Singed, man," but then someone read it and said it wasn't very informative. So. Right now we like Singed and how he fits into the game, but thought we could give him some small, exciting buffs to stay interesting.


Its because the zkylon show ended after 12 seasons and viewers arent sure what to make of its spinoff the ghost ocean show.

i'm getting pretty fucking tired of this thread anyways


"Ahri's a cool fox gal that we'd like to see more of, but she's currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks."

Lol how can they say that? She's a contested pick in pretty much every game I've been in for a while.

those patchnotes are like early s4, and she got a mana reduction on q and 5% more ap ratio.

Oh haha. I thought it was recent.

Yup, the quote in question was from 6+ months ago -- July 2014. Here's the entire quote:
Riot said:
Ahri’s a cool fox gal that we’d like to see more of, but she’s currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks. We’re investigating ways to make Ahri feel better to play without just tipping her into the perma-pick category (hello S3 worlds).

Unfortunately I'm not aware of any site that lets you check champion popularity and win rate stats from more than 30 days ago, so I don't really know how popular or successful Ahri was at that time.


I'm not entirely convinced by this line of reasoning. Saying "dirt kicked in their face" seems like an exaggeration of a comparison -- since it's a videogame, it seems to me a bit silly to get TOO upset about the balance of various characters compared to someone physically abusing you.

Furthermore, I'm not sure how soon "eventually" would be an issue. Eventually, more champions might come out. Ahri was released in December 2011. That's more than three YEARS. Some games probably don't have multiplayer communities last that long, and that's just the time a single character has been around.

I imagine that Riot has made a lot of money over those 3+ years with Ahri. Eventually, people on average might get tired of her, and eventually, people may get tired of League of Legends, but I don't think either is a high risk for Riot in the near future.

I mean, it just gets a little old seeing the same few champions for each lane. Ahri was a pretty dominant force during Season 3 as seen in worlds, why does she need to be buffed again? God forbid she not be tier 1 for a bit.

Like, did Ahri really need compensation buffs? Why not just let the people that like her play her. She doesn't need to appeal to the masses.

You know who else has been around for the same time as Ahri? Brand. Do you remember the last time he got buffed?

Where are Aatrox' compensation buffs after he got his attack speed rekt and was indirectly nerfed ;^)


Except people will eventually get bored of playing the same "flashy" characters and the people who prefer to play the uglier characters will get tired of getting dirt kicked in their face every patch Jarvan goes unnerfed.

Uh. Why would these top picks affect you in playing or hell even maining a character stop you from keep up on playing them?

What does "relevant top 3-5 meta" picks matter to you that much? If you truly are devoted to maining a champion, you will play through your weaknesses, compensating matchups. Sure you will not be as strong, but asking for nerfs after every poor matchup sure won't make you any better...?

Surely didn't see Newt complain about Sivir's state before she spiraled up to top 3 adc pick.

Hell, just watch anyone who is high in the ladder and mains a champion, they live through god-awful matchups, you think they don't have to deal with the current overtuned champions?

Fucking crying every fucking day.


it's funny how that brilliant post that wrongnames quoted mentions gragas, the champion i've probably heard more whining about in my whole life

also funny how that post is crying about brand. i could swear a few months ago viktor would be there instead, but i'm guessing that rework was just a fluke and rito still hates non-waifu mids forever, and we still gotta complain about something, so let's not forget our good buddy brand!

% hp dot on every spell, i bet that won't be ever be annoying if it's strong! everyone loves playing against malzahar, right???

or let's just randomly buff mordekaiser, a champion that literally walks to you, dfgs and presses all his buttons and you're dead while still being tanky as fuck. well, dfg is no more, so he needs compensation buffs!!!


edit: also cute how even that shit of a post wrongnames quoted is buried under like a dozen posts telling op to go fuck off with their whining. i mean if reddit doesn't fall for it, you know it's gotta be a shitpost of massive proportoins. 9 skills on nidalee, that's the kind of quality discussion we're bringing to the table


UGH, does urgot NEED to appeal to the masses? Rito so shit at balancing.

Nice post dude. The thing is, Urgot actually could use some buffs. He's pretty trash. Ahri never did.

Uh. Why does playing or hell even maining a character stop you from keep up on playing them?

What does "relevant top 3-5 meta" picks matter to you that much? If you truly are devoted to maining a champion, you will play through your weaknesses, compensating matchups. Sure you will not be as strong, but asking for nerfs after every poor matchup sure won't make you any better...?

Surely didn't see Newt complain about Sivir's state before she spiraled up to top 3 adc pick.

Hell, just watch anyone who is high in the ladder and mains a champion, they live through god-awful matchups, you think they don't have to deal with the current overtuned champions?

Fucking crying every fucking day.

I'm not bitching about overtuned characters. I'm simply upset Riot has a select few that they like to keep strong and flashy.

I would rather go against Brand or Malz than Orianna or Ahri.

Oh boy, I sure do love going against Ahri! Stupidly mobile, true damage, CC, sustain, waveclear, and poke!

Oh! Let's not forget Orianna, the burst mage who is loaded with utility and AOE!
who cares. i played sona when leona and thresh were megastrong. I played thresh and braum when janna morg was megastrong. Its not like meta decides what you can and can't play.


who cares. i played sona when leona and thresh were megastrong. I played thresh and braum when janna morg was megastrong. Its not like meta decides what you can and can't play.

It gets boring when you see the same few characters in LCS.

You don't keep them flashy, they are flashy. You can buff Morde as much as you want, he isn't suddenly going to become interesting.

Poor diction on my part then. And besides, Morde is a relic of the past.


I always thought there was more love for dota than league on gaf.

I do not want to speculate, but I would guess it is more of a pressure for DOTA-GAF to surpass LOL-GAF's viewcount, since in "real life", lol is vastly more popular. also, Steam is basically worshipped when it comes to PC-GAF.


It gets boring when you see the same few characters in LCS.

Doesn't this happen every patch? There'll always be a trinity and possibly one that just outside of the trinity. Sometimes just a top 2 and a third that shows up when one gets banned out. Kind of like J4 wasn't bad last season after the passive change, but Rengar deletes characters and Lee was, well Lee.

I got hyped for the Malphite+Panth wombo combo as well, but the experimental stuff drops off pretty quickly.


orianna is a burst mage, good one

I patiently await the Urgot rework where his Ult doesn't suck and he becomes this long range ADC tank that just won't fucking die.
nah, they should take him into a bruisery direction instead imo. tanky adc sounds like a recipe for disaster, specially if he's as long ranged as urgot

who cares. i played sona when leona and thresh were megastrong. I played thresh and braum when janna morg was megastrong. Its not like meta decides what you can and can't play.
no, if your champion isn't played in the lcs it's shit and needs buffs

that's the rule

but if your champion gets picked in lcs and then gets nerfed then fuck rito for nerfing all the champions in lcs

I do not want to speculate, but I would guess it is more of a pressure for DOTA-GAF to surpass LOL-GAF's viewcount, since in "real life", lol is vastly more popular. also, Steam is basically worshipped when it comes to PC-GAF.
nah, no need to go in that direction

be happy for doters and carry on

who gives a shit


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I saw a brilliant post on reddit about Riot loving Nidalee (waifus can't be weak).
Ultimately, some kits simply create a better play experience for all players involved. as always context is necessary when evaluating why champions are the way that they are. There are frustrating mechanics inside of this game, and Riot has obviously prioritized resources towards attempting to rebalance champions that were egregious offenders. Some of these work significantly better than others. Tristana's power was more evenly distributed across her kit, and the rework did a great job of creating identifiable strengths and weaknesses that moved beyond "reset hyper carry". This kind of change is difficult to implement, and there are likely countless factors that shift priority around behind the scenes based on what's feasible. Some problem champions inherently lend themselves to being rebalanced. In most situations the older kits like, say, Mordekaiser, have binary or simplistic skills that limit where power can be retuned.

I would actually also identify Gragas as a champion who received a lot of attention when it came to being reworked, and he's getting small buffs to help solidify him as a champion with a solid mix of damage and CC. In many ways Gragas was the precursor to the DFG changes. This is all about "counterplay", creating potential opportunities for players to react to assassins without being instantly blown up. Keeping assassins viable in that environment is challenging though. If you need to ask why Ahri is being tweaked the answer is right there. Riot is extremely upfront about the direction the game is heading and they regularly identify and publicly rationalize balance changes. I like the ideas around where Ahri's playstyle was shifted to, but it goes to show how dangerous kit tweaking can be without heavy overhauls. The version of Ahri on live servers is pretty alarmingly untested. It's incredibly overtuned and the tweaks actually reward sloppy, careless play.

For the most part champion balance is the last thing I would complain about right now. A champion doesn't have to be pick/ban in the LCS to be powerful, and usually when I see people citing examples of "weak" champions they're ones I've personally identified as powerful niche picks. I feel like the jungle is still only partially worked out/solved, and things like this have a pretty extreme impact on what champions find regular play. Usually there are larger structural issues with how the game works when a small subset of champions absolutely dominate the meta.
I miss closer and dimb and boken
I don't really like this community. Sorry.
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