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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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i'm guessing pull and freeze. just focus on not dying and scaling and let your support know you're just gonna farm. if you go even in lane you win, so all the pressure is on them to do something, which they'll fuck up cos you froze the lane and would have to dive you to kill you or overextend to farm

that's my guess at least

cheese lanes are annoying as fuck

Yeah, I guess I ended up doing that, I just centered in farming while I couldn't help and left most of the farm to our stronger members. It got better once I stopped trying to lane it I guess.

But yeah, cheese lanes zzzz. I'm sure in the future I'll be able to handle them better, but it was stupid of me to try to out push them when they had 4 targon charges at level 1.


As an inexperienced ADC, how do you deal with cheese lanes? Yesterday a friend of mine signed up and he wanted to play, so it was a 4v5 basically if you guys get the notion. My other friends didn't want to log on our lower level accounts because "he would learn more" (I don't agree, because when they did that to me when I leveled, I still didn't know wtf I was doing well or wrong, or what to expect from the enemy team). Whatever, anyway.

I took Jinx because I've been meaning to main her my alternative to Tristana (since Trist is not that great in terms of matchups), and my friend went Soraka with me. We were versus Lee Sin/Gankplank (both with Targon's) and it was so annoying. ._.

I played it cool, died when I had to (Gankplank's venom shit does so much at the early levels and that double ignite...) and just played safe when I had to and farmed what I could. My ult got me like 2 or 3 kills which put me back into the game.

They were a Plat-something Volibear, Gold Garen, and a level 10 Nasus, along with GP and Lee, so their team was really kitable which helped us a lot, along with our really fed Yasuo and very good ults by our Kennen. I was just a damage over time basically! Yay teamwork!

Anyway, I hate these sort of games, I am not skilled enough on ADC to deal with it ._. At least we won, but damn it felt like pulling teeth.
Farm, survive, make an aggressive move only if the opponents make a mistake or if you get jungler help.


interesting that pawn and frozen are playing lux

she has so many glaring weaknesses that i don't really understand why pros would play her, really

Yeah, I guess I ended up doing that, I just centered in farming while I couldn't help and left most of the farm to our stronger members. It got better once I stopped trying to lane it I guess.

But yeah, cheese lanes zzzz. I'm sure in the future I'll be able to handle them better, but it was stupid of me to try to out push them when they had 4 targon charges at level 1.
yeah, don't be a dumbo and fight them

trust your support and just freeze and farm


Sofo, I do not really see why you would consider Jinx better than Tristana. Yeah, Jinx is strong if the enemy really thinks that they can just engage you when you have 3 stacks of minigun attack speed buff, but other than that (and the teamfight kill-kill-kill steroids), Tristana has better escape tools, can handle ganking and dives much better than Jinx, imho.

Completely different strengths, I know, but you gotta stay VERY safe with Jinx and always have vision from both river and the bushes to not get ganked. It is hard, imho. (To me :p)


Sofo, I do not really see why you would consider Jinx better than Tristana. Yeah, Jinx is strong if the enemy really thinks that they can just engage you when you have 3 stacks of minigun attack speed buff, but other than that (and the teamfight kill-kill-kill steroids), Tristana has better escape tools, can handle ganking and dives much better than Jinx, imho.

Completely different strengths, I know, but you gotta stay VERY safe with Jinx and always have vision from both river and the bushes to not get ganked. It is hard, imho. (To me :p)

It's not really about the ganks that I care, it's about the matchups, Tristana has worse matchups imo, versus the most common picks atm o.o I just feel they are both strong and weak in different departments though, so hard to compare!


jinx is waaaay more fun and has cool skins tho

skillshots, global aoe execute, going super fast after resets, double guns, awesome looping laugh, she has it all


It's not really about the ganks that I care, it's about the matchups, Tristana has worse matchups imo, versus the most common picks atm o.o I just feel they are both strong and weak in different departments though, so hard to compare!

Indeed, that is more realistic approach, I agree. Problem is that when I play in ranked, it is usually duo ranked, and that means higher chance that someone on bot has a ranked buddy who is jungler. Which usually means an increased number of ganks :p

(Or when we are seemingly good, and push the lane to their tower, it naturally opens us up to ganking. Whereas if you struggle, and get pushed, you are naturally more safe. Unless they dive. Which means nothing to a good Tristana. :D)

I love Jinx, do not get me wrong. She is my "main" on adc. Others I like there are Caitlyn and Trist, and now Corki. He is a bit safe from ganks thanks to his W, unless I misuse it :p
I like to think that when I play Nami in lane my Jinx is going to make the most of my E buff when it comes to hunting folk.

Of course they don't, much like every Cait player (the cast time of her Q is roughly 2 AA), and instead choose to use their W and/or E combo to slow someone instead and completely miss, naturally.


I like to think that when I play Nami in lane my Jinx is going to make the most of my E buff when it comes to hunting folk.

Of course they don't, much like every Cait player (the cast time of her Q is roughly 2 AA), and instead choose to use their W and/or E combo to slow someone instead and completely miss, naturally.
sona is way worse tho

i swear most people i run into don't know how her auras even work lol


So in the one game I played last night I had a Janna support who went relic shield. I had to explain to her that it would be best if she changed the item. Guess some people just don't read things.
Sofo, I do not really see why you would consider Jinx better than Tristana. Yeah, Jinx is strong if the enemy really thinks that they can just engage you when you have 3 stacks of minigun attack speed buff, but other than that (and the teamfight kill-kill-kill steroids), Tristana has better escape tools, can handle ganking and dives much better than Jinx, imho.

Completely different strengths, I know, but you gotta stay VERY safe with Jinx and always have vision from both river and the bushes to not get ganked. It is hard, imho. (To me :p)
I think you're overestimating how safe Trist actually is in the current meta. The top tier supports don't really care about Rocket Jump.


I feel like Tristana used to have that glitchy thing where rocket jump would take effect even if grabbed by Blitzcrank or Thresh mid-jump.

I found out the hard way that's apparently not true now.

Side note, how does everyone feel about dragon/baron timers and the Super Yellow Ward Trinket now? On the positive side, it's improving everyone's play level, and even in silver lots of people seem to upgrade the yellow trinket. On the negative side, it's improving everyone's play level. I don't WANT the other team to set up for a big dragon fight every time it's up, yet that happens all the time. :p
I feel like Tristana used to have that glitchy thing where rocket jump would take effect even if grabbed by Blitzcrank or Thresh mid-jump.

I found out the hard way that's apparently not true now.
Trist could always be caught mid-air, just like Aatrox's Q. Best you can do is to mitigate certain ranged stuns - Annie's Q, Taric's E, Leona's E - by using W at the same time you get hit by them so you only get stunned when you land, but any form of displacement like hooks, flays and tornadoes will swat you right back into the ground.


Trist could always be caught mid-air, just like Aatrox's Q.
I guess I'm thinking of stuff like Vayne stunning Ezreal with condemn against a wall, but Ezreal E still taking effect so he warps and is THEN stunned.

I was very confused earlier when a Lissandra ulted a Kassadin, causing the freeze and pool of ice...but Kassadin warped at the same time, apparently ending up far away but still frozen. The pool of ice just looked empty.


Side note, how does everyone feel about dragon/baron timers and the Super Yellow Ward Trinket now? On the positive side, it's improving everyone's play level, and even in silver lots of people seem to upgrade the yellow trinket. On the negative side, it's improving everyone's play level. I don't WANT the other team to set up for a big dragon fight every time it's up, yet that happens all the time. :p
not sure i understand the question?

there's nothing bad about buff timers because people were timing those already

about the yellow trinket, it's pretty good, but all three are really good right now, specially since they're so cheap

the red trinket costing 250g now is gonna be pretty huge as well

I guess I'm thinking of stuff like Vayne stunning Ezreal with condemn against a wall, but Ezreal E still taking effect so he warps and is THEN stunned.

I was very confused earlier when a Lissandra ulted a Kassadin, causing the freeze and pool of ice...but Kassadin warped at the same time, apparently ending up far away but still frozen. The pool of ice just looked empty.
that's because ez e and kass ult are blinks, while trist's jump or corki's are just dashes


not sure i understand the question?

there's nothing bad about buff timers because people were timing those already

about the yellow trinket, it's pretty good, but all three are really good right now, specially since they're so cheap

the red trinket costing 250g now is gonna be pretty huge as well
I mean, maybe people didn't used to ward, but now trinkets make it more obvious that "hey you should ward, we made it easy for you, it helps your team".

Likewise some people used to time dragon, but not everyone. I seem to recall a couple of people being upset that the game was being made too easy, or dumbed down in some fashion, since the timers were made available instead of requiring people to use a website or do mental math. I like the change, but it does make the game tougher since even bad players will make you fight for dragon.

I didn't realize red trinket was cheap again. I liked when it was 475g instead.


nemesis mode is up i think: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/meet-your-nemesis-draft

i guess i'll play it for the icons, but seems like not the most fun mode ever. like we already did this a couple of time with friends, but when playing with strangers, i don't think the idea of playing 40 minutes of mid taric or whatever sounds too much fun lol

I mean, maybe people didn't used to ward, but now trinkets make it more obvious that "hey you should ward, we made it easy for you, it helps your team".
i don't see a problem with that. you still have to know which spot to ward and supports now have a ward limit so it's not like the map is filled with wards like it was

much better now, everyone gets to play the vision game, and supports get to do something else (but still are, along with junglers, the "vision carries" of the game)

Likewise some people used to time dragon, but not everyone. I seem to recall a couple of people being upset that the game was being made too easy, or dumbed down in some fashion, since the timers were made available instead of requiring people to use a website or do mental math. I like the change, but it does make the game tougher since even bad players will make you fight for dragon.
that's just not true

if players weren't good enough to time dragon before, they probably are not gonna have the foresight to keep dragon warded/crabbed and to be around to meaningfully contest it

the game doesn't get any easier because all people get is information. what they do with that information is still up to them and if they're bad they won't know what to do with it and won't be able to translate that knowledge into results

I didn't realize red trinket was cheap again. I liked when it was 475g instead.
no, it's better that it's cheap.

vision denial usually leads to picks and fights and cool stuff happening

now supports can buy it and use that 200g for something cool, and now the item is actually an interesting early purchase for midlaners and junglers

i promise you i'll be upgrading the trinket a lot earlier now
Likewise some people used to time dragon, but not everyone. I seem to recall a couple of people being upset that the game was being made too easy, or dumbed down in some fashion, since the timers were made available instead of requiring people to use a website or do mental math. I like the change, but it does make the game tougher since even bad players will make you fight for dragon.

If the difference between a bad player and a good player is whether they can look at a number and add 6 to it then whatever game you're playing is stupid.


You still can't upgrade trinkets until level 9 though.

Yay Nemesis Draft:
We’re locking Battle Boosts into Nemesis Draft! Stick 125 RP down and you’ll find yourself 200 IP richer while your teammates get 100 IP for basically being in your team, and ALL of you’ll unlock access to all the currently available skins for the champion they select are given! Enemy team gives you Veigar? HIT THEM BACK WITH FINAL BOSS VEIGAR AND CACKLE YOUR WAY TO VICTORY. That’ll learn ‘em.

I should play a bunch of games and see if anyone actually gets a battle boost so I can try a funky skin. I am a little surprised the mode only goes for 1.5 weeks though. Don't the custom modes usually last longer?


So I got Shaco in Nemesis. I had 0 fun except when Amumu randomly found one of my boxes and died running away. And my teammates were pretty nice considering I went 3/6. But I really want the Ziggs icon! How many games of this do I have to play? I can't find teh info.


So I got Shaco in Nemesis. I had 0 fun except when Amumu randomly found one of my boxes and died running away. And my teammates were pretty nice considering I went 3/6. But I really want the Ziggs icon! How many games of this do I have to play? I can't find teh info.
AD Shaco isn't very hard as jungle at least, and can be fun.

You should be able to play one game without dodging or going AFK/leaving ingame, and you'll get an icon after a few weeks.


Damn, Nemesis Draft sucks ass, our Taric top kept raging the entire time (while being the one that underperformed the most) zzz

I don't recommended playing it unless it's a premade, people don't know how to have fun lol.

Would have been fun nonetheless I think, kinda annoying though to have a Thresh ADC and he's behaving like "normal" Thresh. PLS STOP TRYING TO HOOK.


AD Shaco isn't very hard as jungle at least, and can be fun.

You should be able to play one game without dodging or going AFK/leaving ingame, and you'll get an icon after a few weeks.

I don't even own Shaco. I didn't even know what runepage to use. I picked AP and was like "oops".

I ended up making AP trollboxes and trying to backdoor. We gave them bad waveclear but lots of cc. Our Taric ended up 0/13 and I wasn't even mad cause I felt useless and probably was.

I still kinda had fun trying a new champ, and I don't usually dodge games.



Gonna give Ezreal a try now, I might mess up bad but I dislike the mana item on most champs so I won't build it on him for this try out @_@


Highest win rate support at the moment!

(don't read into that fact too much, but he does work as support if you play a good Brand)

Played Caitlyn from lvl 1 till 20 and Brand from lvl 20 to 30. :D Wanted to find a place to use him, because he kinda gets destroyed mid imo with all those assassins and longer ranged AP champs or AP champs with mobility (need to hit that Q to stun). Finally found a place for him at bot. His W poke combined with his 8% max hp dot passive is great and hitting a combo with ur Q stuns an enemy for 2 whole seconds at lvl 1.
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