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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Game has too much peel and mobility to waste a ban on Voli.

Unless Riot turns him into Reksai or give him an ultimate that is not shit, that is.

His ultimate is amazing. Its like a BF sword+ worth of extra damage.

And with AP voli its gets even better.

He's such a great champ.

The only change I would want would be able to bite after 2 hits instead of 3. I wouldn't even mind of the attack speed was still on hit 3.
Theyre probably gonna lower his passive cooldown.
With Morellos everywhere thats a pretty meaningless way to buff him, unless they want him to lane.

In which case Lissandra and we're back to square one.
His ultimate is amazing. Its like a BF sword+ worth of extra damage.
On hit damage on a champion that can barely get in without flashing is just pointless, and if your team just lets a Voli stay in auto range after using Q then his ult is the least of your problems. It's such a weird skill for a tank with no gap closers.


Voli has little problems with catching people especially if you are jungljng. Chilling smite and roar slow enough for the kills.

We are theory crafting to a point but I've been playing a ton of voli and when actually playing the game ganks and team fights are no problem. And sticking to enemies is not a problem in the least.

You might be used to bad volibears that hit the nos right from the brush instead of ganking properly and timing the skills properly.

u do realize that in a fight as in an actual 5v5, you will have to burn a summoner in order to be useful right. this isnt a question of skill.


I've fought plenty 5v5s without burning summoners.

I'm talking from personal experience. I mean it keeps working out for me just fine and I win my matches.

If it doesn't work for you or volibear players on your team thats unfortunate but in my games I don't have those problems at all.


Any form of cc while Voli is using his q essentially makes him about as useful and effective as the blue buff during a fight.
He'll always be a good option in lower ranks (people don't kite or peel), but I'll hug a real life polarbear if he starts drawing bans at anything above Gold anytime soon unless his kit gets reworked.

I don't see any reason to pick him over Mundo let alone Maokai in top lane and Mundo has enough trouble ATM himself with Morellos.

He's miles off being viable at any significant level in the jungle too. Flash is down? Back to being as useful as the blue buff I guess.
EUW GAF featuring a random Irelia doing work

Baron and 5 Dragons. Such objective control. Aside from the first Dragon I missed. :lol

I would have died less if I wasn't lagging like a bitch all game but I got some Ebolas on to the fed Vayne so it was k.



Ended the season g2 after placements g4(?) In promos now.

Could be my elo. If so I'll ride that wave all the way up as far as it'll take me but I really don't feel or haven't really seen much problem playing voli or any glaring weakness (like some unused champs right now) and feel he's super strong.
I mean, don't let me detract you from liking Voli and winning with him, but how do you not see any glaring weaknesses?

If the enemy has something like Janna or Braum what do you even do in teamfights? Hell, you don't even need to look as far as supports, the top tier adcs can handle Voli themselves. How is that not a massive flaw?


These glaring issues that Volibear has are oddly similar to the conveniently ignored issues that Katarina has...

(speaking of CC/peel being so effective)
Because peeling someone with a resetting blink that makes Kassadin look as mobile as Morde is totes as easy as using CC on a bear running fast.

Things have cast and travel times. Most of Kats kit doesn't. That is, if she even needs to ult to kill you at that point.

I get the deadnames when talking about point and click assassins, sowee. Still, "CC her" is as much counterplay as buying pinks vs Akali, you interrupted Death Lotus, she'll kill you anyways once her Zhonyas goes down, whoopdeedoo


Ended the season g2 after placements g4(?) In promos now.

Could be my elo. If so I'll ride that wave all the way up as far as it'll take me but I really don't feel or haven't really seen much problem playing voli or any glaring weakness (like some unused champs right now) and feel he's super strong.

Keep doing what works for you.


When playing as voli there aren't ever any match ups that I play against a character on the other team and think 'there is nothing I can do'.

If Janna or braum are on the other team I do my best to dodge any of their skill shots or kill their ADC or even them depending on how the ganks or team fight goes.

Every game of league, hell every single second of league is so dynamic and has so many factors for each encounter (just coming across someone in the jungle) there are so many variables that theory crafting is almost useless (my own opinion).

I know what my opponents can do, I know what they want to do, and then do what I can with that knowledge.

If I gank someone such as vayne, I know they are going to tumble or shoot me away, so I try to make sure the path I take even approaching them so either they get scared and tumble, and then rolling thunder to get them, or they shoot me away then I just disengage but with the knowledge that their condem is on CD and all they can do is tumble and continue to pressure or wrap around before its off CD.

There aren't any 10-0 matchups (even less so in a team game with a million variables) that even in a tough match up I do what I need to do to win the match for myself and my team.

Bad lane, I try to ganks and camp a little to give that person the best advantage they can.

I don't think voli is OP but I don't feel he is weak at all because I never feel there isn't someone I can catch or kill if I want to.


Because peeling someone with a resetting blink that makes Kassadin look as mobile as Morde is totes as easy as using CC on a bear running fast.

Things have cast and travel times. Most of Kats kit doesn't. That is, if she even needs to ult to kill you at that point.

I get the deadnames when talking about point and click assassins, sowee. Still, "CC her" is as much counterplay as buying pinks vs Akali, you interrupted Death Lotus, she'll kill you anyways once her Zhonyas goes down, whoopdeedoo

No, I mean the "advice" that we're giving him about Volibear doesn't seem to work that way in his personal experience, just as I generally don't experience issues playing against a Katarina. In his games, the CC isn't problematic. In my games, I like playing against Katarina.

That said, when I'm Katarina, I generally feel like an unstoppable monster.


You disengage and keep in mind her ult is on CD.

Some ganks take longer than others. Not every single play is going to be successful but knowing when to engage and disengage or go ham doesn't mean the character 'can't do anything'.

Janna ults to push me away? Her ult is on CD, can't top her team off if its just for that, can't push away the rest of my team.

It's not just black and white as some people want to make it.
I never said Voli was bad but this discussion started talking about the possibility of him being worth banning and that he's super strong. He's neither and has some problems, doesn't mean that he's bad or unplayable. He's decent and that's fine.

I still maintain that he has the worst ult in the game and he could be so much more if he hadn't been designed by fucking Volty. Give him some ranged CC like a Eve or Leona ult for crying out loud, is Ionic Spark procs the best you could come with for a fucking thunder bear.


Really only champions that lack counterplay tend to get banned. Good examples are like WW and Evelynn at their respective peaks.

Voli doesn't really lack counterplay.
I can pick Sivir against Voli and be like watcha gonna do about it

The only thing stopping someone like J4 from plowing his big, long spear through my service entrance is ban phase and that thing is packed with things scarier than a rolling thunda

Riot pls we need more bans, 1 ban per side is not enough.


I never said Voli was bad but this discussion started talking about the possibility of him being worth banning and that he's super strong. He's neither and has some problems, doesn't mean that he's bad or unplayable. He's decent and that's fine.

I have seen a few streams (and stream cuts on youtube) from pros who've commented on Volibear being stronger top than commonly thought and a meta shift way from being picked. A buff targeted at this jungling paired with that meta shift could push him into the 2015 version of Maokai.


Really only champions that lack counterplay tend to get banned. Good examples are like WW and Evelynn at their respective peaks.

Voli doesn't really lack counterplay.

We have had plenty of "I hate this champion" talk, but when it comes down to it, what are the champs that everybody here is banning these days?

My bans:

- LeBlanc
- Jarvan
- Ahri (yes, still)
- Nidalee
- Vi
- Blitzcrank

Some of mine are based on annoyance, rather than outright strength.


Rek, Vi, Yas, Kal bans the dream
Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.

This morning, some dude playing Janna on my team was like flaming the shit out of me, saying I was a trash ADC and somehow he played the lane completely perfect. Anyways, he was on the other team the next game playing Yasuo.

I showed him trash ADC, lol.



Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.

This morning, some dude playing Janna on my team was like flaming the shit out of me, saying I was a trash ADC and somehow he played the lane completely perfect. Anyways, he was on the other team the next game playing Yasuo.

I showed him trash ADC, lol.


Best part about this (aside from the KDA) is that Draven is doing his stupid smirk and Yasuo is trying to hide his face.


Trust me, Yasuo isn't worth a ban.

This morning, some dude playing Janna on my team was like flaming the shit out of me, saying I was a trash ADC and somehow he played the lane completely perfect. Anyways, he was on the other team the next game playing Yasuo.

I showed him trash ADC, lol.


Lmao i knew I recognized that name. I played against him last night.

he got annihilated


I hate banning.

Usually I ban akali and Kat because I don't trust my teammates in the matchup, then I ask if there are any requests.

Sometimes j4 but I have no problem with him.

Sometimes graves, sometimes Lucian.

I don't even have a list. I hate banning lol.



My list would go like this probably. In order of priority.



Blitz (when I'm playing Draven)
Jax (when I'm playing Fiora)
Xerath (when I'm playing Kayle)


Mine would probably be:

Vanye (just so my team can't play her and feed)

Then if I still have bans available I'll ask my team what they want banned.


Why don't people ban ahri anymore? She get a nerf I missed? Haven't been following all the patch notes as closely as I used to
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