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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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As a silver player who often plays support; ban Vayne or dodge when picked by your team.

Should have followed this. There is something about Yasuo/Vayne that just draws the most toxic, vile, hateful players to them. Even Zed and Akali players are fairly mild in comparison.


Ok, this one got me.

I check their LoLKing. If I don't see a 55%+ winrate and at least 2.0 KD ratio, I'm dodging.

My ratios with those two champs are higher, but my winrate in ranked in general is really awful. I wish I could do better. I keep trying to focus on what I could improve on instead of blaming teammates.

Anyway, I feel like I have the most success with Ezreal because I stay alive so easily, but I always feel like my damage output isn't that great near the end unless I hit a 5-man ult. That's why I tried to learn Vayne. As an amateur, it's also hard to know how to build Ezreal because there's many different ways. If the other team has an Ezreal, they always seem to wreck us, and he builds things like Muramana and Iceborn Gauntlet while I've been gravitating toward Trinity Force and IE. I really like how much damage Vayne's autos do and the potential she has to shred tanks, so that's why I've chosen her even though she is a lot more risky. I own Kalista and Lucian, but I don't think I play them very well. Maybe I should practice with them more.


Everything is moe to me
[9:09] ı Panda ı: lets
[9:09] darkinblade: i-it's my first time...
[9:10] ı Panda ı: i'll be gentle
[9:10] darkinblade: i d-don't know if im ready...
[9:10] ı Panda ı: dont you like me?
[9:10] darkinblade: i love you but....
[9:11] ı Panda ı: no it's okay i understand, i wont pressure you until you're ready
[9:11] darkinblade: thank you :)
[9:11] &#305; Panda &#305;: <3
[9:12] darkinblade: take me baby

and that's how i found a duo partner today.

My ratios with those two champs are higher, but my winrate in ranked in general is really awful.
getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.


What is a good champion to use against Xerath? I have tried Ahri, but even with boots and/or Ahri's new Q speedboost, I cannot seem to dodge the big stun/slow/electric blasts from Xerath, they are so fast.
getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.

That sounds like an insult. :c

I don't think I neglect my team, and I do try to participate in team fights and such. I'll try to focus on that more next time I play ranked. Thanks for the advice!


Wow I'm really glad that I waited a month to start playing ranked in S5. One of my placement matches in the first few days was up against Meteos and Chaox and that was a bit demoralizing jungling against him. Now that I waited I'm getting +35/-10 and playing super easy matches so far.

That Jayce nerf though ugh I'm benching him.


What is a good champion to use against Xerath? I have tried Ahri, but even with boots and/or Ahri's new Q speedboost, I cannot seem to dodge the big stun/slow/electric blasts from Xerath, they are so fast.

there's not much else to him than that, dodge his spells.

ahri is probably the best champion against him, as she has good waveclear and good mobility to catch him and blow him up. someone like leblanc can do the second but has a bit more trouble with the first, at least safely (xerath can easily harass you while your mobility is down because you're clearing with w)
[9:09] &#305; Panda &#305;: lets
[9:09] darkinblade: i-it's my first time...
[9:10] &#305; Panda &#305;: i'll be gentle
[9:10] darkinblade: i d-don't know if im ready...
[9:10] &#305; Panda &#305;: dont you like me?
[9:10] darkinblade: i love you but....
[9:11] &#305; Panda &#305;: no it's okay i understand, i wont pressure you until you're ready
[9:11] darkinblade: thank you :)
[9:11] &#305; Panda &#305;: <3
[9:12] darkinblade: take me baby

and that's how i found a duo partner today.

getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.
Panda and Deadnames?

That sounds like a buddy cop flick. GET PLAT IN 24 HOURS OR TURN IN YOUR BADGES


there's not much else to him than that, dodge his spells.

ahri is probably the best champion against him, as she has good waveclear and good mobility to catch him and blow him up. someone like leblanc can do the second but has a bit more trouble with the first, at least safely (xerath can easily harass you while your mobility is down because you're clearing with w)
Yeah, usually I would get hit by the Q being so fast out of my range, and/or stunned if I tried to get close to use spells. Since there's a cooldown between R uses, even if you go in with that, he can stun between them. Also until you get a deathcap or two Ahri seems to have a lot of trouble clearing minion waves, especially if you start boots to try to dodge Xerath.


deadnames you've been cancelling so many autos that would have been game changers

edit: and you're blaming everything on irelia being "unfair". you got outplayed by a basic irelia play that if you would have just thought about you would've seen coming


deadnames you've been cancelling so many autos that would have been game changers

edit: and you're blaming everything on irelia being "unfair". you got outplayed by a basic irelia play that if you would have just thought about you would've seen coming

Really though, I've been getting lag spikes for like very small intervals that fuck me over.

This has been a shitty game overall.


consider taking ignite

you were doing well 1-5 and would have had kill pressure with ignite. with a wall hopping champion like aatrox TP isnt as important


Yeah, usually I would get hit by the Q being so fast out of my range, and/or stunned if I tried to get close to use spells. Since there's a cooldown between R uses, even if you go in with that, he can stun between them. Also until you get a deathcap or two Ahri seems to have a lot of trouble clearing minion waves, especially if you start boots to try to dodge Xerath.
you're cray, ahri has pretty godly waveclear. 280(+70%), half of it being true damage is nuts for a single spell. you can easily clear casters with double dorans + fiendish codex and finish up with w.

for comparison xerath q is 240(+75%), which prolly won't kill the casters until he finishes morellos (although with double dorans+codex he might, i just don't think most xeraths get the double dorans).

also you should never start boots, start dorans or flask.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
also stop telling your teammates to stfu when you're in the middle of a come back when all they said is "come on dude".

How are you seeing chat in spectator mode?

Edit: Wow, so apparently you have to turn off show all chat and turn it back on for it to show. Thanks rito.


deadnames, even in post game chat you're bitching about something that had nothing to do with why you lost

if you had had a bork, you would've had the attack speed to split push harder, you %hp damage to shred their tanks

the irelia had nothing to do with the win

Oh yes, because saying "come on dude" isn't on par with "stfu".

Fuck off.

it literally isn't on par with that. you're taking someone's annoying comment and escalating it beyond to where it needs to be, especially in the middle of a comeback. you're hindering your own team cohesion by not taking the higher ground


Yep no idea why you get reported, truly baffling

Oh come on. You make these passive aggressive remarks towards me and then get on your high horse when I retaliate? Please.

That game was a joke. If I wasn't playing on fucking 500+ ping the entire time it would have been a breeze.


Oh come on. You make these passive aggressive remarks towards me and then get on your high horse when I retaliate? Please.

That game was a joke. If I wasn't playing on fucking 500+ ping the entire time it would have been a breeze.

You're right, that was unnecessary of me, sorry.


a breeze but you still blamed other champions, k

it's super easy to not retaliate and escalate to someone. just ignore it or mute.

Uh not really. Who did I blame exactly? Irelia? Not really. I was just pointing out that her E is a really stupid spell.

Oh boy. In a game in my jungler's name is TSM Adolf Hitler

i laughed, i'm going straight to hell


My support has teleport and our top has exhaust. :|

Nobody runs into more stupid crap in this game than I do. I just had a Thresh top and Singed support. Yeah, that happened. Stupid idiots refused to swap lanes and it was just awful.
My support has teleport and our top has exhaust. :|

Nobody runs into more stupid crap in this game than I do. I just had a Thresh top and Singed support. Yeah, that happened. Stupid idiots refused to swap lanes and it was just awful.

Have you ever had someone AFK because the support had 17 cs at 20min?
So, uh, how long does it take for a LeaverBuster queue penalty to go away? The fire alarm in my dorm went off, and by the time they let people back into the building I had already gotten an AFK Disconnect.

Also, I've found that the games that have the least toxic players are the ones where I'm my prefer roles. :/
What is it about Riven and Yasuo players? When they're ahead, they think they're the only team member that matters. When they're behind, they'll try and surrender any chance they get, regardless of how well everyone else is doing.

Anyway, I saw Lissandra was on sale so I bit. She's a ton of fun, but it always feels like her damage is just barely short of killing.


Tried taking ignite and it went really well. I might just stick with it honestly. I find my TP game is a little lacking. Plus it allows me to capitalize on Aatrox' early game which is one of his best points.

Their team didn't build a morellos so I just went visage + thornmail and practically 1v5'd. It was glorious. Our Ori practically 1 shot their backline. Combine her, me, and Nami we were beastly. It feels so good to finally see a good Ori.

Panda if you wanna duo again hmu. That game was shitty because I was lagging the whole time.


i wish there were ward skin sales. ward skins are so overpriced and i want that lux wand so bad ;_;

What is it about Riven and Yasuo players? When they're ahead, they think they're the only team member that matters. When they're behind, they'll try and surrender any chance they get, regardless of how well everyone else is doing.
well they're "solo carry" type champions, like zed or vayne or whatever. those types of champions usually attract people that hold the idea that it's not winning unless they carry, so they will miss the bigger picture every time if it's not them that's doing good.

sometimes i think about picking teemo and shaco into riven and just torture her forever until she inevitably ragequits

but i'm too nice for that kind of thing

Anyway, I saw Lissandra was on sale so I bit. She's a ton of fun, but it always feels like her damage is just barely short of killing.
she's on the low end of the damage spectrum, which is why i used to play her with dfg (rip). she's one of my favorite champions, what are you building on her?

So any tips on positioning?
this is super broad... for what class or what champion?

generally as ranged mage you should take advantage of walls to attack people from places they can't hit back, gtfo when your spells are on cd and try to stay back and close to your support/adc. you should go more aggressive when you see big cooldowns on the other team go down, so be looking for j4/vi ults and shit like that.

try to get as much damage as you can then back off, then go forward again, and repeat. you can hit the person's that's closest to you, but you should look for opportunities when enemy carries overextend, as usually your range is high enough to go through their frontline
well they're "solo carry" type champions, like zed or vayne or whatever. those types of champions usually attract people that hold the idea that it's not winning unless they carry, so they will miss the bigger picture every time if it's not them that's doing good.

sometimes i think about picking teemo and shaco into riven and just torture her forever until she inevitably ragequits

but i'm too nice for that kind of thing

Zed players always feel the need to type something in all chat whenever they get a kill. I love how I've been playing this game for less than 2 months and I can already make these sweeping generalizations about the player base.

she's on the low end of the damage spectrum, which is why i used to play her with dfg (rip). she's one of my favorite champions, what are you building on her?

I usually rush Morello and Zhonya's, then just build the usual AP stuff like Deathcap and Void Staff.

I have trouble using Zhonya's effectively.
Heimerdinger's win rate in Bronze is 57% this week, I played him the other night and lost, wonder what I'm missing.

Also just had a game where the other team's Ashe AFKed because Thresh got the kill over her, and then her duo partner (who was mid) AFKed as well, and then Thresh complained in all chat that they were both the N word and proceeded to explain that it "totally isn't racist".

This game man.


I usually rush Morello and Zhonya's, then just build the usual AP stuff like Deathcap and Void Staff.

I have trouble using Zhonya's effectively.
consider building abyssal before deathcap. it's less damage but really good survivability and the mr reduction is really nice for the rest of your team

zhonyas is just a matter of getting used to

you can like e in, ult someone and then zhonyas, or like zhonyas and ult yourself if you want to bait, etc.

you should always use zhonyas/self ult to dodge something, so wait until a spell is about to land (like charm or something)

keep reminding yourself of using it after buying it
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