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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Got two heroes in each role now that I want to focus on for this season of ranked. Having a hard time getting back into the game and my match history is nothing but loss streaks but I know it's gonna be worth it.

support - zyra/karma
adc - varus/kog'maw
top - jax/vlad
jungle - hecarim/amumu
mid - talon/cassiopeia

Tried to pick champs that aren't likely to be picked/banned and ones that will force me to learn. Jax and Vlad are the only ones on the list that I'd say I'm comfortable enough with to go ahead and start playing ranked but otherwise all other heroes are new for me.


Everything is moe to me
wut. qmax is awful. wmax has been standard especially since triforce is a core item on kog now since the range goes up massively. 20 extra range per level is huge because kog goes from being a 630 range carry to being a 710 range carry.
w max gives you no damage in lane, so if you can safely farm without W max Q is infinitely better for dueling. max Q+triforce is disgusting damage.
w max gives you no damage in lane, so if you can safely farm without W max Q is infinitely better for dueling. max Q+triforce is disgusting damage.
no lol. that's not even remotely true. all the damage from trinity force comes from the use of kog's ult. thats the spell that procs the spellblade 9/10 times. the q does almost nothing early game and it's passive attack speed boost is comparable to twisted fate's i.e. pretty shit.


Why do you say that? I would rather have mages not running out of Mana over them saying FU to healers.
cool i want to see you try to sustain with your cute little autos with aatrox while i poke you down with infinite mana from 1k range

i'm sure you won't whine about that

edit: also funny how healing is not a problem for maokai or mundo, but for some reason that <40% health grievous wounds from morellos makes aatrox impossible to play. so you know, implying that there are other healers is wrong, implying that people didn't buy morellos against sustain tanks before is also wrong and your solution is making the game more boring.
yeah, W first is a hold over from before his Q was changed. Q is really great for dueling now, especially if you're going triforce.

W max should be reserved for lanes where you just need to farm as safely as possible.

wut. qmax is awful. wmax has been standard especially since triforce is a core item on kog now since the range goes up massively. 20 extra range per level is huge because kog goes from being a 630 range carry to being a 710 range carry.

w max gives you no damage in lane, so if you can safely farm without W max Q is infinitely better for dueling. max Q+triforce is disgusting damage.
no lol. that's not even remotely true. all the damage from trinity force comes from the use of kog's ult. thats the spell that procs the spellblade 9/10 times. the q does almost nothing early game and it's passive attack speed boost is comparable to twisted fate's i.e. pretty shit.

I took W because that's what the Korean SKT dude has as recently used on probuilds


Everything is moe to me
no lol. that's not even remotely true. all the damage from trinity force comes from the use of kog's ult. thats the spell that procs the spellblade 9/10 times. the q does almost nothing early game and it's passive attack speed boost is comparable to twisted fate's i.e. pretty shit.
I wasn't looking for your opinion, i was telling you how it is. Q has great magic damage, the shred is strong and the passive synergizes with your kit making it decidedly dissimilar to TF's. you act like the range is so important alongside triforce/R, but it's only relevant if someone is running from you and nobody needs to run from a W max 0/0 kog. we're talking about dueling and having a strong 1v1 presence in lane, thats Q.


Man I can't believe people are still banning LB/Rek'Sai/Zed/Gnar. There are so many other champions that are much more OP that need banning asap.
that's not how it is dude. the q is shit for dueling. it does a whopping 80 damage at level 1 and it doesn't get much better afterwards either. if you're in a duel (which you shouldn't be because kog maw is an absolutely shit duelist), you're not going to rely on a max 280 damage skillshot when you're an adc and you crit for 1k at 2 items.


Man I can't believe people are still banning LB/Rek'Sai/Zed/Gnar. There are so many other champions that are much more OP that need banning asap.

I still perma ban Zed. He's probably the champ I'd least like to play against in mid lane. People say he takes "skill" but he really doesn't. All he has to do in lane is W E Q to chunk your health, and when his skills are back up, all in you and unless you're prepared to blow all your CD's, good luck getting out alive.


I still perma ban Zed. He's probably the champ I'd least like to play against in mid lane. People say he takes "skill" but he really doesn't. All he has to do in lane is W E Q to chunk your health, and when his skills are back up, all in you and unless you're prepared to blow all your CD's, good luck getting out alive.

I would rather go vs Zed than Ahri any day of the week.


I find Ahri really easy to deal with. Even when she was supposedly really strong I didn't find her hard to go against.

Meh, most of Zed's damage is gated by his energy which depletes fairly quick, you can Zimmerman's his ult damage, and he can get easily exhausted. He is fairly safe however.

I just feel like Zed has a lot more counterplay than Ahri does.
w max gives you no damage in lane, so if you can safely farm without W max Q is infinitely better for dueling. max Q+triforce is disgusting damage.
I think you're vastly underestimating the damage W actually does, specially considering Q isn't exactly easy to land while laning.

Max % damage on MRless squishies is nothing to scoff at, specially since it's free harass and much stronger on extended trades.


Everything is moe to me
that's not how it is dude. the q is shit for dueling. it does a whopping 80 damage at level 1 and it doesn't get much better afterwards either. if you're in a duel (which you shouldn't be because kog maw is an absolutely shit duelist), you're not going to rely on a max 280 damage skillshot when you're an adc and you crit for 1k at 2 items.
Dude what are you even saying.
lvl 1 damage? we're specifically talking about leveling it! the hell bro.
kog a weak duelest? yeah he is with w max, thats what we're talking about. maybe you thought i was implying that kog can 1v1 draven if he maxes Q.
2 items? man you'll be lvl 10 with two items and this whole range vs damage discussion is moot because you'll have both. and that 1k crit does enjoy a 28% armour shred for 4 seconds.
"max 280 skillshot", you say that like it's low. There's only one other ADC skill with that high of a base to my knowledge (corki Q). strong duelest ADC's need a BF sword for their abilities to catch up with scaling.

I think you're vastly underestimating the damage W actually does, specially considering Q isn't exactly easy to land while laning.
1% max hp per level. at a point in the game where health is 600-1000.

aka 6-10 damage per auto per level and all of the high health bot lane champions are relatively hard engage, so you would still max w against them anyway.


If you don't want me to flame

Seriously the thresh and zed in this recent game just up and threw a really good game, we were so ahead, but then all of a sudden thresh starts feeding, Zed doesn't do shit, and I falmed them on effin' chat.
I don't care if I get reported or get a chat ban but if Rito had any sense, they'd look at what the reports DID in the game before passing judgement, not that they ever will.
I may have been losing to Jax, but my ADC was really ahead, sadly the end game went to shit because of those 2 idiots.

On one hand, I can see how upsetting it is to see the game drag on as Vayne and Jax become late game beasts. On the other, this supposedly significant lead existed in spite of you not because of you. If anything you probably accelerated Jax into being a problem and put the rest of the team on tilt. And to ensure the tilt you went on flaming the team.
wtf are you even talking about. kog is one of the worst duelists in the game. he has 0 true dueling tools compared to that allows someone like vayne (invis, big ad buff) graves (gigantic burst) or trist (huge attack speed buff, self peel) to excel in 1v1 scenarios.

do u know what leveling q does for kog? nothing. it doesn't scale with ad and the attack speed buff is bad. the % resistance reduction is absolutely useless vs someone with like 80 mr or armor, which is what i assume you're trying to duel with kog. there's a reason why w max is the norm and it's not because someone magically overlooked q max's "dueling" potential.
1% max hp per level. at a point in the game where health is 600-1000.

aka 6-10 damage per auto per level and all of the high health bot lane champions are relatively hard engage, so you would still max w against them anyway.
Assuming a level 6 with rank 3 Q and W with an enemy with a 1000ish HP, you need like 4 rank 3 W autos to do more damage than a rank 3 Q in a 8 second span - Q CD, W duration. And this is unblockable point and click damage unlike Q which is a relatively slow projectile that can be blocked. Q will only be a better max if you get absolute best case scenarios every time you try to be aggressive.


The only thing I'm not doing here is watching other people and muting because I worry that I'll miss a command to do something and then end up fucking up more.

The people giving out "commands" are most likely dumbasses who know no more than you. 90 percent of relevant communication can happen through pings
No, but really how do I get better at this game? I'm sick of getting called useless every single game.

Focus on farming if you're not playing support.
Buy wards - 75g for a free map hack.
Call out SS if someone's missing.
What happens when Kalista's soul bound is launched into a Yasuo wall?

Takes her and Yasuo in the oblivion, ideally and demotes the people playing either champ to Soil V.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
The only thing I'm not doing here is watching other people and muting because I worry that I'll miss a command to do something and then end up fucking up more.
Well if you really want to get better, call a friend over so he can watch and provide some constructive feedback on how you are playing.
What happens when Kalista's soul bound is launched into a Yasuo wall?
That's a tricky one, depends on whether Fate's Call is considered a dash or a projectile.

Either it ignores the wall or stops and hits where it stopped like Ori Q since you can't delete those.

Edit - looking into it, reddit says it ignores the wall


Everything is moe to me
wtf are you even talking about. kog is one of the worst duelists in the game. he has 0 true dueling tools compared to that allows someone like vayne (invis, big ad buff) graves (gigantic burst) or trist (huge attack speed buff, self peel) to excel in 1v1 scenarios.
you're not even reading so i'm not why i keep responding.

do u know what leveling q does for kog? nothing. it doesn't scale with ad and the attack speed buff is bad. the % resistance reduction is absolutely useless vs someone with like 80 mr or armor, which is what i assume you're trying to duel with kog. there's a reason why w max is the norm and it's not because someone magically overlooked q max's "dueling" potential.
you're literally just typing random things now, not one of his regular skills scales with AD, but Q not scaling is a point against it? the attack speed is bad on a champ with a percent max hp AA modifier? okay. shred is bad? it's shred not a lw, tell a zyra, karma, morg, annie that getting free sorc boots for 4 seconds is bad. go tell a leona that maxing W is useless because 20 extra arm/mr is 'absolutely useless'


Everything is moe to me
Assuming a level 6 with rank 3 Q and W with an enemy with a 1000ish HP, you need like 4 rank 3 W autos to do more damage than a rank 3 Q in a 8 second span - Q CD, W duration. And this is unblockable point and click damage unlike Q which is a relatively slow projectile that can be blocked. Q will only be a better max if you get absolute best case scenarios every time you try to be aggressive.
you're making assumptions of your own, the key one being that those W auto's are only possible because of the range increase from leveling which is itself a 'best case scenario' for your argument.

so, doing the math lets see what happens if you Q and get the full W duration of autos in:
180 + 20 x 7.2 AA's 324
80 + 40 x 6.69 AA's 347.6

if you exclude the partial AA's, they do exactly the same damage. considering we're not accounting the shred [because fuck math], Q max is inarguably more damage even in W max's best case scenario.

and this is a scenario that favours W max completely, best case in both target and the full duration of W is in use.

tl;dr: best case scenario does not need to be the case for Q to do more damage, W max needs more time to auto to catch up to the damage lost on the Q.


cool i want to see you try to sustain with your cute little autos with aatrox while i poke you down with infinite mana from 1k range

i'm sure you won't whine about that

edit: also funny how healing is not a problem for maokai or mundo, but for some reason that <40% health grievous wounds from morellos makes aatrox impossible to play. so you know, implying that there are other healers is wrong, implying that people didn't buy morellos against sustain tanks before is also wrong and your solution is making the game more boring.

Yeah, boring. Because xerath poking people from a million units away is totally exciting.

I don't think you understand how Aatrox works because if you did, you'd know that he thrives in the 40 to 70 percent HP zone. healing isn't as integral to Maokai and Mundo as it is to Aatrox.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
No, but really how do I get better at this game? I'm sick of getting called useless every single game.

Be very analytical and honest with yourself. Grinding out games is not only the most time-consuming method to improving but you're likely to cement bad habits that you'll struggle to break later.

There are a multitude of aspects to improving in League. The secret to climbing from bronze to silver is no different than the one from climbing from platinum to diamond. Last hit better, force better trades, communicate well with your team, position better in teamfights, etc. Pick a facet of the game and solely work on it. When you feel confident, switch over to something else. Devote a week to learning a single lane's common matchups, then spend another optimizing your jungling, then spend another only worrying about your CS and positioning as an ADC. Overtime you'll build a comprehensive toolset that will slowly see yourself improve. Using your elo as a numerical representation for improving is fine. Most people find that they improve with small jumps at a time, then they have to go back to the drawing board and continue to work on something else. You should study the game in some kind of format, whether it's theorycrafting/discussion on forums, watching Youtube analysis/commentary or a stream or even your own replays. You'll find something that works for you and a time-in-game to time-spent-studying ratio as well.

Everyone has climbed in some way or another. Some will grind out hundreds of games every season, others will focus on a single champ in a single role and some will become a jack of all trades. The most important aspect is to enjoy yourself. I've seen people solely play whatever is considered strong or force themselves into playing a role like mid because they feel it's the only way to climb. Overtime they hate the game and they'll start talking about how much they hate the toxic community, not realizing the irony of their words. If you aren't enjoying it just take a break.
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