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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Because Heimer isn't straight forward to gank. I can see him getting double kills from ganks in bronze/silver.

When I'm playing mid and the other team has a Heimerdinger I flat out tell them not to gank my lane unless I ping them to come. It's ridiculous how the jungler will come in and just get annihilated.

Also, people take way too much poke damage from his turrets. They're not hard to avoid, but for some reason people have a hard time staying out of range.

I don't mind playing against him as Katarina, actually. It's a patience game though.


the best thing to come out of st vicious' stream last night:

someone asked him if nightblue was a good jungler

"nightblue fcking blows. i'm not joking. it's story time. remember way back when nightblue was a certified TSM streamer? truth is, he only did it because he thought he'd be getting TheOddOne's spot when he stepped down. When TSM went with Amazing, he threw a little btch fit and left." he repeatedly disputed the idea that Nightblue just "doesnt want to play professionally".


the best thing to come out of st vicious' stream last night:

someone asked him if nightblue was a good jungler

"nightblue fcking blows. i'm not joking. it's story time. remember way back when nightblue was a certified TSM streamer? truth is, he only did it because he thought he'd be getting TheOddOne's spot when he stepped down. When TSM went with Amazing, he threw a little btch fit and left." he repeatedly disputed the idea that Nightblue just "doesnt want to play professionally".

Haha that's great.

Ur gonna lose this week btw


Because Heimer isn't straight forward to gank. I can see him getting double kills from ganks in bronze/silver.

Yeah that makes sense, but it's kind of always been that way with Heimer. I'm just wondering why he has the highest winrate right now in bronze and silver. Unless he has always been near the top in winrates in those divisions and I just haven't been paying attention.
always has been pretty high in solo q winrates because he's always going to win lane (unless you fuck up monumentally) which translates into winning game because bronze/silver is extremely bad at playing from behind.


Yeah that makes sense, but it's kind of always been that way with Heimer. I'm just wondering why he has the highest winrate right now in bronze and silver. Unless he has always been near the top in winrates in those divisions and I just haven't been paying attention.
He has been like that since his rework.


immediate post-rework heimerdinger was probably one of the most broken things ive ever seen in this game, maybe aside launch xin zhao
No, she could 100-0 an entire team with 2 abilities while also being dead.

She had to be hotfixed. This happened like 3 times in this game's lifespan.


new trist concepts were cool



she looks like an anime character <3


We get Baron TWICE
but me team barely pushes
We lost when Zed, Nami and Ez just fuckin died to Nasus, Thresh and Blitz (they were trolling) at our mid inhibtor. I went to push top and even told them 'keep them busy'. I hoped they'd all chase me or something but nope those 3 die to them and I manage to take top. by then of course we'd lost as they rushed our turrets and nexus.

I sear sometimes it is very hard to focus an objective @_@
That free 20%CD Zyra the dream!

She wasn't that good. It was more that the ADCs that would give her trouble were garbage at the time - Graves, Corki, Lucian wasn't at his prime yet.

She's barely different from her release version right now.

They love tapped the thing that was most OP, and somewhat still is, with her AS nerf.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Man ranked teambuilder would be the shit. For support anyway. I've just been spamming team builder games since you get a full group instantly and can immediately switch groups if you don't like the team comp. Only downside is of course no bans, so you usually see Kat, Blitz, Kalista, J4, etc etc.


Because Heimer isn't straight forward to gank. I can see him getting double kills from ganks in bronze/silver.
"Let's just jump on him, those 3 turrets can't hurt us that much."

No, she could 100-0 an entire team with 2 abilities while also being dead.

She had to be hotfixed. This happened like 3 times in this game's lifespan.
I seem to remember release Zyra being yet another of those cases where a champion is apparently super overpowered and I was terrible. I think I was playing mid Zyra at the time, trying to figure out what on earth people were doing that made her have any success.


I would gladly wait for hours to get mid position in Ranked Team Builder if it meant I'd never have to go Top/Jungle/Support ever again.
win lane = win game there.

I had a Kennen last night claim to have "won lane" because he took the opposing top laners turret first. Nevermind the fact that he kept over extending, had no wards and got ganked 3 times by Ahri.

That game was the epitome of Bronze V.

Top Lane Kennen vs Volibear
Mid Lane Jayce vs Ahri
Bottom Lane Jynx/Malphite vs Vayne/Azir
Jungle Yi vs Lee Sin

Jayce rage quit after Kennen declared he won lane and we surrendered not long after. I think in my last 5 games one team or the other has had at least 1 person who either never joins or goes AFK after something.

Yeah that makes sense, but it's kind of always been that way with Heimer. I'm just wondering why he has the highest winrate right now in bronze and silver. Unless he has always been near the top in winrates in those divisions and I just haven't been paying attention.

Because he is hard to gank, will take a tower early and most people who play him just push forever and ever. So once he starts snowballing his push you have to dedicate your team to stopping him, or do other things to make it so he can't just push. The problem is this requires coordination and understanding objectives which most bronze players don't.
Man ranked teambuilder would be the shit. For support anyway. I've just been spamming team builder games since you get a full group instantly and can immediately switch groups if you don't like the team comp. Only downside is of course no bans, so you usually see Kat, Blitz, Kalista, J4, etc etc.
Ranked teambuilder will have draft, you'd only pick roles and then go into champ select normally


Good gravy....enemy has 2 players afk, you would THINK our team would do better but no the end up feeding their jungle nida again Fuckin hell, and our Jungle nida didn't even THINK of copying the enemy nida's build.

I tried my best but it wasn't enough =_=
Also AD Fizz can be BS.
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