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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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that feeling when you're down 6.5K gold and 40,000 total damage...

...and you put together a couple of good team fights on the back of a Sej ult to steal baron and the subsequent team fight crush. That throw looks like a roller coaster I'd want to ride.

On a side note, I think I'm gonna cash out on buying Manamune on Jayce. Having to wait ~25 minutes to get the damage I could have had 10 minutes sooner with a Soul Reaver isn't worth it, and to add insult to injury the Manamune damage buff doesn't even apply to the Shock Blast. At 30 minutes with a Muramana + LW + Brutalizer, I couldn't A-Gate + Shockblast clear melee creeps. Unacceptable. I can manage my mana pool effectively enough to not need an endless supply and kick a lot of ass. I may consider something like a casual Tear or some such.


But soul reaver is sooo bad.

Jayce cannon W+muramana is crazy deeps.

Clearing melee creeps in one hit is not a easy task man. Even ap mids like xerath cant clear them with one Q when they are decently farmed.

You got to be bat shit crazy ahead to be able to one shot melee creeps. Not a good indicator of your damage.


People on ARAM are such inepts ._. Had this Corki in our team, the only think he did was Valkyrie into the enemy team, because you know, poking with Q or R would make too much sense...


I just had to experience a legendary wukong who roamed bot at 15ish minutes and killed me with E-Q-auto-hydra



Won a game recently as mid Kayle. the Rito servers borked my connection 2 times so I had to disconnect and log in twice.

We were behind on kills but our Shyvanna managed to push the top lane up til the last turret, while Darius was babysitting bot and me and Yi were handling Mid.
We eventually managed to rush mid and top lane, take the inhibitors, but at the cost of our bot inhibitor being taken.
During 1 team fight we managed to keep the opposition busy enough that our Super Minions took the nexus turrets.
In the next time fight we all died except for enemy Blitz, but afterwards we managed to keep them busy long enough for our SHyvanna to backdoor the top lane and get us the win.
Gotta love these kinds of matches XD.


might actually make it to platinum on my smurf 8)
When Riot does 2-for-1 rune page sales on NA, do they add a separate listing in the store for it? Garena just did that sale but put it on a separate tab/listing in the store. Some people bought a rune page and didn't get an extra but they thankfully gave them the extra rune page a few days later.

Is there a good Nocturne skin that isn't Eternum?


When Riot does 2-for-1 rune page sales on NA, do they add a separate listing in the store for it? Garena just did that sale but put it on a separate tab/listing in the store. Some people bought a rune page and didn't get an extra but they thankfully gave them the extra rune page a few days later.

Is there a good Nocturne skin that isn't Eternum?

I like Frozen terror. Or actually I just like how frozen terror makes duskbringer white instead of black, I think it looks cool.


Sorry I worded that poorly! I meant more in the line of an ADC that isn't mechanically intensive as far as skill usage goes, but more in the line of being careful with positioning and such.
Lucian is definitely the a good pick to learn the role with. Graves should also work well for that purpose. I don't recommend Cait, because you won't really learn how laning actually works.
Happy thing: I finally got onto the NA server after a long queue, and got into an ARAM game. Most people on my team played well and we won!

I traded Xerath to someone else for Maokai. I did decently as Maokai, and whoever ended up with Xerath went 31/5/25 in under 21 minutes. I felt I made the right decision giving Xerath away after that.
No one remembers the trader but it's worth it.


Will exhausting Zed after he ults still reduce the damage of the pop.

Part of the pop damage comes from how much damage he did to you during the ult, so exhausting will definitely lower that portion of the pop. Not sure if it reduces the base damage of it though.

I'll invite you next time. AD tf reality check against plat+ players.

ehh, the build order is probably the bigger problem
Yeah. Not sure how I can carry this shit.

We all had huge leads out of lane, but Zed and Lee kept wanting to split push and die over and over again. We just needed to group and take fights and we would win them all. But no. People giving away massive sprees.

Also Ryze is a ridiculous champion that shouldn't be allowed to exist.
When you have idiots that just want to split push, simply follow them. If you can't get them to group with you, group with them.

Also never trust early Vs late comps in solo Q. You see people picking Lee and Zed into Ryze / Voli might as well just dodge.
Maybe I should stop playing ADC. It's my best role, but I can't make anything happen as an AD. All I can do is shit on my lane and try and do damage, but I can't engage and I can't make people follow the right calls.

I win my lane every game I play ADC but have to rely too much on team mates to win the game.


Maybe I should stop playing ADC. It's my best role, but I can't make anything happen as an AD. All I can do is shit on my lane and try and do damage, but I can't engage and I can't make people follow the right calls.

I win my lane every game I play ADC but have to rely too much on team mates to win the game.
Doesn't help that you're playing Corki and Lucian every game. Try playing something like Ashe/Sivir if you want to have a bigger overall impact.
Maybe I should stop playing ADC. It's my best role, but I can't make anything happen as an AD. All I can do is shit on my lane and try and do damage, but I can't engage and I can't make people follow the right calls.

I win my lane every game I play ADC but have to rely too much on team mates to win the game.
Pick a ADC that can create picks then.

Jinx, Sivir, Ashe, Varus, all Corki and Lucian are giving you is a free lane, but if that's not working pick something that lets you snowball that advantage into more than just being able to siege.


Yeah. Not sure how I can carry this shit.

We all had huge leads out of lane, but Zed and Lee kept wanting to split push and die over and over again. We just needed to group and take fights and we would win them all. But no. People giving away massive sprees.

Also Ryze is a ridiculous champion that shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Looking at the stats screen, your team had a vision deficit, which contributed to the loss. You placed 7 wards with your trinket despite keeping a yellow trinket for the whole game while Cait placed 15 with hers, for example. The pattern continues with your whole team; the enemy team always had more vision. Only Brand on your team had a decent ward contribution compared to his role's standard, Nami was bad at purchasing pink wards.

You should be buying pink wards and regular wards, even as an adc. Wards will reduce the number of picks the enemy team will get on your team.

You are not using your trinket properly and you are not buying wards. You really need to do that. Merely getting some kills is useless unless you can utilize the death time to that some objective. Vision will help with that.


Maybe I should stop playing ADC. It's my best role, but I can't make anything happen as an AD. All I can do is shit on my lane and try and do damage, but I can't engage and I can't make people follow the right calls.

I win my lane every game I play ADC but have to rely too much on team mates to win the game.

For me, I had to start playing ADC to start upping my win rate in ranked. I felt like I had way more control over the game, making calls to get dragon, helping push the mid towers down after winning my lane, and just making sure that big, sustained damage got laid down in team fights. Mid is my second best for similar reasons. I have the worst win rates in ranked with top and support.

Edit: Last night was a good example of how I like using ADC to control a game. Works for me, maybe not others.


I went 8-2-10, but only two kills came from the bottom lane. The rest came from helping to push other lanes or in the late team fights. The assists generally came while helping others get fed, because early on we were on shaky ground. We took 3 dragons, they took none, and I called all three. That's a low number of dragons, but it wasn't a particularly long game.


Last Vayne I supported for tried to 1 v 3 and dies. Immediately types, I can't 1 v 3 these guys yet. That's bad news for our team.

That actually made me laugh out loud irl. Fucking League gold comedy right there.

Pd. Bayonetta 2 is amazing @_@
Looking at the stats screen, your team had a vision deficit, which contributed to the loss. You placed 7 wards with your trinket despite keeping a yellow trinket for the whole game while Cait placed 15 with hers, for example. The pattern continues with your whole team; the enemy team always had more vision. Only Brand on your team had a decent ward contribution compared to his role's standard, Nami was bad at purchasing pink wards.

You should be buying pink wards and regular wards, even as an adc. Wards will reduce the number of picks the enemy team will get on your team.

You are not using your trinket properly and you are not buying wards. You really need to do that. Merely getting some kills is useless unless you can utilize the death time to that some objective. Vision will help with that.

Yeah, that's something I need to work on. I feel like I'm playing the game mechanically decently at this point. I honestly can't remember the last time I went even in lane. I'm always ahead but find it hard to convert wins in the late game.

Warding is something I used to do a fair bit of on ADC so I'm not sure why I stopped. Something I have to consciously work at improving.

Ending the day with a win and I still got 23 LP, so my MMR is definitely up there.


Yeah. Not sure how I can carry this shit.

We all had huge leads out of lane, but Zed and Lee kept wanting to split push and die over and over again. We just needed to group and take fights and we would win them all. But no. People giving away massive sprees.

Also Ryze is a ridiculous champion that shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Isn't that Zed's specialty? Like Zed and Udyr don't bring much to team fiights and Zed/Udyr players will always want to split push.

Isn't it possible to tell in advance the potential of grouping up by the characters chosen?

Like I've already accepted these characters are split push centric and should be avoided at low elo which lacks the coordination to make it work.
-Zed, Udyr, Try

These champs will require a large amount of farm to eventually fail at carrying the team and complain the team was too heavy to carry.
-Nasus, Vayne

These champs will normally win their lane but fail to leverage their victories into anything meaningful enough to make up for the weird team comp
-Top lane heimer, quinn, teemo


Maybe I should stop playing ADC. It's my best role, but I can't make anything happen as an AD. All I can do is shit on my lane and try and do damage, but I can't engage and I can't make people follow the right calls.

I win my lane every game I play ADC but have to rely too much on team mates to win the game.

i've been suffering from this too

i hate adc'ing cos i feel like i can't do anything by myself past laning phase, even if i win lane super hard

tho i'm really bad at adc so i always assume it's that, not really the role
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