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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Anyone watch that? Add a 27-8-7 to that list above lol idk what's going on.




Everything is moe to me
i will say all the dead players behind you makes it a nice screencap though, if not for the windowed heresy.


What's going on in that they aren't building to counter your builds. Pray that continues.
If you mean QSS, yes.

If you mean armor for the AD damage, all 5 of them have at least some armor, and 2 of them have more than 1 armor item. As Heavy points out, the damage is generally a split (60-40?) so just one or the other isn't enough.
What's going on in that they aren't building to counter your builds. Pray that continues.
I do 60% AD, 40% AP damage. It really doesn't matter if they stack tons of armor or not, and they did. A QSS isn't going to completely nullify me, either. TF's autos do massive damage. I didn't get those kills from yellow cards, they were from autos.

you play in windowed mode?

Yeah I like web surfing during loading or when I'm dead. Just being able to so easily go back to the desktop or firefox is fun so I play in 1600x900 despite my monitor being 1080p and my PC obviously able to play in 1080p. Anyone else play in windowed?


Everything is moe to me
Yeah I like web surfing during loading or when I'm dead. Just being able to so easily go back to the desktop or firefox is fun so I play in 1600x900 despite my monitor being 1080p and my PC obviously able to play in 1080p. Anyone else play in windowed?
borderless windowed, man!

instant tabbing!

What's going on in that they aren't building to counter your builds. Pray that continues.

nobody ever tries to meaty him either.


Everything is moe to me
so I don't have to press alt-tab to go back to desktop/firefox?

you do. borderless windowed behaves exactly like fullscreen mode but allows you to overlay your taskbar/firefox/whatever over the game.

basically it's the best of both worlds, you get instant tabbing between programs like in windowed mode and you get the fullscreen display. if you've ever watched my stream you may see my taskbar pop up from time to time, thats borderless windowed mode. you just cant see what im doing because im usually doing it on my second monitor.
you do. borderless windowed behaves exactly like fullscreen mode but allows you to overlay your taskbar/firefox/whatever over the game.

basically it's the best of both worlds, you get instant tabbing between programs like in windowed mode and you get the fullscreen display. if you've ever watched my stream you may see my taskbar pop up from time to time, thats borderless windowed mode. you just cant see what im doing because im usually doing it on my second monitor.
sweet, i'll try it next game


I think we can all agree that in a game with a trillion ppl of varying skill levels it is hard to come away with something meaningful without diminishing the sample or making it more specific, esp. in a constantly changing game, the standardized fotm churner of the LCS, etc.

but I think it's great to think about something and find something grounded to back your statement up as long as it's not, look heimer has the best winrate in diamond, he is gud champ (i c u pankaks). its gota be, heimer has x going on for him, I find he works well against these sort of champs because of y, and by the way his winrate is the best in diamond today

i dunno if i can speak for newt, but I'm not really arguing over statistics, I think most ppl think they are easy to manipulate towards whatever conclusion u are trying to put forward, and also easy to argue against. they can be useful, but are not an actual argument or explanation

I'm mainly arguing against the idea that a champ is strong at a particular moment just because they are a strong champion and nothing else, and I see that line of thinking really spurring on the hordes of "nerf dis op, y didnt u ban tristana at worlds" ppl that have increasingly defined the game for me in the past year
Then we aren't arguing about anything. Champs can have broken kits but it takes a game balance change to bring that fact to light sometimes. The jungle changes being an exMple of this as well as the reign of tanky junglers last season. The bloodthurster nerfs affected more than just bot lane and it's clear their effects made tristanas stupid kit come to light. It made the game easier for stuff like kog but at least he had weaknesses to capitalize on. I'd really like to see items be capable of more in this game so the next seasons changes have potential.


dang type read the rest of the posts i wasnt refutin you on anything, we're just talking about reasons things like amumu are strong and maybe that his strength is not just by virtue of him being amumu


dang type read the rest of the posts i wasnt refutin you on anything, we're just talking about reasons things like amumu are strong and maybe that his strength is not just by virtue of him being amumu
I think I misread what you quoted/replied to. Either way Im on mobile, the end.
The state of the current*jungle has me frustrated ;/


i think the jungle is sik
it's going to have a giant frog

i dont actually know anything about the new sr besides that
I just enter a ranked match where the last guy in our team dont have a support champ and chose syndra as support. I asked if anyone would pick support or adc and no one typed anything at all.

Why on earth these people enter ranked


I just enter a ranked match where the last guy in our team dont have a support champ and chose syndra as support. I asked if anyone would pick support or adc and no one typed anything at all.

Why on earth these people enter ranked

Syndra isn't bad as support actually.


GJ Heavy! I play windowed and at 1600x900 ;o

I found that it helped because otherwise I didn't get to take a look at the map on a 21' screen! I've tried going back to borderless windowed but I totally couldn't.

Also yesterday I went to bed at like 5pm and woke up now, at 6am. wtf body. I told my partner to wake me up when he was hungry lol.


nice and balanced

On my very first game as ADC on normals with a group of friends, I was matched up vs a Plat 3 Draven and he completely wrecked me. Not only my CSing was terrible back then but I ended up 2/6/2. Also the jungler we had wasn't in our premade and he never ganked so by the time they were in our inhibitor turret we were kinda fucked lol.

It tends to only happen when I play with friends of mine that have high Plat MMR so yeah.. ;x


Just tried Kat vs AI since she's on free rotation. God I fucking sucked lol. I don't get how laning pre-6 works, or after for that matter. I was vs Brand and I couldn't CS for shit. >_>;

I guess that you can poke them through Qs to dwindle them a bit but it was so easy for me to be zoned.

I totally get the whole button mashing though.. I got a triple kill at one point and I still wonder how.

One thing that has helped is I ask in lobby chat "can we have an AP top or jungle please, thanks". That was from suggestions from this thread. I think that's definitely helped win a couple of those games so they can't all completely stack armor. I do 60/40 AD/AP damage anyway but still, it's nice to have other both full AP and AD on team.

Just being more active in lobby chat helps. This last game I suggested Amumu jungle and he picked him and we won.

In the past I just alt-tab after my pick.


Oh no. Have we been dining instead of playing this whole time?


dont do this to me....

One thing that has helped is I ask in lobby chat "can we have an AP top or jungle please, thanks". That was from suggestions from this thread. I think that's definitely helped win a couple of those games so they can't all completely stack armor. I do 60/40 AD/AP damage anyway but still, it's nice to have other both full AP and AD on team.

Just being more active in lobby chat helps. This last game I suggested Amumu jungle and he picked him and we won.

In the past I just alt-tab after my pick.

yah that's definitely a productive thing to do and plants like a seed of belief in the ad tf


One thing that has helped is I ask in lobby chat "can we have an AP top or jungle please, thanks". That was from suggestions from this thread. I think that's definitely helped win a couple of those games so they can't all completely stack armor. I do 60/40 AD/AP damage anyway but still, it's nice to have other both full AP and AD on team.

Just being more active in lobby chat helps. This last game I suggested Amumu jungle and he picked him and we won.

In the past I just alt-tab after my pick.

If I can offer another suggestion, you really, really, really should pick up at least one point in Q. I spectated the game with your Amumu jungle when you vs. Yasuo and you left a few kills on the table because even ADCs (which I guess is what AD TF is) early on like burst damage. Hell, one time you were basically responsible for getting Amumu killed in a 2v2 that wouldn't have happened if you had a single point in Q.

Adding a point in W adds 20 damage max (on blue, which you won't be doing often when engaging an enemy champion) and a point in E adds 25 damage every 4th auto. A single point in Q adds 60. On top of that, you were always topped up on mana during laning phase, a single Q would have let you pick up the odd CS you weren't in range for because Yasuo was pressuring you and would have let you pop Yasuo's shield consistently, or even better draw out his wind wall.

Try it. I 90% guarantee you'll like the results.

In other news, tried my hand at Gnar top for the first time vs. a somewhat experienced Teemo. Went 5/1/8 although I could have played the lane way better. I was satisfied with my CS up to the 20 min mark all things considered but I started to trail off as the game went on. Did some derpy stuff like using E to engage when I had 99 rage but that'll get ironed out over time. Fun champ. Definitely happy I bought his bundle. Now to spam another 9 games of Gnar and then move on to Sion. Hopefully I'll get my top picks up to snuff before the S5 jungle hits because then I gotta jump back into my jungler marathon.

I picked up teleport and it was obvious I'm not used to it, I blew 5 TPs to get essentially nothing out of it. I know it's popular for tops, but I think I'll use ignite on Gnar. I had a few chances early on to build a good lead on Teemo and I blew them. I'll save TP for champions who have their CC more readily available. I was paired with a Xin/Heimer bot and a TF jungle so obviously it was a matter of time until their orthodox picks started tearing us apart. We had openings around the 30 min mark but the team never grouped to for a teamfight which at that point we'd win. Eventually got outscaled, particularly by the Jinx.

I don't know why I'm so apprehensive about being in a solo lane. I don't recall ever having a disastrous game...
If I can offer another suggestion, you really, really, really should pick up at least one point in Q. I spectated the game with your Amumu jungle when you vs. Yasuo and you left a few kills on the table because even ADCs (which I guess is what AD TF is) early on like burst damage. Hell, one time you were basically responsible for getting Amumu killed in a 2v2 that wouldn't have happened if you had a single point in Q.

Adding a point in W adds 20 damage max (on blue, which you won't be doing often when engaging an enemy champion) and a point in E adds 25 damage every 4th auto. A single point in Q adds 60. On top of that, you were always topped up on mana during laning phase, a single Q would have let you pick up the odd CS you weren't in range for because Yasuo was pressuring you and would have let you pop Yasuo's shield consistently, or even better draw out his wind wall.

Try it. I 90% guarantee you'll like the results.
Yeah, someone else suggested this as well the other day. I really gotta try it. I'll do it next game for sure. Thanks


In other news, tried my hand at Gnar top for the first time vs. a somewhat experienced Teemo. Went 5/1/8 although I could have played the lane way better. I was satisfied with my CS up to the 20 min mark all things considered but I started to trail off as the game went on. Did some derpy stuff like using E to engage when I had 99 rage but that'll get ironed out over time. Fun champ. Definitely happy I bought his bundle. Now to spam another 9 games of Gnar and then move on to Sion. Hopefully I'll get my top picks up to snuff before the S5 jungle hits because then I gotta jump back into my jungler marathon.

I picked up teleport and it was obvious I'm not used to it, I blew 5 TPs to get essentially nothing out of it. I know it's popular for tops, but I think I'll use ignite on Gnar. I had a few chances early on to build a good lead on Teemo and I blew them. I'll save TP for champions who have their CC more readily available. I was paired with a Xin/Heimer bot and a TF jungle so obviously it was a matter of time until their orthodox picks started tearing us apart. We had openings around the 30 min mark but the team never grouped to for a teamfight which at that point we'd win. Eventually got outscaled, particularly by the Jinx.

I don't know why I'm so apprehensive about being in a solo lane. I don't recall ever having a disastrous game...

Maybe take TP after you get more used to the rage meter I guess! I have had Gnars that have TP'd before transforming and still did fine, though they were close to transforming!

I still think being able to make plays around TP is very tricky so you shouldn't feel bad about it!

Pd. Just tried Lucian on bots and damn, that small range is a bit annoying ._. I have a question though, if you are autoattacking something/one and you E, does your autoattack remain on the person?
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