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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Good to be back to using Gnar at top again


Good to be back to using Gnar at top again


I hate when people like Lucian say that they carried... when all lanes won lol. Like, you carry if you actually win because without you it couldn't have been done... >_>;

I love that skin for Gnar, but I wish it would still look like a costume on Mega-Gnar form!


Started playing again over the weekend since I was laid up for a few days. Played 4 games, 4 game losing streak. Off to a good start lol.


I picked up teleport and it was obvious I'm not used to it, I blew 5 TPs to get essentially nothing out of it. I know it's popular for tops, but I think I'll use ignite on Gnar. I had a few chances early on to build a good lead on Teemo and I blew them. I'll save TP for champions who have their CC more readily available. I was paired with a Xin/Heimer bot and a TF jungle so obviously it was a matter of time until their orthodox picks started tearing us apart. We had openings around the 30 min mark but the team never grouped to for a teamfight which at that point we'd win. Eventually got outscaled, particularly by the Jinx.

I don't know why I'm so apprehensive about being in a solo lane. I don't recall ever having a disastrous game...

TP is good, but to be honest.. it can be really unreliable due to teammates either not paying attention or not knowing how to engage when a friendly TP is incoming. Then there's the other end of it when a teammate teleports in even though you have a wave or more of enemy minions sitting in front of you.

Unless I'm playing someone like Maokai or Mundo, I just go ignite. If you know or at least feel like you can get kills in lane, just go ignite.


Maybe take TP after you get more used to the rage meter I guess! I have had Gnars that have TP'd before transforming and still did fine, though they were close to transforming!

I still think being able to make plays around TP is very tricky so you shouldn't feel bad about it!

Yeah, I think I'll do that once I'm more comfortable with Gnar. After having some time to soak in what I learned from that game, it really was a terrible game to gain experience with teleport. My team had zero ward coverage outside of the 9 I bought and seemed to have an aversion for objectives.

Edwardo said:
Unless I'm playing someone like Maokai or Mundo, I just go ignite. If you know or at least feel like you can get kills in lane, just go ignite.

Yeah, that too. Maybe teleport when in a lane that'll devolve into an unkillable tank slugfest anyways.


One thing that has helped is I ask in lobby chat "can we have an AP top or jungle please, thanks". That was from suggestions from this thread. I think that's definitely helped win a couple of those games so they can't all completely stack armor. I do 60/40 AD/AP damage anyway but still, it's nice to have other both full AP and AD on team.

Just being more active in lobby chat helps. This last game I suggested Amumu jungle and he picked him and we won.

In the past I just alt-tab after my pick.
Good job. One other thing I mentioned in PM is, it's very tempting (probably for a lot of people including me) to alt-tab, or stop paying attention, or browse the web, or whatever when you're dead or walking to lane.

That actually hurts just a tiny bit since your brain has to context switch and you lose focus. You could be using the time to think about your next item, to remind yourself what your plan is getting to lane, to briefly spectate the other lanes and see what everyone's health looks like, to type a brief plan sentence like "I'll try to gank bot soon, then let's dragon", etc. You don't have to do all those things, but keeping the focus on the game in CASE you need to do them, is something I feel may really help keep things consistent.

The other thing is just working on map position (where minion waves are so you know when it's safest to teamfight) and as a followup, objective focus. You're obviously having no trouble getting kills at your current ranking, and conveniently AD TF is good at helping a team kill towers, so try to think about wherever you can set up a tower kill / dragon if someone leaves lane, or if you gank and drive enemies out of another lane.


Champ select is the most important time of the game. See how your comps match up, look for potentially bad team mates, decide to dodge or not etc.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Champ select is the most important time of the game. See how your comps match up, look for potentially bad team mates, decide to dodge or not etc.

Always trust a Galio
Never trust an Ezreal or Vayne at Plat V or below


Man, I just tried my hand at Fiddle jungle. I did fine (I think?) during the laning phase but after people started grouping I just kinda fell apart. We were ahead at first but enemy team started getting picks (often it was me because I pressed on for doing Dragons that were not warded properly etc) and thus things evened out (which is something we didn't want, as we were ahead).

At some points I got decent ults, but very bad ones. Seemed like everything was warded and no matter how much I swept and used pinks, there were more wards to be found. At one point I got a really good one but I didn't ping enough and there was no follow up, which kinda sucked.

Idk, I'm all for trying because it's fun, I just hate how squishy Fiddle can be. ._.

Match history for reference! http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1804930296/206655443?tab=overview


I thought the set of changes were to stop people from playing on-hit Lulu top and mage Lulu mid, but I'm at the bottom of Gold V and am not an expert.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There was a significant set of changes to Lulu to move her away from the poke support she was, but it we want to ignore that, okay.
i don't really feel like dealing with you trolling or being contrarian or whatever it is you do.

this isn't even worth having a discussion over because there is nothing to debate. look up the average damage numbers of lulu vs. janna.


i don't really feel like dealing with you trolling or being contrarian or whatever it is you do.

this isn't even worth having a discussion over because there is nothing to debate. look up the average damage numbers of lulu vs. janna.
These won't tell you anything. Janna isn't played as an AP top.
Wait, is Lulu still a support?
Not really. But if you take her support, she definitely doesn't function as a dedicated poke support like Sona does.
There was a significant set of changes to Lulu to move her away from the poke support she was, but it we want to ignore that, okay.

you mean the changes that didn't focus on her damage so she could still poke and instead reducing her ability to speed people up, shield and disengage?



which one would think would be enough evidence that lulu and janna do not fulfill the same rolls.
I'm not arguing Lulu top and Janna support have the same role. I'm arguing that Lulu support (not ideal) has a similar role to Janna support.


Man, I just tried my hand at Fiddle jungle. I did fine (I think?) during the laning phase but after people started grouping I just kinda fell apart. We were ahead at first but enemy team started getting picks (often it was me because I pressed on for doing Dragons that were not warded properly etc) and thus things evened out (which is something we didn't want, as we were ahead).

At some points I got decent ults, but very bad ones. Seemed like everything was warded and no matter how much I swept and used pinks, there were more wards to be found. At one point I got a really good one but I didn't ping enough and there was no follow up, which kinda sucked.

Idk, I'm all for trying because it's fun, I just hate how squishy Fiddle can be. ._.

Match history for reference! http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1804930296/206655443?tab=overview

Please, take this as a positive advice (or ignore it freely, because I am just a low level silver player.)

Wards and objectives are not the end of the world. They can win games if you have teamwork, and if you have teamwork, they are amazing tools. But you need to approach them better when you LACK these resources.

For example...and I say this to ya as someone who mainly jungles. If we are pushed back to our own jungle, and the enemies already ward there, that means that the times when I (aka the jungler) wander around looking for objectives/wards are OVER - at last until I can clearly see every opponent in the minimap.

Basically: you need to make a judgement call. Which is: do I have vision/chance to do the objectives? Do I have the tools to turn the tables around (sweeping lens on everyone, enough wards to reward?) If the answer is no (and believe me, you will always get games like that :D), then the LEAST you could do is to make sure that you are not caught offguard.

It sucks as a jungler to be afraid to wander around in your jungle, or see "your" objectives being taken out. But that is the thing: if they have map dominance (either they have it or they do not!), that is their reward. They want you to wander around so you can be picked up. That is why you do not ward the drake to see if they take it. They will, and they most likely already doing it.

My point is: if you cant stop drake/baron takes, you need to accept that and not force lacking teamfights there. 1v5, 2v5, even 4v5: all bad. If we lack map control, we cant afford even single kills like that.

(And again, this is more of a general advice. You might think that Blitz warded poorly, but really, Blitz did SO MANY other mistakes that I would have gladly traded those to warding. He killed himself with hooking full hp-opponents onto him on low health at least 3+ times.)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm not arguing Lulu top and Janna support have the same role. I'm arguing that Lulu support (not ideal) has a similar role to Janna support.
They do not have similar pick conditions. They do not function in the game in a way that aligns. Their goals are entirely separate from one another.

Can Lulu peel/disengage? Yes. Is that what you pick her for? No.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Her strong peel/disengage is why I would choose Lulu over someone else.
There are far better picks for peel. Pick Janna. Pick Thresh. Pick Braum. What sets Lulu apart from other support picks is the heavy harass.


Disengage tools =! Disenage support

If Lulu is just standing around being reactionary the same way Janna mostly does she's going to have a bad time. Hell, most of supposed disensage tools are better used offensively. Ult is better to use on a diving initiator than to protect your ADC. Her shield in lane is better used for long/double target Q strikes during laning phase. Even polymorph is best used to come out on top in trades that Lulu should be initiating.

If you want to argue that Lulu is not a great poke support that's fine, but don't equate that with making her something she's not.


There are far better picks for peel. Pick Janna. Pick Thresh. Pick Braum. What sets Lulu apart from other support picks is the heavy harass.

Agreed with this. If you pick a support for peel and disengage, pick someone else that can do it better. Lulu trades some disengage and peel potential for some more poke damage.

Heavier than Morg/Nami/Zyra/Karma/Soraka?
Heavier than Morg? Yes.
Nami? Kind of, Lulu has slightly more poke but the sustain of Nami means Nami wins all trades.
Zyra? No, instead Lulu has slightly more disengage and peel.
Karma? No, same as for Zyra.
Soraka? Yes.

All in all I think Lulu is a weird mix of poke and disengage/engage that is not desirable at the moment. You can pick heavier poke if you want (Zyra among others) or you can pick heavier disengage (Janna etc) or heavier engage (Leona etc).


Please, take this as a positive advice (or ignore it freely, because I am just a low level silver player.)

Wards and objectives are not the end of the world. They can win games if you have teamwork, and if you have teamwork, they are amazing tools. But you need to approach them better when you LACK these resources.

For example...and I say this to ya as someone who mainly jungles. If we are pushed back to our own jungle, and the enemies already ward there, that means that the times when I (aka the jungler) wander around looking for objectives/wards are OVER - at last until I can clearly see every opponent in the minimap.

Basically: you need to make a judgement call. Which is: do I have vision/chance to do the objectives? Do I have the tools to turn the tables around (sweeping lens on everyone, enough wards to reward?) If the answer is no (and believe me, you will always get games like that :D), then the LEAST you could do is to make sure that you are not caught offguard.

It sucks as a jungler to be afraid to wander around in your jungle, or see "your" objectives being taken out. But that is the thing: if they have map dominance (either they have it or they do not!), that is their reward. They want you to wander around so you can be picked up. That is why you do not ward the drake to see if they take it. They will, and they most likely already doing it.

My point is: if you cant stop drake/baron takes, you need to accept that and not force lacking teamfights there. 1v5, 2v5, even 4v5: all bad. If we lack map control, we cant afford even single kills like that.

(And again, this is more of a general advice. You might think that Blitz warded poorly, but really, Blitz did SO MANY other mistakes that I would have gladly traded those to warding. He killed himself with hooking full hp-opponents onto him on low health at least 3+ times.)

Nah man, I totally appreciate it as we talked on lol chat! I rarely paid attention to Blitz but yeah, I did realize he was more interested in getting hooks than getting "the right" hooks. Like giving free engage when we were all super squishy.. ._. But idk, I could have done so much better if only I had gotten better ults and instead idk I just slopped it around lol. Fiddle is so stupidly fun. Like you see people flashing after you start to Drain them, it's hilarious.


If you want to argue that Lulu is not a great poke support that's fine, but don't equate that with making her something she's not.

True. She is definitively not a great poke support. My point is that the only reason I would choose her is for her specific kit to disengage/peel against certain compositions. Certainly there will be poke in lane phase. Maybe I'm playing her wrong. But that is just me.

Lulu AP top is the best, though. Poke as duck.


Disengage tools =! Disenage support

If Lulu is just standing around being reactionary the same way Janna mostly does she's going to have a bad time. Hell, most of supposed disensage tools are better used offensively. Ult is better to use on a diving initiator than to protect your ADC. Her shield in lane is better used for long/double target Q strikes during laning phase. Even polymorph is best used to come out on top in trades that Lulu should be initiating.

If you want to argue that Lulu is not a great poke support that's fine, but don't equate that with making her something she's not.
You could make the opposite argument though. Poke tools =! Poke support. I think I agree with Leezard now though. She's just a weird mix of disengage and poke with neither being too dominant, which kind of makes her a weaker pick at the moment.
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