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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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yeah, that's what it was like for me before I started duoing. Couldn't buy a decent team. Duoing increased the quality of my team mates and reduced the number of liabilities by a massive amount.

At this stage I don't think you'll hit plat Neko, so why not just chill in normals for a bit and try to enjoy the game again? Just play Singed or something.




the time is now


My ISP's been acting up hope tomorrow the net improves =_=
Won my first game as Supp, but then spent a few matches in ARAM due to my net. Did good as Vi in one match where we rushed them and took down the nexus.
Tank Vi is unkillable.


In my 5th promo for Gold 2 to Gold 1. In every one of those promos I've won the first game and lost the last 2. I just lost lost my second game of the promos after winning the first. I don't get how someone can go 2/18 as renekton.
renekton gets smashed by meta toplaners, especially by Ryze since that dude's Q-W-E-Q level 3 destroys about half of Renekton's health instantly.


renekton gets smashed by meta toplaners, especially by Ryze since that dude's Q-W-E-Q level 3 destroys about half of Renekton's health instantly.

But surely after a certain point, you should think to yourself, "Ok, I can't beat this guy, so I should just soak exp under my tower and not push up without warding properly first."

I never got how people ended up dying 10+ times in lane before the 20 minute mark.


Maybe my 6th promo to gold 1 will go better.

Edit: Back into promos again. This'll be like the 3rd or 4th time today I've been in this promo.


I do that on my main too. I don't play 4v5s. If someone dcs, I'll wait x amount of time for them to return. After that, I'm gone.

Sure, I'll vary the amount of time that I wait over how the game is going, but we were already behind that match.

I feel it's disrespectful to your team if you suddenly decide you don't want to play anymore and just leave. It's basically ragequitting. If the team wants to surrender, they will.


I feel it's disrespectful to your team if you suddenly decide you don't want to play anymore and just leave. It's basically ragequitting. If the team wants to surrender, they will.
I'm talking about before 20 minutes. Like someone dces at 3 minutes in, and isn't back by 10. I'm not concerned if it's respectful or disrespectful.


lol the biggest Twitch streamer is playing League.
Pretty noob about it, but probably just for entertainment.

More followers than Riot Games.
Dyrus? He's at top of the league streams with 30k views and no other game has 30k combined at this moment.

I'm curious if it's someone else though.


Nah, Ryze is pretty safe in the renekton match up

Renekton has to push to harass. Ryze will miss cs to tower but at least he doesn't have to risk his life to farm creeps under the enemy's tower.

Renekton is just an easy gank if he pushes.
I never make it to silver, gotta wait the next season to try it I guess but anyway, I bought Kog but I dont understand his heavy damage burst in late game against armored guys


Everything is moe to me
wouldnt november 11 12:01am be an hour from now?

i mean, shouldnt it be november 12th if its monday night/tuesday morning?

edit: trolled by date formats.
He does percent hp magic damage on top of his absolutely massive physical damage when he has his core items. (triforce, blade, IE)

He also has built in armor and MR shred in his Q which basically turns him into the strongest tank killer in the game.
Not sure of the context but if its in reference to kog maws infamous vulnerability then you need to know that you need to always stick close to your support in the late game. You need to be peeled for because kogs self peel is utter garbage and his damage output will always be targetted first, especially by the bursty assassins like fizz or kat.


Grats as well as GL to those who made it to gold/are on promos!

I never make it to silver, gotta wait the next season to try it I guess but anyway, I bought Kog but I dont understand his heavy damage burst in late game against armored guys

Don't focus on ranking so much but instead of improving and ranking will come along. Dominate basic mechanics such as last-hitting and map awareness. It's ok to play simple champions to begin with, so that you can focus on such things.

I also feel Kog'maw is terrible unless you are playing with friends you can rely on. So vulnerable and you will never get the peel he needs on soloQ. Like, he's super strong but you are too dependant on others.
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