OMG, royal club would admittedly dislike each other if they didn't have a language barrier, not for that.Who are you guys cheering for, tomorrow, OMG or SHR? I'm particularly invested in SHR but mostly because Insec but idk much about OMG even though I did watch their previous games but I don't remember much.
Told u guys that ssb would lose in 3 and that was my 1 prediction...
r u crumbzzTold u guys that ssb would lose in 3 and that was my 1 prediction...
TSM Amazing steps down
returning to EU
new jungler has to be from NA, will be interesting to see who they pick up.
TSM Amazing steps down
returning to EU
new jungler has to be from NA, will be interesting to see who they pick up.
Maybe oddone comes back. I really can't think of anyone they would try to get. They may be worse off after this.
I can't imagine who they will pick up. There's not even great solo queue junglers. Probably gonna try to poach crumbzz or someone.
I think you're overestimating Amazing.I think they will get someone new, because any veteran they could get would be a clear step down from Amazing and much more expensive than just asking OddOne to move rooms.
I think you're overestimating Amazing.
the fuck are you talking about?
these have been the best games because they're bloodbaths
and it was glorious
For everyone that has been watching since Season 2, remember this?
This song is pretty much equal to competitive League for me after Season 2. It feels great whenever they play it in between matches.
na games were complete stomps
like tsm and c9 tried some cute things but both times they failed and they only took games off korean teams by being super lucky at level 1 (i might be wrong about the c9 win, i don't quite remember)
i mean still props to tsm and c9 for being able to go all the way (last year they wouldn't be able to) but it's not like they didn't get shit on and were head to head against white/blue
Gogoing doesn't often play Rumble, but when he does he gets a 40cs lead and a Needlessly Large Rod by 15 minutes.
OMG comprehensively outplayed SHRC in the laneswap, getting the buff steal, putting their jungler ahead, and a ton more farm for their top laner. Cool did well in mid too, being ahead in cs before buying his Tear, and San was able to bully Uzi when the bot lanes met up since it was Lucian/Thresh v Trist/Zilean. Sure enough, inSec forced desperate plays as soon as his team fell behind and OMG was ready to punish them hard.
Jayce/Rumble is a classic mid-game siege comp from late season 2. If it gets ahead, you don't come back. Rumble's artillery and Jayce's cannon zone you off your towers.
i don't like sjokz repeating the cyberpunk dress thing
you can't do repeats, what kind of shitty production is this