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League of Legends: Season 4 World Championship (Sep 17 - Oct 19)

Giving up first dragon with OMG's composition is a pretty bill to swallow. I'm feeling a Super Hot Royal Crew win for this one, Uzi's a better player on a better carry, and if this goes late enough Rumble does plateau quite a bit.


Jayce is somehow broken again? How did that happen?

That shock blast damage is absolutely retarded.

Its like pre-rework Nidalee spears flying in. Except with AoE damage on contact.


Man insec being forced to build all damage to fit into this comp seems like a pretty bad idea now lol

Jayce Qs taking more than half his life


Jayce is somehow broken again? How did that happen?

That shock blast damage is absolutely retarded.

Different regions? Still feels like both the Chinese and Korean teams have favored mid game comps while NA and EU were just switching over to mid game team fight from split pushes and hypercarries.

edit: Seeing Mundo get a giant growth is amazing. Purple King Kong chucking briefcases.


Jayce is somehow broken again? How did that happen?

That shock blast damage is absolutely retarded.

Its like pre-rework Nidalee spears flying in. Except with AoE damage on contact.

They play him mid instead of top, he can handle the current popular mids well and get decent farm.
Man insec being forced to build all damage to fit into this comp seems like a pretty bad idea now lol

Jayce Qs taking more than half his life

To be honest, it's less that InSec has to build full damage on Kha'Zix and more that he's probably going to stubbornly do it anyway, so they may as well try to build their comp around it.

We're talking about a guy who used to play jungle Zed and Yasuo, here.
I suppose one way of killing the enemy team when you're struggling for damage is to let Baron do a few thousand points first. I think OMG were wrong to stop sieging start trying to do baron.

Uzi getting lifesteal has changed the game big time.
OMG had it, then they lost it, then they got it back, then they threw it again. What a game. And extremely well played by Royal to keep their heads while getting tooled around for 20 minutes.
Hey guys where's fiiddl CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW

The Chinese region is so entertaining to watch. It's like a group of really mechanically skilled players making really dumb decisions. Pretty much like solo queue except they're super good. I'd almost make the analogy that the Chinese teams play like super gifted 10 year olds while the NA teams play like slow but cunning 50 year olds and then the Koreans are in their 20s. China is just so chaotic.

Would like to see OMG stretch this to 5 games. Their last two pick/bans have actually been really strong, it's just been a matter of them misplaying their teams once they've gotten a lead. First game they go for teamfight and snowball Gogoing so they win the game, second game they go for poke, become really strong, and then teamfight instead of poking and lose, this game they pick split push, out rotate SHRC to get a lead, and then again they teamfight instead of keeping with their strategy and lose the game.
Anyone else feel like OMG pretty much out played in all 3 games yet due to a few stupid ass mistake is losing 1-2? How the fuck do you recover from that? I'm be shock if they don't tilt and get stomp this 4th game.


Cmon OMG get your shit together

I want a 5th game to make up for yesterday (winner will probably get rekt by white tho :<)
na games were complete stomps

like tsm and c9 tried some cute things but both times they failed and they only took games off korean teams by being super lucky at level 1 (i might be wrong about the c9 win, i don't quite remember)

i mean still props to tsm and c9 for being able to go all the way (last year they wouldn't be able to) but it's not like they didn't get shit on and were head to head against white/blue
They weren't complete stomps though

TSM could have taken off at least 2 games off White if Amazing wasn't retarded. C9 played mostly solidly, but lost in the end anyways.

Blue got completely sweeped no re


They weren't complete stomps though

TSM could have taken off at least 2 games off White if Amazing wasn't retarded. C9 played mostly solidly, but lost in the end anyways.

Blue got completely sweeped no re

The game that TSM did win seemed like White was getting increasingly cocky though. Like they went Mundo, Trist and Kass and they got into a team fight at level 1. Each game SSW kept going more toward late game comps until it finally caught up with them in game 3.

edit: Hm. Didn't see Panth coming.


They weren't complete stomps though

TSM could have taken off at least 2 games off White if Amazing wasn't retarded. C9 played mostly solidly, but lost in the end anyways.

Blue got completely sweeped no re

i really wish i wasn't awake for like 30 hours straight and was able to form words to intelligently debate this :p

completely or not they were stomps. both tsm and c9 were forced to go with cute rotation tactics to just avoid fighting the samsungs or they'd get wrekked. and both samsung teams were keeping picks and playing pretty cocky

you can tell the white that played against blue and the white that played against tsm was prettydifferent

anyways pantheon

this series delivered at least
C9 wins over blue were pretty legit imo. They played it smart. TSM win over white was pretty lulz. White went with a screw around no wave clear, late game comp just because they could.
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