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League of Legends: Season 4 World Championship (Sep 17 - Oct 19)

I think it was mentioned that early on rather than taking the bubble, Nami took a point in heal and the trade that ensued pretty much spelled doom for them.


well it ensures that they can all in whenever they want
cuz the heal is reduced and the damage is blocked and it's one less cooldown to look out for
like at the point trist e and w is sure to win out i think


ya we were thinking about tsm ad choices in mumble, but they can't replace turtle with a non-NA and he's still pretty much the best choice if ur looking in na for an ad


I don't think TSM could change out any of their NA players for foreign players due to the residency requirements.


They're probably grandfathered in right now but with the rule changes and their current roster, there's no way they'd be able to bring in a foreign player again. Even if they did something like replace Dexter with a NA jungler, they'd still be at the 2 player cap with Lustboy and Bjerg.


Andy Dinh ‏@TSMReginald
Wanna hear a joke ? Doublelift analyzing

Yoonsup Choi ‏@Locodoco
.@TSMReginald wanna hear another one? @ggCMonteCristo's coaching

MonteCristo's Ego ‏@MonteCristo_Ego 9h
.@Locodoco @TSMReginald And a third one: TSM's chances at winning.

MonteCristo ‏@ggCMonteCristo 9h
@Locodoco it really is incredible how much of a jerk you turned into when we used to be friends.

Yoonsup Choi ‏@Locodoco 9h
@ggCMonteCristo ikr? mb if u stopped hiding behind being an "analyst" and didnt shittalk us on SI we coulda continued being friends

MonteCristo ‏@ggCMonteCristo 8h
@Locodoco good luck at Worlds

monte sounds legit sad

Dadyrus LOL ‏@Dadyrus 8h
@ggCMonteCristo @Locodoco tell all your fking fans they can fk them selves cause it was clear shit talking go rewatch the different on each

Dadyrus LOL ‏@Dadyrus 8h
@Locodoco @ggCMonteCristo fk them SI bitches i watch the show it was clear attack on TSM
Keep talking shit , sooner or later some one pays

wth is happening


So... @Dadyrus is the real deal? I thought it was a parody account when I saw those posts.

Disregarding the realness of that account, these tweets are from before TSM got wrecked as well, I can't imagine how the team mood is after the last loss.
So... @Dadyrus is the real deal? I thought it was a parody account when I saw those posts.
These tweets are from before TSM got wrecked as well, I can't imagine how the team mood is after the last loss.

If today is anything to go by though they may still make it out of the group.

I mean, unless TPA figures out how to close games.


If today is anything to go by though they may still make it out of the group.

I mean, unless TPA figures out how to close games.

Yeah, their chances to get out of groups should be decent still. SK is essentially a dead team right now. TSM got lucky, but we'll have to see if they can beat TPA.
Got out of class and finally watched the last game. Damn, TSM got crushed. And damn, Regi and Loco need to take it easy. I don't think its possible for me to consider them bigger jerks then I do now.


TSM is just a group of incredibly immature people, but that was always the case and isn't just a recent thing. They have a lot of growing up to do.


It's sad how immature Regi and Loco are. All they have to do is be respectful and humble, and their fan base would double. A simple "They played a good game, and we've got a long way to go to do our best." goes a long way in not sounding like cocky douchebags.
Regi is a bully and always has been. I remember one game after their loss to M5 where he raged at Xpecial and repeatedly called him retarded for saying "that was dumb" when Regi made a bad play. And that time he treated Dyrus like shit on stream. And then he kicks Xpecial for having a "bad attitude".
It makes me sad seeing how big of a dick Regi is, then again I wasn't ever really into watching til like the finals last year and by then Bjerg was their replacement going into the next season. And I absolutely love Bjerger King, he's a monster who I really wish didn't have to be the shot caller for the team, he played much better when he wasn't in that role from what I could tell. Or rather, he seemed more willing to take risks and make plays instead of being kind of safe like now.

Also thank you for telling me who that guy was, I found the video. It's some of the best acting I've ever seen.



haha that"s great

i think dyrus's dad's posts are nice and his insistence that all parties in the conversation have been hurt somehow seems pretty important to me
and wow the way ppl react to him is disgusting


Dadyrus LOL ‏@Dadyrus 13h
@SotLTravis @Locodoco @TSMReginald @ggCMonteCristo now i see why there no interviews with these ongamers analysis or is it anal lis

i think this is a closer goldmine
haha that"s great

i think dyrus's dad's posts are nice and his insistence that all parties in the conversation have been hurt somehow seems pretty important to me
and wow the way ppl react to him is disgusting

I'm missing something right? Because his dad has said some pretty stupid stuff.


I don't think anything he said was dumber than what loco or monte said and a lot of it comes off as totally empathetic to me

the saddest post is regi -> doublelift saying that he thought everyone was joking with each other
and ofc the idea that loco and regi are hurt about "legit criticism"



i dunno i treat older ppl like regular dudes and dyrus seems like a decent person, tho obviously i can't really speak on the ability of his dad as a father
if anything him being kind of old just makes me think he is not really used to the internet and social media, which is a good thing in my eyes
like he is obviously out of his element

"old plumber defends people he feels were wronged haphazardly on twitter" really shouldn't get the kind of vitriol it is


The fact he engages in this kind of dialect and social media fighting makes me think he knows exactly what it is.

You are making way too many assumptions.

It honestly doesn't come as a surprise that the team regarded as the most immature has the father of one of it's players showing up in twitter beefs.


i am definitely assuming he has no ill intentions that's true
and i have no real access to that
but there is no way what he posts on twitter deserves the fucked up harassment he is receiving



i am definitely assuming he has no ill intentions that's true
and i have no real access to that
but there is no way what he posts on twitter deserves the fucked up harassment he is receiving

He needs to just take a page from dyrus and stay out of it. Its locos and Regis problem.


He needs to just take a page from dyrus and stay out of it. Its locos and Regis problem.
This is the gist of what I was saying. The fact he seems compelled to engage in it sets a bad precedent. Especially as an older father who shouldn't even be concerned with such matters.

Taking a comment that he's nice when interacting with a specific person doesn't really dissuade anything about it.


well i mean that's why i was saying I liked dadyrus's posts, the main narrative i see is that everyone is really into either pointing fingers or wishing the problem would go away (when has being the bigger man ever solved something felt deeply), whereas dadyrus keeps emphasizing the pain of everyone involved even as he defends his ppl

Staying out of it definitely would lessen a lot of irrational shit (and I pretty much believe he has a hard time navigating this idea, he seems like a pretty straightforward dood) and sure it's a fair thing to say but when someone says something I think is relatively harmless and then receives a tide of anonymous shit I'll always side with the dude rather than wishing he didn't say something or thinking that he brought it on himself

like to me the main bad thing is the peanut gallery who feel like it's really important to say things like "I'd be embarassed if I was Dyrus", like holy shit you aren't dyrus, I would fucking flip out if someone talked about my parents that way

and from this position I can totally see this linear path where dadyrus says something awkward on social media, he should have known better, he deserves it and he should be smarter
fuck that so much

i dunno if dadyrus is playing a confused person who doesn't know any better about stuff like this he did a really good job convincing me


i dunno if dadyrus is playing a confused person who doesn't know any better about stuff like this he did a really good job convincing me

its just blind loyalty to his sons team, and he (along with many actual professional people) dont know that they need to just shut up on social media. The peanut gallery is going to do what they do best, and it just has to be ignored.


all of that is true, I just think it's awful that there are people who think it's ok to go way out of bounds on someone who thinks they can use social media to (inarticulately) say what they feel instead of building a brand, that this kind of response is a totally normal thing to do to another person

that it seems like monte and loco have yet to talk in person about whatever problems they have with each other is astounding to me
like monte surely knew loco was an emotional and demonstrative kid when he was friends with him in the first place right


that it seems like monte and loco have yet to talk in person about whatever problems they have with each other is astounding to me

That would be interesting to hear about. Loco turned on monte fairly quickly after joining. Is it just loco being a child or did monte actually do something else.


it also confuses me to no end that monte (and thoorin) can rationalize the way they talk about people as professional or in their job description
thoorin is like the king of "well they are objectively trash, why are you mad at me I don't understand"


well i mean that's why i was saying I liked dadyrus's posts, the main narrative i see is that everyone is really into either pointing fingers or wishing the problem would go away (when has being the bigger man ever solved something felt deeply), whereas dadyrus keeps emphasizing the pain of everyone involved even as he defends his ppl

Staying out of it definitely would lessen a lot of irrational shit (and I pretty much believe he has a hard time navigating this idea, he seems like a pretty straightforward dood) and sure it's a fair thing to say but when someone says something I think is relatively harmless and then receives a tide of anonymous shit I'll always side with the dude rather than wishing he didn't say something or thinking that he brought it on himself

like to me the main bad thing is the peanut gallery who feel like it's really important to say things like "I'd be embarassed if I was Dyrus", like holy shit you aren't dyrus, I would fucking flip out if someone talked about my parents that way

and from this position I can totally see this linear path where dadyrus says something awkward on social media, he should have known better, he deserves it and he should be smarter
fuck that so much

i dunno if dadyrus is playing a confused person who doesn't know any better about stuff like this he did a really good job convincing me
Okay what posts make him seem like some big innocent dude? Because I'm mostly going off of what was just posted in this thread, "@ggCMonteCristo @Locodoco tell all your fking fans they can fk them selves cause it was clear shit talking go rewatch the different on each"

In what way is this "relatively harmless" I really don't understand where you're coming from closer and somehow not subject to people saying "wow it'd be embarrassing to be dyrus". Like what? His dad is acting stupidly and getting called for it? He isn't a child dude, that's my entire point all along.

I don't care at all about this beef I just think it gives the entire scene a bad rep when childish BS gets thrown around all the time. Especially if it's not even players themselves doing the shit talking, yet are being represented by this.


no i definitely see where you are coming from
if you check out his twitter it might help you see where im coming from in all of this

and I'm definitely of the mind that if someone was doling out unnecessary shit talk about someone I cared about it's alright to tell them to fuck off

I personally feel that there are several topics monte and thoorin take as a line in the sand, topics (tsm and crs for example; voy's response to SI saying needlessly cruel things to about him and then feeling like the best thing to do is retreat..) they need to use to reiterate a particular position they have stated before
I think it pains monte that he has to hold the stance that criticizing people in hurtful way is his job

if the only info I had was a non-contexualized statement of him calling someone's analysis more like anal lis or something it'd be different but

I dunno we might have different definitions of relatively harmless

im not really trying to defend dyrus's dad, but mainly trying to convey how fucking disgusting people on the internet are and lamenting that this kind of thing is normalized
which isn't really the most original thing


Honestly that tweet makes him sound even more childish if he can't see what's wrong with it.

I feel like you're coming to this from the side of being angry about monte and lilftlift attacking TSM, you can be angry at them because what they've said is childish too, but those string of tweets show that Regi and Loco are just as, if not more immature about it.

Personally reading those makes me sad that Bjerg and Lustboy are a part of that team. Particularly Bjerg since he seems like a genuinely nice guy who doesn't get pulled into the TSM beef nonsense.
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