Awh aren't you cute.
Belgian french, Canadian french, arabian french, african french, or hell australian and vietnamese french, those are "french", and in no way do they sound like proper french. Get offended all you like, there is nothing wrong as establishing the french from France as to be the proper one. In no way does it mean it's better. France itself has different accents, it's just that in terms of codes and voices, the paris accent is used as the regular accent (and we're talking about a game taking place in paris). In terms of voice acting, unless you know for a fact that the french canadian can suppress her accent entirely, then no it would not fit at all, it's not just a matter of expressions. Also, most accents are "'singing", which makes them easier to mimic, the "paris" accent is extremely flat. So using the fact that she can do a british accent is not really proof of anything.