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Leaked AC Unity gameplay videos up in the wild (edit: re-uploaded)


That's my biggest issue to be honest. The pop in and blur is bad but the real issue is each rooftop looks exactly the same. I'm sure it is accurate to the time period but the settling, whilst vast, looks utter unremarkable. What's the point in having hundreds of buildings to explore if they all look exactly the same?

I would much prefer a city half the size with double the variety.
Ugh we're opposites. I love more realistic scale, including the lower density of game objectives. I don't want to feel like I'm in a game sandbox. I want a game that goes all out for the atmosphere of real places and size. Skyrim killed me with how you couldn't walk more than 30 seconds without being able to spot another camp or ruin or house. It just feels so fake when vast space is packed with game stuff everywhere. I want to run for 5 minutes feeling like I'm running in a place, not see an NPC marked every few blocks.

I pray that Red Dead Redemption gets a sequel where you can't see a building from basically any spot in the desert. That doesn'tfeel like riding through the old west. I need a chance to be alone with the setting instead of the game pieces sometimes. Unity being so big looks like the direction I've dreamt they would go.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Lets not forget that Modor's biggest strength is it's combat! Brutal, fast and satisfying, something which is severely lacking in Assassin's Creed games since it's inception!
I hope EA are paying you guys to come into every AC thread and plug Mordor as much as they paid all those YouTube guys, otherwise you're getting bilked.
Infamous was boring as hell, small city with nothing to do in it but it looked good I'll give you that. SO is 900P/30 fps with drops and wouldn't call it stunning. So don't really get your point judging an unplayed game from YouTube videos. You're better off saying AC games are not your cup of tea.

Infamous played very differently to prior infamous games, I like the prior ones but never finished them/ I loved SS, finished it and immediately started a new campaign with opposite alignment.

I thought second son played a lot better because of the powers, which were varied and imaginative/ The way I evolved the Neon powers played like nothing else I ever played before, including their own games. I got a huge amount of enjoyment just exploring the gorgeous world and unlocking and evolving the powers. In terms of story, characters, mission design it was decent (but nothing special) but I loved the game for the prior reasons.

My problem with AC is it's too similar every time. I played AC4 and enjoyed it, though the combat was very easily mastered. I bought it because it looked like a good change from AC3 which I found boring and slow.

If anything, from these videos, combat is a step back since it was taking over half a dozen sword hits to affect an enemy which doesnt look fun to me after playing games like shadow of mordor.

I like the concept of AC very much (I even like the futuristic part which many people hate) but its just too similar every year IMO. Its the same reason I am not buying COD AW/


Lets not forget that Modor's biggest strength is it's combat! Brutal, fast and satisfying, something which is severely lacking in Assassin's Creed games since it's inception!
I really like AC combat. Very rhythmic and again, well animated. Free flow is amazing, thanks to the sister Warner Bros franchise Arkham, but I don't really want AC to be a Mordor combat clone. And I'd like to try Unity since supposedly they've made the combat have some greater depth and weight.

I miss Ezio's disarm and unarmed moves from Brotherhood. They looked great. A bit like that Sherlock Holmes movie starring an American guy.
I hope EA are paying you guys to come into every AC thread and plug Mordor as much as they paid all those YouTube guys, otherwise you're getting bilked.

I really like AC combat. Very rhythmic and again, well animated. Free flow is amazing, thanks to the sister Warner Bros franchise Arkham, but I don't really want AC to be a Mordor combat clone. And I'd like to try Unity since supposedly they've made the combat have some greater depth and weight.

I don't want AC to become a Mordor clone as well, each game can have their own thing and still be fun.


The pop-in has to be a bug or something. There is no way that changing a NPC Model 3m in front of the Player increases Performance.

LOL at complaints about touting shadow of mordor combat, which is leagues better than any AC game that I ever played (which is all except one)

I had some issues with shadow of mordor, overall I think its a great game but nowhere near GOTY material. But the combat was perhaps the most fun sword combat in any game I played, despite not having inventory (runes were cool but I would have liked to mix up the melee weapons)


I normally don't care, or don't really notice pop-in that much, but here it's kind of ridiculous at times. I can understand since the scale of the game seems big and there's a lot of NPC's, but it's really really noticeable.

Aside from that, it's your standard Ass Creed game, which isn't a bad thing, but they don't appeal to me that much.


Lets not forget that Modor's biggest strength is it's combat! Brutal, fast and satisfying, something which is severely lacking in Assassin's Creed games since it's inception!

The fuck am i reading? The combat in SoM is serviceable, sure, but it's got the depth of a puddle in a summer day.
It's basically the simplified version of Batman's, which already wasn't particularly complex (though it worked for the format).
It has some cool looking automated finishers, and so does Assassin's Creed, but it doesn't make the combat particularly good.

The climbing also is a severely stiffer version than what you get in AC, it's pretty bad.

The real thing Mordor has going for it is the Nemesis system, that's it, the map is dull and boring, with very mediocre level design, the campaign is shit, and almost every aspect of the game is either derivative or clunky... or both.

I still enjoyed the game, because the Nemesis system is a really cool idea (that needs some tinkering on, in future installments) but to pass it off as some kind of hidden gem is hilarious.


It's understandable to go from a low poly to a high poly version or that people disappear in the distance.
Changing clothes on a NPC doesn't seem to be right.
Here is an example of why I think AC is just not innovating enough on its core gameplay for combat.

When I played shadow of mordor, my immediate thought was that AC developers needed to play that game and make AC combat as fun.

I believe that the AC team (or more accurately upper management) would immediately dismiss the combat as too unrealistic for an AC game.

My reaction is, well innovate and put it in the game. Since the original, the entire series is based around playing a computer simulation. Why not have a game where you are a hacker and can run special hacks to give yourself special powers, not necessarily all the time (you could still have regular realistic mode) but it would let them have wildly different gameplay and its built in to the core concept of the series (ie computer simulation)

I also never want to have death by falling in any AC game ever. When would I ever want that, either restrict the movement to a safe level or do a simulation looking effect to de-res and re-res. After playing sunset overdrive, its hard to go back (you never get a game over for falling)

I get this feeling the higher ups in management are too scared to make major changes to the core gameplay elements (especially combat, but also the rule of simulation breaking above) since they make so much money.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's understandable to go from a low poly to a high poly version or that people disappear in the distance.
Changing clothes on a NPC doesn't seem to be right.
Yeah, it's really weird, like the game is re-randomising their clothes when it loads in a new LOD level. It was in the earlier gameplay vids too, so it's been in the engine a long time.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Lets not forget that Modor's biggest strength is it's combat! Brutal, fast and satisfying, something which is severely lacking in Assassin's Creed games since it's inception!
Isn't there a video of someone playing shadow or mordor with one hand? And are people ignoring all the videos that i've linked where combat is much faster?

Chances of the footage being captured by X1 devkit? Like At E3ish events?
None, it's the same version that was played by journalists. Ubi handed out broll footage, and said broll footage had a lot of frame drops at some point, which is in line with what a lot of journalists said about that build.

Is this in the game? where you see your target like this or was that just for presentation purpose?

Yes. Don't know if that specific mission is but i'm pretty sure they still do that for blackbox missions.
they could just have less people. I mean seriously the crowds are so much bigger than prior games its very impressive technically, but a bad trade off if they are so similar and lifeless.

I'm hoping the final game has more crowd behaviors on show since these videos have people just kinda slowing you down like walking through high vegetation, with similar looking/dressed people just standing around not doing anything. I'd take a few hundred really nice and detailed and varied crowd members over potentially thousands any day if its prohibitive rendering/AI wise.


they could just have less people. I mean seriously the crowds are so much bigger than prior games its very impressive technically, but a bad trade off if they are so similar and lifeless.

How is this impressive if people magically appear in front of you 5 meters away?

If something its completely immerssion breaking and downright ugly.

I dont know if this is a bug or something that a day one patch can fix, but as it is now, it is ridiculous to say the least.

It renders the whole "we got thousands of npcs on screen" invalid. Sure you can have thousands if 20 keep poping up every step you take, that aint impressive though...
How is this impressive if people magically appear in front of you 5 meters away?

If something its completely immerssion breaking and downright ugly.

I dont know if this is a bug or something that a day one patch can fix, but as it is now, it is ridiculous to say the least.

It renders the whole "we got thousands of npcs on screen" invalid. Sure you can have thousands if 20 keep poping up every step you take, that aint impressive though...

Right it would also fix that problem too. We are used to small crowds (realistic crowds anyway) in games, there is no shame in scaling the game back if it ended up being too ambitious (based on assumptions before the final console hardware came out)


Here is an example of why I think AC is just not innovating enough on its core gameplay for combat.

When I played shadow of mordor, my immediate thought was that AC developers needed to play that game and make AC combat as fun.

I believe that the AC team (or more accurately upper management) would immediately dismiss the combat as too unrealistic for an AC game.

My reaction is, well innovate and put it in the game. Since the original, the entire series is based around playing a computer simulation. Why not have a game where you are a hacker and can run special hacks to give yourself special powers, not necessarily all the time (you could still have regular realistic mode) but it would let them have wildly different gameplay and its built in to the core concept of the series (ie computer simulation)

I also never want to have death by falling in any AC game ever. When would I ever want that, either restrict the movement to a safe level or do a simulation looking effect to de-res and re-res. After playing sunset overdrive, its hard to go back (you never get a game over for falling)

I get this feeling the higher ups in management are too scared to make major changes to the core gameplay elements (especially combat, but also the rule of simulation breaking above) since they make so much money.

Please upper management, if you're reading this, please don't put this in an AC game. The animus is meant to be more of a spy tool than a simulation. Our ancestors memories, which have already been lived, are supposed to be embedded in our bloodline and so it was used in order to find the info needed to try and stop the end of the world.

It's not a tool used mess with history and alter abilities. Although there was a bleed through effect for Desmond.

Why are you asking for AC to made less realistic? Shadow of Mordor and Sunset Overdrive have reasons to why you're able to do the same. Shoehorning their ideas into AC for the hell of it wouldn't fit what AC is about. Plus the haystack is their version of the jump from anywhere. Giving the user the ability the ability to jump from anywhere and anytime would render allot of the parkour, which is leagues above Mordor, useless.

Past AC wasn't too much different than Mordor when it came to combat. You could block and reverse and attack. Rinse and repeat. Taking down a number of baddies with little effort from the user.

You're asking for movement to be restricted in anyway also? Adding the downward traversal.

It sounds like you're asking the devs to make AC an automated playground where you have little consequence. Other ideas where, if implemented, would mean they'd be altering history which is not what the game is about.
Please upper management, if you're reading this, please don't put this in an AC game. The animus is meant to be more of a spy tool than a simulation. Our ancestors memories, which have already been lived, are supposed to be embedded in our bloodline and so it was used in order to find the info needed to try and stop the end of the world.

It's not a tool used mess with history and alter abilities. Although there was a bleed through effect for Desmond.

Why are you asking for AC to made less realistic? Shadow of Mordor and Sunset Overdrive have reasons to why you're able to do the same. Shoehorning their ideas into AC for the hell of it wouldn't fit what AC is about. Plus the haystack is their version of the jump from anywhere. Giving the user the ability the ability to jump from anywhere and anytime would render allot of the parkour, which is leagues above Mordor, useless.

Past AC wasn't too much different than Mordor when it came to combat. You could block and reverse and attack. Rinse and repeat. Taking down a number of baddies with little effort from the user.

You're asking for movement to be restricted in anyway also? Adding the downward traversal.

It sounds like you're asking the devs to make AC an automated playground where you have little consequence. Other ideas where, if implemented, would mean they'd be altering history which is not what the game is about.

Not permanently, just in one game. They made 2 this year, so its not like its ruining the fun for people who prefer less innovation.

In addition, it could be an optional element of the game, like hacking side missions vs the main story missions which can have the exact same kind of gameplay they have been given for years.


Please upper management, if you're reading this, please don't put this in an AC game. The animus is meant to be more of a spy tool than a simulation. Our ancestors memories, which have already been lived, are supposed to be embedded in our bloodline and so it was used in order to find the info needed to try and stop the end of the world.

Not anymore. The Animus has been an Abstergo Entertainment Product since AC4.


Neo Member
Here is an example of why I think AC is just not innovating enough on its core gameplay for combat.

When I played shadow of mordor, my immediate thought was that AC developers needed to play that game and make AC combat as fun.

I believe that the AC team (or more accurately upper management) would immediately dismiss the combat as too unrealistic for an AC game.

My reaction is, well innovate and put it in the game. Since the original, the entire series is based around playing a computer simulation. Why not have a game where you are a hacker and can run special hacks to give yourself special powers, not necessarily all the time (you could still have regular realistic mode) but it would let them have wildly different gameplay and its built in to the core concept of the series (ie computer simulation)

I also never want to have death by falling in any AC game ever. When would I ever want that, either restrict the movement to a safe level or do a simulation looking effect to de-res and re-res. After playing sunset overdrive, its hard to go back (you never get a game over for falling)

I get this feeling the higher ups in management are too scared to make major changes to the core gameplay elements (especially combat, but also the rule of simulation breaking above) since they make so much money.

I don't think that particular idea fits with your username.

It appears as though they have addressed the death by falling issue with the down button that allows you to safely descend to the ground.

With regard to trying new things, then their latest trailer certainly points to them trying something new within the game with their animus 'glitch'.


they were saying they made the combat feel like hard work in this because they dont want you taking on 5-6 guys with ease like in previous games, it should make you want to stay hidden and/or take on a minimum number of guards.

the arkham combat should have been implemented early on, if they really have changed course then there shouldnt be any room for it now.

we'll see how it works in practice though


The fuck am i reading? The combat in SoM is serviceable, sure, but it's got the depth of a puddle in a summer day.
It's basically the simplified version of Batman's, which already wasn't particularly complex (though it worked for the format).
It has some cool looking automated finishers, and so does Assassin's Creed, but it doesn't make the combat particularly good.

The climbing also is a severely stiffer version than what you get in AC, it's pretty bad.

The real thing Mordor has going for it is the Nemesis system, that's it, the map is dull and boring, with very mediocre level design, the campaign is shit, and almost every aspect of the game is either derivative or clunky... or both.

I still enjoyed the game, because the Nemesis system is a really cool idea (that needs some tinkering on, in future installments) but to pass it off as some kind of hidden gem is hilarious.

I totally agree with this. Especially the bold part.

Shadow of Mordor was a fun game but its USP is Nemesis system not its combat system. People shit on AC combat for being easy and I agree with it but to be fair combat in SOM wasnt too hard either and it only gets easier as you progress and unlock more skills/runes. Talion becomes a tank by the end of the game.

If you take nemesis system out of it, the game would not have any identity of its own and it would have been hated for being a Arkham/AC ripoff (like the initial impressions from people after the first demo of the game that was shown).

If they are planning sequels (which I assume they are) there is plenty (esp. the story and side content) to improve upon.


Joke's on you. I made this screencap myself from the exact same video.

I posted this screencap just because Eden said even in the 720p video it looks better when it clearly does not but yeah i'm done guys, you know my viewpoint by now and i'm getting tired of repeating myself. I'm not hating on everything. I said countless of times that i think Arno's animations and the scale are amazing, they really are but everything else eeeeh not so much. Anyway have a nice day.

"but looks better than the screengrab you decided to link of it."

The joke's on you for not understanding what I put buddy, your agenda isn't really that great and it's showing cracks.


this will be the last thing I watch before release, already seen too much lol
Yeah I'm not going that far. Just really glad they remembered it's called Assassin's Crred and brought back the structure of AC 1's campaign where the story follows your hits as an assassin significantly. The sandbox feeling where your target is in a zone and all you have as an objective really is to kill the target, it's pretty fantastic.

Which is why after AC2, I stopped caring about the story. Such a shame because they had something so interesting and intriguing yet because they made so many games in such a short amount of time, It had to fuck up. It could have been something but alas I don't see AC now as something huge where everything is connected with a purpose. I see each game as a separate story that has a few things that is connected with the other games in the series but nothing more. I still remember how awesome the reveal of the animus was in AC1, If memory serves me right, they never showed anything about that bit and when you played you basically were all like "WHAT THE FUCK?". Unless you read leak stuff or whatever but at the time I didn't and was surprised as hell.


Is the lip syncing only for the english language track? I noticed the french and lip syncing are not matching up at all. Somewhat annoying to me.

Of course, they're not going to animate the faces for every language.


Of course, they're not going to animate the faces for every language.

Well sure not everyone, some key characters in the game would be neat however. Never played AC with a different language track but figured I'd try for this one.


Which is why after AC2, I stopped caring about the story. Such a shame because they had something so interesting and intriguing yet because they made so many games in such a short amount of time, It had to fuck up. It could have been something but alas I don't see AC now as something huge where everything is connected with a purpose. I see each game as a separate story that has a few things that is connected with the other games in the series but nothing more. I still remember how awesome the reveal of the animus was in AC1, If memory serves me right, they never showed anything about that bit and when you played you basically were all like "WHAT THE FUCK?". Unless you read leak stuff or whatever but at the time I didn't and was surprised as hell.
I also loved the presentation of Abstergo in the first game. Very cold conspiracy.

They had to end the direct Desmond story sometime though. Still enjoy the present day stuff anyway, but they said they were aiming to bring more info to further the Templar plot since they put it on the back burner for ACIV.
I also loved the presentation of Abstergo in the first game. Very cold conspiracy.

They had to end the direct Desmond story sometime though. Still enjoy the present day stuff anyway, but they said they were aiming to bring more info to further the Templar plot since they put it on the back burner for ACIV.

I thought it was pretty cool showing the underbelly, the cold and horrific truth behind Abstergo in the earlier games and then go with the lighter approach, the public side of the company in AC4. The contrast was pretty creepy.


I thought it was pretty cool showing the underbelly, the cold and horrific truth behind Abstergo in the earlier games and then go with the lighter approach, the public side of the company in AC4. The contrast was pretty creepy.
Yeah. It was neat getting the sense that the employees were a bit clueless to how and why they were getting the info and
how they were using Desmond's dissected remains for the project, thus turning him from Subject 17 to Sample 17.
It had some pretty intriguing and dark lore embedded if you took time to find the audio and journal stuff in ACIV's Abstergo, though they didn't require much time at all in the present for those who didn't like it and since they didn't have a plot to push yet for the Templars.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Well sure not everyone, some key characters in the game would be neat however. Never played AC with a different language track but figured I'd try for this one.
Only company I can think of that does this frequently is square enix. But then again they don't use facial capture.

The framerate is dreadful and the combat animation seems unfinished. If nothing else, AssCrud needs to stop being a yearly franchise.
I wonder how many times it has to be repeated that these games get at least three years of dev time, more than every title in the ezio trilogy. The demand is there and the devs get plenty of time to develop a new game, it's a win win.


The framerate is dreadful and the combat animation seems unfinished. If nothing else, AssCrud needs to stop being a yearly franchise.

This criticism needs to stop even more. Games that aren't yearly release with problems of their own...some more severe than others. Plus, every creed gets 3-4 years of dev time. Which, last I heard, is a pretty good amount of time to make a game.

A great game can be made in 3 years and a shitty game can be made in 5 years. AC4 was pretty accepted as a high note in the series and it released in the same window as the others.


Neo Member
Which was such a bloody dumb idea.

Basically they felt the need to piss over the ashes of the story they burned with AC3.

Completely agreed. At this point I'd much rather they reboot the series without the modern day stuff. At least that way maybe they'll feel compelled to get rid of the huge cluster of hud elements since they will no longer have the excuse of Animus.

If it's like any other AC games (or any games) yes.

That's a shame but understandable. I'd really like to play this in French.


Does anyone know if the lead actress in English also did her lines in French? Thought I read she is French speaking from Canada.


Anyone else find Assassin's creed videos extremely boring to watch? Don't know what it is. I still really love the games and they are a blast to play. Just can't watch someone else play it.
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