Ugh we're opposites. I love more realistic scale, including the lower density of game objectives. I don't want to feel like I'm in a game sandbox. I want a game that goes all out for the atmosphere of real places and size. Skyrim killed me with how you couldn't walk more than 30 seconds without being able to spot another camp or ruin or house. It just feels so fake when vast space is packed with game stuff everywhere. I want to run for 5 minutes feeling like I'm running in a place, not see an NPC marked every few blocks.That's my biggest issue to be honest. The pop in and blur is bad but the real issue is each rooftop looks exactly the same. I'm sure it is accurate to the time period but the settling, whilst vast, looks utter unremarkable. What's the point in having hundreds of buildings to explore if they all look exactly the same?
I would much prefer a city half the size with double the variety.
I pray that Red Dead Redemption gets a sequel where you can't see a building from basically any spot in the desert. That doesn'tfeel like riding through the old west. I need a chance to be alone with the setting instead of the game pieces sometimes. Unity being so big looks like the direction I've dreamt they would go.