What would a L4D thread be without mics vs. no-mics debate. :lolSanjay said:This brings me to another matter of discussion? are mics vital for L4D2?
Volcynika said:Not sure about mics, but communication is utterly essential for realism mode. If you can communicate well with text, that's fine too.
Sanjay said:Texting will get you killed!
The long levels are awesome.theMrCravens said:Love the game.
Only thing I hate are the long levels.
They might seem short while playing VERSUS, but in CAMPAIGN Expert or Realism, they take forever. (Dark Carnival 1 and 3, Dead Center 3)
I'd shorten some of them by 1/3 or more.
Sanjay said:Hell yes, you hear this Vert! use Skype!
Also Push to talk is to lame for L4D, not hearing people QQ is the most fun parts
This only applies if you have shitty upload speeds so if you don't Skype is the better route but for games like WOW or where you have more then 8 people its better to use Vent. Skype sound quality is way better then vent too which is why I prefer to use Skype.
This brings me to another matter of discussion? are mics vital for L4D2?
fallengorn said:What would a L4D thread be without mics vs. no-mics debate. :lol
Welp.Volcynika said:It's all Twig's fault, really.
Sanjay said:Hell yes, you hear this Vert! use Skype!
Sanjay said:This brings me to another matter of discussion? are mics vital for L4D2?
catfish said:yeah long is ok, but it's really really long..... sometimes don't have the time.
I kind of like MW2 at the moment because the levels and the campaign are bite sized.
OmegaDragon said:You can still play by chapter, right? One chapter should be doable in an hour or so.
fallengorn said:I've only had one "Oh Shit!" moment so far. During Dark Carnival, while me and Joe Fu were at the motel, I turned the corner after the first row of rooms and there was damn Tank right in front of me. (I didn't here jack shit!)
I just pictured JoeFu seeing me innocuously turning the corner and then just run the fuck out screaming. :lol
Nabs said:no way.
but vent isn't the greatest either. there's another program called Mumble that has damn near no lag, and excellent voice quality.
yeah it is. i was once on the no mic side, but then competition got much better. it's just too bad l4d has shit voip, or else i'd use my mic more often. i only do so when my team agrees to jump on vent.
Left 4 Dead 2 feels like the game Valve should have shipped this time last year.
BuddhaRockstar said:Anyone annoyed with this line showing up in every criticism and review of the game?
ElyrionX said:I bought this for the 360, went online, saw 32 of my friends online. 28 of them were playing MW2, 2 were playing AC2 and 2 were playing Halo 3 and ODST.
vertopci said:Also I say that a mic is required to play decent in L4D/L4D2
ItsInMyVeins said:Anyone want to play through dark carnivale? Preferably on normal?
vertopci said:Anyone who uses vent or skype seriously needs to check out Mumble. Shit is fucking amazing. It feels like there is literally no lag at all between you sending a message and the other receiving it. Plus it has this crazy plug in for L4D that enables positional audio. So much awesome :lol
And Sanjay skype sucks!
Also I say that a mic is required to play decent in L4D/L4D2
ItsInMyVeins said:Anyone want to play through dark carnivale? Preferably on normal?
Money hats, etc. But, yeah, it does annoy me, too =/BuddhaRockstar said:It just makes me mad that franchises like COD and Madden can make even fewer changes between games and still get 100s.
I think they say that more to mean that the improvements are THAT good (of course, I know where you're coming from and am inclined to agree).Why is this being reviewed as what the first game should have been instead of what's actually there?
In truth? $60. Multiplayer only (for all practical purposes). Expectation of Valve commitment to extensive DLC.BuddhaRockstar said:The only one I can remotely agree with would be melee weapons. It just makes me mad that franchises like COD and Madden can make even fewer changes between games and still get 100s. Why is this being reviewed as what the first game should have been instead of what's actually there?
falseNullPointer said:On release it didn't "feel" like a complete game
Shoogoo said:I told that to a friend but he didn't see it, so yeah you can tell me to shup up.
BuddhaRockstar said:Also, to be fair I know the game is mostly getting 9s instead of 10s because there's basically no single player mode and for some reason game critics still can't seem to comprehend that a multiplayer only game can be just as good as a good single player game with a multiplayer mode tacked on.
I just feel the level of polish and design deserves better scores than the game is currently getting. I also think reviewers should have to state how they play the game, as in, are they playing with 3 friends or 3 random players, and what difficulty they're playing on.
Go back in time and look at some initial impressions and expectations. Plenty of people had a blast and found the game worth every penny, but plenty enough also justified paying full price because of Valve's talk of commitment to the game via DLC. It was assumed by just about everybody that L4D1 would get new campaign content - and we did get *some* content, but not full campaigns.TheOneGuy said:false
On release it didn't "feel" like a complete game. More like a nice starter pack that would act as a foundation for further DLC campaign packs. This may seem unfair, but consider how much expectations had been raised by the release of the Orange Box, the best damn value in gaming this generation. Thus, when word of the sequel coming out in the next year hit, whole chunks of the gaming internets lost their shit entirely. But hey, that's just my take on history.
Sad that people cant be happy with a nines out of tens.
How is this relevant?NullPointer said:Go back in time and look at some initial impressions and expectations.
Yep. I think that's it right there. Expectations were probably higher from 360 users waiting on the game as Valve's commitment to support it with post release content was something new for the console world. The PC version was always going to get an SDK and mods, so official DLC was less of an issue.BuddhaRockstar said:Edit- I'd like to point out that most of my complaints are exacerbated by the fact that a lot of reviewers are choosing the 360 version as their primary platform for their review.
Stallion Free said:Ok can we switch to mumble then for our nightly games? I will install it tonight.