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Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition Game Guide Set(releases Nov. 26th)


I love Zelda strategy guides, and I'm one of the weirdos who actually reads them.
Collecting them is a ridiculous hobby of mine.
Trying to get all the US cover variations for Zelda guides is no easy task.
There are 6 Prima Majora's Mask cover variants alone.
I've got about 45 guides so far (here's some of them + the Hyrule Historias).
This box set was made for me!


I bow to you, sir


If it had guides for Links Awakening, Link to the Past, Majoras Mask then I'd have gotten it. I don't really care much for guides for the DS versions etc.

For me, Zelda is my favorite series of all time but I just don't care about the newer games as much.

Buying the new Link game simply for the fact it's a sequel to Link to the Past.


'enry 'ollins
I get that it's the most recent releases, but funny that the game that probably needs a guide the most (MM) doesn't get one.


Too expensive and missing some key games. I'll be honest though, I'm tempted by the bookmark lol.


This looks amazing and I really want it, but knowing how many games it is missing just begs for a better set later with every game in it. I'm going to regret it the second it comes out and is sold out, but I will thank myself in 25 years when the next set comes out.
Thanks for the heads-up, op.
Edit: are these actually going to be signed? These things usually have a printed signature but the description makes it sound like it'll be hand-signed.


Thanks for the heads-up, op.
Edit: are these actually going to be signed? These things usually have a printed signature but the description makes it sound like it'll be hand-signed.
To be honest, if it's a printed signature I'll likely cancel. As I said, I'm mainly purchasing this as a collector's item, and a printed signature isn't nearly as valuable.

Here's hoping it's actually signed. If it's individually-numbered, it's possible. I just hope we don't have another The Sky: Art of Final Fantasy situation again...
When I first read the thread title, I thought it was going to be specifically for the Gamecube collection and was thinking they're a little late for that...

Though this is pretty cool.
Damn that is a pretty nice set. Although I cant help but feel that this release is a bit...random? I mean it just seems so out of the blue.
Either way I'm super tempted...although I currently cannot afford it and Amazon UK doesn't seem to have it up for pre-order but the BookDepository does....and its for around £90....

I hate being a sucker for things that have the words 'Limited Edition'.

Dr. Light

Lol, pre-ordering the Canadian version spared me the shitty sales tax, so I saved even more, despite the lack of free shipping. Maybe I should be getting everything off the Canadian site?

Might end up canceling anyway, but I have months to decide. We'll see how rare this becomes.
Preordered! I doubt I'll keep it since money's tight, but I still look forward to Amazon inevitably screwing it up like they often do with limited edition items.


Just ordered will reserve judgement till November. The end of the year has a lot of Zelda related stuff coming. Again no Metroid anywhere in site =0(

wow, this isn't even eligible for Prime. what gives.

Just noticed that, strange they are going to rape us for shipping I suppose.


are you guys saying there's no free shipping option from Amazon.com? That's weird, looks like Amazon.ca definitely wins this round. Pre-ordered for $129.77 w/ free shipping.


wow, this isn't even eligible for Prime. what gives.

That is weird, it's eligible for Prime on the Canadian side.

(a better question would be why do I have Prime in Canada when there's no streaming service, but hey)
The collector in me really wants this set, even though I would not get much/any practical use out of it. I am glad I got it at the $120 price, but I still have to think about it.
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