Wall of Pics!!!
Holiday Pick-A-Brick Boxes Part. 2
Our Last 4 PAB Boxes gotten a few weeks ago... with a 50% off Post Office in the background for my birthday... Now we have two!
And In relation to that, this is our Winter Village Bakery and Holiday Gift Scene from the end of our kitchen counter during this last December!
Don't mind Minas Tirith in the background; nothing to see there.
This is my son's PAB Box. He filled it himself. 407 pieces! Like Builder like Build! <3
78 1x1 Square Trans Red Plates
28 1x1 Round Orange Studs
26 1x4 Green Tiles
26 1x2 Dark Gray Plates with L-shaped Pole
36 1x2 Green Bricks
27 1x2 Pastel Blue Bricks
18 1x4 Light Green/Lime Colored Bricks
09 1x4 Orange Bricks
27 2x2 Round Trans Water Blue Bricks
18 Wheels - Small
18 Tires - Small
15 1x4 Black Axles with hollowed out studs
11 2x2 Gray Axles w hole in center and rim-trim near stems
08 2x2x4 Clear Windshields/Windscreens -
08 2x2 Dark Gray Bricks with over-sized semi-circle rim
07 1x2 Steering Wheels
11 1x2 Slotted White Tiles
09 2x4 Green Bricks
09 2x6 Blue Bricks
09 2x4 Yellow Bricks
09 2x4 Orange Bricks
- 407 Pieces in all. Pretty good for youngster!
Price Per Piece savings off of $75 dollars to qualify for the promotion =
Formula for this is:
Take Estimated Average Cents Per Piece (CPP) for the $75 or more set, of 0.10 CPP = 750 pieces for $75 dollars.
-----$75 dollars / .10 CPP = 750 Pieces
Add the Quantity of Bricks Collected in the Holiday PAB Box to the 750 pieces above.
-----750 Pieces + 407 Pieces = 1157 Pieces
Take new total number of bricks and find Price Per Piece (PPP):
-----($75/1157 pieces=0.0648, or 6.5 cents per piece)
Take Original PPP and subtract New PPP and you get the difference in savings:
-----10 CPP - 6.5 CPP = 3.5 CPP Savings!!! =
35% Price Per Piece Discount!
Of course sometimes you'll be spending more than
exactly $75 dollars, but as a Best Case Scenario, this is the type of savings on a Cents Per Piece basis you can expect; if your good about properly packing your PAB Box!
Dad's Box #1
Contents of Box #1
151 1x1x5 White Bricks
54 1x2 White Inverted Slope Bricks
55 1x1 Round Trans Dark Blue Plates
34 2x2 Brown Chairs
28 1x1 Square Trans Red Plates
28 1x1 Round Trans Water Blue Plates
22 1x2 Dark Gray Palisade Bricks (Wavy on the sides)
22 1x2 Dark Gray Bricks
21 1x2 Clear Trans Bricks
18 1x1 Gray Bricks with Clip-Post
16 1x2 Tan Palisade Bricks (Wavy on the sides)
4 1x1 Random Light Green Round Plates
-453 Pieces Total- Savings off of $75 dollars to qualify =
38% discount!
Dad's Box #2
64 2x2 Brown Seats
54 1x2 Dark Gray Palisade Bricks
48 1x1 Round Light Green Plates
45 1x2 Dark Gray Bricks
28 1x2 Dark Clear Trans Bricks
24 6x6 Dark Gray Plates (.50 CPP on Lego.com/Pickabrick---$12 value!)
12 6x8 Green Plates (.60 CPP = $7.20 value!)
12 2x10 Tan Plates (.25 CPP = $3.00 value)
12 4x10 Black Plates (.70 CPP = $8.40 value!)
- 299 Pieces Total - Savings off of $75 to qualify =
29% Discount!
Dad's Box #3
Walled in Bricks!!
I used the Windshields as corrals for tiles and loose small pieces...
99 1x4 Gray Bricks (.20CPP=$19.80 value!!!)
99 1x2 Tan Palisade Bricks (.10CPP=$9.90 value!)
47 1x2 Dark Gray Palisade Bricks ($4.70 value)
45 1x2 Brown Palisade Bricks ($4.50 value)
31 1x4 Green Tiles
22 1x4 Brown Tiles
20 2x12 Gray Plates (.25CPP =5$value)
18 2x6 Dark Gray Bricks
09 1x1 Orange Bricks
08 1x2 Dark Gray Bricks
05 2x4x2 Windscreens
- 403 Pieces Total - Savings off of $75 to qualify =
35% Discount!
In total, that's a 34% discount in terms of price per piece for all four of the posted Holiday PAB Boxes above!!!
I really do think that if you are the type who builds your own creations, and wants to expand your collection to have more freedom to build what you want, when you want, I think that the Holiday Pick-A-Brick box option is a really good one if you consider the additional value that you get
on top of buying your presents on Black Friday with the opportunity to get at least 10% off your entire shopping order as well as 1 pick a brick box for every $75 dollars spent!