So, time to share soemething. And forgive any typos as I am stuck using my phone for all Internet for a bit.
About 10:30am this morning I heard a loud bang outside my window. I live on the second floor and I went over to the window and see there is a car against the building. Someone drove their car over the curb and hit the apartment beneath us. No one was harmed thankfully.
But, once the fire marshal and building inspector came, they discovered that the main support of that wall was broken by the car. The apartment below and mine were deemed unsafe, so my wife and I had to pack stuff up (including two cats) and move into a hotel for the next few days until they can repair the wall. And we even had to beg the in laws for money for the hotel until insurance reimburses us.
So, sitting here in a crummy hotel with sub 56k wifi, and two pissed off and scared cats with my wife. Fun times. Honestly never been happier to go to work and take my mind off stuff.
But, there is a LEGO story in this. When the first fireman came up, as he was leaving he saw the display shelf with all my modulars near the door. He immediately saw Fire Brigade and said how much he loved it. Of course my wife and I had to show him the interior, and he had to take pics to tell the other firefighters.
Later when they came back to tell us to evacuate, a few other firemen were with him and they wanted to see Fire Brigade. I feel the local firehouse will soon have Fire Brigade on display in their office soon.