Anyone else glad the Lone Ranger is bombing in theaters? It means the toys should go on clearance much faster.
I thought the exact same thing and hope for massive clearances on the sets. After thinking a bit, I don't think we'll see massive clearances (50%), but should get some good 30% ones. I'll discuss this further below.
Hi. My name is BentBricks... ...and I'm addicted to LEGO
If I could make money with LEGO, then I'd be considered a businessman or entrepreneur.
With the Lone Ranger bombing at the box office, I have two concerns:
1. The movie performance negatively affecting sales of the sets (a la Prince of Persia), which turns TLG off from attempting their own Western theme for a long time.
2. Disney stubbornly sticking to the idea of making the Lone Ranger a franchise, which could effectively lock up the Western theme until they decide to call it quits (ie. PotC).
I want the return of the true LEGO Western theme, just as I want LEGO Pirates back. TLG can do so much more when they aren't limited by licensing contracts (except for Star Wars and LotR).
The main difference between Prince of Persia and Lone Ranger is the general theme minus the movie. I believe western theme itself has a small pent up demand. The sets look great IMO even if you took out the Lone Ranger aspect. Subtract Lone Ranger and Tonto and the sets are essentially Western Theme sets. Movie bomb 100% will have a negative impact on sales of sets, but I think the pent up demand for western theme sets will keep the sets selling OK to decent.
Trying to buy a house or land so I need to stop with the LEGO purchases for the foreseeable future.....You all must not tempt me....
Nobody here is tempting anyone else. We simply share news, photos, reviews, sales, etc. We cannot be held responsible for you reaction to such posts.
I wanted Battle of Alamut as a parts pack, but now that I got it I wanted to build it once.
It's actually pretty neat. It's your standard castle design but with a Persian theme, with lots of pillars and a really cool domed roof. The SNOT pieces give it a distinct look and also gives the Prince a bunch of places to wallrun. I like the foliage and the colors. Not only will it be a solid start to a MOC I'm planning, it also has plenty of colors that will help improve my Council of Elrond. From an adult perspective all the catapults, the ballista and the play features along the sides are pointless, but I bet all the 8-14 year old kids who loved the Prince of Persia movie would have great fun with this...
Anyway, loads of white, tan and dark tan pieces, loads of pillars and arches, a good selection of SNOT pieces (only dark tan though) and plenty of skin toned faces for other builds. And it has a goddamn camel. And Lego Jake Gyllenhaal.
It's a good thing I didn't buy it online though, it's a pretty big box and shipping would have killed me.
I would have liked that set as it's very distinct and looks nice to me. Camels a big plus!
I really like the princess minifig and was happy to get a couple of those cheaply. The biggest thing I'm happy about is the poor sales of the sets made the after market price of Jake Gyllenhaal shirtless minifig very affordable. Those flesh tone bare chested torsos were very expensive before that. Will post photos later of why I would want such a thing.
I can't remember offhand but did the prices of Prince of Persia sets go down the tubes once the movie bombed? I kind of remember they did but I just wanted to make sure.
This was before I came out of my dark ages, but I do recall seeing them on discounts. Just not sure how much. As I mentioned earlier, I think the Western theme will have a decent level of interest outside of the movie aspect. Then again, I could be out of touch with today's kids who may have 0 interest in the old west. My kids don't have much interest in cowboys and indians, but that's not a large sample. They do play with my stagecoach though.