Grab Bug Obliterator while it is cheap. If you liked Vermin Vaporizer, I think you will love Bug Obliterator.I built Vermin Vaporizer tonight. Very cool. So neat how everything fits together. The fight in this set seems a little lopsided... that insect alien thing has its work cut out for it. It seems to be fourth in the Official Ghostmind (and PhoncipleBone?) Galaxy Squad Power Rankings, so I'm excited to get to some of the sets above it.
Grab Bug Obliterator while it is cheap. If you liked Vermin Vaporizer, I think you will love Bug Obliterator.
3000 posts to go!Do you know we've gone through almost another entire thread since I first got my Bug Obliterator and Vermin Vaporizer?
Going to be time for The LEGO Thread |OT3| soon... or LEGO GAF |OT3|... either way we'll need another witty subtitle.
Grab Bug Obliterator while it is cheap. If you liked Vermin Vaporizer, I think you will love Bug Obliterator.
I don't know, I really don't care much for the large size figure. They looks like baby Action-figure toys than LEGO. Though, that Hulk Buster Iron Man is awesome.
I planned on doing the color substitution on Dolphin Cruiser tonight, but I am too stoopidly giddy over the news that Ultron will be the villain in Avengers 2.
I want an Ultron battle pack. Just five or six different versions of Ultron with some random bricks thrown in. I don't care. I get frakking Ultron in a film! ULTRON!
I need to calm down from this news, but it is like a dream come true for me.
because i'm on a super hero high right now - more shots from the LEGO Marvel game...
3000 posts to go!
Went to the annual Lego show today, and came back with this little custom kit. (it was being held in the RNZAF museum)
I'd like a new revision of Captain America wearing a variation of this helmet
Yeah, as much as I enjoy the classic "stud" on the head looks of mini-figs, I really think those that wear mask should have proper "helmet". The new grandpa mini-fig with the dome top make me think that the piece would be nice to cap Spiderman head and give him proper smooth round top. And those that prefer stud top can just leave them off.
Do you know we've gone through almost another entire thread since I first got my Bug Obliterator and Vermin Vaporizer?
Going to be time for The LEGO Thread |OT3| soon... or LEGO GAF |OT3|... either way we'll need another witty subtitle.
I guess this was the 1 pm reveal?
Went to the annual Lego show today, and came back with this little custom kit. (it was being held in the RNZAF museum)
I'd like a new revision of Captain America wearing a variation of this helmet
Do you know we've gone through almost another entire thread since I first got my Bug Obliterator and Vermin Vaporizer?
Going to be time for The LEGO Thread |OT3| soon... or LEGO GAF |OT3|... either way we'll need another witty subtitle.
Hmmm subtitles.. everything I'm coming up w is an outdated movie reference.
"Your (wallet's) punishment must be more severe"
"Tony Stark MOC'ed it in a cave"
T_TSorry Chuck - hopefully at NYCC.
Is it me, or is LEGO going crazy with all these new moulds. Many which I can't see how they could be reused. Hobbit must have produced well over 20 new moulds.
I haven't seen those small balljoints before though. Where I can get those? Would be very useful for many builds.
Hi, sorry for the stupid question.
I read back a few pages, trying to get a clear answer.
Delorean: - Available in UK stores now/tomorrow? Some people have them via SDCC? And will it be a stealth North America release? Or will I be able to order it off on August 1st (the date I keep seeing about?)
I imagine Canada will get hosed again but I will try to pick one of these up in any case.
Color MOD looks great Phonciple - it could easily pass as a high-end CITY set now.
Regarding the axle part, it is already available (assuming I am thinking of the same piece):