I picked up Cragger's Command Ship Chima set yesterday for 33% off at Target using their Amazon price match! $58 and change after tax!
It's for my boy; he's gonna save his allowance for two months and buy it from Daddy's Toy Shop
And today!, I picked up Pet Shop for 130 using 20$ in VIP points!
It's for my sons graduation present in June, but I just felt like getting it now so that all current Modulars are acquired before any shenanigans.
Town Hall for Mothers day: check!
Grand Emporium for wife for xmas2012: check!
Fire Brigade, Warg Attack, Mirkwood Spiders, and Riddles for the Ring for my birthday (late Feb): check!
Imperial Shuttle, Goblin King and Barrel Escape for Fathers Day: check!
Tower Bridge for our Anniversary (middle of the year): check!
Palace Cinema for wife's birthday (july) and for my MOC: hopefully check.
Horizon Express for Black Friday 2013: ideally, check!
Death Star or SSD @20% or more going forward?: Double Check!
That is all for this year! For now...