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LEGO |OT5| DARKNESS! NO MONEY! (or Break the Rules! Mix the Bags!)

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Pics stolen from reddit while I wait, I had no idea the box was so big...

Before I get to the mech and the demon, just a point about a random and weird new piece:

It is just a ball joint extender. I really can't think of any other reason for it existing or other uses for it. I am sure I will find one eventually, like reversing it to make a decorative texture on a building, but it is such a random piece.

Thats not a new piece, its a friction extender. Its been in the constraction lines for years, and is meant to either add more friction to support more weight or to extend limbs for better proportions.
Best Star/Helicarrier sized boxes then?
Thats not a new piece, its a friction extender. Its been in the constraction lines for years, and is meant to either add more friction to support more weight or to extend limbs for better proportions.

Thank you for that. I had just never seen it before. Thank you for the clarification.


The GB HQ box was on the shelf (bought a few minutes later) when I was visiting the LEGO store. It's just really really thick.
It makes every hero look like they're wearing a turtleneck! I prefer the thinner older ones.

I was surprised and pleased to see a lonely Ocean HQ set at Toys R Us. A bunch of themes are 30% off this week (TMNT, TLM, Chima, and UA). With the credit card discount it came out to $63.

Keep expectations low, but I enjoyed it a lot. That last wave was so short lived and I was surprised at the low availability of the Ocean HQ.

Check out the NPU! Woo woo!
Here's more Nexo Knight propaganda.

I'm really liking the Nexo Knights minifigs. Bought Ultimate Macy today (my 2nd Nexo Knight set) so I could get a 2nd Ash Attacker freebie. I put on the banshee hair and gave him Frankie's guitar from the Halloween CMFs and voila!

The hottest new rockstar!


Michael Molton or Enrique Igneous?

I think the transparent hair works nicely. It almost looks like it's smoke (at least viewing it in person. Doesn't show up as well in photo).
Hey guys, I know I don't post in here enough, since I rarely have the money for Legos, but I figured I'd post some Christmas Lego pics. :D Got the Palace Theater set, built it, and took not enough pics of actually it. But Lego pics are Lego pics!

https://www.flickr.com/photos/h3xantistyle/shares/mViv9V For all of today's Lego photos, including some not shown here.

Revenge of the Smiles by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr
(I tried to go for a "movie" look with this one, dunno how successful I was.)
Working Late by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr
Just Need a Lead... by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr
(I'm mad about this one because I took a lot of effort to spin the fan without bumping anything and then it's too out of focus to matter :/ )
Cowboy Trooper vs Ninjas by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr
Nighttime Stroll by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr

There's a few ones but I think these are the best from tonight.


Knows the Score
My son was desperate for the Imperial Star Destroyer, but forgot to ask Santa for it so we were lucky to find one scheduled for stock replenishment on Amazon.fr last. It arrived yesterday and the box is massive so I guess that'll keep him busy for a while.

On my build queue are the Louvre, Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who & Burj Khalifa in the post so I need to find some time to start on these. I managed a platinum medal on Lego Dimensions (my first for any game) so I've not been slacking in my Lego duties and I picked up a copy of Serious Play out of curiosity recently.


Visited 2 major toystores in my area today and Star Wars lego are fucking extinct!!

There are not even polybags left!

Wth is going on lol, I know they will eventually restock, but I was incredibly surprised that the entire Star Wars series (not just TFA, but anything to do with Star Wars) was simply gone!

Have any of you guys experienced something similar?

Damn these things sell like crazy...


Visited 2 major toystores in my area today and Star Wars lego are fucking extinct!!

There are not even polybags left!

Wth is going on lol, I know they will eventually restock, but I was incredibly surprised that the entire Star Wars series (not just TFA, but anything to do with Star Wars) was simply gone!

Have any of you guys experienced something similar?

Damn these things sell like crazy...

Pretty much the same in the toy store in Belgium I visited last week. The new dec 26 sets were there and a handfull of older sets, but the most attractive ones were all gone. Big empty spaces in the Rayon...


Hey guys, I know I don't post in here enough, since I rarely have the money for Legos, but I figured I'd post some Christmas Lego pics. :D Got the Palace Theater set, built it, and took not enough pics of actually it. But Lego pics are Lego pics!

https://www.flickr.com/photos/h3xantistyle/shares/mViv9V For all of today's Lego photos, including some not shown here.

Nighttime Stroll by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr

There's a few ones but I think these are the best from tonight.

I like this one... very atmospheric.
Building the bank tonight with my wife while we knock out some movies in our backlog. Yes, we have a backlog of movies we have bought but haven't watched yet :p

Backlogs are a huge part of my life, apparently.
I like this one... very atmospheric.

Yeah really good lighting H3XAntiStyle, it can make all the difference.

Exactly. What ARE you using for light sources if you don't mind me asking? Is that also interior lighting there or just outside sources?

:D You guys are gonna laugh but I'm just removing the roof and using my phone's flashlight to light them up. Everything else was a closet light (to ensure that I did have light, but that it was comparitively weak against the phone's flashlight).

I did however start looking up these Lifelite things. Would have been awesome to have some dimmable lights, as a lot of times the phone's flashlight was too bright and I needed to make a lot of adjustments on everything ELSE to get it balanced right.


:D You guys are gonna laugh but I'm just removing the roof and using my phone's flashlight to light them up. Everything else was a closet light (to ensure that I did have light, but that it was comparitively weak against the phone's flashlight).

I did however start looking up these Lifelite things. Would have been awesome to have some dimmable lights, as a lot of times the phone's flashlight was too bright and I needed to make a lot of adjustments on everything ELSE to get it balanced right.

Firstly, I wanted to add my compliments regarding your pictures, cracking shots :)

Secondly, I love your budget lighting! Just goes to show that a bit of resourcefulness goes a long way when it comes to photography (and probably everything else...)

I quite like the look of these devices . Could mount them on a few cheap gorillapods and fashion some diffusers. Might make a good beginner's lighting kit. I might investigate post pay day :p
Firstly, I wanted to add my compliments regarding your pictures, cracking shots :)

Secondly, I love your budget lighting! Just goes to show that a bit of resourcefulness goes a long way when it comes to photography (and probably everything else...)

I quite like the look of these devices . Could mount them on a few cheap gorillapods and fashion some diffusers. Might make a good beginner's lighting kit. I might investigate post pay day :p

Yeah, a little creativity can certain do a lot on a budget! But it can also be a tad limiting -- with these I had to make sure I didn't ever show the "second floor" of a building (since there wasn't one), and also it's very difficult to position the phone in the right places. A few photos I had to take the phone and place it upside down, in the actual model, which is quite constricting. I basically couldn't get a good barbershop shot.

Oh also for some reason this is the most viewed photo on Flickr out of the bunch. It doesn't really seem all that special to me but despite me not actively posting it anywhere it has the most views so Iunno.

Movies Love Popcorn by Hunter Mauro, on Flickr


:D You guys are gonna laugh but I'm just removing the roof and using my phone's flashlight to light them up. Everything else was a closet light (to ensure that I did have light, but that it was comparitively weak against the phone's flashlight).

I did however start looking up these Lifelite things. Would have been awesome to have some dimmable lights, as a lot of times the phone's flashlight was too bright and I needed to make a lot of adjustments on everything ELSE to get it balanced right.

Great pictures and a great solution to get some lighning in! I should really do some shots soon too, once I get most of my work that is piling up at the moment done (yeah, procrastinating now)
Get a steam account if you haven't already

My Steam account isn't too bad actually. But my consoles are another story. My PC is basically for RTS, Simulation, and MMORPGs. Anything that plays well on triple screens.


I've added another 30-40 games since that pic was taken!

And my board game backlog is huge too. (Currently organizing!)



My Steam account isn't too bad actually. But my consoles are another story. My PC is basically for RTS, Simulation, and MMORPGs. Anything that plays well on triple screens.


I've added another 30-40 games since that pic was taken!

And my board game backlog is huge too. (Currently organizing!)


Holy moly! Well, this puts my backlog into perspective :p I'm going to try and finish up my Christmas Lego over the weekend and then it's clear decks for me!
Pics stolen from reddit while I wait, I had no idea the box was so big...


Best Star/Helicarrier sized boxes then?

Yeah the box is huge. It's the same size as the Helicarrier box, just turned 90 degrees.

And I also blame / thank wetwired for the incoming Ghostbusters Lego sets. I really don't think they would have happened if not for the Ecto-1 and it's massive success.

Thank you wetwired!!


I'm getting Infernox with the sole purpose of swapping the trans-orange pieces with brown and making a few other tweaks to make a Clayface for my Batman collection. The mouth/face build is perfect.


I ordered the UCS Slave this week and it was delivered today while I was at work. Of course, with the anticipation, I decided to stop at a local store and see if they had any Lego in stock.

Here's a (bad) cell phone pic of my haul. One of the Slave 1's is the one that was delivered today for $212 from S@H.


The other slave was marked at $174.99 and that Death Star in a mint box was $319! They had a few other interesting sets too, Sea Cow for $239 and some Friends hotel for $79 (1500 or so pieces). They also had a couple smaller city sets. It's been awhile since I've seen any good deals on sets so I was pretty excited.

I don't see any signs that the sets were opened or tampered with, but part of me wants to inspect that Death Star as it's probably going to stay in a box for a couple years before I get around to it. Is the value diminished much if I open the box, but leave the bags closed?


No wonder I (or anyone else outside of a few) couldn't get in on that Sea Cow deal. You have some people buying more than 20 in order to resell. I get that there is always going to be those who buy in order to resell but circumventing the order limit is a sleazeball move.
Got paid today (woo), so I decided I could use a portion towards a Lego set. Question is, do I want the Ghostbusters HQ set (available at the Lego store 5 mins from me) or Slave 1 (45 mins away)

Decisions :(


My Steam account isn't too bad actually. But my consoles are another story. My PC is basically for RTS, Simulation, and MMORPGs. Anything that plays well on triple screens.


I've added another 30-40 games since that pic was taken!

And my board game backlog is huge too. (Currently organizing!)


Will you adopt me?

I'm 32 and house broken


I haven't picked them up yet but I managed to score the new Millennium Falcon and Tie Fighter for $100 and $50 off respectively, down from $250 and $100 respectively to $150 and $50 (All in AUD).

I'm slowly turning to the dark side of LEGO. First it was the previous droid escape pod to get R2 and 3PO, then Desert Skiff to get a boba fett, a battle pack to get imperial guards and then T-16 to get a Tuskan Raider...now I've got the above 2 on the way, contemplating Poe's X-Wing, Rey's Speeder and trying to track down a UCS X-Wing :|


I haven't picked them up yet but I managed to score the new Millennium Falcon and Tie Fighter for $100 and $50 off respectively, down from $250 and $100 respectively to $150 and $50 (All in AUD).

I'm slowly turning to the dark side of LEGO. First it was the previous droid escape pod to get R2 and 3PO, then Desert Skiff to get a boba fett, a battle pack to get imperial guards and then T-16 to get a Tuskan Raider...now I've got the above 2 on the way, contemplating Poe's X-Wing, Rey's Speeder and trying to track down a UCS X-Wing :|



So I ordered the avengejet and kings mech from shop @ home. It took forever to ship and get here. It arrives and there is a red skull sub in the box I didn't order!

I feel bad keeping this...but...
So I ordered the avengejet and kings mech from shop @ home. It took forever to ship and get here. It arrives and there is a red skull sub in the box I didn't order!

I feel bad keeping this...but...
I'm not a religious man but I think the Lord Business is testing you.
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