To appreciate the MF box size... (the MF has more than one meaning here)
GAF, I need your help.
75153 AT-ST or 75532 Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike.
- I prefer regular Lego over constraction stuff
- Would fit with my eventual Modular Street display
- Outside of the pilot the minifigures are bleh
Scout Trooper:
- Larger and more impressive to look at
- People here seem to love it
- Bit of a poor value for the price
Which one?
GAF, I need your help.
75153 AT-ST or 75532 Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike.
- I prefer regular Lego over constraction stuff
- Would fit with my eventual Modular Street display
- Outside of the pilot the minifigures are bleh
Scout Trooper:
- Larger and more impressive to look at
- People here seem to love it
- Bit of a poor value for the price
Which one?
And and and, there is no or.A LegoGAFfer doesn't deal in absolutes. We just get both when trying to decide.
GAF, I need your help.
75153 AT-ST or 75532 Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike.
- I prefer regular Lego over constraction stuff
- Would fit with my eventual Modular Street display
- Outside of the pilot the minifigures are bleh
Scout Trooper:
- Larger and more impressive to look at
- People here seem to love it
- Bit of a poor value for the price
Which one?
Are there any indications (maybe from earlier events like these) how long it take for that?
I live in europe, so maybe I am lucky.
A LegoGAFfer doesn't deal in absolutes. We just get both when trying to decide.
To appreciate the MF box size... (the MF has more than one meaning here)
Thanks - I usually just look at ebay for that stuff. Gonna make a account and just look how much shipping will be. Maybe gonna wait a week before I buy it.You mean this one, right ?{}
If you check the price guide then the average price has already went down since ~19 in May to 14.70 in August and September prices are attacking 10. So it is getting to the price where shipping is important and can make substantial part of the cost ...
Sorry I forgot which one of you was pimping Lego Worlds. I was waiting for the Switch version and it comes out this week. Looks like it includes the Monsters and Space DLC too. Have it preordered but not sure I will be able to get to it this week. I'm trying to hurry finish FF XII:ZA and then I have MARIO x Rabbids sitting here I'm going to do a quick play through of. I'm planning on Lego Worlds being my "just screwing around" game till MARIO in Oct.
Another one of the bricktober minifig sets was posted by member meanders on brickset. This one is city/jungle.
I am determined to get the Falcon within a year.. I mean who eats at the dining room table any more anyways...?
I never had a student loan, and my flat is paid. I still don't have good conscience... That never go away, it's still a LOT of money for a bunch of plastic parts, money you may need for something else.Honestly... if my student loans were paid off I would probably get it, lol. Can't really make the the purchase with a good conscience as is though.
Sorry I forgot which one of you was pimping Lego Worlds. I was waiting for the Switch version and it comes out this week. Looks like it includes the Monsters and Space DLC too. Have it preordered but not sure I will be able to get to it this week. I'm trying to hurry finish FF XII:ZA and then I have MARIO x Rabbids sitting here I'm going to do a quick play through of. I'm planning on Lego Worlds being my "just screwing around" game till MARIO in Oct.
Why are you guys talking about a new SSD? Have there been any hints from Lego?
Yes!!! I was pimping it like crazy.
It's worth the bang for the buck! The space DLC is small but superb.
I use Worlds as my go to game when I don't know what to play or to just chill out since it's such a chill game. So much to unlock in it. Played a ton over months and I'm still finding new stuff.
Plus it's got dungeons n the type of secrets involving decoding.
I still consider it the best Lego released. It's what Dimensions should have been.
Will there ever be a (much) better time to buy ninjago city than 2x points next month?
Its going to sit in the closet for a while, but i want to get the best deal i can on it.
Will there ever be a (much) better time to buy ninjago city than 2x points next month?
Its going to sit in the closet for a while, but i want to get the best deal i can on it.
It says retired if it's retired. Look at K2SO to see.UCS Tie shows sold out. Does that mean retired?
It says retired if it's retired. Look at K2SO to see.
GAF, I need your help.
75153 AT-ST or 75532 Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike.
- I prefer regular Lego over constraction stuff
- Would fit with my eventual Modular Street display
- Outside of the pilot the minifigures are bleh
Scout Trooper:
- Larger and more impressive to look at
- People here seem to love it
- Bit of a poor value for the price
Which one?
Third and final order placed. Death Star on its way. Until the Falcon comes out I now own every star wars set I want to own that will realistically be mine as I'm not paying the prices for the UCS B or Y wings.
Backlog complete.
i'm assuming the new bb8 will be around for awhile right? Cuz I'm thinking of going double points on the y wing, a wing, luke's speeder, and the UCS snowspeeder. That seem like a good haul? UCS speeder turned out ok right? I was absent from the thread when it launched.
Great build, too many stickers.
The Saturn V has done terrible things to me. Probably going to get future NASA sets (REALLY hope the new ideas shuttle gets approved or Lego does their own new one) but I'm also thinking about those modular buildings.
Looks like they do one of those per year? And based on availability, they are available for about 5 years before being discontinued?
I feel like everyone in the old OT got one at the time lol. It was a B-Wing firesale frenzy for a while.Unlikely unless the set doesn't sell well. UCS B-Wing saw a 50% discount (if you somehow were able to get your hands on it for that price).
Yes, it's been yearly for awhile. Checking back, it does seem like they are available for 4-5 yrs after release starting with Fire Brigade. Town Hall is an exception as sales for that one were poor, but due to scarcity the aftermarket price skyrocketed. When I started getting back into LEGO around 2010, the time frame was closer to 2 years for modulars.
All the other discontinued ones are probably out of the question.
Third and final order placed. Death Star on its way. Until the Falcon comes out I now own every star wars set I want to own that will realistically be mine as I'm not paying the prices for the UCS B or Y wings.
Backlog complete.
After building BB-8 and seeing it in my display I caved and bought a sealed R2-D2 off ebay.
BB-8 just looks so lonely without his friend...
Haha, if the prices to do so are reasonable I would be fine. Though with this MF and the expected SSD I do wonder about a y wing really release. Not expecting a b wing since it looks like it sold poorly. Y wing is a big deal in the resistance tho!Phase 2 : introduce DBT to Bricklink to recreate the B wind and Y wing....
Hmm... so, that's a bit of a pickle I hadn't quite expected. That Town Hall I ebayed arrived, and... the seller shipped it pretty much fully built (like, the seperate floors heavily bubble wrapped in a big box). Still, like... I was planning on building it, and that's definitely part of the fun... But it feels like such a pain to try to carefully disassemble everything in order to reassemble it... Maaaaaybe I could justify it as a thorough wipe of the dust on it? (Even though my other modulars have definitely accumulated dust over time). Also probably wouldn't hurt as an inventory to make sure nothing's missing...
Oh, and pretty sure it's legit at a first glance. Does anybody else copy the little Lego printing on every stud, or is that a sign it's 100% in the clear?
Edit: In a little bonus, despite the guy saying no minifigs, the secretary woman was in there. So that's a nice little plus!
I feel like everyone in the old OT got one at the time lol. It was a B-Wing firesale frenzy for a while.
Yeah that's what I said at first as well
Yeah that's what I said at first as well