Completed the Town Hall I ebayed! It was pretty much 100% (was missing the small like, 4 piece potted plant thing on the first floor, but I was easily able to assemble that from parts I had sitting around.) I actually unintentionally built it in the weirdest way. Like, I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to deconstruct and rebuild everything (but I did end up doing so), so I started with the roof as a test, as that was the smallest bit. Then I figured "eh, may as well work my way down at this point"... but at some point floors 2 and 3 got mixed up. So I built the Town Hall roof-> floor 2-> floor 3-> floor 1.
Anyway, the front of the Town Hall is stunning of course... but anyone else find the interior particularly meh? Like, it's probably not fair to compare it to stuff that came later, but it kind of felt like a much more mediocre version of what Brick Bank pulled off (with the opening between floors and the office and stuff). In particular... what's the deal with those little half-hearted stool/chair things that are just little squares? Felt... not so great. Still love the look of the thing as a whole, but the interior honestly kind of let me down and felt like the worst finished interior of the modulars to me (IE Cafe Corner obviously has nothing. Don't have Green Grocer to compare though, to be fair).
BTW, just out of curiosity: am I weird for stripping a part a set shipped to me complete to rebuild it myself, or is that the norm? Felt kind of odd doing it, but I wanted the building experience.