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Let's Remember That Time Jimmy Kimmel Cried Over a Fuckin Lion

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Fail out bailed
Is there any issue of human suffering he's talked out and subsequently broke down as a reference point here to say "he cares about lion lives and not black lives" rather than "animals upset him more than people"? I would guess maybe a couple of the mass shootings?

Because otherwise this is a massive and unfair leap.
He cares about football but not rape. He also cares more about flip cup than human trafficking. It's a mad house.


I wasn't going to say anything before this thread was made but let's be clear: fuck lions. They are basically the laziest animals on the planet. They sleep for most of the day and they can't even be arsed to replicate faster than we illegally hunt them for sport.

Fuck you lions. You are everything wrong with the universe.
Is there a video of Jimmy Kimmel crying on camera over the shooting of children in Newtown? I believe most of those kids were white correct? So if there is no video does this imply he cares more about a Lion then White Children being gunned down?

Now I agree that most people in the media have deference to all of the black lives being taken unjustly, but I don't think that this is a good example of that. There is definitely a problem when children like Tamir Rice get gunned down and no one even blinks an eye, but I don't think this is one of those times.

Here you go:

Lucky they don't listen to you, because they're doing more good than you are I bet. We can't feed the whole world's population on meat for starts and the climate change impacts of the meat industry are tough to ignore.

Well yeah, being bothered by human suffering itself is worthless and does nothing to ease human suffering. Reducing your impact on the planet by changing your lifestyle could possibly ease human suffering even if you don't care about human suffering. Its better to be helped by someone with no empathy than shit on by someone who feels bad.


Yeah, but if he does a segment on cecil because it's news, then why didn't he do segment on human tragedies which were also news?

(rhetorical question, i know exactly why, as per my post)

That's because certain news catches people attention more than others. He didn't cry about the news of the Orlando shooting either. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about it.
This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the OP if you actually read the whole thing. I'm not saying Kimmel CAN'T express concern or sadness over an animal's death nor that it's a bad thing. I'm saying when you are totally SILENT on all other serious social issues that have resulted in pain and sadness and then choose to BREAK THAT SILENCE over a fuckin lion, well, Kimmel you got some splainin' to do.

He could have kept silent like he does on every other sad story, he chose to come out and do a whole five minutes with a call for donations over that one little lion. Thus, it is fair to ask why he didn't say ANYTHING when those black people who were killed made NATIONAL news and resulted in upheavals ACROSS THE NATION. Those killings were not tiny little incidents that you can excuse him for not getting involved in, they've been at the center of ours news coverage and political debates. Yet, he chose to speak over a small, isolated story about a lion that no on remembers today.

So yes, the two things are related.

Calling out racial injustices = you lose the viewership of racists
Calling out Jack J Dentist for being a dickhead = you lose the viewership of Jack J Dentist

Not that it makes it ok to not call out racism, or other injustices, but in the job that he's in where ratings = his show survives... this is sort of what one would expect. I imagine it would be rare for people in his position to do what you're saying, and if they're brave enough to do so, they should be applauded for having the guts to do it. But condemning him solely for choosing a much less urgent-to-society cause isn't exactly productive.

He chose a "safe" injustice to speak out about, which doesn't mean that dentist isn't a dickhead. I also agree with you that the injustices you're talking about should also be spoken out about.
I wasn't going to say anything before this thread was made but let's be clear: fuck lions. They are basically the laziest animals on the planet. They sleep for most of the day and they can't even be arsed to replicate faster than we illegally hunt them for sport.

Fuck you lions. You are everything wrong with the universe.
Lionesses are pretty dope tho

And male ones are fluffy

And my birthday is World Lion Day

Still didn't get the whole Cecil thing though


I was wondering about this. Don't our brains see cute animals similar to babies?

Not that the average white person gave a shit when a little black kid is shot by cops.
Yes. When Russia tamed foxes the successive generations features gradually changed over time to look younger and cuter.

KC Denton

I wasn't going to say anything before this thread was made but let's be clear: fuck lions. They are basically the laziest animals on the planet. They sleep for most of the day and they can't even be arsed to replicate faster than we illegally hunt them for sport.

Fuck you lions. You are everything wrong with the universe.
And yet somehow, they are practically worshipped as the "king of animals" by people who only know them from medieval heraldry or fucking Narnia.


Fail out bailed
And yet somehow, they are practically worshipped as the "king of animals" by people who only know them from medieval heraldry or fucking Narnia.
Honestly changing the subject to whether lions are cool or not feels pretty fucked up guys. Give the context I mean.


Junior Member
I think part of it is parts of his audience may not see the black lives being extinguished by the police as innocent. A lion being hunted and being killed somewhere in Africa for a trophy is shitty, but when you have black people in your own country being gunned down for misdemeanors or even no fucking reason, it gets me wondering if people like Jimmy Kimmel who cry over this lion's death really consider our lives equal to theirs.
What does this even mean?

My meaning is that white people -- show IMVHO -- an extremely overwhelming amount of emotion towards animal tragedies. You give a dog a bath and a lot of white people will consider that animal abuse if the dog is crying. It's something that I've observed a lot with "white culture" Going absolutely nuts over an animal but yet being quiet about the death of a person. Especially POC.
Because his sadness over the lion was genuine. If he had taken 5 minutes to talk about how deeply sad he was about Tamir Rice, Trayvon etc. it wouldn't have been genuine. When people who feel like him look at animals being gunned down they see innocence being killed, but when they look at black people they see anything but innocence in their subconscious. No matter how wrong they really think those acts against black people are there is still no empathy or sadness. White supremacy ingrains not to look at black people as innocent beings and Jimmy Kimmel, like many people, falls victim to that.

So many people at my job find Colin Kaepernick's protest so "disrespectful" they refuse to acknowledge the reason he's doing it in the first place. They care more about that than they care for the reason he's doing it. It's the indifference and the lack of empathy kills me.

I like to remind people that in 2015, 6% of the US population (black men) made up 40% of ALL (across all races) unarmed shootings by cops.

"yeah that's bad but..."

"what about black on black crime"

"it doesn't happen"

"cops kill more white people than black people"

"he should find another way to protest"

I got a bunch more.
This might be too off topic, but it's something I was wondering about after reading this thread.

Is there any sort of metric between the quality of life someone lives and the quality of life they perceive other people to have?
I literally don't get the hate for killing a dumb lion or Gorilla. Literally he went out of his way to do a 5 minute rant on a goddamned lion hunter.


Honestly changing the subject to whether lions are cool or not feels pretty fucked up guys. Give the context I mean.

Granted, I just think it's really weird to use an issue as universally important as american minorities being murdered to belittle another universally important issue which is the conservation of our increasingly failing biosphere. Why pit one against the other? And who cares what Jimmy Kimmel thinks? Who watches Jimmy Kimmel?

I'm tired today. Should not be posting.
I wasn't going to say anything before this thread was made but let's be clear: fuck lions. They are basically the laziest animals on the planet. They sleep for most of the day and they can't even be arsed to replicate faster than we illegally hunt them for sport.

Fuck you lions. You are everything wrong with the universe.

Human beings are MUCH lazier than Lions and that should say a lot.
Is there a video of Jimmy Kimmel crying on camera over the shooting of children in Newtown? I believe most of those kids were white correct? So if there is no video does this imply he cares more about a Lion then White Children being gunned down?

Now I agree that most people in the media have deference to all of the black lives being taken unjustly, but I don't think that this is a good example of that. There is definitely a problem when children like Tamir Rice get gunned down and no one even blinks an eye, but I don't think this is one of those times.



He's a talkshow host. If he started crying about black kids getting unjustly killed by cops his white fans would be pissed.
This is basically it.

Big media faces tend to avoid discussing political incidents because you're essentially alienating half your fanbase if you take a hard stance on the subject.

Talking about cecil was EZ cause who doesn't like lions?

So at best, he is a coward. At worst, a racist.


Fail out bailed
Granted, I just think it's really weird to use an issue as universally important as american minorities being murdered to belittle another universally important issue which is the conservation of our increasingly failing biosphere. Why pit one against the other? And who cares what Jimmy Kimmel thinks? Who watches Jimmy Kimmel?

I'm tired today. Should not be posting.
I can appreciate that. Especially the biodiversity of Africa in this specific instance.


Incredibly Naive
Hmm I feel like you could substitute just about anything in place of OPs point. What about genocide? What about world hunger and extreme poverty? You could say this about just about anybody.


its like the people being upset with the dog thing. its like yo, people are escaping war and actually drowning and dying. yet people are against helping those people in need.


Incredibly Naive
This is basically it.

Big media faces tend to avoid discussing political incidents because you're essentially alienating half your fanbase if you take a hard stance on the subject.

Talking about cecil was EZ cause who doesn't like lions?

So at best, he is a coward. At worst, a racist.

So not only is he a coward but so is pretty much any person ever on tv, at least those who didn't talk about those people. They can only go as far as their producers let them.
Hmm I feel like you could substitute just about anything in place of OPs point. What about genocide? What about world hunger and extreme poverty? You could say this about just about anybody.

THose issues are not divisive. If Jimmy Kimmell came out to say how terrible a terrorist attack was, or how bad world famine is, he wouldn't get any opposition. Everybody agrees that those things are fucked up. It's almost universal. If he came out on the side of "hey those black men being murdered by cops is kind of fucked up", he'd get a ton of opposition. You seem to be missing the point. This isn't a game of which plight is worse. It's more to point out that one is deemed more socially acceptable to be sympathetic to, and the other isn't.


This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the OP if you actually read the whole thing. I'm not saying Kimmel CAN'T express concern or sadness over an animal's death nor that it's a bad thing. I'm saying when you are totally SILENT on all other serious social issues that have resulted in pain and sadness and then choose to BREAK THAT SILENCE over a fuckin lion, well, Kimmel you got some splainin' to do.

He could have kept silent like he does on every other sad story, he chose to come out and do a whole five minutes with a call for donations over that one little lion. Thus, it is fair to ask why he didn't say ANYTHING when those black people who were killed made NATIONAL news and resulted in upheavals ACROSS THE NATION. Those killings were not tiny little incidents that you can excuse him for not getting involved in, they've been at the center of ours news coverage and political debates. Yet, he chose to speak over a small, isolated story about a lion that no on remembers today.

So yes, the two things are related.

"Yes, but what about-ism." You shouldn't expect a comedy talk show to discuss every terrible social issue facing the world because that's all it would be about.

example of the fallacy: You're concerned about Jimmy Kimmel, but what about the President of the United States? You broke your silence on Neogaf about a talk show host, but not anyone with real power. Aim higher if you're concerned about this kind of thing.


Incredibly Naive
THose issues are not divisive. If Jimmy Kimmell came out to say how terrible a terrorist attack was, or how bad world famine is, he wouldn't get any opposition. Everybody agrees that those things are fucked up. It's almost universal. If he came out on the side of "hey those black men being murdered by cops is kind of fucked up", he'd get a ton of opposition. You seem to be missing the point. This isn't a game of which plight is worse. It's more to point out that one is deemed more socially acceptable to be sympathetic to, and the other isn't.

No I get that, I'm saying he doesn't do those things even though those aren't divisive. What's his excuse there? I agree with the sentiment that it's wrong that's it's divisive, but singling him out for this particular instance seems like a broken argument to me, because you can supplement almost any famous face who is at the will of their producers.


I feel bad when bad things happen to people and to animals, but the added rub with shit like Cecil to me is that most wild species are going fucking extinct, probably in our lifetimes. In a vacuum, any random lion death is one out of a population in thousands and dwindling, any random human death is one in a population of billions and growing. I find that to be worthy of sadness if you give a shit about life and the wonder of our planet in general.

That's setting all racial issues aside of course, I agree that society is racist as hell and it's also unacceptable. But "fuck animals anyone who gives a shit about anything other than humans" attitude is super gross to me, sorry.
seriously what's up with white people and animals. You can't even give a whining dog a bath without white people going crazy "STOP IT!!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!"

what is even the point of posting this? it shows ignorance on your part.

You say this, and yet the internet is full of cat gifs. I'd bet this board is full of people who have pets they treat like their children. Pet ownership and animal activism is as first world a privilege/problem as it gets. Not to mention I fucking hate pets, especially cats.

animal activism is not a first world problem what fucking nonsense. wildlife dying out would be catastrophic for the entire planet. once again, utter ignorance.

This kind of stuff never sits well with me, for that precise reason and even broader - how do people justify being so upset over pets and wild animals in general, when there's so many people suffering so much, and they clearly don't get upset over that nearly as much?

so we should indifferent towards animal abuse and suffering? so many of you lack so much empathy that I question your humanity.

I hate the idea of them being equal to human life, which they are for a lot of people. It shows in the stunning lack of empathy people have for actual humanity.

ironic considering you show a lack of empathy to other animals.

I wasn't going to say anything before this thread was made but let's be clear: fuck lions. They are basically the laziest animals on the planet. They sleep for most of the day and they can't even be arsed to replicate faster than we illegally hunt them for sport.

Fuck you lions. You are everything wrong with the universe.

they live on the plains and don't have air conditioners to cool them down when the temperature is over 100 degrees, they also kind of have fight for their food, sometimes against creatures many times bigger than them. maybe you should educate yourself before hand yes?

edit: I find this trend of stating that only humans matter to be wildly short-sighted and downright disgusting. animals have lived before,during and hopefully after humans came on the scene. there is no need to shit on them and not care about their plight.
I actually don't think it's that rare for humans to be more affected by animal suffering than human. Not sure why but you see it all the time.

It's always fucking hilarious when coming from meat lovers. At least the vegans and vegetarians I can agree to the consistency in their arguments and respect that, but more often that not* the outrage when some animal is killed, boils down to "this animal is very exotic or cute, it shouldn't be allowed to be killed unlike cows, pigs, chickens and so on".

*Of course if the animal is endangered or close to being it, that's a whole other story.


Incredibly Naive
its like the people being upset with the dog thing. its like yo, people are escaping war and actually drowning and dying. yet people are against helping those people in need.

Dude what?

"Why are people so upset about the switch having paid online? People are dying, and climate change is devastating". Absolute nonsense. Besides animal activism is not just "white people"


they live on the plains and don't have air conditioners to cool them down when the temperature is over 100 degrees, they also kind of have fight for their food, sometimes against creatures many times bigger than them. maybe you should educate yourself before hand yes?

Not quite sure how to respond to this. I don't actually hate lions. My post was intended to take an extreme stance towards a non-existent anti-lion sentiment that the thread title hints at (likely unintentionally). I thought my post was ridiculous enough that nobody could ever take it seriously o_O


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Jesus fuck is this where gaf is now? The average white person doesn't care when a little black kid is shot? That's a fucking racist lie.

I'm not sure about that.

Obviously tons of white people care very deeply about police brutality, but most white people can't be easily mobilized against it.


I absolutely agree and it's really fucked up how mourning over the death of other human beings is somehow a controversial political statement that will negatively affect the show's ratings. Of course, white people are an exception.

its like the people being upset with the dog thing. its like yo, people are escaping war and actually drowning and dying. yet people are against helping those people in need.

This reductive to the point of being wrong. People can be upset over animal abuse and still be pro refugee. Both issues have completely different factors to consider.
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