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Let's Remember That Time Jimmy Kimmel Cried Over a Fuckin Lion

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This thread is like one of those undergrad psychology experiments. "Would you willingly kill one person, in order to save a bus full of schoolkids?" "What is more valuable- the life of a single drug dealer or an entire species of animals?"

I don't know which side you're on. Plus bolded is kinda weird, never heard that one.
It's kind of a bug in human wiring. We show a lot more empathy towards personal stories than statistics unfortunately.

Research has shown that if people are shown a picture of a child in an impoverished nation, they will be willing to donate a certain amount to her cause, but add her brother to the equation and the amount of money they donate goes down. Start showing a statistic of kids and the donations plummet, although logically you would think the opposite would be true.

The shitty truth is that a white man going to a foreign country and killing an iconic animal is a lot more sellable of a story to evoke a reaction out of the masses than the mistreatment of black people in America. Shouldn't be that way but it is.

However, if you were to ask Jimmy Kimmel what he thought was a bigger issue I'm sure he would say the minorities. It's pretty dumb to make a judgment of his person based on him getting emotional at a lion and not every other bad thing in the world.
The reason he talks about lions and doesn't talk about black murders by cops is because people view animal deaths apolitically. Liberals and conservatives cry over sad dog videos alike. But if you start talking about the systematic murder of blacks by "just a few bad apple" police officers, you risk alienating part of your audience who view this not as a fact that's been going on for decades, but as a distortion of the truth by black people, liberals, MSM, etc.

Kimmel isn't about that. He doesn't see there as being anything to gain by addressing this type of news on a show like his.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Most people have stronger sympathy for animals than people. It's pretty fucked up at times, because we should feel more connected as human beings, but I'm not sure why it is the way it is.

All the shitty things that have ever been done to us as individuals or communities came from other human beings.

Animals are innocent.

Mathematically, it makes way more sense to have stronger feelings for animals than for people.
All the shitty things that have ever been done to us as individuals or communities came from other human beings.

Animals are innocent.

Mathematically, it makes way more sense to have stronger feelings for animals than for people.

That'd be true if people felt equally about a cute dog getting kicked as they would be a lizard or frog getting kicked. I'm sure most people would see both acts as being wrong, but my guess is the dog would have a more emotional reaction from most people.

We don't love animals more than some people because animals are innocent. We love them more because they're cuter, don't complain, and are subservient.


I don't think OP really cares about Jimmy Kimmel's personal opinion on the minorities rights discussion. I think the point is reflecting that we're a society where late night TV shows are expected to display more empathy towards dead animals than to dead minorities because that would negatively affect their ratings.

How can that be? How come standing up for basic human rights is now somehow a controversial stance to be had at prime time TV?
I don't think OP really cares about Jimmy Kimmel's personal opinion on the minorities rights discussion. I think the point is reflecting that we're a society where late night TV shows are expected to display more empathy towards dead animals than to dead minorities because that would negatively affect their ratings.

How can that be? How come standing up for basic human rights is now somehow a controversial stance to be had at prime time TV?

Well, a sick fucking Dentist paid for a group of guys to lure out a tagged lion from a cage with food, then shot it to death out in the open for "sport" and finally posed with its corpse for a selfie.

I'd fucking cry on live TV too.


Say what? Not everyone in the world cares about race issues, even the people it happens to? That needs to be said? That people have their own shit they're dealing with, even if it's as stupid as a Lion dying? I need to tell you that?

His post doesn't make any sense.

Maybe read the OP again.
But, what the fuck does this have to do with anything? Why are you giving side eye to a man showing empathy for an animal? Heh, I'm not upset that the man is crying over a lion, it actually was a sad incident. No, I was upset because it was and still is the perfecta representation of a black person's (or any minority's) life in our society. Jimmy Kimmel took damn near FIVE fucking minutes out of his show to cry on camera about a fucking lion complete with a plug for donations. But, where was Kimmel when Trayvon Martin died? Where were his tears for Eric Garner? Tamir Rice? Michael Brown? Freddie Gray? I'll make it easy for you, there weren't any, not on camera at least. They were never mentioned on his show. And, there DAMN sure weren't any plugs for donations to any civil rights fund.
It's not that Kimmel cried over a lion. It's that he chose not to comment on the black killings of recent memory, and instead went for the low hanging fruit.
Did Lebron sit out the night any of those people died?
Lebron isn't the host of a late night talk show that is held to the standard of discussing recent events.
Taking any kind of stance in police shootings is ratings suicide for late night tv.
John Oliver and Stephen Colbert seem to be chugging along just fine.
Right now a child is being raped and video taped just so some sick fuck can download it jerk off and you guys are busy discussing police violence on minorities and a fucking Lion.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
That'd be true if people felt equally about a cute dog getting kicked as they would be a lizard or frog getting kicked. I'm sure most people would see both acts as being wrong, but my guess is the dog would have a more emotional reaction from most people.

We don't love animals more than some people because animals are innocent. We love them more because they're cuter, don't complain, and are subservient.
Obviously, there's a scale of how much we care among animals. Cockroaches and spiders are innocent as well (despite GAF tears), and most people won't be upset by seeing one crushed under a foot.

My point still stands, I think, because that's how I see things. For example: I can rationalize not feeling bad for some scum-of-the-Earth rapist (or whatever) who got killed in a brutal accident, but I don't think there's a single characteristic a dog or cat (or iguana...) could have that'd make me not feel bad if it got killed in that same accident.

We have baggage regarding humans that make us second-guess our own sympathy, but not regarding animals.

Racist people's feelings add to that baggage, for example.

It's complicated, but I don't think it's "a fucked up thing" as described earlier in the thread. It's only natural considering how we have much more complicated and nuanced relationships with other humans compared to our relationships with animals.


seriously what's up with white people and animals. You can't even give a whining dog a bath without white people going crazy "STOP IT!!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!"

You say this, and yet the internet is full of cat gifs. I'd bet this board is full of people who have pets they treat like their children. Pet ownership and animal activism is as first world a privilege/problem as it gets. Not to mention I fucking hate pets, especially cats.

Yeah, that's enough Internet for me today.


All the shitty things that have ever been done to us as individuals or communities came from other human beings.

Animals are innocent.

Mathematically, it makes way more sense to have stronger feelings for animals than for people.

This, but i wanna add it it since the OP example is poorly thought out at best.
Lets take things into perspective here for a moment.
There are murders every single day in the US and around the world. The TV news has fetishized and manipulated death and disaster from humans to other humans to the point where when someone dies it ends up being less of an raw emotional internal response and more of an every day thing now.

The lion in the OP example isn't "some fucking lion" either, but rather a decently well know scientifically studied protected animal that was illegally hunted down for sport. If it was an accident, if it was any other animal, whatever, this wouldn't be as big an mainstream as it was. It caught on because of the internet and mass media.

if we are talking race here, you have a huge interweb of bs and mess revolving around police and "whataboutsims" and "what if he was a thug" and all that nonsense that ends up taking up the tv news because everything relating people to other people is political to the highest degree especially when race is considered (even though it shouldn't be that way). It isn't that way when it comes to animals, especially this one, which is why the reaction was a visceral and as horrifying as it was. When was the last time someone died on the news that wasn't a celebrity and people on tv who weren't family cried? Lets not even forget that the specific cecil thing wasn't isolated to Kimmel. As much as I don't like the guy myself, he was part of the sweep of emotions and it got the better of him.

If we weren't so used to death and police shootings and mass shootings and people being the worst of the worst of scum then I honestly think that more people would be hurt and more people would be crying.
But sadness, empathy and sympathy aren't some contest nor is it some finite resource.

The masses' emotions don't make sense a lot of the time. If we handled our emotions based on "order of importance" then the world would be a damn well better place, but the fact of the matter is we fucking don't. Crying about Cecil isn't some racist move from Kimmel just because he didn't cry during a police shooting of a black child. When the news and the media and the internet take the emotion away from a situation, what would you expect to happen? But I guess we should only ever cry when the worst of catastrophes and be steelfaced otherwise, right?
Right now a child is being raped and video taped just so some sick fuck can download it jerk off and you guys are busy discussing police violence on minorities and a fucking Lion.

All three are horrible.

Why does Jimmy Kimmel have to prioritize which one he cries for on a TV show?

Is Jimmy Kimmel's Late Night show the vehicle for justice and awareness?

Keep in mind, he used to host the Man Show with girls jumping on trampolines.


Right now a child is being raped and video taped just so some sick fuck can download it jerk off and you guys are busy discussing police violence on minorities and a fucking Lion.

Right now a child is being raped and video taped just so some sick fuck can download it jerk off and you're busy posting on a video game forum.


Right now a child is being raped and video taped just so some sick fuck can download it jerk off and you guys are busy discussing police violence on minorities and a fucking Lion.

I get what you're saying but its gonna be thrown over a lot of people's heads.

Um, but you joined in the discussion yourself?

They're mocking the OP's premise by using a more extreme example to the cause defenders of the OP to then defend themselves like people who defend the actions of Kimmel.


I find it ridiculous when people cry over animals being hunted when they are eating slaughtered meat from a different animal.

I don't like Kimmel and think he's bit of an asshole but your upset that he cried over a lion and didn't cry over another persons death? Why exactly is he supposed to cry over one but not the other?
That's like me telling you to cry over a kid that got killed in Syria.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
so we should indifferent towards animal abuse and suffering? so many of you lack so much empathy that I question your humanity.
No, I didn't say that, and I think my humanity is still well and alive. I do however think that it's not wrong to feel worse about human deaths and suffering than (other) animal deaths and suffering. As a matter of fact, as someone who eats meat, I think it would be seriously hypocritical of me to say I value animal life as much as human. However, I didn't say I don't, (or that anyone else shouldnt) care about animal suffering entirely. It was not my intention to make it sound that way.
I'm not a huge Kimmel fan but this thread is ridiculous.

There's absolutely no evidence that his actions are preventing reasonable consideration for both animals and minorities.

What a stupid false equivalence.


The reaction when it comes to animals versus humans pisses me off not gonna lie. People shed tears for some animal cruelty or shit, but see a minority wrongfully killed by the police and try to justify that shit. Get outta my face with that.

And don't get me started on the reaction to Michael Vick TO THIS DAY!


The reaction when it comes to animals versus humans pisses me off not gonna lie. People shed tears for some animal cruelty or shit, but see a minority wrongfully killed by the police and try to justify that shit. Get outta my face with that.

And don't get me started on the reaction to Michael Vick TO THIS DAY!

What about the reaction to Michael Vick?


Incredibly Naive
The reaction when it comes to animals versus humans pisses me off not gonna lie. People shed tears for some animal cruelty or shit, but see a minority wrongfully killed by the police and try to justify that shit. Get outta my face with that.

And don't get me started on the reaction to Michael Vick TO THIS DAY!

Lol your username is perfect for this thread.

Anyways what the fuck do you mean regarding Michael Vick? He did some fucking vile ass shit. Wrong hill to die on. He personally killed up to 8 dogs just for not being aggressive enough by

-hanging them
-slamming one against the ground numerous times until it died
- 3 were killed by holding their heads in a 5 gallon bucket of water
- some were shot
-others were sprayed down with water then electrocuted.

They fought regular pet dogs against the pitbull to watch the pitbull tear it to shreds because they thought it was funny. They injected the dogs with drugs and steroids to condition them. 60+ dogs were taken from there and either all scarred up or malnourished. That is one sick son of a bitch, so I have no idea why you are upset people despise him... And hell the NFL and its fans welcomed him back with open arms. He rightfully has haters, you won't change my mind on that.


I feel like this is a stretch. Just because he cried at an animal being shot doesn't meant that he wouldn't do the same for a human being, black or otherwise. Now if Cecil had died the same day Trayvon Martain had and he only talked about Cecil, then I would understand OP's position more, but that didn't happen.


Lol your username is perfect for this thread.

Anyways what the fuck do you mean regarding Michael Vick? He did some fucking vile ass shit. Wrong hill to die on. He personally killed up to 8 dogs just for not being aggressive enough by

-hanging them
-slamming one against the ground numerous times until it died
- 3 were killed by holding their heads in a 5 gallon bucket of water
- some were shot
-others were sprayed down with water then electrocuted.

They fought regular pet dogs against the pitbull to watch the pitbull tear it to shreds because they thought it was funny. They injected the dogs with drugs and steroids to condition them. 60+ dogs were taken from there and either all scarred up or malnourished. That is one sick son of a bitch, so I have no idea why you are upset people despise him... And hell the NFL and its fans welcomed him back with open arms. He rightfully has haters, you won't change my mind on that.
I'm upset because he paid his debt to society, because he went to jail, came out a better man, donates money to organaizations, helped at dog shelters, did LITERALLY so much to help and right his wrongs, but people STILL give hin shit.

So that's what the fuck I mean. The man paid his debt for fucks sake. Shit happened ten years ago and his ass paid for it. Dude wasn't welcomed back with open arms, TEAMS DIDN'T WANT HIS ASS. THE EAGLES TOOK A FLYER BY GETTING HIM. AND IN 2017 PEOPLE STILL ACT LIKE HE AIN'T DONE THINGS IN HIS POWER TO RIGHT HIS WRONGS. Fuck outta here.


Incredibly Naive
I'm upset because he paid his debt to society, because he went to jail, came out a better man, donates money to organaizations, helped at dog shelters, did LITERALLY so much to help and right his wrongs, but people STILL give hin shit. Fuck outta here.

Oh fuck off the guy was a sick son of a bitch, hes doing what his or team is telling him to. He doesn't get a pass for being a psychopath. He deserves shit for what he did.

Edit- oh fuck that noise. He got back into the motherfucking NFL a massivr organization... He's lucky he even got that. He didn't pay enough for the torture he committed. If he didn't have that money he'd have been put away for longer.

Edit- I also think it's fucking despicable you're making seemingly this about race. He was a scumbag, black, white, whatever the fuck you are, you commit acts like what he did? You're a shit head and deserve scrutiny.


Because the pecking order is:

1. White Lives
2. Pet Lives
3. Endangered Animal Lives
4. White Property
5. White Feelings
6. Black Lives

Damn Asians never get any love in these topics.... must be them 'Black & White' facts I heard so much about in school.


Oh fuck off the guy was a sick son of a bitch, hes doing what his or team is telling him to. He doesn't get a pass for being a psychopath. He deserves shit for what he did.
If a person does things to right their fucked up past, guess what? I'm gonna be a rational person and think, alright, this is genuine. He actually regrets being a terrible person. He ain't like these other NFL players(Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs, countless others) who do heinous shit and no one cares. Get the fuck outta my face with that bullshit.


Oh fuck off the guy was a sick son of a bitch, hes doing what his or team is telling him to. He doesn't get a pass for being a psychopath. He deserves shit for what he did.

Edit- oh fuck that noise. He got back into the motherfucking NFL a massivr organization... He's lucky he even got that. He didn't pay enough for the torture he committed. If he didn't have that money he'd have been put away for longer.

Edit- I also think it's fucking despicable you're making seemingly this about race. He was a scumbag, black, white, whatever the fuck you are, you commit acts like what he did? You're a shit head and deserve scrutiny.


Incredibly Naive
If a person does things to right their fucked up past, guess what? I'm gonna be a rational person and think, alright, this is genuine. He actually regrets being a terrible person. He ain't like these other NFL players(Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs, countless others) who do heinous shit and no one cares. Get the fuck outta my face with that bullshit.

I don't disagree with you at all about ray Lewis or Terrell suggs, or ray rice AND Josh brown being defended by the league until the truth was forced out. Its fucking atrocious.

To make this about race, let me ask you something. Do you forgive mark fucking Furman? They used him for the oj documentary and he talked about being a changed man who has seen the light. You know what? FUCK Mark Furman. He deserves the hatred he gets.

How about Rae carruth? He served 20 or so years. Had a hit put on his wife. She was killed but the child survived with massive brain damage. FUCK Rae carruth.


Incredibly Naive

Ben Roethlisberger regularly gets shit on and hated on, I don't know what planet you're from. From what I remember mike Vick came back to the eagles and his popularity fucking exploded.

Edit- just checked his jersey sales skyrocketed to #1 4 consecutive weeks after he came out as starter over Kevin kolb. What more do you want? People will still harbor hatred towards him, and rightfully so.


I don't disagree with you at all about ray Lewis or Terrell suggs, or ray rice AND Josh brown being defended by the league until the truth was forced out. Its fucking atrocious.

To make this about race, let me ask you something. Do you forgive mark fucking Furman? They used him for the oj documentary and he talked about being a changed man who has seen the light. You know what? FUCK Mark Furman. He deserves the hatred he gets.

How about Rae carruth? He served 20 or so years. Had a hit put on his wife. She was killed but the child survived with massive brain damage. FUCK Rae carruth.
Rae Carruth ain't ever pay a goddamn debt to society. Rae Carruth has always been a scumbag. You know who hasn't? Vick. You know who did the very thing he is supposed to do if he is a well adjusted member of society who did some fucked up shit, finally owned up to it, and served time? Vick. You wanna know who since then has been an upstanding person? Vick.

It'd be different if he was still an asshole, but he isn't. And don't act like white people aren't given the whole "Oh he paid his debt to society, let's give him a chance" thing


Incredibly Naive
Rae Carruth ain't ever pay a goddamn debt to society. Rae Carruth has always been a scumbag. You know who hasn't? Vick. You know who did the very thing he is supposed to do if he is a well adjusted member of society who did some fucked up shit, finally owned up to it, and served time? Vick. You wanna know who since then has been an upstanding person? Vick.

It'd be different if he was still an asshole, but he isn't. And don't act like white people aren't given the whole "Oh he paid his debt to society, let's give him a chance" thing

Everyone is given that. Just like vickwho I just posted was selling ridiculous amounts of jerseys after his release. Do you want everyone to forgive him for his psychopathic dog torturing ring? Where he killed and tortured an unbelievable amount of dogs? Again wrong hill to die on.


Damn Asians never get any love in these topics.... must be them 'Black & White' facts I heard so much about in school.
Why do other minorities and groups get offended by stuff like this? The topic at hand is about black people being cared about less than animals in the media. No one has mentioned other ethnicities because that is not what is being discussed. This wasn't a thing Until BLM became a thing now everyone wants a piece of the pie


Ben Roethlisberger regularly gets shit on and hated on, I don't know what planet you're from. From what I remember mike Vick came back to the eagles and his popularity fucking exploded.

Edit- just checked his jersey sales skyrocketed to #1 4 consecutive weeks after he came out as starter over Kevin kolb. What more do you want? People will still harbor hatred towards him, and rightfully so.
He was on the bench for weeks tho. Reid said he took a flyer on getting Vick because no one wanted that toxicity. No one. Vick did not play, he was third string. Until he had to play because Kolb was boo boo. Then they won. So of course his shit sold. Da fuck. But it took time. It was not sudden. Don't act like that shit was sudden

I aint gonna shit on someone if they act right following fuckups.

And ben doesn't get shit on by anybody for raping that girl. People act like that shit didn't happen.


I don't really get it either. Nothing wrong with crying for the lion. But you can't mention the Charleston shooting or even the police shooting victims who were straight up shot in the back on video? Those weren't even politicized in the news


Everyone is given that. Just like vickwho I just posted was selling ridiculous amounts of jerseys after his release. Do you want everyone to forgive him for his psychopathic dog torturing ring? Where he killed and tortured an unbelievable amount of dogs? Again wrong hill to die on.
Nope. He has been a good man since then. For 10 years he has been an upstanding person, but all people will say is, he held a dog ring where his cousins fought on his property and he covered it up. No one will care about the good he has done and that's fucked up. People like you will not forgive a man who has done everything right. And that's fucked up


Incredibly Naive
He was on the bench for weeks tho. Reid said he took a flyer on getting Vick because no one wanted that toxicity. No one. Vick did not play, he was third string. Until he had to play because Kolb was boo boo. Then they won. So of course his shit sold. Da fuck. But it took time. It was not sudden. Don't act like that shit was sudden

I aint gonna shit on someone if they act right following fuckups.

He didn't play because he was streaky straight up. His jerseys started selling as soon as he was legally allowed to sell them again. It's a what have you done for me lately society so why the fuck are you gonna be buying Vick jerseys if hes riding the bench? Mike Vick was an inaccurate, injury prone, albeit amazingly talented athlete. Not only did drama come with him, but there were serious questions about his ability. He had to earn his reps.


He didn't play because he was streaky straight up. His jerseys started selling as soon as he was legally allowed to sell them again. It's a what have you done for me lately society so why the fuck are you gonna be buying Vick jerseys if hes riding the bench? Mike Vick was an inaccurate, injury prone, albeit amazingly talented athlete. Not only did drama come with him, but there were serious questions about his ability. He had to earn his reps.
yeah, and he earned them, and he was donating to PETA and the ASPCA, and other organizations. Helping at dog shelters. Not as a PR move, but because he actually thought it was right to do. Vick was the most electric son of a gun before he got arrested. If people see you are doing better, they will support you


Incredibly Naive
Nope. He has been a good man since then. For 10 years he has been an upstanding person, but all people will say is, he held a dog ring where his cousins fought on his property and he covered it up. No one will care about the good he has done and that's fucked up. People like you will not forgive a man who has done everything right. And that's fucked up

I don't forget what he did, and I won't. He has an amazing legal team. He didn't take his trial seriously, breaking probation, appearing lethargic. It's all a bunch of pr spin. If you can pick up a dog and smash it off the pavement until it stops breathing, you don't just go to jail for 2 years and fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you. Again I don't give a fuck his skin color, he's a fucking lunatic.


I don't forget what he did, and I won't. He has an amazing legal team. He didn't take his trial seriously, breaking probation, appearing lethargic. It's all a bunch of pr spin. If you can pick up a dog and smash it off the pavement until it stops breathing, you don't just go to jail for 2 years and fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you. Again I don't give a fuck his skin color, he's a fucking lunatic.
But he isn't. He may have been, but show me evidence of him being a fucking scumbag post that. Please. Do so.


Incredibly Naive
But he isn't. He may have been, but show me evidence of him being a fucking scumbag post that. Please. Do so.

I don't have to fucking prove anything he already made up his mind. Great he served time. I'm not gonna deny him the right to live his life, and you're not gonna deny me my right to hold my grudge against him. FUCK him.

Edit- btw I hear PLENTY of people discuss Ben Roethlisbergers past, and rightfully so. People are well aware of him being a scumbag.
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