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Let's Remember That Time Jimmy Kimmel Cried Over a Fuckin Lion

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The premise of this thread alone is so absurd that I was positive it was sarcasm the first time I read it. The man runs a talk show for crying out loud, he also happens to lean left and point out a lot of conservative BS. This is like taking fault with the NAACP for not doing enough to combat global warming, it's really silly.


All these comparisons to starving children or Myanmar muslims are fucking insane. How is it so difficult to understand that black people might feel annoyed that an American TV-host, who did respond to Sandy Hook, takes 5 minutes out of his show to cry about a lion with a cute name but stays silent on the many tragedies inflicted on black people, including little children. The OP doesn't even admonish Kimmel that much for the crying itself but is more pointing out how that outburst of emotion contrast so much with his silence on the killing of black people. Just goes to show how normalized that dismissive and silent reaction to black death is.


What the fuck is wrong with some people here?

Some rich cunt got his rocks off killing a Lion, a barbaric, disgusting act of cruelty against a rare, beautiful creature defenceless against firearms, and a guy with a platform that could publicly speak out against such cruelty and try and take money and raise awareness against such objectively awful behavior used it to do so, and got a little too emotional over it.

How the fuck can anyone look at that and be such a blinkered, self centre sociopath that their only reaction is anger that another awful thing that they happen to care about St the apparent exclusion of everything else didn't go covered instead?

The sheer selfish, cruel and entitled vitriol being spewed in this thread, the blatant racist sentimentality that is painting people who happen to share a skin tone as a single dehumanised collective, is just repellent, barbaric, and almost trump like in its blind hate and single subject political bias.

The amount of hate, and anger, and sheer malicious lack of compassion here should make everyone ashamed of themselves, but instead this infantalised, self absorbed worldview is becoming more and more the norm.

I mean for fucks sake people.

It's not so much that some posters here don't have empathy towards animals. It's more that they want to make many threads politicized towards US minority centric issues. So everything get that causation=correlation angle, and anybody who is not on their talking points and labels is not a friend of their movement. It's just being dogpiled by the same posters at this point.

Some on the modern day left. Hence why many are reverting to calling themselves liberals or classical liberals, to try and create some distance. Others end up veering into right-wing territory after constant tarring, which is ultimately a net loss for this side. Dunno what the answer is anymore, even some reasonable pushback is met with name-calling and dog-piling. It's really best just to disengage and get on with your life. Maybe just read from the sidelines and take note of how things progress. You'll get to witness a lot of demands, a lot of order-following requests and a lot of authoritarian style behaviour. Plus if you don't engage you'll save yourself from having to spend more time defending your integrity than actually debating your ideas. Some on the left decry the right getting personal, whilst being very quick to go for the jugular on personal remarks themselves.

Kimmel is not who anyone is going to other than for some entertainment and easy watching. He's literally a distraction overall. The guy is pretty harmless as well, and as I said, he's a life distraction/entertainment first before some beacon of political progress. Celebrities and the wealthy often live in a bit of a bubble, just the way it is when you're in the upper percentile and live a life of many privileges. If he ever talks about stuff you are interested in, see it as a net gain, otherwise, realise there are far better sources than him for activism. Not that he cannot be criticised, but priorities, this seems to be going a bit into realms of insanity because he jumped on the lion bandwagon the world did for a while. Just my 2 cents, everyone has their own views.

OP, your passion is understandable but this is ultimately what it is

Jimmy Kimmel took damn near FIVE fucking minutes out of his show to cry on camera about a fucking lion complete with a plug for donations

His show, his circus, his entertainment. Hence as I said above more impartial political speakers/activism is found far far away from Jimmy Kimmel.
There's a neutrality in showing sympathy for animal-related tragedies.

Human beings on the other hand, well, the lack of neutrality is just too important and thus we should avoid that subject. Everyone lives in their own little bubble I guess –– blame the poor black people for crimes; welfare; civil disobedience because why can't they express their anger in a polite way that allows us not to feel uncomfortable and have to deal with their pain that we caused.


All these comparisons to starving children or Myanmar muslims are fucking insane. How is it so difficult to understand that black people might feel annoyed that an American TV-host, who did respond to Sandy Hook, takes 5 minutes out of his show to cry about a lion with a cute name but stays silent on the many tragedies inflicted on black people, including little children. The OP doesn't even admonish Kimmel that much for the crying itself but is more pointing out how that outburst of emotion contrast so much with his silence on the killing of black people. Just goes to show how normalized that dismissive and silent reaction to black death is.
Discussion didn't move an inch in this thread. Most seem more interested in arguing strawmans than understanding the point being made.
If I had my way Jimmy Kimmel would cry his way straight through every show. He'd cry through his monologues, he'd cry through his sponsorships, he'd cry through the celebrity interviews, and then he'd keep crying after the show. If I had my way Jimmy Kimmel would start crying when he got up in the morning and saw himself in the mirror, and then he would keep going until he was back in bed at night sobbing into his pillow. If Matt Damon was on the show he would cry too, and they would just hold each other.


The OP brings some good points, but the landing was botched.

Having empathy for a lion and asking for donations does not go hand and hand with ignoring black plight. We don't know what Jimmy's personal donations are.

There are some good points in how galvanized people got over Cecil and Harambe in comparison to the police shooting of black men, but I don't see why attacking Kimmel is necessary here.

You guys keep saying "people" but I've only seen white people do this. I don't' know any PoC who treats an animal better than actual humans.

Most animal lovers treat their animals better than most people, though. They see them as part of their families.

So of course there will be preferential treatment compared to strangers on the street.

But does that translate in misanthropy? I don't think so.

arya's prayer

Neo Member
All the people talking about this isn't related, or this isn't the way to get the point across, or it's possible to care about 2 things, or whatever their dumbass opinion is, are the same ones who say that we need to talk to the other side(their side; the casual racist side) and try to come together to get them to understand.

This is the problem. You don't fucking listen. Instead you get these completely fucking stupid bullshit posts that ruin threads.

The point the OP was making is that it's always something else for white people. Especially with those who are actually in a position to use their platform for good. There are so many examples of this. Cecil, Harambe, the ice bucket challenge, that dog from this week. I mean there was a literal warzone in the US in Ferguson and white people were more concerned about dumping buckets of ice on their heads. It's literally never our time. Instead it's time for some random animal.

It is so infuriating that this country was built on the backs of black people, but our lives don't mean anything. Jimmy Kimmel is the focus of this thread, but really he's just another white person who could help (any) minorities but doesn't. And then the time that he does decide to make a big emotional appeal, it's for a fucking animal


You know not getting the point is one thing but to turn around and try to paint the people that do get it as bad or crazy people is just fucking infuriating.

Nobody here is mad that other things get sympathy or attention, it's the fact that the pain of black people doesn't get any of either. Trying to spin it into us being like Trump or us being unsympathetic or us ruining the left is goddamn despicable. The killing and harassment of black people is an issue that strikes at the heart of American society and the fact that that society normalizes the existence of that pain and stays silent on it should be called out every second of every minute of every hour of every goddamn day. Kimmel obviously feels the responsibility of his platform enough to talk about Sandy Hook and cry about Cecil the lion. The fact that he doesn't feel it for a black teenager getting killed and his killer getting away, a 12-year old getting shot by a police officer, a black man getting choked to death on the street, a young black man getting shot by the police and left out on the street, a young woman dying in her cell or any of the many other instances of horrific violence against black men, women and children should be called out.

Fucking hell, this thread got a lot of AllLivesMatter shit going on.


It's not ridiculous at all for some humans to feel more sympathy for animals over other humans no matter their gender, sexuality, race, etc.

I've cried more times at the plight of animals suffering over humans suffering. As humans, we're the keeper of the planet and it's inhabitants. 8 billion people on Earth versus a hundred thousand lions or elephants. You better believe I'd be more invested in preventing animal cruelty more so than another human tragedy. Entire species can't help themselves from going extinct by our own hands. It falls on us to repair that wound we've caused ourselves.

This is a macro issue and not a micro one when looking at the scope of Earth as the whole basis. This is an issue of humans failing other humans and humans failing to preserve the Earth's inhabitants.


The OP brings some good points, but the landing was botched.

Having empathy for a lion and asking for donations does not go hand and hand with ignoring black plight. We don't know what Jimmy's personal donations are.

There are some good points in how galvanized people got over Cecil and Harambe in comparison to the police shooting of black men, but I don't see why attacking Kimmel is necessary here.


Also, here's a really good clip from the FX Show "Atlanta" that this thread reminded me off:

dave is ok

aztek is ok
This thread is weird even by GAF standards. People are still upset how comedy talk show host handled the death of a lion a year and a half later?
So you can't cry over the death of an endangered animal unless you are card carrying member of the extreme left end of the progressive? Is this what OP is trying to say? I am not white btw, take it what you will.
For further proof, that whole white people kissing their dogs on the lips and shit...

Can you guys stop with the "white people do" shit? You know this is an intentional site and it sucks that America has such a vocal crowd of white racists people but this kind of shit shouldn't be accepted in my opinion. As for the actual point trying to be made,it's ridiculous I have seen so much people of any race love and care for animals, the preservation and love for animals in Africa is something that brings a lot of people together.

I have a dog that we got from a charity shelter that was raised by a black kid who lived at a scrap heap looking after over 10 dogs. The charity now looks after the kid and the dogs. I have no fucking clue what the color of your skin has to do with loving and looking after animals.
There is certainly a point to be made about white apathy.

But as it has been said before, bringing up Kimmel and Cecil is "whataboutism" and doesn't make a good argument.

Honestly this thread should be scrapped and tried again. Lost cause at this point.


There is certainly a point to be made about white apathy.

But as it has been said before, bringing up Kimmel and Cecil is "whataboutism" and doesn't make a good argument.

Honestly this thread should be scrapped and tried again. Lost cause at this point.

I agree that using Kimmel and Cecil was a bad start, but it is an argument that needs to be made. Not with this case specifically. Although, I did have an issue with the fact Cecil got a few weeks of coverage when I saw next to nothing about wrongful deaths by police and plenty of deaths over in Israel. That didn't sit right with me
If it was news about a white murder victim I'm sure ol' Jimmy would have been able to squeeze out a tear, but unfortunately blacks lives fall under lions and other animals on the totem pole. Not even worth a mention.

Yeah obviously, just look at all the segments Kimmel does about random murders of white people.

All zero of them.


Junior Member
I've actually considered changing my name to Dog, so some people will care when the police shoot me.

'Did you hear, Dog died. The cops killed him.'



Op, I (as minority/latino) was thinking about your thread and the I agree with you. Those guys, tv hosts, actors and actress, celebrities, etc. are part of the problem. They in their Ivory towers make fun, do jokes, "protest" in their Instagram and twitter accounts but almost nobody of their elite do something meaningful. They don't want to get to "political" for their fans or viewers, they "attack" tangentially all political, race, economic problems but they don't suffer the consequences of the problems because at the end they are just that elite that do not have real empathy with the rest of the word. Of course is a lot easier too point the man who kills lions, they are making "justice" and becoming warrior of a cause that has meaning (because animals matter, the ecosystem matter) but not a controversial and political one. I 100% agree about preserving wild fare, 100% agree with point out those criminals like Donald Trump's son that hunts the same way but the majority of those guys in the media, the ones that have the power of being heard do nothing to really change the status quo.


Also a minority here and got no beef with Kimmel or animal lovers. At least he's not calling black people thugs like Obama did to the Baltimore protestors.

But I do have beef with NBC letting a proud birther run one of the most successful reality TV shows ever, $cumbags
Arriving in this thread like


This thread is crazy. Wtf

Yea I'm kinda at a loss. Jimmy is a talk show host. But him being visablly upset over the lion being killed and not being active in black lives matter equals he's a piece of shit?

What exactly do you expect out of talk show hosts? Gaf you really baffle me at times.


When people wonder why black people get so upset over white society at large having zero empathy or clue about the struggles of being a minority I immediately think of this clip. Now, if you don't remember (because why the fuck should you remember that 15 minute of fame new story) there was an American dentist that killed Cecil the Lion, a lion who had been tracked and researched by scientists for years. He did it while out on a hunt (possibly illegally) in Zimbabwe and ended up shooting the lion, who of course, he had no idea was so important and famous. Cue media outrage, especially by white folks, that demanded this "monster" be skinned alive and so on and so on.

Enter Jimmy Kimmel, who was so moved by the incident that he took time out of his show to do a segment on the whole incident. So concerned was he by this noble beast's plight that he actually choked up after nearly finishing the segment, ending it with a plug for donations to the wildlife research center.

Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion

But, what the fuck does this have to do with anything? Why are you giving side eye to a man showing empathy for an animal? Heh, I'm not upset that the man is crying over a lion, it actually was a sad incident. No, I was upset because it was and still is the perfect representation of a black person's (or any minority's) life in our society. Jimmy Kimmel took damn near FIVE fucking minutes out of his show to cry on camera about a fucking lion complete with a plug for donations. But, where was Kimmel when Trayvon Martin died? Where were his tears for Eric Garner? Tamir Rice? Michael Brown? Freddie Gray? I'll make it easy for you, there weren't any, not on camera at least. They were never mentioned on his show. And, there DAMN sure weren't any plugs for donations to any civil rights fund.

I don't expect Kimmel, a damn late night comedian, to get involved in heavy issues, crying and pleading in front of a camera for support. But, the fact of the matter is that he chose, on his own, to get involved in this very specific issue. And, when you do that you best be prepared to answer for why THIS TIME was different. Why this time you had to break your silence over a damn lion and not human beings.

What say you, GAF?


Because some people like to twist the thread and actually refuse to read through the thread to see if their points were already refuted, let me put these responses in the OP. To be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I'm not admonishing Kimmel for crying over animal cruelty. I'm admonishing him for intentionally take time out to speak about this small issue but then remain SILENT about the murders of blacks which have been NATIONAL news for years and has led to large scale riots in certain cities. He also decided to speak out and do a segment on the Newtown massacre in which he also cried. Still, he's yet to do any piece on BLM:

Kimmel on Newtown: https://youtu.be/KvV7RiDuhuY?t=1m11s

Other hosts for comparison:

Stephen Colbert Interviews a BLM leader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qffCO1b-7Js

Conan O'Brien Speaks with Marshawn Lynch about Protest and Colin Kaepernick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRTo4xst_x0

Seth Myers Does a Whole Segment on Police Shootings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDWA8gKdRuM

Hmmm, where's Kimmel's segment on these issues?
It's like people didn't actually read the OP, so I'm gonna quote it cuz y'all need to learn how to read
I mean you want to blame someone for not speaking out about BLM, sure why not, it's using that Lion thing as the basis of your argument is one of the most silly thing I've ever read on Off-Topic and jesus that place has a lot of silly threads.
I mean you want to blame someone for not speaking out about BLM, sure why not, it's using that Lion thing as the basis of your argument is one of the most silly thing I've ever read on Off-Topic and jesus that place has a lot of silly threads.

No silly is being so emotionally invested and distraught over the death of a lion that you break your traditional, light, "happy-go-lucky," late night variety show to speak directly to the audience about the issue and ask for donations. But, then remain silent on the deaths of at least a dozen innocent human beings murdered by the police which has provoked outrage and discussion across the USA. Meanwhile, you then again break your silence to speak about the Newtown massacre and again display how emotionally distraught you are over such senseless violence. Yet, at the same time your other late night talk show hosts of the same variety (Conan, Myers, Colbert) have all spoken on the issue or have had guests on to discuss the issue.

That's what is silly.
All the people talking about this isn't related, or this isn't the way to get the point across, or it's possible to care about 2 things, or whatever their dumbass opinion is, are the same ones who say that we need to talk to the other side(their side; the casual racist side) and try to come together to get them to understand.

This is the problem. You don't fucking listen. Instead you get these completely fucking stupid bullshit posts that ruin threads.

The point the OP was making is that it's always something else for white people. Especially with those who are actually in a position to use their platform for good. There are so many examples of this. Cecil, Harambe, the ice bucket challenge, that dog from this week. I mean there was a literal warzone in the US in Ferguson and white people were more concerned about dumping buckets of ice on their heads. It's literally never our time. Instead it's time for some random animal.

It is so infuriating that this country was built on the backs of black people, but our lives don't mean anything. Jimmy Kimmel is the focus of this thread, but really he's just another white person who could help (any) minorities but doesn't. And then the time that he does decide to make a big emotional appeal, it's for a fucking animal

BLM Protestors arrested in MN:

And this old granny right here?

She was doing this shit before most of us were born.

It's possible to acknowledge the history of white oppression in this country while also recognizing that the problem is literally not all white people. There are a great many white activists, celebrities and media figures who support BLM. You are unfairly castigating an entire demographic and doing a huge disservice to the broad support BLM has managed to garner from people of diverse nationalities, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Divide and conquer has been the go to tactic combating civil liberties since this country was founded. Don't fall victim to it.
Honestly I just thought the crying of a lion dying on it's own was just...hilarious for lack of a better word. Not really sure I care that Jimmey Kimmel doesn't speak on what black America goes through, I was never expecting him to. It's above his weight class in multiple ways.

LGBT, Muslims and other groups who suffered oppression don't even make the list.

I imagine LGBT ranks higher than most since you can be a white LGBT member and the most bigoted homophobic man/woman can have an LGBT son/daughter.


America is devouring itself so no wonder the same thing is happening here. OT has been quite something lately, actually worse than what happened in the run up to election and the following weeks.
Yep. People in this country just look for things to be angry about. People actively look for (/create) issues where none exist (especially on the internet). This is probably the weirdest thread i've ever seen on gaf.

Over the past 2 years or so gaf has really gone to shit as well. Even though i'm a fairly new member ( a bit longer lurker) when I joined I can remember lots of different older posters and devs on this forum it was exciting and fun but it's easy to see why they don't no longer post (even Wario is gone :(). I try to stick to just the 8-9 threads i'm subscribed to but it's pretty rough considering I'm used to read both Gaming and OT and just easy clicking between the tabs. When I accidentally do click ot now i just glance at the front page and that's when i came upon this thread lol. Gaming side is mostly just a good curator for game news.


Yep. People in this country just look for things to be angry about. People actively look for (/create) issues where none exist (especially on the internet). This is probably the weirdest thread i've ever seen on gaf.
An issue exists, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it ain't there
Probably because some people have more faith in animals than humans.
I'm one of them.
If there is a car crash and people die, I could not give a fuck, but if a animal is hit by a car I'm upset.


No silly is being so emotionally invested and distraught over the death of a lion that you break your traditional, light, "happy-go-lucky," late night variety show to speak directly to the audience about the issue and ask for donations. But, then remain silent on the deaths of at least a dozen innocent human beings murdered by the police which has provoked outrage and discussion across the USA. Meanwhile, you then again break your silence to speak out the Newtown massacre and again display how emotionally distraught you are over such senseless violence. Yet, at the same time your other late night talk show hosts of the same variety (Conan, Myers, Colbert) have all spoken on the issue or have had guests on to discuss the issue.

That's what is silly.

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