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Let's Remember That Time Jimmy Kimmel Cried Over a Fuckin Lion

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To be honest, his show would be quite depressing if he was showing all terrible stuff that happens. I mean, should he take five minutes for every lethal drone strike that occurs?
To be honest, his show would be quite depressing if he was showing all terrible stuff that happens. I mean, should he take five minutes for every lethal drone strike that occurs?

Let me ask you a simple question, did he ever ONCE comment on the unjust killings of black individuals by the police? Just once?


My main man Conan didn't have to pose this question to Marshawn Lynch, he could've easily done a "safe" Kimmel interview. Instead:

I see variations of this argument a lot and I swear it's conflating two completely different issues. People often show more love for animals than they do for their fellow man anyway. Animals don't have voices of their own so people project all kinds of lovey-dovey shit on them in a misguided attempt to support their misanthropy. Furthermore, Kimmel's tears would have meant fuck-all anyway.
Most people have stronger sympathy for animals than people. It's pretty fucked up at times, because we should feel more connected as human beings, but I'm not sure why it is the way it is.

You guys keep saying "people" but I've only seen white people do this. I don't' know any PoC who treats an animal better than actual humans.


There's a ton of misery in the world. Why are black people's problems more important than anyone else's? Should he do a skit for every minority? What kind of comedy show would that be?
I think the topic is too complicated and most of us white people are unintentionally ignorant about the plight of blacks in the US. Cases like Micheal Brown are difficult to parse through due to numerous reasons.

I have grown up around a primarily diverse group, but higher white population on average. The idea that black people are attacked and or mistreated blows my mind to this day because I simply don't see it in my domain of life.

When the media focuses on certain cases it's all too easy to chalk it up to an extreme case and not the norm. I still don't know what to believe sometimes.
What the fuck is wrong with some people here?

Some rich cunt got his rocks off killing a Lion, a barbaric, disgusting act of cruelty against a rare, beautiful creature defenceless against firearms, and a guy with a platform that could publicly speak out against such cruelty and try and take money and raise awareness against such objectively awful behavior used it to do so, and got a little too emotional over it.

How the fuck can anyone look at that and be such a blinkered, self centre sociopath that their only reaction is anger that another awful thing that they happen to care about St the apparent exclusion of everything else didn't go covered instead?

The sheer selfish, cruel and entitled vitriol being spewed in this thread, the blatant racist sentimentality that is painting people who happen to share a skin tone as a single dehumanised collective, is just repellent, barbaric, and almost trump like in its blind hate and single subject political bias.

The amount of hate, and anger, and sheer malicious lack of compassion here should make everyone ashamed of themselves, but instead this infantalised, self absorbed worldview is becoming more and more the norm.

I mean for fucks sake people.
Yep. It's exactly why "Black Lives Matter" needs to be shouted as much as possible. Just look at the violent pushback in this thread when faced with an obvious truth. White Feelings uber alles.


If it was news about a white murder victim I'm sure ol' Jimmy would have been able to squeeze out a tear, but unfortunately blacks lives fall under lions and other animals on the totem pole. Not even worth a mention.
If it was news about a white murder victim I'm sure ol' Jimmy would have been able to squeeze out a tear, but unfortunately blacks lives fall under lions and other animals on the totem pole. Not even worth a mention.

I mean, I don't watch the show but it's a late night comedy show right?

Does he often talk about murders and systemic racism?

Maybe his mistake was mentioning anything, and he should just stick to cracking jokes.


I mean, I don't watch the show but it's a late night comedy show right?

Does he often talk about murders and systemic racism?

Maybe his mistake was mentioning anything, and he should just stick to cracking jokes.

His entire comedic show is built on systemic racism. His sidekick, a Indigenous looking Mexican American, is there solely as the laziest humor based on the view of Latinos as simple,subservient, clowns.

Jimmy is about as funny as a train wreck.


If it was news about a white murder victim I'm sure ol' Jimmy would have been able to squeeze out a tear, but unfortunately blacks lives fall under lions and other animals on the totem pole. Not even worth a mention.


and did only black kids get murdered in american history?


His entire comedic show is built on systemic racism. His sidekick, a Indigenous looking Mexican American, is there solely as the laziest humor based on the view of Latinos as simple,subservient, clowns.

Jimmy is about as funny as a train wreck.

You're insane.


How about the starving and/or abused children around the world? Why didn't he cry for them. Why are you ignoring them OP? Just like Kimmel, you just don't care huh?


What the fuck is wrong with some people here?

Some rich cunt got his rocks off killing a Lion, a barbaric, disgusting act of cruelty against a rare, beautiful creature defenceless against firearms, and a guy with a platform that could publicly speak out against such cruelty and try and take money and raise awareness against such objectively awful behavior used it to do so, and got a little too emotional over it.

How the fuck can anyone look at that and be such a blinkered, self centre sociopath that their only reaction is anger that another awful thing that they happen to care about St the apparent exclusion of everything else didn't go covered instead?

The sheer selfish, cruel and entitled vitriol being spewed in this thread, the blatant racist sentimentality that is painting people who happen to share a skin tone as a single dehumanised collective, is just repellent, barbaric, and almost trump like in its blind hate and single subject political bias.

The amount of hate, and anger, and sheer malicious lack of compassion here should make everyone ashamed of themselves, but instead this infantalised, self absorbed worldview is becoming more and more the norm.

I mean for fucks sake people.

This is, unfortunately, the status of OT-NeoGAF today.


Why cry over a lion when innocent people get shot to death
Why cry over innocent people getting shot when people die from starvation in Africa every day
Why cry over starving people when entire species are going extinct
Why cry over species going extinct when Hillary made a mess of her emails

If you weren't allowed to care about something just because there's something worse happening somewhere, nobody would care much about anything. It doesn't mean you don't give a shit about that other thing.



Bertie big bollocks over here. Fair play.

I'm Mexican and Guillermo is funny as fuck, all the interviews he does when it's just him shooting the shit are always golden. The guy is legitimately a funny person.


All his red carpet interviews are great.

Legitimately funny by playing on the large stereotype of a clownish subservient Mexican struggling with English?

You mention the red carpet, but what about the other 10 months of the year, when he is just there to be laughed at for having poor english, and being a short fat person?


semen stains the mountaintops
Bertie big bollocks over here. Fair play.

Legitimately funny by playing on the large stereotype of a clownish subservient Mexican struggling with English?

You mention the red carpet, but what about the other 10 months of the year, when he is just there to be laughed at for having poor english, and being a short fat person?

He's legitimately funny by being...funny? He says things that make me laugh because they are humorous in nature.


Bertie big bollocks over here. Fair play.

Legitimately funny by playing on the large stereotype of a clownish subservient Mexican struggling with English?

You mention the red carpet, but what about the other 10 months of the year, when he is just there to be laughed at for having poor english, and being a short fat person?

ever thought that you have racist views on guillmero and project these on others?


Kimmel and TV networks on the whole have a large platform from which they could do a lot of good if they wanted to. Do we have any receipts of Ben and Jerry losing money after throwing in their support of Black Lives Matter?

I think it's more about certain public tv networks not wanting to take "a side" on political and societal issues, even though one side is clearly wrong. Jimmy Kimmel for instance is on ABC, which is owned by Disney. Disney is never, ever going to allow one of their programmes to be critical of cops, because they know they would alienate a big part of their viewers if they did that. Another example of a network's wishes clashing with what people want from late night shows was Trump on Fallon. Do you think that Jimmy Fallon wanted to fool around with Trump? Hell no, but Trump has major connections within NBC, so they had to feature him and Jimmy Fallon wasn't allowed to be as tough on him as other talk show hosts.

On the other side, you have TBS (Conan), Comedy Central and CBS (Colbert) who do not care about being as careful as possible around these issues because they have less to lose on issues like this. HBO can allow themselves to go even further, because they do not rely solely on viewers, which allows Jon Oliver to be as explicit and hard-hitting as he is.
When people wonder why black people get so upset over white society at large having zero empathy or clue about the struggles of being a minority I immediately think of this clip. Now, if you don't remember (because why the fuck should you remember that 15 minute of fame new story) there was an American dentist that killed Cecil the Lion, a lion who had been tracked and researched by scientists for years. He did it while out on a hunt (possibly illegally) in Zimbabwe and ended up shooting the lion, who of course, he had no idea was so important and famous. Cue media outrage, especially by white folks, that demanded this "monster" be skinned alive and so on and so on.

Enter Jimmy Kimmel, who was so moved by the incident that he took time out of his show to do a segment on the whole incident. So concerned was he by this noble beast's plight that he actually choked up after nearly finishing the segment, ending it with a plug for donations to the wildlife research center.

Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion

But, what the fuck does this have to do with anything? Why are you giving side eye to a man showing empathy for an animal? Heh, I'm not upset that the man is crying over a lion, it actually was a sad incident. No, I was upset because it was and still is the perfect representation of a black person's (or any minority's) life in our society. Jimmy Kimmel took damn near FIVE fucking minutes out of his show to cry on camera about a fucking lion complete with a plug for donations. But, where was Kimmel when Trayvon Martin died? Where were his tears for Eric Garner? Tamir Rice? Michael Brown? Freddie Gray? I'll make it easy for you, there weren't any, not on camera at least. They were never mentioned on his show. And, there DAMN sure weren't any plugs for donations to any civil rights fund.

I don't expect Kimmel, a damn late night comedian, to get involved in heavy issues, crying and pleading in front of a camera for support. But, the fact of the matter is that he chose, on his own, to get involved in this very specific issue. And, when you do that you best be prepared to answer for why THIS TIME was different. Why this time you had to break your silence over a damn lion and not human beings.

What say you, GAF?

This has more to do with a psychological based anthropomorphic response rather than the politicized one you've cooked up I think. It's not a novel idea that in many civilized countries people feel extremely nutty about animal rights. You can see this pattern repeat itself when stories break of animal abuse, zoo scandals and viral videos about animals hurting.


Let me ask you a simple question, did he ever ONCE comment on the unjust killings of black individuals by the police? Just once?

I don't watch him apart from clips that show up on GAF, so I don't know. It would be great if he did that, but I don't think it has any connection to Cecil the lion. He probably covered the Pitt-Jolie divorce being the show it is as something sad, so I don`t see why to get hang up on this particular lion story.


Seems like a classic case of whataboutism in here. I mean, Cecil the Lion got way more coverage than black lives and deaths all over the world. It wasn't just Jimmy. Maybe that needs to change, but people have a deep emotional connection to animals they regard as cute or noble, very often more so than they do to other people, before even factoring in race. I don't think it's a sleight against black people.

And just because there are other, arguably more urgent causes to fight for doesn't mean one person isn't allowed to fight or raise awareness for causes they feel are important.


If it was news about a white murder victim I'm sure ol' Jimmy would have been able to squeeze out a tear, but unfortunately blacks lives fall under lions and other animals on the totem pole. Not even worth a mention.
Did he ever take a pause to talk about white murder victims? I mean, it happens plenty of times, so this isn't really a what if scenario.


Honestly I already give the side-eye to everyone that thinks the worst part of the whole Cecil thing was some random lion dying and not the fact that a rich white asshole just up and decided that the laws of an African nation didn't apply to him. That was the real crux of the matter. And yeah, crying about it on TV when you've got damn near weekly videos coming in of innocent black people, including little kids, dying at the hands of cops or fucks like Zimmerman is just insane. Hell even the recent video of Ricky Williams getting stopped randomly should anger decent people more than some animal dying.
Canned hunting was nearly banned in South African recently too, the law was meant to make it lions and other game animals had to live for 1 year in a open area before being hunted.
White Afrikaaner lobby groups and DA (cape town) blocked it.

Putting 20 lions in a small pen, then setting 1 free to be shot is so sad.
Honestly I already give the side-eye to everyone that thinks the worst part of the whole Cecil thing was some random lion dying and not the fact that a rich white asshole just up and decided that the laws of an African nation didn't apply to him. That was the real crux of the matter. And yeah, crying about it on TV when you've got damn near weekly videos coming in of innocent black people, including little kids, dying at the hands of cops or fucks like Zimmerman is just insane. Hell even the recent video of Ricky Williams getting stopped randomly should anger decent people more than some animal dying.

Some random animal dying? This is probably because you don't live in Africa and therefore don't give a fuck but poaching is annihilating animal populations here to the point that Rhinos for example won't exist in the wild for very much longer. The total lack of empathy towards animals in this thread is disgraceful.
I don't get this topic. People are allowed to be upset about whatever they want to be upset about. It's his show. I get being angry that Black Lives Matters is ignored by the population at large. This isn't the way to get your point across.

It's like telling someone they are bad for giving £10 to a less effective charity. If you care so much, donate your own damn time and money instead of bothering other people.


Some random animal dying? This is probably because you don't live in Africa and therefore don't give a fuck but poaching is annihilating animal populations here to the point that Rhinos for example won't exist in the wild for very much longer. The total lack of empathy towards animals in this thread is disgraceful.

I'm half-African actually and do care about poaching and the environment. Doesn't mean that the death of one animal touches me even nearly as much as the death of an innocent 12-year old or the harassment of someone just because of the colour of their skin or just about a thousand other things that hurt human beings. Also, there are ways to legally hunt animals, including lions. I wouldn't do it myself but it ironically helps conserve the animals and is a way of making money for African nations so I don't care all that much about hunting itself. What made the Cecil case so bad is that the Zimbabwean government had forbidden the hunting of this lion and some colonial-minded fuckwad thought the laws and regulations of some black African country didn't apply to him. That's what makes me mad. But still not as mad as the way black people are treated in the US makes me tho.
Some random animal dying? This is probably because you don't live in Africa and therefore don't give a fuck but poaching is annihilating animal populations here to the point that Rhinos for example won't exist in the wild for very much longer. The total lack of empathy towards animals in this thread is disgraceful.

It's not so much that some posters here don't have empathy towards animals. It's more that they want to make many threads politicized towards US minority centric issues. So everything get that causation=correlation angle, and anybody who is not on their talking points and labels is not a friend of their movement. It's just being dogpiled by the same posters at this point.


I actually don't think it's that rare for humans to be more affected by animal suffering than human. Not sure why but you see it all the time.

In general people will care more about "innocent" animals with fur than other people. I think it's incredibly dumb, but there it is.

This does strike me as a case of whataboutism, because you could say the same thing and then sub in syrian refugees, or starving kids in Appalachia, or any marginalized group and it'd be equally true. By your standards, if a man has cried on television, they should cry equally about every sad thing or injustice out there in the world?

Some random animal dying? This is probably because you don't live in Africa and therefore don't give a fuck but poaching is annihilating animal populations here to the point that Rhinos for example won't exist in the wild for very much longer. The total lack of empathy towards animals in this thread is disgraceful.

People have a knee-jerk reaction to hunting that is actually opposed to the idea of keeping these populations alive in the wild. Poaching is a problem, but legal hunting would do a whole lot more to keep these animals alive and around than any group of angry people in another country. It's like how people don't realize a lot of the strongest wildlife preservation measures in America have come from Ducks Unlimited and hunting/fishing groups, not Greenpeace and the Sierra Club.

You guys keep saying "people" but I've only seen white people do this. I don't' know any PoC who treats an animal better than actual humans.

You're welcome to take a stroll in my neighborhood then. There's people who treat their dogs better than their own kids.
You guys keep saying "people" but I've only seen white people do this. I don't' know any PoC who treats an animal better than actual humans.
Of course you don't see what you don't want to see.

It's like this all the time, "why are you upset about this but not about this which is more important". You can go on and on, like there is list what is more important wrong that needs to be addressed, and before that is better, you cannot get upset or do right for any other "lesser" thing. That's just stupid. Some people can care about many things at the same time. Why care about dog getting hit by drunk youth since there is dogs getting boiled alive in China. Why care black people getting randomly shot by cops since Aleppo is got damn mess. That's just stupid, you can care about both and try to do something to prevent both. If people have empathy for anything, it's a start. Not every person has and that is sad.


Interesting read. Only white people cry over the death of a lion.
Only white people have irrational emotions when an animal is killed.
Are you actually mental.


It's not so much that some posters here don't have empathy towards animals. It's more that they want to make many threads politicized towards US minority centric issues. So everything get that causation=correlation angle, and anybody who is not on their talking points and labels is not a friend of their movement. It's just being dogpiled by the same posters at this point.

This is true.. :\


Unconfirmed Member
Jimmy Kimmel should pick a different issue each night to have a good cry over so everyone will feel better. It's understandable that we all look to Jimmy fucking Kimmel for moral support and leadership on each of our most important issues.
America is devouring itself so no wonder the same thing is happening here. OT has been quite something lately, actually worse than what happened in the run up to election and the following weeks.
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