Good job updating the list OP. Thanks. 24 titles confirmed isn't bad for a peripheral potentially half a year off.
Yeah, and House seemed really concerned about stressing how this stuff was totally optional, and people were free to ignore it completely if they choose, because it's really only tangentially related to the PS4. At first, I thought it was just a dig at MS for bundling the Kinect, but he actually seemed concerned that Morpheus would somehow tarnish the pristine reputation of the PS4. "If it ain't broke"? It seemed kinda weird, given how stoked Shu and the others are about it. =/They spent way less time on morpheus that I expected
Sure, but Shu knows all that stuff too. Maybe the difference is Shu's a real gamer, and House seems like he's just a suit. /shrugIt's because sony also knows that VR will only appeal to a smaller range of game fans. As cool and immersive as it is, the fact some people get sick from using it, means its not for everyone.
That's kinda to be expected. We're all hoping for the best here, but it is still a gamble at its core. Until we see just how popular this thing is, it'll be hard for anyone to justify investing much more than an indy-sized budget for this stuff. Still holding out hope for support from GT and Dreams though.For me a lot of the games seem very last gen or like tech demo's more then than AAA titles.
I still think Morpheus needs an MMO. Are any Sony teams rumored to be working on one?
Not all VR games need to be first person though.Not really, do we even know of First Person MMO's that aren't shooters?
Looks fantastic. But where dose it say it's coming out for PS4 and Morpheus?
I just wanted to say, great job on the OP, Sangetsu. The other day I dropped by to post links to a few games I'd found, but it turned out you'd already covered them all!
Someone please make a Ringworld game. <3
Update: Rumored title "The Gallery Six Elements" confirmed for P. Morpheus
It looks like there some Morpheus event today but I don't know if it's internal only at Sony or a press event -
Nighttime Terror 2 - rumored I guess? There's a PS4 logo at the end.
Pretty sure you can take Until Dawn off the list now.
PS4 is my gaming system and Eve Valkyrie is all I need to know I'm buying Morpheus. Never before has a game trailer had such an effect on me. I literaly was out of breath first time I saw it.
this makes me wonder how all the exclusives will work out.
for instance, there is eve: valkyrie which I think (?) is coming to morpheus, oculus rift, and vive. but then there are all these titles listed here which for some of them is the first time I've heard of them. I guess we'll find out more later? I guess there is still several months before the first of these headsets launch.
Shouldn't Elite: Dangerous be in that list..? Thought it was Rift compatible..?
^^ hmm wonder if that's true.
Don't really like the name, but that's a side thing.
A 300 price tag for vanilla headset ensures a niche status for VR.
Edit. Also weird release date. Sony is quoting lack of software as the reason for the first half of 2016 release window, I have a hard time believing that a 2 month delay is worth missing the holiday season.