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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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@soco: That's true :p (Not the heartless bastard thing, lol).

Everything is fine until people start speaking real fast and omitting sounds my brain thinks should be there (like hard T). It's amazing how Japanese is so much closer to Spanish sound-wise, isn't it? Because otherwise I find English and Spanish to be incredibly similar.

@Ahasverus: Oh no, it's not going to sound sexy, I promise.


@soco: That's true :p

Everything is fine until people start speaking real fast and omitting sounds my brain thinks should be there (like hard T). It's amazing how Japanese is so much closer to Spanish sound-wise, isn't it? Because otherwise I find English and Spanish to be incredibly similar.

I can't believe english is not supposed to be a "romance language". It's just too translateable to latin languages it's scary.

@Ahasverus: Oh no, it's not going to sound sexy, I promise
We definitively need to try. Or if everything else fails we could talk about our dirtiest thoughts in spanish leaving them in the dark ;)


@soco: That's true :p (Not the heartless bastard thing, lol).

Everything is fine until people start speaking real fast and omitting sounds my brain thinks should be there (like hard T).

Only way to learn this and get used to it is to participate in these types of things. You can just listen and look pretty ;)

@Ahasverus: Oh no, it's not going to sound sexy, I promise.

You'd probably be surprised about that too. I've had a lot of people tell me my voice is sexy, but to me it's the least sexy thing in the world ;)
Pic sharing time? A year old pic, too lazy and tired to take a new pic:



and Mr_Zombie when are we getting a shirtless pic? :p (come, headless is also o.k if you are shy)

I'm not really shy, but there isn't anything to look at really, at least right now. :p
In recent months I've had few periods where I had to stop or minimize my trainings due to various things (finishing my graduate papers and final exams, a twisted ankle, additional job) so I managed to gather some flab here and there. Give me a month or two to get in shape first. :p Finally it's getting warmer here (well, not now - it's 10C outside right now... :/) so I can start running again.

When summer hits I am a flippity flopity guy ;)

Same here. Sandals FTW.
Let those feet breath (and get dirty).

good way to learn... it's not like gaygaf is a bunch of heartless bastards (well aside from me!)

Is GayGAF Skype chat voiced? I always thought it's mainly a text chat.
I have to finally visit it some day.

Great pic.
You're hot :D


Is GayGAF Skype chat voiced? I always thought it's mainly a text chat.
I have to finally visit it some day.

I think it was at some point until the last changes occurred on Skype. I think they started charging to do group voice chats or something? I'm sure someone could organize a google hangout if they wanted...
so my boyfriend and i went to our first and last prom the other day! we both had a super great time, i am so glad things worked out the way it did!

here's a pic of our smexy selves (since we seem to be posting pics and w/e):

so my boyfriend and i went to our first and last prom the other day! we both had a super great time, i am so glad things worked out the way it did!

here's a pic of our smexy selves (since we seem to be posting pics and w/e):

Prom with your boyfriend? Thats so sweet. Must have been wonderful.

I think it was at some point until the last changes occurred on Skype. I think they started charging to do group voice chats or something? I'm sure someone could organize a google hangout if they wanted...

Its just text skype group chat. Tho we have done several google hangouts where everyone gets on cam and mic... not recently though.

I'll see about getting some invites sent out for those interested :O
The amount of adorable nearly just killed me, I do hope you realize.

Prom with your boyfriend? Thats so sweet. Must have been wonderful.

guilty as charged! and yeah, it really was! i was a bit nervous for promenade since we were a gay couple and all, but to my surprise we apparently got the most applause and cheers when we walked out than anyone else did... it was just so nice :) he's so awesome <3
That is so precious :) & Good on your fellow classmates.

And you two were wearing matching suits too, I just notice this.

>_< wonderfulness overload.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Probably will hit on one or two for whom I have a desperate crush.. won't tell any names though lol
Now you have to say.

Lucario, I swear you look younger and younger every time I see a pic of you.


You remind me of Willem.
No tea no shade.

I posted a bit of Spanish in the voice thread recently :p
You have a really, really deep voice.

Also way to go all stereotypical at the end. Ay ya yay!

so my boyfriend and i went to our first and last prom the other day! we both had a super great time, i am so glad things worked out the way it did!

here's a pic of our smexy selves (since we seem to be posting pics and w/e):
I couldn't imagine doing something like that back when I went to HS. Is that somewhere in So. California? It reminds me of the hills around here.

very cute.

I was going to come in here and beg for a critique of my okcupid profile because i get crickets on most people i message. I get some messages but from guys who aren't really my type (old, really out of shape, etc.). It's getting old. But since everyone's submitting photos...maybe it's just because my face is like a 2 or something lol.

<dramatic>WHAT IS WRONGGGG WITH MEEEE</dramatic>

Nothing seems wrong with you. Maybe you are just being dramatic, chillax.

Dead Man

:O marry me

This is me (I was going to post a topless pic so I could be part of shirtless gaf but I found a picture of me wearing glasses)

If anybody wants to join the gaygaf skype chat (it's text only) add me ricky.bailey6 and I'll add you to the chat :)

Dat jawline. So jealous.


For everyone that said you were going to start working out Monday or need to workout in general. Today is a great day to start.

Bailey 87

Thanks guys :)

Nom nom nom Ricky. XD


Should have went with this ;_;

You've seen all my pics though

For everyone that said you were going to start working out Monday or need to workout in general. Today is a great day to start.

Yep, I took a two months break from working out and started back up last week and I forgot how awesome it feels pumping weights. I've decided to do more cardio, my stamina is at an all time low :(


Yep, I took a two months break from working out and started back up last week and I forgot how awesome it feels pumping weights. I've decided to do more cardio, my stamina is at an all time low :(

Ive had this happen, for me at least it doesn't take long to to get back to where I was.

I was able to do my fastest 10K yesterday, felt good!


Shitty Starbucks pic ahoy!


I haven't gone shopping in ages so none of my tops fit. Ughhhhhh

First one to make a "and I wasn't talking about the shirts, ooooh" joke is a doofus
the term we use in italian to describe a person who just lay still during sex is "gatta morta".
The translation would be something like "dead pussy"

Go Latin and say "felis mortuus." Not only does it mean the same thing, but phonetically it says "feel is more to us!" /nerd
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