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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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This reminds me of guy I met in high school. He'd hug me a lot and always seemed happy to see me but I honestly never put much thought into it. It wasn't until he started telling me that I was his favorite person in the world and that he would never get tired of hearing my voice that I thought me might have a thing for me. Unfortunately I was never brave enough to find out and I always felt like I missed out on a wonderful relationship. The worst part is that we ended up going to the same university and I even see him from time to time in between classes. I would try to bring it up again but I feel like I missed my chance and now I end up avoiding him because I feel too awkward to say anything.

Sounds like you might still have a chance though.

Have you seen him with girls? (not that that's an indication. He could be bi).

You should just say hi, maybe he would be happy to see you?

Reminds me of that old joke "that a pool stick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" :p
All this reminds me of my friend in 3rd period that brags about his mucles and begins flexing lmao. I don't feel anything for him tho, he's just being silly but the other day he was fucking rubbing his pants and said that he was horny. I laughed because I think the teacher saw him do it, and he was scared shitless.


I've never seen him with anyone girl or boy actually. It doesn't help that he actually asked me if I was gay once and I told him no.


We have spoken but I can feel that something had changed and I think it would be better if I just tried to get on with my life.


Yeah I think it's just one of those things that I'll always wonder about. Thanks for all the advice it's nice to get these things off my chest.
Aww, soldier returns from Afghanistan and is met by his 4 year old yellow lab.



Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
First DADT, now this. Looks like all those people worried if we let gays marry then next we'd be gettin' hitched to dogs were right along along. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE.
you just wanted an excuse to post more pics!

he's cute :0

I want a puppy :( but I'm going to be moving soon so its not a good time. I miss my basset hound a lot. She died 10 years ago and I still think about her when I see other dogs. <3

Holy crap at your avvy EG. Is that Bea Arthur as Maude?

I think its just Bea Arthur nude. You can see the full version online. The painting sold for 1.9 million :p
I want a puppy :( but I'm going to be moving soon so its not a good time. I miss my basset hound a lot. She died 10 years ago and I still think about her when I see other dogs. <3

I think its just Bea Arthur nude. You can see the full version online. The painting sold for 1.9 million :p

*Shudders* Got to be from Maude as the hair is very 70's.
NEW YORK — A painting of actress Bea Arthur topless has sold for $1.9 million at a New York City auction.

The painting is by artist John Currin and is titled "Bea Arthur Naked." It sold at Christie's auction of postwar and contemporary art on Wednesday. It had been expected to bring in between $1.8 million and $2.5 million.

Christie's hasn't said who bought it.

The 1991 oil painting depicts the late television actress nude from the waist up. Christie's said Thursday the image was based on a photograph of her with her clothes on.

Arthur gained fame for her Emmy Award-winning roles in "Maude" and "The Golden Girls" in the 1970s and '80s. She died of cancer in 2009 at age 86.

I've seen everything.



I remember there was a guy who posted here or in the other thread about being a relationship while in japan. Just all the loops and hoops they had to go through just to et up a dinner date. :/

Natetan? There was a video linked not long ago of a gay couple in China talking about how it was on Australian TV.

Really feel for Koh's BF. Looked like such a cute couple in that Vice vid :(


Oh... wow. That is really really awkward. And a catholic school none the less. Well at least you took it well, and didn't destroy his well being. And he knew you were gay?

I told him I wasn't ready to start a relationship and that I was seeking someone a little more compatible, I guess, but in a nicer way. I don't remember how I worded it, but he took it well and came out to some of his friends and family. I helped him open up about it and tried not to let him feel bad about any of his feelings. Even invited him to ask me questions whenever, which he did often (which is when he decided to ask me out).

I'd say it worked out, but I always laugh now thinking what might have happened if I was harder on him. He always made obvious signs like touching my shoulders or thighs when I was typing up a story for the school newspaper. Or wanting to meet alone after class to catch up on some page editing. My friends and I always joked about his future potential as a pedophile. After I found out he was gay and he was attracted to me since my Sophomore year, I snickered a little.

He didn't know I was gay until he friended me on FaceBook. I went to the same school so I didn't open up until I graduated. I didn't wait out of fear though. I waited just because I didn't want the priests getting on my case... or family I suppose but that worked out way better than I expected.

I meant instamessage btw. I haven't really used that before (though I got about 4 random guys saying hi or something, which I ignored) but there might be a chance he didn't get the message. Is it possible he eventually uninstalled it but still shows up in my contacts? :(

I'm trying not to act like a weirdo :p

I've never used Instagram. I'm the wrong person to ask. You should try following up, maybe he was just busy or forgot about it. Happens to me sometimes. I wouldn't worry about coming across as a weirdo, if anything he would be for leading you on like that. Go for it!

Though, I hope someone else reads this and can offer more help if there's more technicalities to it.

Aww, soldier returns from Afghanistan and is met by his 4 year old yellow lab.

*awesome pics*


so cute. I luv dogs.
I'd say it worked out, but I always laugh now thinking what might have happened if I was harder on him. He always made obvious signs like touching my shoulders or thighs when I was typing up a story for the school newspaper. Or wanting to meet alone after class to catch up on some page editing. My friends and I always joked about his future potential as a pedophile. After I found out he was gay and he was attracted to me since my Sophomore year, I snickered a little.

He didn't know I was gay until he friended me on FaceBook. I went to the same school so I didn't open up until I graduated. I didn't wait out of fear though. I waited just because I didn't want the priests getting on my case... or family I suppose but that worked out way better than I expected.

Yeah... just reading that all makes me squirm a bit. I mean hes nice and older and sort of coming out of his shell. But still, its creepy. Hopefully he found someone his own age? I applaud you for keeping your cool. Tricky situation.


I'm terrified of the day I'll have to say goodbye to my 15 years old friend. It's going to be rough :(

Our 13-year-old mutt died last September. It's a strange feeling that follows the death of a long-lived pet. You're, of course, sad because you'll miss him/her, but the overwhelming feeling is just the odd sensation of not having him/her around anymore. It's a hole that is difficult to ignore; usually, the solution is to partially fill it by getting another pet.

I'll admit, though. Part of the feeling is actually a sense of relief. During the later years, the imminent death weighs on you. At the end of the week following our mutt's death, I sighed a breath of relief because at the very least, she didn't suffer. She seemed to feel it coming, and took a nap in her favorite dog house on a warm autumn day and passed calmly. It wasn't a result of an illness, as far as we could tell; she was just very old and her heart seemed to have given out.

Though to be fair, I wasn't very close with her; it was a loss of a companion/family member and not a loss of a best friend. Once the time comes and my pug dies, I'll most likely be a wreck.


Guys, I want to come out to my sister. I think she wouldn't be mad about me being gay because she thinks that my father is stupid for a number of reasons and said that he was homophobic. I guess that meant that she is fine with gay people.
The problem is that we don't have much time to be alone and I want to know when is the perfect time to tell her because I think she will be shocked when it happens. I was planning to go to the cinema and then telling her in the highway while I'm driving so it would give her a little time to swallow
What do you think guys?


I think you guys might enjoy this. It's from the Tough Mudder (11-mile obstacle course involving ice baths, electric shock wires, fire, and so. much. mud.) that I completed with my friends yesterday. Maybe NSFW? I'll link if so.

What? D:

Nice photo. Looking at your smiles it seems it was fun for you. ;)
Guys, I want to come out to my sister. I think she wouldn't be mad about me being gay because she thinks that my father is stupid for a number of reasons and said that he was homophobic. I guess that meant that she is fine with gay people.
The problem is that we don't have much time to be alone and I want to know when is the perfect time to tell her because I think she will be shocked when it happens. I was planning to go to the cinema and then telling her in the highway while I'm driving so it would give her a little time to swallow
What do you think guys?
All I can say is that you should do it somewhere you are comfortable in. Also, this is just me, but you shouldn't do it before you go to the cinema, maybe it will shock her and she'll be quiet the whole time and will make the atmosphere pretty awkward.
Guys, I want to come out to my sister. I think she wouldn't be mad about me being gay because she thinks that my father is stupid for a number of reasons and said that he was homophobic. I guess that meant that she is fine with gay people.
The problem is that we don't have much time to be alone and I want to know when is the perfect time to tell her because I think she will be shocked when it happens. I was planning to go to the cinema and then telling her in the highway while I'm driving so it would give her a little time to swallow
What do you think guys?

Just make sure you are the one actually driving when you tell her, if you say she'll be so shocked.

Telling her after the movie would be nice too, since the news might ruin her interest in seeing it. Maybe you could go for a walk in the park or something afterwards.


I told my brother while he was driving a car and everything went fine. :p I told my other movie before seeing a movie and he liked the movie.
It was, expected, tough, but not overly so. I trained for it so it was fairly okay for me, but I know some of my friends were struggling a bit.

Chicagoboy didn't compete because he has bad knees. He held our stuff and took lots of pictures, though! He said he had a blast. Also, the wedding isn't until May of '15 when I'm done with undergrad and he is done with med school.


Guys, I want to come out to my sister. I think she wouldn't be mad about me being gay because she thinks that my father is stupid for a number of reasons and said that he was homophobic. I guess that meant that she is fine with gay people.
The problem is that we don't have much time to be alone and I want to know when is the perfect time to tell her because I think she will be shocked when it happens. I was planning to go to the cinema and then telling her in the highway while I'm driving so it would give her a little time to swallow
What do you think guys?

I came out to my aunt while she was driving. She "freaked out", but was fine.


Noserubs with cats are the best kind of noserubs

I told my brother while he was driving a car and everything went fine. :p I told my other movie before seeing a movie and he liked the movie.


I'm happy the first part went okay though!

Also not to go too offtopic but look how hyped I am for da nextbox conference

I tried to make a gahiggidy parody, only 2 people laughed :(


Awkward Demos and presentations are the only reason I watch these conferences. Even the ones that have nothing to do with video games can get hilarious (like that windows phone presentation where the voice recognition software completely failed).

That's probably why I was so disappointed with Nintendo's E3 conf last year, it was just boring.
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