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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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I saw this image in another thread.

It reminded me of EscapeGoat (aka the guy formerly known as the hamburgler) and Krypt.


They just killed it for me with the whole "no used games" bit. That's a dealbreaker.

Yeah, I was up in the air as to which console to follow. I was interested in trying MS out this time but fuck them with this fee bullshit. Sony better not pull anything like this or I may have to buy a...a..God this is hard to say...buy a Wii U. *covers mouth in shock*


See, WiiU may be 100% unappealing and lol-worthy at the moment, but I feel it's going to get a library that I won't be able to ignore. TW101 is a good example. I just don't see it happening with Xbox One if I am to buy a PS4 for my traditional multiplatform support. But it's better like this, screw having to buy games for 3 home consoles. This gen is going to be a repeat of last one for me: Nintendo handheld dominating, Sony and Nintendo consoles for the unskippable games, but now with PC making a big difference (I'm new-ish to PC gaming, it has been a pretty huge blow to my home console interest).
Just woke up. Apparently Microsoft overhyped their conference?

Also, thought of something kind of funny. Would anyone date someone with the same first name as themselves?


(I'm new-ish to PC gaming, it has been a pretty huge blow to my home console interest).

Welcome to the fold! Don't forget to keep that nose pointed up when talking to the lessers. Granted, I say this already owning a WiiU and 3DS with plans to get a PS4 for console exclusives.


Just woke up. Apparently Microsoft overhyped their conference?

Also, thought of something kind of funny. Would anyone date someone with the same first name as themselves?

I know very few people (well to be honest I don't know any) who share my first name, but why not.


@bsej87: Sure, I'm not quitting consoles by any means (for example, the new Guilty Gear is sure to skip PC D:), I'm just neglecting them if I can get the same game for much cheaper on PC, lol. Plus handhelds will forever be superior to me.


@bsej87: Sure, I'm not quitting consoles by any means (for example, the new Guilty Gear is sure to skip PC D:), I'm just neglecting them if I can get the same game for much cheaper on PC, lol. Plus handhelds will forever be superior to me.

I'm the same way. My 360/PS3 catalog is devoid of anything that ever came to PC for the most part, but my DS/3DS library is pretty big. Just wait for the Steam Sale Effect to completely skew your concept of value for console games.


Sony better not pull anything like this or I may have to buy a...a..God this is hard to say...buy a Wii U. *covers mouth in shock*

Don't be a fool. Join the light side, the glorious PC race. ;)
well, you still can't resell or buy used games on Steam, but at least they are cheap

And yes, the conference was boring. EA sport games and CoD, some TV and cable stuff and some minor not-so-amazing system features (OMG, I can watch the new Star Trek movie AND search for some info on Internet simultaneously... just like I could for ages on my PC, or I could do that simply using my smartphone or tablet). I was excited for a bit when the "Remedy" name was dropped, but the trailer for their game was really underwhelming. At least the Kinect stuff could be interesting because it seems they improved it a lot, but instead they just showed few short wireframe tech demos. Microsoft really have to do some hard work during E3 to sell the console to gamers.


Yeah, they were all excited about freaking multi-tasking. I can watch Netflix and surf the web on my phone while I'm playing Sega Master System. And Sega Master System isn't a creep that is always listening and watching me.
Frankly saw this bs back when the first xbox came out. Knew they were going to try to turn their system into a pc-lite and slowly but surely they have. And now with the whole used games fee nonsense. Looks like this is the last generation of gaming I'm taking part in. From now on it's Gog.com and emulators from here on out.

Yeah, they were all excited about freaking multi-tasking. I can watch Netflix and surf the web on my phone while I'm playing Sega Master System. And Sega Master System isn't a creep that is always listening and watching me.

Pfft. Genesis or nothing.


Bleh, you can play a huge part of the Genesis library pretty much anywhere. SMS remains pure, untouched

BTW I hope you guys going multi-console have A LOT of space because this thing is HUGE and I bet PS4 won't be small - and that's not counting their lack of backwards compatibility. Imagine having to juggle around a XBO, 360, PS3, PS4 and WiiU. Lol.

BTW2 I'd seriously consider skipping PS4 if they have the same DRM stuff. Screw that crap, I'm a collector, I don't want my game collection to be useless once it's not officially supported anymore.


Ugh, I'm dreading that. I've already been forced to haphazardly place my Wii behind my TV and shimmy the 360 power block of doom back there too. MS could have saved me some effort and just stuck a screen into the power black it's so damn big.


Microsoft really made me consider a PC strongly. Let's just wait to have some money an decide what I'm going to do for next generation.


Based on the Xbox One conference, I have a theory that Phil Harrison planned his move from Sony to Atari and then MS, so that he could take them down from the inside, because I don't know how he could talk on Eurogamer about serial codes etc and think it's a great idea. :p
Guess I'll stick to Vita. Maybe pick up a 3DS.
I love the huge crossover between Vita/3DS-gaf and Gaygaf, ha!
Sure, but it would be weird if they had my brother/dads name.
Yeah I think that would be weirder. My boyfriend and my last boss have highly similar names. I had a few moments that almost got really awkward - like I almost called my boss 'babe'. *shudder*


Also, thought of something kind of funny. Would anyone date someone with the same first name as themselves?

I did and it was fine.

My boss is a woman, I call my dad "papa", and my brothers have names that are very much French; since I won't date French people, I'm safe.


Death Prophet
I think as much as I hate it now I'll ultimately end up getting a Wii U to go along my PC. I just love Nintendo games, and I'm hoping they're going all out with the Wii U.


I don't think there's anything wrong with the hardware (and as a handheld gamer I salivate at off-screen play), but man, put some games on it already. I literally only care about TW101 at the moment, I'm not buying a WiiU just for one game.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
That feeling when you're having a bad week so you decide to go buy ice cream to stuff in your face, and the first thing you see outside is a guy on the sidewalk who is factually too attractive to even be alive, so you're all ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻
That feeling when you're having a bad week so you decide to go buy ice cream to stuff in your face, and the first thing you see outside is a guy on the sidewalk who is factually too attractive to even be alive, so you're all ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻

How is that possible?
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