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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Is anyone besides Delio and myself getting Animal Crossing so I can make sure you're all in my 3DS Friend List before it comes out on Sunday?
I may get it until next month or december. I still have to see which is going to be my next gen console :(


Is anyone besides Delio and myself getting Animal Crossing so I can make sure you're all in my 3DS Friend List before it comes out on Sunday?
I am getting it through the 'So Many Games' promotion. If you want my friend code, pm me.


You guys got me thinking about Glee, and I remember that at some point the girl who stutters admits she faked it for attention or something.

What a fucking stupid show. I'm a stutterer... that was dumb as hell.

They changed her entire persona twice a season. Hell, there was even a episode preview that made fun of that.
Ugh, had my first anti-gay "confrontation" in a long while.

I was walking along a pier in Hoboken with a friend of mine after getting drinks and some mess of a human being said out loud as we passed (something along the lines of) "Gonna kick the next homo's ass I see. I don't give a fuck about hate crimes." I obviously heard him and we stared each other down as we passed and I said out loud "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I felt even worse because my friend seemed pretty affected by it and I tried to play it off as nothing to worry about to help put his mind at ease. Put a damper on our meet up for a bit, but we moved passed it. Just so crazy to encounter something like that while admiring the NYC skyline just ahead of us. Still a long way to go, I suppose. Almost like these people are doubling-down on the hate with all the talk of gay acceptance as of late.

Rant over, thanks for listening.


Will drop pants for Sony.
What is going on in New York with all of these anti gay crazy people. New York is supposed to be one of many gay friendly cities.


I have Instagram and Facebook if any of you want it. FB - Mark Welsh Instagram - markwelsh1

EDIT: Facebook picture is Sheldon Cooper. I'll make it public


Profile pictures are always public no matter what you do.
There are lots of people with my name. People have had trouble finding me.

EDIT: Oh, what I meant was my account was only viewable to friends of friends, no one else, my bad. Will change it so everyone can see it.
What is going on in New York with all of these anti gay crazy people. New York is supposed to be one of many gay friendly cities.
Yeah, it's really concerning. I never thought twice about being with a guy in public in the NYC area. For the most part, Hoboken is fairly progressive too, which made that whole exchange even stranger. Though I suppose there are assholes everywhere.


Instagram: alcoori, although I gotta warn you, I mainly post pics of my cats.

As for the NYC anti-gay attacks, I know what you mean michaeltraps. It's actually weird because even though I know that it happens, I still don't fully realize it happened here of all places.


I'm pretty sure here in my current (excuse for a) city you wouldn't get those comments - you'd just get stared at hardcore by terrified people, lol.

BTW I don't use Instagram - I barely know how to use stuff like Twitter and recently Flickr, and my issue is that it feels like all my real life friends and relatives signed an exclusivity contract with Facebook. It was like that with MSN Messenger back in the day, no use of any other messaging client because your friends wouldn't be there.


Late as usual... playing catch up

It's an interesting topic to be sure. Is attraction to certain races really natural or a trait influenced by external factors? Personally, I've never been able to identify with the viewpoint. lol, more variety the better.

I was super attracted to white guys when I first realized my orientation. I dated them almost exclusively. I don't know what it was but one day that just went out the door. I'm really glad it did, because I've dated some great guys since then that I may not have met do to that preference.

17lbs so far, still fat.

Congrats!!! That's a great accomplishment. Keep up the good work.

also I swear popgaf is the best place for gifs. Just look at this


So hypnotizing.....

instagram is same as SN if anyone wants to add


Holy shit, I can count the grains of sand! Thanks for going through the trouble :)

Now I want to dig for more of these...

Ctrl+shift+n and write a random mail adress only I know of and drag the link into this window. I didn't even need to copy something fake afterwards :p

Need to go to bed and don't want top open it again, but the two other pics are close to the top in page 3 and were very similar in context (I preferred that posture, dem pecs) and aspect ratio. One was the same guy and another was one with cloth (I think) pants that were kinda low... Not low enough ofc.
went out on a "first date" with hot instagrammer who contacted me a few days ago. We had ice cream and chatted for a while. He seems nice (and is hot) ♥


If you're talking about my posts, then it's not a matter of what I think, but a matter of facts and reality. Just like I don't choose to be attracted to men, I don't choose to be attracted to white men. I know it may sound racist, but I don't think it is...
Dude no, don't go there. There is no such thing as "thinking" when it comes to sexual attraction, otherwise you'll be validating bigots who claim that being gay is a choice.

It was never my choice who I find attractive and who I don't. And again I WISH that wasn't the case. You think it helps me at all living in a region where the type of men I find attractive is a minority? It sucks.

Wow. Do you realize that you sound exactly like the ignorant homophobes who hate on gays because they don't understand how a man can't like pussy?

If that was racist then all gay men would be sexist for not finding women attractive.

We're not going to agree on this. Then I guess homosexuality is cultural as well, right?

First, I don't think it's (necessarily) racist to have an ethnic preference in partners. However, when it's nonchalantly defended by saying "Well that's just the way it is" or "I'm just programmed that way," it seems incredibly myopic to me. To say that all gays must therefore be sexist for not finding the opposite sex attractive is a false equivalency. While there might not be a "gay gene," research seems to indicate that there is some influence over homosexuality through exposure to hormones in the womb. In other words, there is some factor of non-choice when it comes to your sexual orientation. I'm not aware of any influence that would determine ethnic preference. If anyone has links to back that up, I'm interested.

I'm not sure about that. Personally, I think color preferences are something beyond the scope of basic sexual attraction. Meaning that, you have had to been exposed to white men to be attracted to them, without their presence, you wouldn't even know about them and therefore have no attraction. (Yes, someone can say that without men then it would be hard to say that you're attracted to them, but men exist and men of different types exist as well.)

I think having little exposure to different types of people stifles (sexual) interest in different varieties of people. However, if you're exposed to an "exotic" type, and you find that exclusively attractive you may be fetishizing them. (Eg, if white men are minority, then you might be fetishizing them because they're so elusive.)

Ultimately, I think it's all about having an open mind and actually just trying different things. If you simply say "x is does not attract me" you dismiss exploring why that's the case and exploring new relationships.

Just FYI, I'm not criticizing.

But one of the issues that seems to happen in racial dynamics is that white skin is more valuable, so white mates are more desirable -- which is problematic. It leaves non-whites lower in a race-based hierarchy, yet again, but in a sexual context.

Well, yes, I've been exposed far more to white men than any other, and it might be the reason why I personally find them attractive, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's not a concsiece decision. I don't think about it, I'm just attracted and that's the end of it for me. That's why I'm really against the racist claim...
Unless I have a different definition for racism. In my book, it's something done on purpose.

I disagree somewhat, while there are some ovbious biolgical factors regarding atraction, they are usually too broad and general (skin, proportions, and health in general), those other small things we hear all the time as turn ons, like race, how fit you are, hair color, beards or not etc, etc,etc are heavily culture dependant, one just needs to see how different art (if you want to be specific erotic art) varies across cultures and time. Things that are desirable in one place can be complete turn offs in others. One of the most basic examples is how some african groups see large women as the epitome of beauty, while they are consider gross in the west.

Of course fetiches are cultural, most of sexuality is cultural.

We don't like to think about it because we like to think we are our own selves, completely unique and independent, but the truth is you'd be a completely different person if you were born somewhere else. Seriously how liking glasses can be biological? Can such thing be coded in your DNA? Our growing environment shape us greatly, it's beyond our control, and irrational, but sexuality is far from being exclusivly biological.

As much as we like to think our attractions are just "programmed" and static, some people are dismissive about the effects of cultural influence. If you're born in a country that only has (insert whatever race you're not attracted to), I find it hard to believe that you'll just go through life never being attracted to anyone of that race. We're constantly bombarded with a structured idea of racial hierarchy through media and our local environment. Some people might date outside of their race, but feel uncomfortable with marrying a different race because "what will my family think?" In film, sure, you have Will Smith or Denzel Washington. But outside of a few examples, leading men are largely white. I can't even think of any A-list Latino or Asian men. These sorts of things do shape the way we think about race, even if we feel like we're not being guided and that attraction is just some intrinsic thing that never changes.
Don't you just hate it when you think you're over your straight crush but then he adds you on facebook and there's a whole album of him shirtless at the beach?


^ one of the reason why I don't have a facebook
What? Come on. "Facebook? Never! I might come across shirtless pics of people who aren't attracted to me!" :p

First, I don't think it's (necessarily) racist to have an ethnic preference in partners. However, when it's nonchalantly defended by saying "Well that's just the way it is" or "I'm just programmed that way," it seems incredibly myopic to me. To say that all gays must therefore be sexist for not finding the opposite sex attractive is a false equivalency. While there might not be a "gay gene," research seems to indicate that there is some influence over homosexuality through exposure to hormones in the womb. In other words, there is some factor of non-choice when it comes to your sexual orientation. I'm not aware of any influence that would determine ethnic preference. If anyone has links to back that up, I'm interested.
Why is it myopic? Because it's a simple explanation? Also, it totally happens - people not being attracted to the only or dominating ethnicity in their country. Not my case, but I actually see it here in Mexico with people who refuse to date people without caucasian-like features, regardless of their own ethnicity.


Why is it myopic? Because it's a simple explanation? Also, it totally happens - people not being attracted to the only or dominating ethnicity in their country. Not my case, but I actually see it here in Mexico with people who refuse to date people without caucasian-like features, regardless of their own ethnicity.

It's pretty interesting how globalization and migration to urban areas has really changed the landscape in tastes, before it, for people in remote isolated towns, your second cousin was indeed probably the best option, however people now can totally be like "I'm only into asians" and don't bat an eye at how unreal and completely amazing such thing is.


In any case that's not Snake's issue since he -is- attracted to people from him country, isn't he? His straight crushes and all? :p

I just think we can have preferences, even if they're strong, and I don't think culture puts them there. Gender roles are cultural - you literally get told "don't cry! boys don't cry!". No one EVER tells you "feet are attractive, guys with glasses are cute, dark hair is pretty!". In the cases of fetishes BTW I'm not finding any support for the theory that they're cultural. It makes sense because people tend to have similar or downright the same fetishes all over the world in all cultures.


Why is it myopic? Because it's a simple explanation? Also, it totally happens - people not being attracted to the only or dominating ethnicity in their country. Not my case, but I actually see it here in Mexico with people who refuse to date people without caucasian-like features, regardless of their own ethnicity.
Yeah, I think it's too simple to just accept it without thinking about why people have preferences. I don't think ethnic preferences (or fetishes) are in the same category as orientation for the reasons I stated.

I'm not that familiar with Mexican culture (in Mexico), but I imagine it has its share of issues with race when it comes to indigenous, mestizo, and European people. Mexico seems rather European if telenovelas were taken as a literal representation of Mexican demography.


So basically preferences can't be innate because that's a simple explanation. Yeah...

Is it the same with food, for example? Do I love mustard and hate ketchup because of cultural standards imposed on me somehow at some point? Or maybe my brain reacts differently to particular attributes in flavor - nah, too simple. See, gender roles are cultural - you are literally told that you shouldn't cry because you're a boy, that you shouldn't be loud and playful because you're a girl. But preferences?

Is it cultural that I can't stand Ryan Gosling and other people think he's most attractive human being on Earth? :p
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