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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Terrible typing. Stealth Rocks weakness kills you, and Steel types still wall you.
It's easy saying that when you're not a Noctowl.

Man, I'm role-playing as a Pokémon while discussing about the origin of sexual preferences and fetishes. This is way too messed up.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Well you'll get to where you want and it certainly takes time. I never saw a nutritionist, seems like a good idea :p
They pretty much tell you the same info you can find online. I find myself looking at the serving size calories and sugar on the package. I remember wanting to buy a small bag of pretzels but I got so upset at the fact the small bag had 4 servings at 90 calories. 4 people could not eat that tiny bag of pretzels so I see how food companies make the calories look low when they up the number of serving sizes.
My snacks at work are usually those 1 dollar bowl of Cheerios or honey nut Cheerios because it shows 1 serving only at 190 calories and no I don't eat them with milk


^ It's happened to me, I once bought a SINGLE DONUT and the package said it contained like 2.5 servings. Lol.


Will drop pants for Sony.
^ It's happened to me, I once bought a SINGLE DONUT and the package said it contained like 2.5 servings. Lol.
Yeah there should be a ban against info like that. Everyone knows that serving isn't going to feed 2.5 people.
It's easy saying that when you're not a Noctowl.

Man, I'm role-playing as a Pokémon while discussing about the origin of sexual preferences and fetishes. This is way too messed up.

Noctowl sucks.

Slowbro* is the fucking best Pokemon in the universe and anyone who disagrees should be sent to the coal mines in North Korea.

*Snorlax, Amoonguss, Scraggy/Scraffty, Slowpoke, and Psyduck are also acceptable answers.


Still without luck
Hi all. A friend asked me to ask you guys where one might be able to get boxer briefs like this. Any help is much appreciated.


Noctowl sucks.

Slowbro* is the fucking best Pokemon in the universe and anyone who disagrees should be sent to the coal mines in North Korea.

*Snorlax, Amoonguss, Scraggy/Scraffty, Slowpoke, and Psyduck are also acceptable answers.

I hope you like Vaporeon :mad:
Hi all. A friend asked me to ask you guys where one might be able to get boxer briefs like this. Any help is much appreciated.

I guess these would be considered trunks more than boxer briefs. I actually just bought some underwear like this at American Eagle. I love the way their trunks feel. http://www.ae.com/web/browse/category.jsp?catId=cat4230029

Those are way too short for my taste.


Hi all. A friend asked me to ask you guys where one might be able to get boxer briefs like this. Any help is much appreciated.

Because gay men are the only folks with any fashion sense. Right.

You're friend is right though.

Those look kinda similar to what I buy which look and fit great <3



Diet and exercising almost everyday. Haven't been to the gym since Saturday though. Going through a depressive period right now. I've also been seeing a nutritionist.

Neo, that's awesome dude. 17lbs might not seem a lot to you but you have to realize that it's a war you're waging and not just a single battle. It's going to be a long process for you to reach you weight goal but if you do it slow and steady, it'll be easier to keep the weight off once you reach it.

I'm cheering for you dude. Keep up the good work.
Took me well over a year to reach my ideal size, it was long and frustrating but I don't regret it.


Still without luck

I guess these would be considered trunks more than boxer briefs. I actually just bought some underwear like this at American Eagle. I love the way their trunks feel. http://www.ae.com/web/browse/category.jsp?catId=cat4230029

Those are way too short for my taste.

Because gay men are the only folks with any fashion sense. Right.

You're friend is right though.

Those look kinda similar to what I buy which look and fit great <3


Thanks so much!


Will drop pants for Sony.
Neo, that's awesome dude. 17lbs might not seem a lot to you but you have to realize that it's a war you're waging and not just a single battle. It's going to be a long process for you to reach you weight goal but if you do it slow and steady, it'll be easier to keep the weight off once you reach it.

I'm cheering for you dude. Keep up the good work.
Took me well over a year to reach my ideal size, it was long and frustrating but I don't regret it.

Thanks. I will keep trying despite my depression

i love these *_*

Damn those would look good on you

Speaking of clothes, do I buy this jacket or not?

I'm kind of regretting not buying it today. Hope it's still there tomorrow :O

Buy it. It looks good on you


Nothing, my tongue is on my cheek and I took 2 pics because I wasn't looking at the mirror :p

Also, yes, totally going back tomorrow.


Should I be flattered if she looks like she's in agony? :p

@neojubei: In my case it'd take 2 to 3 lifetimes because there are muscles in that pic.


BLEH, they're making my boy Clefable a Fairy Pokémon :mad: I mean, it's nice that he'll laugh at silly dragons now, but part of the awesomeness of my competitive Clefable is that he's only weak against Fighting. Screw that.


If you like the jacket you should buy it. No reason to hold back.

There's so many clothes I've held back on buying then regretted later :( Speaking of clothes, I haven't bought new ones in ages, all my current stuff is starting to get old and ragger, my favorite sweater has small holes starting to form (so sad :( )

Also, E3 is in about 5 days, the best time of the year is coming :D


Hunky Nostradamus
If you like the jacket you should buy it. No reason to hold back.

There's so many clothes I've held back on buying then regretted later :( Speaking of clothes, I haven't bought new ones in ages, all my current stuff is starting to get old and ragger, my favorite sweater has small holes starting to form (so sad :( )

Clothes are such a bore. Naked all day every day is the way to be!


Death Prophet
You guys got me thinking about Glee, and I remember that at some point the girl who stutters admits she faked it for attention or something.

What a fucking stupid show. I'm a stutterer... that was dumb as hell.
You guys got me thinking about Glee, and I remember that at some point the girl who stutters admits she faked it for attention or something.

What a fucking stupid show. I'm a stutterer... that was dumb as hell.

There are people who fake accents. We had a thread about it. It isn't a stretch to assume someone would fake a disability for attention.


There's so many clothes I've held back on buying then regretted later :( Speaking of clothes, I haven't bought new ones in ages, all my current stuff is starting to get old and ragger, my favorite sweater has small holes starting to form (so sad :( )
Same here. I HATE buying clothes, most of the good stuff is expensive and I feel like nothing looks good or fits me. It has been ages since I properly bought new clothing (it's a good thing shirts are provided by the employer :p).
Shoes on the other hand... >_>

Also, E3 is in about 5 days, the best time of the year is coming :D
YES! I am thinking of calling in sick to work on June 11th :p


Is anyone besides Delio and myself getting Animal Crossing so I can make sure you're all in my 3DS Friend List before it comes out on Sunday?


You guys got me thinking about Glee, and I remember that at some point the girl who stutters admits she faked it for attention or something.

What a fucking stupid show. I'm a stutterer... that was dumb as hell.

As a fellow stutterer, I can feel you.

I have no idea why would anyone even want to fake stuttering. Stuttering is not funny, it does not give you any privileges and people usually don't even understand it and simply find it annoying. In other words, stuttering sucks and there's no advantage to it, so faking it is indeed dumb as hell. :/


I learned that afterwards, I admit not knowing a ton about transgender people, so I was indeed shocked. Sexuality is so complex :O


Noctowl, Flareon, Cinccino, Clefable, Rattata, Wigglytuff, Pachirisu, Emolga, Mr. Mime, Furret, Porygon (including normal, 2 and Z), Linoone, Girafarig, Unfezant, Deerling.

I'm Normal as heck.

EDIT: UGH, I googled Cinccino to make sure I was typing correctly. I was attacked by rule 34.
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