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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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18yos keep harassing me. I ask them for ID before I even talk to them. LOL

I feel like some cradle robber just socializing with them. (I'm in my late 20s)


Guys, tomorrow this will be down, what are you going to do?

In my case, I'm gonna be hyped for sony and nintendo conferences so I won't miss gaygaf at all lol
Go to cinema and have lunch with friends, then come back and play SSBB before the Nintendo Direct. Will talk on Skype as well.

daripad, is your 3DS online? Want to swap FCs?

Right, this Animal Crossing stuff is better with friends, my FC 3780-9285-6463 add me if you want.
Sure, here - 3136-6554-9210.


So... E3 impressions.

Xbox: Nothing but Killer Instinct... which looks weird, and it's being developed by Double Helix. Wow at the price.

PS4: Nothing for me yet. But no DRM and eventually getting games I want makes it a future purchase for sure. Wow at the price.

Vita: Man, this is just sad. Is it bound to never make a comeback? :/


Man, it must have been amazing to give that No DRM speech. Sony was throwing so much shade that even Helen Keller would have been able to tell how dark it got. So far E3 has just reinforced PS4 as my non-Nintendo console.


And on top of these news... we get Smash Bros. info tomorrow. This E3 kicks the last two E3s so hard. Come on, Nintendo! Make me want to buy a WiiU. And make me even more glad that I own a 3DS :p


So... E3 impressions.

Xbox: Nothing but Killer Instinct... which looks weird, and it's being developed by Double Helix. Wow at the price.

PS4: Nothing for me yet. But no DRM and eventually getting games I want makes it a future purchase for sure. Wow at the price.

Vita: Man, this is just sad. Is it bound to never make a comeback? :/

I was only able to watch Xbone conference, after that my Internet started to disconnect every now and then and thus I couldn't watch both EA and Ubisoft conferences. I only read about them and Sony's this morning.

MS's conference was good because it really was about "games, games, games" (even though very few of them really interest me) - no PR bullshit, no stupid shows and celebrities, just games. As it should be. I was shocked that eventually none of these: "exclusive EA sports features and CoD/GTA V DLC for example" appeared. :lol

Dead Rising 3 looks interesting, although the demo they showed didn't show what made both DR1 and 2 so special - that dark humor and satire and maniac bosses. Hope all of that it's still there.

So Killer Instinct is being developed by the guys who did Silent Hill Homecoming? That's... both interesting and disappointing.

I didn't watch EA's conference, only quickly glanced through news and trailers today and was dissapointed that all that Dragon Age 3 get was a CGI (?) trailer. No gameplay at all. If it's still pseudo-action RPG with focus on being "awesome" I will be disappointed. :(

I still need to watch trailers shown on Sony's conference, but from what I've already learned Sony gave Microsoft's two death blows with their no-DRM stance (I can't believe we came to the point where crowd is cheering when you announce that yes, you can lend, rent and sell your games - something that was thought as something given just few months ago; those are dark times we live in) and 399$ price. I said wow. But requiring PS+ for online is a huge step back IMO. I find it funny that Wii U is the only new console with free multiplayer. :lol


I want to love WiiU and PS4. They currently are lacking in the games-I-want department, but maaaaan, it just feels so good that Microsoft's DRM craze won't affect anyone but themselves. Lol.


It has TW101 and NSMBU, you can bet I'll buy those when I buy one. Just put Smash and/or Mario Kart in there already.

This is next-gen for me :3



It's not even accurate because it's not really "PC" :p But it looks cool. Also my 3DS is aqua blue. But my WiiU and PS4 are going to be black, yeah, I'm kind of tired of white consoles right now (my Wii, PS3 and DS Lite were white).


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
PS4's design is really strange, but it reminds me of the PS2.

I'll get the PS4 when there are games I want for it.


Xbone definitly is not for me. They showed lots of games but almost nothing interested me, plus they didn't show gameplay of most games.

PS4 seems like a brilliant console, it will have the support I think, but as far as we know about launch they got the price right but there are not games of interest at that moment for me. I was expecting infamous by that time but it is going to be for next year :/. Also I was very interested about Knack but after seeing some gameplay the game seems to be not much fun. With all that said, I'm not thinking about this console right now, but in a few years I might give it a chance.

Now I'll wait and see what Nintendo does, they just have to show me that they still got some charm and show me games that look fun, with a variety of artstyles in every game, because in this conferences the indies were almost the only ones showing different things.


the piano man
Neogaf is about to go into a comma again in the next hours so I'll post my impressions when the dust settles.

So far XBO 3/10 and PS4 8/10


Xbone conf was not nearly as bad as previous year because they didn't waste their time. But none of their games interested me. Drivatar thing made me cringe :/

Killer Instinct looks awful, and it's F2P with only one character free, fuck you Microsoft. "We listened" my ass.

On the other hand, while Sony conference had a few pointless part (Tv part, Last of Us trailer...), and what they showed for Vita was lol worthy in term of disappointment. The PS4 part was great, the games looks really nice, and their exclusives are more geared toward my taste. Plus the price isn't outrageous. I'm probably going to buy a PS4 one day. Kinda of weird they got the most applause for something that should be a given, and that they used that hype to snuck in their online paywall (that was pretty shady).


Oh Haysoos. Give me a WiiU already.

Super Mario 3D World is my GOTY in advance (SCREW YOU HATERS, 3D Land was more enjoyable than both Galaxies), Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, TW101... Smash Bros. with Mega Man as a newcomer. Yup, I really don't need this money, Nintendo, you can take it.


Nintendo's first party games + exclusives are too good. SSB and Platinum Games? Hell yeah.

Makes me want a Wii U so bad. PS4 looks amazing as well.


SCREW YOU HATERS, 3D Land was more enjoyable than both Galaxies

As much as I loved 3D Land, that isn't true at all.
3D Land is a great game, with good platforming, controls, art and music, it's charming and I enjoyed almost every minute of it... but both Galaxies are in a different league.


Faithy is back baby :D


But yeah PS4 pretty much owned yesterday, I honestly do not see one redeeming thing that I would want to get the xbox one over the ps4.


Hunky Nostradamus
Faithy is back baby :D


But yeah PS4 pretty much owned yesterday, I honestly do not see one redeeming thing that I would want to get the xbox one over the ps4.

God, the music in the Mirror's Edge trailer is amazing. I'm so hyped. "When it's done" though? That probably means 2015. :(

Totes! Sony totally slayed yesterday - the only disappointment being the fact that online multiplayer requires PS+. I'm a subscriber so it doesn't affect me, but it sucks for the people who don't want to/can't afford to subscribe. At least PS+ offers additional value (free games!!) unlike XBL Gold.


Dominic Guay <3


PS+ has more value than Gold. I might as well stop paying for Gold now and get PS+ And yeah 2015 is most likely, but I'm glad after so many years of rumors they they've finally come out saying 'itshappening.gif' A third of the reason why I love Mirrors Edge is the music. So amazingly entwined into the world.


As much as I loved 3D Land, that isn't true at all.
3D Land is a great game, with good platforming, controls, art and music, it's charming and I enjoyed almost every minute of it... but both Galaxies are in a different league.

Finally some sense into this thread! I'm disappointed to say the least, but I guess games like Mario Galaxy only come every decade.

I do disagree about the music though, 3D Land is pretty bland in that area.

Oh yes and Mirror's Edge makes me very, very happy, will probably make me upgrade my gaming PC.


^ I enjoyed a bunch of tunes and sound effects, I can't really complain.

Dominic Guay <3

When I was watching the conference, I couldn't help to thing of Bryce Johnson :3
I had a crush on him when I was a teen (because of the show Popular and MTV series Undressed).


Hunky Nostradamus
PS+ has more value than Gold. I might as well stop paying for Gold now and get PS+

You could probably score a ton of 12 month PS+ cards on Black Friday for super cheap. They stack, so you could conceivably get an entire generation's worth of it for under $200.


You guys got it wrong. 3D Land is absolutely more enjoyable, condensed and 'Mario' than both Galaxies. The pacing is much better, it's just more fun - it's like the missing link between World and 64 in its 2D/3D Mario focus. The Galaxies are great games, but I'm really not the biggest fan of the pacing, small sections being tied simply by parts where you launch Mario on a cannon, waggle, pointer and area-specific power-ups. So to me having basically 3D Land 2 with different characters (this is SO big to me, SMB2 is my favorite 2D Mario and I've been wanting this for ages) is... well, it single-handedly sold me a WiiU this year as opposed to next year when Smash appears. Plus it makes sense, at least in Japan 3D Land sold pretty great and Japan usually doesn't love 3D Mario.

Basically - in my veins. Please. Just look af the GameXplain videos of off-screen footage. It looks superb, this is some of the best platforming you can experience anywhere.


Okay, Nintendo got me with Mario Kart 8 and both Smash Bros. 3D Mario dissapointed me a bit as I was expecting more but it looks like it will have great level design, I just hope they doble the amount of levels this time compared to 3D Land because it was short.
Getting a WiiU as soon as I have money and see it for cheap.

Also might go PC but I will think about it later.


Guys, you can play as Princess Peach who floats again and there's a cat costume. If someone pulled a vegetable out of the ground and/or plucked an egg out of the air and threw it into birdo's mouth-cloaca I'd have lost my shit at work.


FOR REAL. I'm playing as Toad, though, Hayashida said he's the character for experts ;)

Lol, I legit wouldn't care a lot about a Galaxy 3. It's preferences, guys!


You guys got it wrong. 3D Land is absolutely more enjoyable, condensed and 'Mario' than both Galaxies. The pacing is much better, it's just more fun - it's like the missing link between World and 64 in its 2D/3D Mario focus. The Galaxies are great games, but I'm really not the biggest fan of the pacing, small sections being tied simply by parts where you launch Mario on a cannon, waggle, pointer and area-specific power-ups. So to me having basically 3D Land 2 with different characters (this is SO big to me, SMB2 is my favorite 2D Mario and I've been wanting this for ages) is... well, it single-handedly sold me a WiiU this year as opposed to next year when Smash appears. Plus it makes sense, at least in Japan 3D Land sold pretty great and Japan usually doesn't love 3D Mario.

Basically - in my veins. Please. Just look af the GameXplain videos of off-screen footage. It looks superb, this is some of the best platforming you can experience anywhere.

You won't change your mind and I won't try to (like you say, preference), but the amount of fun you have with a game is such a subjective concept and not really measurable (unless you count hours invested in a game). It won't ever be the same for anyone and not everybody has the same concept of it.
- Example 1: the waggle in NSMBW/U and Galaxy 1/2, it felt natural and [effortlessly] fun to me.
- Example 2 and 3: Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario Sticker Star. You know these ones well, as I do, cause they are good games and we both liked them, but I know they have their fair share of problems and I wouldn't call them better than X or Y (even if I enjoyed them more).

I define a platformer first and foremost by its controls/mechanics/level design, and don't get me wrong, I absolutely adored 3D Land (I played it so much that it caused me constant hand cramps), I can't really criticize much of it right now, but there is no doubt that the Galaxy games are better designed in almost everything.


Just think of it like this - Nintendo thought it was weird that I had no interest in WiiU, so they made a Mario game that specifically makes me want to go out and buy one :p I accept all responsibility for 3D World's lack of Galaxy-ness.


Just think of it like this - Nintendo thought it was weird that I had no interest in WiiU, so they made a Mario game that specifically makes me want to go out and buy one :p I accept all responsibility for 3D World's lack of Galaxy-ness.
I want to hit you so hard, but seeing peach playable even in single player makes me forgive you.


- Example 1: the waggle in NSMBW/U and Galaxy 1/2, it felt natural and [effortlessly] fun to me.
Lag is natural? :p
They may have had the best trailer of the show at the end, but other than that it was insanely depressing seeing innovative Nintendo do nothing remotely new or daring. Didn't even mask it with some of the new Sega content.

Thankfully the rest of E3 was the opposite! I got to see someone collapse a parking lot to take out a tank, an open world game where the fucking US was the map, an MMO where the graphics in real time can look photorealistic, a Final Fantasy game I kinda want, 60fps being the new buzzword and Mirrors Edge 2...
6 year old me couldn't dream of games this big, beautiful and interactive. This is what next gen is about and not extra AA and resolution.

This made up for all those boring E3s. By far the best game last year is almost boring looking now. Even MS' press conference was great as I imagined those games looking and running better on PC/PS4 :p

Edit: And a couple of seconds of those MMA ads were hot. Didn't pay much attention to the guys standing in the way of the games :p


I actually think those games being hailed as "OMG awesome and next-gen!" are mostly incredibly bland looking. While watching the conferences sometimes I'd lose interest and check Twitter or other forums, like when they showed Watch Dogs during the Sony conference. I've never been into gaming because of tech porn and next-gen-ness, if I'm not seeing fun stuff happening then I have zero interest. Basically on the Sony side the games I want the most are Puppeteer (PS3, lol) and Knack. I was hoping for a PS4 fighter, and I'm really not liking the look of the new Final Fantasy. Oh well.


FOR REAL. I'm playing as Toad, though, Hayashida said he's the character for experts ;)

Lol, I legit wouldn't care a lot about a Galaxy 3. It's preferences, guys!

"It's preferences, guys!"

Funny coming from the guy who said others were wrong for not thinking 3D Land was more enjoyable than the Galaxies.


Neither have I but than I've still got that last star on Galaxy 1 that mocks me.

I stopped playing Galaxy with about 112 stars I think (so never got Luigi). There was a star I was trying to get where you have to find 3 rabbits and catch them with a pretty small time limit and I wasn't about that life anymore.
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