I would avatar quote but I dont feel like dragging the garbage of KH series tonight. Not worth the effort anyway as PopGaf remains FLAWFREE (Except botty who stans that garbage and that other who stans FF13)
another thing I like in the Alcoori genes is the pale white skin, LOOOVE me some pale white skin like the moon,
...I wish a lot of people were like you. It would make my life a lot easier. I'd like my future bf to have a little bit of muscle at least but they need to be really caring and have a great personality. You will find the majority of the hunkiest of hunky guys will fail to meet that latter requirement because they'll be really shallow.
dyed hair > naturally colored hair sorry bye
dyed hair makes the owner of it 10x more sexy
Is your brother also gay?
I worked out for the first time in probably 2 years, and I overdid it. My arms are basically useless.![]()
YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE.I would avatar quote but I dont feel like dragging the garbage of KH series tonight. Not worth the effort anyway as PopGaf remains FLAWFREE (Except botty who stans that garbage and that other who stans FF13)
I would avatar quote but I dont feel like dragging the garbage of KH series tonight. Not worth the effort anyway as PopGaf remains FLAWFREE (Except botty who stans that garbage and that other who stans FF13)
One day you'll open your heart to the light of Kingdom Hearts.
Fixed.One day you'll open your heart to the horrible level design and empty lifeless worlds of Kingdom Hearts.
I would avatar quote but I dont feel like dragging the garbage of KH series tonight. Not worth the effort anyway as PopGaf remains FLAWFREE (Except botty who stans that garbage and that other who stans FF13)
Lol hey if it's your fav it is what it is and enjoy it. I only wish nomura wasn't too busy being a "fashion and hair designer" and focus more on changing the feel and experience in the games worlds. Especially since its using such rich worlds from Disney. Hopefully the power in next gen consoles will use that power to make it more engaging
Hey girls, it's my 35th birthday. Guess what I'm doing? Watching the Hills Have Eyes on TV.
A member of PopGAF shouldn't be criticizing anyone's taste in anything, tbh.
Happy Birthday!Hey girls, it's my 35th birthday. Guess what I'm doing? Watching the Hills Have Eyes on TV.
And looking at your post history you shouldn't be either.
Happy b-day. You're just 2 days..........and 2 years older than me![]()
Happy Birthday!. Don't think you've posted much in this version of the thread. I'd post some sort of birthday gif but there is no wifi in this house again and I'm surviving on 3G that barely gets a connection in here :/
Thanks guys. I'm tempted to post flexing selfies of mine just so you can all validate me as being attractive for a 35 year old. But I won't stoop so low.
I'll let Cher do the talk.sis i wasn't criticizing anyone follow along.
Thanks guys. I'm tempted to post flexing selfies of mine just so you can all validate me as being attractive for a 35 year old. But I won't stoop so low.
Mine were better connected. Sit and Seethe.![]()
Now time to sleep. Love ya'll cunts! <3
If we're posting summer pics...
My shoulders look unnaturally enormous in this pic! It's a weird effect from propping yourself with your arms at the edge of the pool; my friend's shoulders looked the same in the photos and we laughed about it.
I disagree. I know tons of hunky guys who are also great people. It's not because you take care of your body that you are necessarily shallow. I have know chubby/fat people who were shallow.
Besides, look at Graham and Ricky, two hunks with a heart of gold (and booty).
A member of PopGAF shouldn't be criticizing anyone's taste in anything, tbh.
Hey girls, it's my 35th birthday. Guess what I'm doing? Watching the Hills Have Eyes on TV.
Thanks guys. I'm tempted to post flexing selfies of mine just so you can all validate me as being attractive for a 35 year old. But I won't stoop so low.
I'm not saying hunky guys are shallow, my post said there are some guys with the absolute best bodies you'll find to be that way. On the other hand, you'll have many hottie celebrities like Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, the guy who plays Blaine out of Glee, etc. who are very nice. You and Graham are hot and are very caring towards everyone I've seen. If I ever get a hot body, I will not change my personality because of it. I have watched some videos where some guys with amazing bodies say they only go for the prettier women and that annoys me.Awww Alcoori thanks for the kind words. I never understood the muscly guys are dumb and shallow stereotype at all. Take my boyfriend as an example. He's hunky, not shallow and a doctor. You lessors need to up your game.and I need to stop talking like I'm part of popgaf
If we're posting summer pics...
My shoulders look unnaturally enormous in this pic! It's a weird effect from propping yourself with your arms at the edge of the pool; my friend's shoulders looked the same in the photos and we laughed about it.
Lets talk about music for a moment. What do you guys and gals listen to? I'm mostly a rap and hip hop guy and I've been currently listening to Kanye's new album. (Yeezus) When I first listened to it I thought it was a hot mess, but now I'm loving it. Black Skinhead is my Jam. I'm considering buying a car (I can't drive) just to bump this song at the max level.
I'm not saying hunky guys are shallow, my post said there are some guys with the absolute best bodies you'll find to be that way. On the other hand, you'll have many hottie celebrities like Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, the guy who plays Blaine out of Glee, etc. who are very nice. You and Graham are hot and are very caring towards everyone I've seen. If I ever get a hot body, I will not change my personality because of it. I have watched some videos where some guys with amazing bodies say they only go for the prettier women and that annoys me.
Edit: Some of my friends are hot and they are good people.
My music taste changes depending on whatever's going on in my life at the moment. Right now it's more EDM and alternative indie stuff ever since i started smoking weed. One of the best ways to enjoy music imo!
Madeon is amazeballs
Lets talk about music for a moment. What do you guys and gals listen to? I'm mostly a rap and hip hop guy and I've been currently listening to Kanye's new album. (Yeezus) When I first listened to it I thought it was a hot mess, but now I'm loving it. Black Skinhead is my Jam. I'm considering buying a car (I can't drive) just to bump this song at the max level.
I hope your asses don't come out now with the ignorant talk about REAL MUSIC cause Im gonna laugh my ass off at the people who say this is real music blah blah talk cause that simply shows close mindedness.
I hope your asses don't come out now with the ignorant talk about REAL MUSIC cause Im gonna laugh my ass off at the people who say this is real music blah blah talk cause that simply shows close mindedness.
Lol you have posted pics before and people have said you are attractive. But you know I ain't against some fanservice.
EDIT:OOPS should have pressed edit smh
Happy birthday SpaceBridge, have a wonderful day
Do it. I want to see it for...erm...scientific reasons.
I like indie/indie rock a lot, some electro, some pop. Basically will listen to anything that's passing on my Spotify radio.
Some of my favorite include Arctic Monkeys, Phoenix, Alt-J, Broken Bells, Lykke Li, The xx, Passion Pit, The Wombats, Bloc Party, OK Go, The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Hot Heat, Robyn, La Roux, Yelle, Janelle Monae, Ellie Goulding, etc...
LOVE the new Daft Punk album.
Also I'm going to see Alt-J in concert in September and I am SO excited.
Yaaaas, music talk in the gay thread. 2013 has been a GREAT year for music. I've also gone to so many concerts with Sai-kun, probably the most in a year than I ever have before.
Kanye West: Yeezus - Black Skinhead
Such a dark and gritty album, love the new direction that Kanye took. Also love the Daft Punk tracks, sad that their stuff on this album is 100x better than anything on that flop RAM. What a disappointing album that was overhyped.
I think it'd be too "fanservicy" as Pupi said. I'll post my Instagram user name instead incase you wanna stalk my feed: furiouspup
I am a metal man of all types.
Death - Regurgitated Guts
Suffocation - Marital Decimation
Cryptopsy - Benedictine Convulsions
Sodom - Agent Orange
Kreator - Riot of Violence
Exodus - Toxic Waltz
Immolation - Lost Passion
Slayer - Angel of Death
Metallica - Harvester of Sorrow
Megadeth - Rust In Peace... Polaris
Anthrax - Imitation of Life
Testament - DNR
Judas Priest - Victim of Changes
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Children of Bodom - Northern Comfort
Dissection - Soulreaper
Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
Mastodon - Island
Machine Head - Block
Of course, I also have a... Guilty pleasure, but I pretend that I don't to feel better about myself.
Metal up your ass!
I like indie/indie rock a lot, some electro, some pop. Basically will listen to anything that's passing on my Spotify radio.
Some of my favorite include Arctic Monkeys, Phoenix, Alt-J, Broken Bells, Lykke Li, The xx, Passion Pit, The Wombats, Bloc Party, OK Go, The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Hot Heat, Robyn, La Roux, Yelle, Janelle Monae, Ellie Goulding, etc...
LOVE the new Daft Punk album.
Also I'm going to see Alt-J in concert in September and I am SO excited.
So glad that you linked to Despair the other week, because I've been listening to the album even more and it seems that Yeah Yeah Yeahs are back on form. Despair is my go to song to sing in the shower at the moment.I like your musical taste.
Lately I have been listening to Yeah Yeah Yeah's, The Naked and Famous, Lana Del Rey, Cher, The Strokes, Silversun Pickups, The Silent Comedy among some other stuff which its mostly oldies.
Im waiting like crazy for Janelle Monae album and Robyn needs to move her ass to make a new album
Preach! Conversely though, although there are fuddy duddies who think modern music is shit, I also think that there are more people experimenting (artists and fans alike) which I think makes the modern era even better.I do get rather annoyed with people in the music threads will say things like, modern music is terrible and there is nothing good to listen to. It's just lazy, especially with servies like Spotify that will give you recommendations on related artists. I can't deny the impact of the past, but new, relevant artists and bands are also pushing the medium forward in new ways, from the indie scene to stadium fillers.
That's exactly what I think of it as well. At first I didn't really know what to think, but now it never fails to make me smile. How can you not like an album with the lyric "Eatin' Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce" :lolYeezus makes me laugh for how hysterically awesome it is.
That's exactly what I think of it as well. At first I didn't really know what to think, but now it never fails to make me smile. How can you not like an album with the lyric "Eatin' Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce" :lol
Some of my favorite include Arctic Monkeys, Phoenix, Alt-J, Broken Bells, Lykke Li, The xx, Passion Pit, The Wombats, Bloc Party, OK Go, The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Hot Heat, Robyn, La Roux, Yelle, Janelle Monae, Ellie Goulding, etc...
LOVE the new Daft Punk album.
Yes! Haha, that one keeps making my laugh. You're right about the beats, I love how dark it all sounds. I love an album that demands you crank up the volume.Hurry up with my damn crossiants!
So glad that you linked to Despair the other week, because I've been listening to the album even more and it seems that Yeah Yeah Yeahs are back on form. Despair is my go to song to sing in the shower at the moment.
My favourite band from my youth, Placebo, have a new single out today, called 'Too Many Friends'. It starts with the line "My computer thinks I'm gay" lol. It's all about the influence of computers and social media in modern 'friendships'. I'm not really sure what genre they fall into so I'll just simplify it at 'Alternative Rock'.
I'm disappointed your metal list contained no Opeth or Cradle of Filth! I would also say to Godofnerdiness that some nu metal bands have really matured into fantastic bands, like Slipknot for example, don't you think?
If you like The Distillers, I take it you've listened to Spinnerette? Their debut album is what I was listening to when I realised I was more gay than bi so all of the songs make me think about prideand about how awesome buttsecks is.
Preach! Conversely though, although there are fuddy duddies who think modern music is shit, I also think that there are more people experimenting (artists and fans alike) which I think makes the modern era even better.
That's exactly what I think of it as well. At first I didn't really know what to think, but now it never fails to make me smile. How can you not like an album with the lyric "Eatin' Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce" :lol
Yes Stan for Yeezus. I still haven't listened to the whole album but so many tracks are flawless.
Commence stalking in 3..2..1
Lol. Do share your scientific observations.
Alcoori sure loves cats.
What did you end up doing for your birthday Space?
Yaaaas, music talk in the gay thread. 2013 has been a GREAT year for music. I've also gone to so many concerts with Sai-kun, probably the most in a year than I ever have before.
I have no problem admitting I can be a bit of a music snob, but I don't throw that real music shit around. Music is subjective and people listen to different genres for different types of reasons. I have a rather wide range of taste, so I pretty much listen to anything as long as I can connect with it in some way.